The Nevers He Broke That Year by Sarah McKellen - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

It was surprising how smoothly things were going between them factoring how different their lives were. John kept fighting people, looking for troubles, and fucking Amy. Basically, John was still John, only stopped skipping school and got much better grades. Of course, like every other couple, there was drama sometimes. One of them was how jealous Amy finally found out John was. So, like most of the rich kids in town, Amy also had one long-time rich friend, a guy named Chris. Just like Amy’s family, Chris’ family was quite loaded, and quite chaotic too. Amy and Chris had been friends for nearly 10 years and everyone was surprised at the fact that they had never had feelings for each other.

“Chris is a numbskull. Girls get fooled by his smartass appearance,” Amy commented when John asked. He knew about this Chris guy and had seen him talking to Amy a few times. John didn’t like how polished this guy looked, the type of prince charming in every girl’s dreams. Rumours had it that Chris had never dated any girl for more than 3 months and he was pretty asshole to her once he broke up with the girl.

Amy and Chris had never had anything between them but for other people, it just didn’t make any sense. Come to think of it, they had been friends for a long time, their families knew one another well, they came from the same social class and had many things at par. It was only natural that they would have been together, yet they weren’t and people were sceptical about them, despite the fact that Chris kept changing his girlfriend every once in a while.

“They say Chris is just trying to make you jealous,” John sniffed Amy’s hair, trying to cover his uneasiness when talking about his ‘love rival’.

“How defecting those guys’ brains are!” Amy sighed, pretending to empathize.

John laughed and pulled her in for a kiss. It’s not that he didn’t believe Amy when he asked about Chris but people in love were always full of insecurities. How couldn’t he be? Amy was such an excellent girl after all.

A few days later, John saw Chris saying something to Amy that made her giggle; he made purposeful steps toward them, put his arm around Amy and shamelessly interrupted the conversation. He also didn’t forget to glare at Chris with that do-not-touch-my-girl look.

“I don’t like that Chris,” John confessed to Amy when they were alone later.

“I see. I won’t hang out with him as much,” replied Amy, seeing a smile started showing on John’s face.

If anyone said that John was controlling, Amy would say she didn’t care. For her, trifles weren’t worth disagreeing over. If compromising insignificant things made John smile, she would do it over and over again. Besides, Chris, that jerk wasn’t worth even the tiniest disharmony between them.