The Secret of The Cherry Blossoms by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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Journey of a lifetime

일생 일대의 여행



When you get offered the opportunity to travel abroad you take it. No questions asked. Travel makes the mind flourish, they say. Wouldn’t you want to visit other countries doing what you love?


The thought of visiting Korea seemed so romantic, coming from 3 single American girls. Not that finding love was in the plan but you never know, crazier things have happened.


For Anni, Lee and Lily, it was the easiest decision to make. They have always wanted to go to Korea and now was the perfect chance. Three whole months in Seoul, doing what they loved, developing new artists. These girls were professionals in their art, Anni was the manager to have, she could negotiate like no other, ruthless but sweet. Lily could make any face beautiful, she was a sorceress with makeup and had an eye for fashion. Lee, quiet but stern. She could take a picture of the mundane and make it brilliant. She was one of the best photographers worldwide. Korea was about to receive 3 of the best.


“Can you believe it? Us three in Korea. Gosh this is extreme, I don’t even know how to feel.” Anni said as she walked across the room towards the window.


“I have waited for this it seems like forever. I’m going to miss Chicago though.” Lily responded.


“Oh please, we are only going to be gone for 3 months, you act like it’s a forever. I’m sure Chicago will be fine for a bit without you, Lily.” Lee added.



“The opportunities will be endless after this, we will be able to say we made a nobody into a star.” Anni gloated.


“This is so freaken exciting! Can we leave now? When do we leave?” Lily asked.


“I’m waiting for a call from La and Si Hwan, they will be our contacts out there. He said all the details should be complete by this afternoon. So this phone doesn’t leave me until I hear from them.” Lee stated.


“Let’s go do some shopping while we wait. I’m definitely going to need a new wardrobe for Korea.” Lily suggested.


As the girls prepared for their trip. La and Si Hwan in Seoul prepared for their arrival. Everything had to be perfect. They would be their hosts and nothing could be wrong with their stay.


“Did you rent the apartment for the American girls?” Si Hwan asked.


“Of course I did that a week ago, and before you ask, yes I got them an apartment at Yeouido Park Centre, so they are all set there. Did you book the flights?” La joked.

“Of course, my sweet La. You know I’m very thorough. They are due to arrive at Incheon International Airport a week from today in the morning, so we must prepare transportation for them.” Si Hwan stated.



“Oh yes I know Si Hwan, you remind me every day of how thorough you are.” La replied with a soft smile on her face.

La continued reading her book while Si Hwan reconfirmed all the information for the girls.


“I want them to be the complete development team for the upcoming trio, Phoenix and maybe others if it all works out.” Si Hwan asked.


La nodded her head and smiled.


“These guys have a great career ahead of them, if everything is done right and I’m 100% positive our team is going to make it happen.” Si Hwan assured.


“The girls will be great! We searched for the best and we are getting that. So stop worrying Si Hwan.” La whispered as she caressed his face.


“I’m not worried.” Si Hwan replied.


“I know you and you are worried, dear.” La added.


Si Hwan smiled and nodded his head in disagreement.


“All is going to be fine Si Hwan, you should never doubt.” La said as she handed him a cup of tea.


“You know there are always some doubts. You get young guys and young girls together and this can turn out completely different.” Si Hwan replied.




“Don’t worry about that! You are working with professionals.” La assured him.


Si Hwan nodded in agreement.

As the girls returned from their shopping spree, Lee’s phone rang with a video call from La and Si Hwan in Seoul.


“Hey La! Hey Si Hwan” Lee said excitedly.


“Hello Lee, we just wanted to fill you in on everything. Are the others around?” La asked.


“Yeah, hold on!” Lee replied.


Lee turned her back and shouted.

“Anni! Lily! Conference call, get over here!”


They both quickly entered the room and sat next to each other.


“안녕하세요 girls!”(annyeonghaseyo/Hello) Si Hwan said with a smile.


“안녕하세요” (annyeonghaseyo/Hello) Anni and Lily replied.


“Ok, I want to give you an idea on what’s going on.” Si Hwan added.


La handed him some papers and waved hello to the girls from behind him.



“We need you in Seoul by next week but we will not begin working on the group for a month. This way it gives you a few weeks to get accustomed to being here and we can prepare the group better.


We are still in the process of auditioning the members. We have three we really like and at this point, they are the ones. I’m just waiting on approval and the guys will be contacted.” Si Hwan said.


“We should have it all completed and the guys ready for you to work with, in a month. I hope! Si Hwan is a perfectionist.” La added.

Si Hwan laughed and nodded.


“Either way, you will be here and be ready to go as of next week, if we are to start earlier.” Si Hwan ended.


“So come prepared to work. I promise it will be fun!” La said with a big smile.


“We are all ready to go today?” Lee said smiling.


“We can’t wait! We are really looking forward to working with you?” Lily added.


Anni smiled and gave a thumbs up in agreement.

“Us as well, girls. I will email all your reservations and we will see you all next week.” Si Hwan confirmed.


“Yes we will, thank you! See you soon Si Hwan and La.” Lee said.



They both waved goodbye.


“Aww man, this is going to be awesome!!!” Anni chanted as she danced around.



“I know, I’m kinda nervous though.” Lee murmured.


“Why? We are the best of the best.” Lily answered confidently.


“No not that, it’s a different country, we don’t know the language too well and the customs, you know.” Lee added.


“It can’t be that different. We’ll catch on, don’t worry Lee.” Anni assured.


The week came and went. Time had come for the girls to head on to Korea for their newest adventure. The flight was a bit long and bumpy but they arrived well. A driver was waiting for them at the airport to get them to their apartment where Si Hwan and La were anxiously waiting. The girls were in awe at the beauty of this place and when they arrived at their destination, they could not believe this was going to be their home for the next few months.


“Oh wow! This place is beautiful!” Lily whispered as she gazed upwards.


Anni and Lee looked on in amazement.


“This way.” The gentleman said as he pointed towards the elevators. The girls followed him in.

As the doors open, the girls looked out and then smiled at each other.


“Your apartment is 1127, follow me please.” The gentleman added.


As they approached the apartment the door flew open and out came La.

“Oh my goodness, you are finally here! I’m so happy!” La shouted.


“좋은 아침 (joh-eun achim/Good Morning) Come in, come in!” Si Hwan continued.


The girls bowed then followed them into a luxurious spacious apartment with a view for miles. The apartment had so many windows it felt like you were floating in the air.


“Oh wow Si Hwan, this apartment is amazing!” Anni commented.


“I’m speechless!” Anni said as she gazed out the window.


“I’m so glad you like it. It will be your home for the next few months so treat it as your own.” Si Hwan replied.

“We know you are tired from your trip, so we will not stay long. We took the liberty and ordered you an early lunch so you can stay in and relax, some Korean cuisine to welcome you to our country.” La explained.


“That is so awesome of you.” Lee responded.

“This one is my room.” Lily yelled from the other side of the apartment.


They all laughed.


“All the amenities you will need are located on the first floor of the building. There is a gym, if you need it. Laundry service, restaurants etc. You are always welcome to leave and explore the area on your own also. Don’t be shy, we are nice people.” Si Hwan added.


“I feel like I’m in a dream.” Anni sighed as she bit into a warm rice cake.


Si Hwan and La smiled.


“Down the street there are shops you can visit and please be sure to charge everything to this room or to Sin Si Hwan, you are here on our expense.” La added.


“Oh wow! “고맙습니다!!!” (gomabseubnida/thank you) Lily said with a smile.


“We will go now so you can rest. I will call you tomorrow to check on you, ok? You have our numbers in case you need us also.” Si Hwan asked.


“Yes we do and thank you so much for all this!” Lee said excitedly.


“내일 봐요” (naeil boiyo/see you tomorrow) Si Hwan said as he left the apartment.



Anni turned and looked at the girls with her mouth full of rice cakes and pointed passed them.


“Can you believe this? Look at this view!” Anni said as she twirled around and landed at the windows.


“I know right?” Lily added as she grabbed a rice cake out of Anni’s hand.


“It’s beautiful! Hand me one of those, they look delicious.” Lee added.


“So what’s the plan?” Anni asked as she walked over and plopped herself on the sofa.


“Well, I’m going to Tokyo for a few days, you guys know how bad I’ve been wanting to go there to photograph it’s beauty. I don’t know what you guys are going to do but whatever you do stay nearby because Si Hwan might need your help at any time.” Lee stated.


“Did you see? There is another apartment attached to ours, hmmm? Wonder what that is for?” Anni asked as she explored their new home.


“I have no idea but this place is what dreams are made of. I’m still in shock! Did you see the bathroom? Wow!” Lily added.


“Maybe La and Si Hwan will stay there when we are working, who knows?” Lee thought.


“Right now, I’m going to take a hot bath in that gigantic bathtub and then I’ll probably sleep for a few day to get rid of this jetlag.” Lily added.

“Yeah, I’m just going to hang out here. Wander around a bit. But now I’m going to rest too. I feel like I’ve been up for days.“ Anni said.



“When do you leave for Tokyo, Lee?” Lily asked.


“In the morning, I won’t try to wake you guys cause it’s going to be real early but I’ll be back Friday evening so please be here. Si Hwan and La know I’m going and they are ok with it.” Lee replied.


As the day progressed, the girls just relaxed and watched television.


“These dramas are intense. I don’t think I have blinked in an hour.” Anni commented.

“I know, I’m already into this one and I don’t even know what’s happening.” Lily said with a laugh.


“If only life was like one of these dramas, everything would be so sweet. Us, 3 handsome men and Korea, the super drama.” Lee sighed.


“Well, you can say we are kinda living like if it were a drama, look at this place! It’s amazing! Every time I look I find something new.” Lily exclaimed.


“Yeah all we need are the gorgeous Korean men to sweep us off our feet.” Anni joked with a sigh.


“None of that, we came here to work and establish ourselves.” Lee interrupted.


“None of that!” Anni taunted Lee with a stern face.

“Whatever happens, happens BUT no funny business, let’s keep this professional.” Lee said seriously.


“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I gotcha!” Anni chimed in.

Lee tugged her cheek as she passed her by.


“I’m going to take a nap, eat, then take another nap so I will be well rested for tomorrow, you girls behave.” Lee informed.


Lily and Anni smiled while their attention was drawn to the television again.


Suddenly the doorbell rings. Anni and Lily both say “Shhhhh”. Anni motions for Lily to answer the door.

“Go get it” Anni instructs Lily with a point to the door.


“Who is it?” Lily yells through the door.


“Room service. Your lunch has arrived.” A voice says from outside the door.


Lily slowly opens the door and peeks out. She motions for Anni to come to the door. There stood a tall, dark skinned guy with a beautiful smile.


“Welcome to Seoul!” He said as he walked in with the trays.


“Oh Thank you!” Lily replied as she watched him pass. Anni smiled looking at Lily.


“So what is this? I mean can you tell us a bit about the food?” Anni asked with a flirty grin.

He smiled and replied,

“Of course I can.”


Pointing at the first dish he said “This is Jjamppong, it is a spicy seafood noodle soup flavored with onions and chili oil from South Korea. It is very good! If you enjoy spicy food.”


The girls both looked at each other and smiled.


“This is Bibimbap, its rice with meat and vegetables.” He continued.


“And these are tteok, it’s like a rice cake.” He ended.


He smiled and made his way back to the door.


“Thank you so much! You have been very helpful.” Anni said looking at him up and down.


He bowed and replied “별말씀을 요 (byeolmalsseum-eul yo/You’re welcome) If you need anything, please call the front desk.” Then exited the apartment.


“Lee, dinner is served!” Lily yelled.


Anni and Lily began eating. Lee entered the room to find them both staring at the television again.

“What is wrong with you guys? Is that show really that interesting?” Lee asked.


“SShhhhhh…” they both whispered, nodding their heads.


Lee laughed and walked towards the picture window.


“Oh my gosh, Lee, you missed the waiter that came with our food. Holy Moly he was tall, dark and oh so handsome. I think his name was Jong-in. That’s what his name badge said.” Lily described.


“Damn girl you saw his name tag, my eyes were stuck on his beautiful smile.” Anni sighed.


“What am I going to do with you two? So boy crazy!” Lee whispered with a sigh.


Anni and Lily smiled in approval to each other.

Evening came fast.



Lee went to bed early because of her trip and the girls stayed up most of the night enthralled with the Korean dramas and imagining themselves in the scenarios of the dramas.