The Secret of The Cherry Blossoms by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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Chanyeol bw drawn

Ji Cheol



After three days in Korea, Anni had to get out of the apartment. She had become stir crazy. Lily was off doing her own thing and Lee had gone on a mini photo vacation to Japan. So Anni was all alone and bored to death.


As she looked out the window she pondered on where she could go without getting lost. Being new and not really knowing the language, she was scared to venture out.


“Maybe I’ll go for a short walk. There are some nice shops I can look into.” Anni thought to herself.


Again she glanced out the window at the beautiful view and smiled.

As she walked towards the door, she grabbed her coat and purse. She hesitated and looked back into the apartment one last time before walking out and slamming the door.


As she walked through the lobby, she smiled and greeted everyone.


She slowly walked down the street. It was a bit intimidating, everything was in a language she didn’t know too well but she kept walking. The street was very charming though, kind of old fashioned. The neighborhood was nicer than she expected. Coming from Chicago it was not what Anni was accustomed to. She glanced into every shop intently. It seemed she was trying memorizing the area.


Across the way, she found a sweet little flower shop. Anni had a weakness for flowers, it was her thing. At home she had plants everywhere. The girls always messed with her about having her apartment look like a garden. As she looked in she thought how nice it would be if they had her favorite flowers.

She smiled as she walked in. She greeted the clerk and some customers as she walked passed.


“I hope they have Cherry Blossoms. I would love some for the apartment.” She whispered to herself.


The shop was pretty busy. It seemed a lot of people wanted fresh flowers on that day. She wandered around slowly, just looking.


She was so enchanted by all the beautiful flowers she didn’t notice anything else.


“I don’t think they have my flowers here.” She whispered to herself.


“How do you say cherry blossom in Korean?” She asked herself over and over again.



Her eyes wandered the room while she searched her head for the correct word. When she finally figured it out, she noticed a tall young man staring at her from across the shop with a smile on his face.

She smiled back and suddenly felt nervous. She turned away and walked to the counter. Hesitating before asking, she smiled nervously. The clerk just stared at her with a smile.


“Do you have 벚꽃 ?”(beojkkoch/cherry blossoms) Anni whispered embarrassed.


The clerk leaned in and said “실례합니다?” (sillyehabnida/excuse me)


Anni smiled nervously and repeated herself.


She suddenly heard a muffled burst of laughter coming from the back of the store. She glanced back to see. The tall young guy and his friend looked at her with a smile. Anni automatically felt embarrassed. She smiled at the clerk then tried to rush out the store but accidentally bumped into the young man and could not pass him. When she finally got through she couldn’t open the door. Frantically she ran down the street and into the neighboring Drip Drip Café. She leaned against the door breathing heavily, trying not to cry.


“Oh my goodness, how embarrassing was that?” She asked herself as walked quickly opened the door to the cafe.


The young man followed her out the store. She could see his reflection approaching the café so she ducked in her seat. He stopped in front then looked inside. She lowered her head behind a menu to hide but he saw her. He quickly entered and walked up to her table. Anni remained looking down, hoping he’d go away.


“Oh my, oh my, please keep walking, please keep walking.” She repeatedly whispered to herself.


실례합니다?” (sillyehabnida/excuse me) He said in a soft deep voice.


She slowly raised her gaze at him.


There stood the tallest, most handsomest man Anni had ever laid eyes on, this week. He had legs that went on forever and his smile, she had never seen so many beautiful teeth. He tussled his blonde hair with his hand as he walked closer.

She felt hypnotized by his gaze for a moment. He was so dreamy she thought instantly.


He cleared his throat to get Anni’s attention. She realized she was staring so she looked away.


“Are you ok? I’m sorry. I was not laughing at you.” He clarified.


Anni nodded her head as she admired his sweet eyes.


“Seriously, I wasn’t. I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable. It wasn’t my intension.” He added.


“I’m ok! And That’s ok. I’m good.” She mumbled.

He smiled and nodded as he pulled the chair out to sit.


안녕하세요 (Annyeonghaseyo/hello), my name is Ji Cheol, what’s yours?” He said flashing that beautiful smile.


“Anni, they call me Anni. My name is Anni.” She whispered awkwardly.


“Ahhh Anni? That’s different but nice.” He replied with a smile.


“So you are looking for Cherry Blossoms?” He asked.


“You did pronounce it correct, by the way.” He added.


Anni blushed and nodded in agreement.


He raised his hand to motion to his friend Dae Seok to come inside.


“Here you are, cherry blossoms.” He said as he handed her a bunch of flowers.


Anni smiled timidly.



“You have a nice smile, I’m glad I had a chance to see it. You should smile more often.” He said as he stood up to walk away.


“Thank you, Ji Cheol” Anni said softly.


“No problem Anni. 만나서 반갑습니다 (mannaseo bangabseubnida/nice to meet you)”

He said as he reached out to shake her hand.


“You live near here?” He asked as he pointed out the window.


“Yes, I’m staying down the street with my sisters.” Anni replied anxiously.


“Ah ok, welcome to Seoul. I hope you have a great stay.” He said quickly.


Anni looked at him up and down as if she was trying to memorize every curve on his body and mumbled “I’m sure I will now.”

“Enjoy the flowers and until we meet again.” He said with a smirk as he began to walk out.


“I can pay you for the flowers.” Anni said loudly.

Ji Cheol smiled and nodded.


“You can make it up to me another day with coffee or something.”


He bowed then waved as he left the café.

Anni suddenly let out a deep breath.


“Oh my gosh, I can’t breathe. Breathe Anni, breathe.” She thought to herself as she inhaled deeply.


She got up, gathered herself and began to head back to her apartment. She walked slowly in hopes she would run into Ji Cheol again. Little did she know, he was sitting in his car across the street watching her.


“She is very pretty.” Ji Cheol commented.

“Yeah and she seemed terrified of you, Cheol.” Dae Seok replied with a laugh.


“I’m a stranger, she should be afraid. But not for long. I’m super sweet!” Ji Cheol assured with a grin.


“No, Cheol! You can’t do this! You can’t pursue her, it’s not right. Don’t do this brother! You will regret it!” Dae Seok begged.


“Why not? I’m a single man and she’s a single woman.” Ji Cheol replied.



Dae Seok glanced at Anni out the window, made a face and nodded in disagreement.


“You never listen.” Dae Seok murmured.


“What is wrong with it? It’s natural for a man to be interested in a pretty lady.” Ji Cheol said confidently.


Dae Seok rolled his eyes and looked out the window.

“Cheol, think about it. You are about to start your music career and this is not a good idea. It will distract you. She has already distracted you! Look at you, you are drooling!” Dae Seok affirmed.


“I can handle it, Dae Seok! No worries.” Ji Cheol argued.


“But can she?” Dae Seok rebutted.


Ji Cheol looked down in concern.


“If it becomes serious, you can end up breaking her heart.” Dae Seok added.



“Why do you assume I’m going to hurt her?” Ji Cheol said disturbed.


“I’ve seen this many times before and it always ends up bad. Guy falls in love with foreign girl then girl falls in love then guy dumps her for another or whatever. You know this, Cheol. Just leave her alone. Forget her!” His friend advised.


Ji Cheol sat here pensively.


“Everything will be fine. I can feel it. She’s probably only here for a few weeks, why not show her a nice time. I know I deserve it!” Ji Cheol assured.


Ji Cheol watched as Anni entered her apartment building. He quickly picked up his cell and called the front desk.


안녕하세요! (annyeonghaseyo/Hello) I’m supposed to be delivering some furniture to an apartment in your building and we have the tenants name but no apartment number. We have the name of Anni, ahhh I can’t pronounce her last name, I think she’s here from America.” He added.


“Ah Yes, I have delivered to her apartment before. The apartment number is 1127 but you will have to check in at the front desk before going up with a delivery.” The clerk instructed.


“Ok. Thank you very much! I will do that.” Ji Cheol answered cheerfully.

He smiled at Dae Seok as he hung up the call.


“I can’t believe you just did that and it worked.” Dae Seok said.


Ji Cheol raised his eyebrows, smiled and drove away.


Anni felt like she was on cloud nine. She floated from the elevator to her door. Ji Cheol’s smile was imprinted on her mind. As she walked into the apartment, she smelled her flowers and smiled.


“Ahhhh, They smell so sweet.” She mumbled.


She stopped and stared off again.



“Ji Cheol… so tall and handsome. Could he be my knight in shining armor?” she asked herself with a sigh.


“I really hope I get to see him again. I know I will dream about him tonight.” She said aloud with a giggle.


As days passed, Anni became more and more anxious. With the other girls out doing their own thing, it gave Anni too much time to think and it was making her crazy. She walked around the neighborhood but Ji Cheol was nowhere to be found. She even walked over to the nearest park but it was to no avail. She was starting to think it was all a dream and he never existed.


“Maybe he was just a dream, he was so perfect he couldn’t have been real.” she mumbled and laughed as she walked into her apartment bulding.


Just as she was giving up on Ji Cheol, the clerk at the front desk stopped her.


“Miss Anni, you have a message.” She said as she handed her a folded piece of paper.


“Oh! Thank you Soora!” Anni said as she walked towards the elevator.

Once she entered she slowly unfolded the note.


“I don’t know if you remember me, my name is Ji Cheol and we met at the flower shop then the cafe.

Please give me a call. I would like to take you out for coffee.” It read.


Anni began smiling uncontrollably. She jumped up and down as the elevator came to a stop. She ran out the elevator and to her door. She fumbled for her keys while opening the door.


“Do I call him now? No that will make me seem desperate. Who cares? I care! Oh my, what to do? What do I say?” She commented to herself.


She slowly took her cell out her pocket and stared at it.


“Ok Anni, dial his number. Dial it!” She said aloud.


Her heart was pounding a hundred beats per minute.


“Ok now press send, you dork.” She said to herself.


As she waited for an answer, she tapped her nails on the window loudly.

안녕하세요?”(annyeonghaseyo/Hello) She heard a deep voice say.


“Hello?” she responded softly.


“Anni?” Ji Cheol replied.


“Yes, how are you Ji Cheol?” She replied with a nervous laugh.


“Hey, I have been wanting to talk to you but I have been very busy with work. Would you like to meet up?” Ji Cheol asked.


Anni began dancing and shaking her hands.


“Sure, of course. When? Where?” She replied slapping her leg for being so anxious.


“Tomorrow? 12pm? At the Seoul Forest? Do you know where that is at?” Ji Cheol asked.


“No but I will find out. No problem. I have GPS on my phone.” Anni answered.


“Oh don’t worry about it, I will go get you. If not, my friend Dae Seok will go for you. If that is ok? Better to be safe.” Ji Cheol said excited.


That’s very nice of you, thank you.” Anni agreed.


내일 봐요”(Naeil boiyo/see you tomorrow) Ji Cheol ended.


“Yes, 내일 봐요” (naeil boiyo/see you tomorrow) Anni replied with a giggle.


She could not contain her excitement that she screamed and ran around the living room.


“Oh my goodness, what do I wear? WHAT DO I WEAR?!” she yelled running into her room.


Dae Seok nodded his head in disagreement as watched Ji Cheol talk to Anni.


뭐?”(mwo/what) Ji Cheol said with an attitude.


“Nothing, just remember what I told you, this is not going to end up good. Oh and thanks for putting me right in the middle of it!” Dae Seok responded with a snotty attitude.


Ji Cheol made a face and walked away.


Anni ran into the living room and turned on her drama. Suddenly her phone rang. She fumbled for it.


“Hello?” She whispered.


“Anni? Anni? Hey so what’s going on?” Lee asked.


“Nothing, just hanging at home and with you, how’s Tokyo?” Anni replied.

“It’s just as I imagined it, totally beautiful. Taking lots of pictures! How’s Lily?” Lee inquired.


“Ah I can imagine! She’s good, busy out and about as usual.” Anni answered.


Anni wasn’t sure if she should tell Lee about her date tomorrow cause she knew Lee would worry so she kept it to herself.


“Well I just wanted to check in with you. I gotta go have some dinner. Be good and I’ll see you soon.” Lee added.


“Are you ok?” Anni asked concerned because she felt like Lee was rushing the conversation.


“Oh yeah I’m perfectly fine, like I said just checking in. Gotta go, be good!” Lee affirmed.


“Okey dokey, be safe then.” Anni said.



The conversation was short and weird but Anni was so excited about her meeting with Ji Cheol that she didn’t let it bother her.


She stared at her phone for a second and dialed Lily.


“Yep!” Lily answered.


“Where are you?” Anni asked sternly.


“Doing business and you?” Lily replied.


“Home. Have you spoken with Lee?” Anni said quickly.


“She sent me a text that’s all. Why?” Lily asked.


“Ah no reason.” Anni replied.


“Hey, I’m going to be home late, don’t wait up.” Lily instructed.


“Ok, I have a meeting at 12 tomorrow so if I’m not here when you get up don’t worry.” Anni said.


“Ok see you when I see you.” Lily replied.


“Yup later.” Anni ended.


While on the phone with the girls a text message from Ji Cheol came in.


“Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.” It read.


“Eeeeepppp!!!” Anni squealed as she hugged her phone.


“Do I reply or let it be?” Anni asked herself.


As she jumped around she began texting.


“Same here, I can’t wait!” she replied.


She bounced around until she landed on her bed. She suddenly laid still with a concerned look on her face.


“How about if he’s a murderer or something?” She said to herself.


“Nah, murderers are NOT that handsome.” She answered herself with a laugh.


“Ohhh Ji Cheol, so handsome, those eyes, that smile, those long legs, those cute ears…” she sighed aloud.


The day went by in a flash and the night even faster.


As Anni watched the sun come up from her bed, she thought about Ji Cheol, the way he smiled and tussled his hair was so adorable. She pounced up and began her day with some strong coffee.


“I can’t have the jitters today, I must be calm and collected.” She mumbled to herself.


She suddenly laughed.


“Who am I kidding? I’m a nervous wreck!” She said out loud.


While she prepared herself. The morning came and left.


Anni’s ride was there to pick her up promptly at 12, as promised. She recognized the guy as Ji Cheol’s friend.


“Hello, I’m Dae Seok, Cheol’s friend.” He said as he bowed and opened the car door for her. Anni smiled and bowed in reply.


“Ji Cheol will meet you at the park, he was working at the moment and couldn’t come for you. We are not far, maybe a few minutes away.” He added with a smile.


Anni smiled and tried not to explode with emotion.


The ride was quick. Anni enjoyed the view while Dae Seok drove.

The car suddenly slowed down. From the car window, she could see Ji Cheol waiting in the distance. He was wearing a long grey trench-like coat, a white turtleneck and black pants.


As Anni got out the car, she could see his smile become bigger. She slowly walked towards him.


“Please don’t let me trip and fall. Walk slow and sexy. Slow and sexy girl” She whispered to herself.


He stood watching intently.


“Oh my, he’s so tall, I don’t remember him that tall. You were sitting down that’s why, dummy. He’s so gorgeous.” She said as she fought with her thoughts.


As she approach, he bowed at her.


“Thank you for coming.” He said in his deep voice.


He grabbed her hand and said “Come this way.”

She smiled and followed him through a short field full of Cherry Blossom trees.


Ji Cheol had a picnic prepared right in between a bunch of cherry blossom tree. It was so romantic.


Anni smiled with delight. The view was beautiful but she couldn’t keep her eyes off of Ji Cheol.


“It’s so beautiful here.” She whispered in awe.


“I thought you would like it here. The weather may not co-operate but we have some time, I think.” Ji Cheol replied with a smile as he looked up at the dark cloudy sky.


She watched him as he began to prepare their lunch. He was so elegant and sweet, she thought.


“I wasn’t sure what you liked so I bought a bit of everything.” Ji Cheol commented proudly.


“It’s all great! Thank you so much for this. It’s incredible, You’re incredible!” Anni complimented.


He handed her a piece of fruit. “Here try this, it’s Korean melon, it’s very sweet. Just like you.” He said with a big smile.


Anni giggled as she reached for it.


Ji Cheol looked up at the sky then down at Anni with a surprised expression.


“I think I picked a bad day for a picnic.” He pouted.


Just then it began pouring rain, Ji Cheol grabbed Anni by the hand and started running with her. He suddenly stopped in the middle of the field and pulled her in for a hug. As the rain fell on them, he smiled and kissed her lips gently. He then laughed as he shook the rain off his head and wiped the rain off Anni’s face.



He pointed at a covered area and pulled Anni in that direction.

They both laughed. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around her as he wiped her face again with the sleeve. She couldn’t believe he had just kissed her so sweetly. She stared at his smooth face as he ran his fingers across her cheek. She was so happy it happened. She couldn’t have imagined that moment any better. As she watched him, he slowly licked his lips. His expression suddenly turned shy as he noticed she was looking directly at him.


죄송합니다” (Joesonghabnida/sorry) he said shyly.


“There’s no need for that, I’m having a great time.” Anni assured.


“Our lunch is ruined, what do we do now? Besides getting dry.” Ji Cheol asked.


“Anything you want, I enjoy spending time with you.” Anni said quietly.


He smiled and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a big hug.


Anni was in heaven, he smelled so sweet, she thought.


As the rain dissipated, Ji Cheol began picking up their mess.


“You stay there, it’ll only take me a minute to clean up then we will walk the garden, yes? Maybe the warm sun can dry us up.” Ji Cheol said.


Anni smiled and watched him.


“I’m dreaming, right? No one is this lucky, look at him, he’s sweet, courteous, handsome and kooky, the perfect man, for me that is.” She said.


She ended her thought as he approached her. He reached for her hand and said with a smile “Let’s go, more adventures await us.”


They spent the day talking and walking the gardens. People looked at them strangely because they were all wet but they only had eyes for each other, they didn’t even notice. The hours were like minutes and the day flew by. It was the perfect date.



As they returned to where they had their picnic, Ji Cheol smiles and says “I had a wonderful time, did you?”


Anni smiled and replied “Of course I did, everything was so perfect.”


Ji Cheol led her to his car and open the door for her to get in.


“Would you like to go for a drive or do you want to go home?” Ji Cheol asked.


“Surprise me!” Anni said ne