The Spark In My Quiet World by Oluwasegun Femi Fragile - HTML preview

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Chapter Three


Our friendship started of at a slow pace. I would check on her every morning and almost every other night and we would chat for long unending hours. There were days when we wouldn’t even talk and though I was apprehensive, I had to learn to be patient. I guess it was the awareness that she was already engaged that helped me to draw a line. For some reasons, I knew meeting her wasn’t by chance; I liked to think that it was predestined. On one of our brief chats I garnered up some courage and asked her about her fiancé. She simply typed “You finally brought it up. I am in a serious relationship but I am not engaged o!”

It was a rush of emotions for me, but in the end, the main emotion I could place my fingers on was relief. The revelation afforded more freedom of expression. I could talk to her without a swollen conscience about being a cog in her relationship. Yes, she was in a relationship, but when you like someone so much and with all sincerity, you just have to let them know. I am not really into the ‘toasting routine’, I just like to get all close and personal until an opportunity presents itself for me to express myself.

We became good friends. Chatted and talked more, and in no time I began to sense a certain connection. I could talk to her all day and not feel bored, tell her a secret and trust her to keep it. There were times I felt it wasn’t ripe to strip my soul of all its walls, but, I couldn’t help it. She was cool and exhibited so much maturity which was good enough for me. I was determined to remain her friend until I got my chance and if I never did, I was ready to embrace our friendship with all I had.

Days went by slowly until one day she sent me a message on one of our various online chat applications. She said, “Mr. Victor, you there? I wanna talk. I feel burnt. I am hurt.”

My emotional catalyst kicked into action and it didn’t take me seconds before inquiring why she felt that way. At first she was unwilling to spill it. I offered to call and I could hear from the way she spoke that she was broken.

I did my best in coaxing her to spill the beans

“Hey dear, what’s wrong?” I asked for the umpteenth time.

She laughed hysterically and explained, “I went on Instagram today and found pictures of him proposing to another girl. I have been the side chick all along.”

“Jesus Christ” I exclaimed, “Have you confronted him? What was his excuse?” I probed further.

I heard her breathe in and let it out before saying something about the fact that he wanted to get married soon and she didn’t seem ready.

“Did you tell him you weren’t ready?” I asked diplomatically. Was trying to be careful not to further bruise her emotional injury.

“He wanted our families to meet later this year, and all I asked for was that we wait till early next year” she answered.

“And that was it?” I asked “Yes” she snapped.

My sixth sense kicked in and I changed the topic. As much as talking about an issue helps, dwelling on it doesn’t. I have been there, I know. I initiated a conversation about how beautiful she is physically and at heart, and reassured her that she deserved better and wouldn’t get anything less.

That night I kept the conversation going until I was certain she was smiling on the other end. I figured that she needed all the care and attention she could get and I made up my mind<