The Surprise by I May End Soon - HTML preview

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One day, Linda was at home, watching the television when her phone rang. Someone was calling! Linda looked at the screen and it was an unknown number. Who was it? Linda lowered the volume of the television and picked the call.

“Hello!” said Linda.

“Hello! Beautiful damsel.”

“What? You again?” said Linda

“Yeah! It is me. How are you doing?” said Arnold.

“And what is your business with that? By the way how did you get my number?” said Linda.

“(Laughs) Calm down Linda.” said Arnold.

“What? Did I just hear you say Linda? How did you know my name?” said Linda.

“(Laughs) Linda Linda! Anyway, how is it going at Rogers Estate?” said Arnold.

Linda dropped the remote on the couch she was sitting one and rose up. How did he know she was living in Rogers Estate?

“Arnold! Who gave you all these information? How did you know all these?” said Linda.

“Linda, calm down. Anyways, if I get to Block 27, Rogers Estate, which one of the floors is your place? Is it the ground floor, first or last?” said Arnold.

Linda cut the phone. What? How did he get all these information about her? Her phone number; her name; where she lived. Who told him? Linda continued to ponder and her phone rang again. The same number was calling! Linda picked the call.

“So Linda, you have not answered me. Which of the floors?” said Arnold.

“Why do you want to know? I am not going to tell you.” said Linda.

“(Laughs) Look at this girl. So after getting to know all those information about you, you think I don’t also know that you live on the last floor?” said Arnold.

“What? Arnold, if you don’t want trouble, you better tell me where you got all these information from. I am not going to take it lightly with you.” said Linda.

“Calm down. Okay! Fine! Do you know anyone by the name Betty?” said Arnold.

“Betty? Yes, I know her. She is my friend.” said Linda.

“There is something you don’t know about her. She is my sister. In fact, she was the one who introduced you to me. My coming to that supermarket that day and meeting you was not accidental or a coincidence. I deliberately came there because of no one but you. She had told me you told her you were going there that day. She was the same one who told me you were going to that eatery too.” said Arnold.

“Are you serious?” said Linda.

Linda hung up and dialed Betty’s number.

“Hello baby girl! How are you doing?” said Betty.

“Hey! Hold it there! Don’t give me that this afternoon. What is the meaning of what you have done?” said Linda.

“Baby girl, what is wrong? What did I do?” said Betty.

“Don’t you just pretend like you don’t know what you did. Why would you introduce me to Arnold and be giving him some details about me?” said Linda.

“Baby girl calm down! I did that for you.” said Betty.

“Betty, seriously, this your “baby girl” is really pissing me off.” said Linda.

“(Laughs) take it easy. I did that for you. Ever since you and Harry parted ways, I have not seen any other man with you. And you are a lady and you are not getting younger. I want you to have another man in your life.” said Betty.

“Did I tell you I need another man? I am fine being single, okay? I don’t need a man.” said Linda.

“Linda, come on, you are getting older and I feel it is time you start talking about how you are going to get married. I want you to get married, have kids, settle down. Time is going, you know. I want you to…” said Betty.

“Hey! Hold it there. Thanks for your concern. But I don’t want a man. It is my life. Leave me alone. Thank you. Now tell that brother of yours to withdraw from the case. He cannot win it. In fact, don’t worry, I will deal with him myself.” said Linda.

Linda hung up and dialed Arnold’s number.

“Hello, baby, what’s up?” said Arnold.

“Who is your baby? Anyways, Mr. lover lover, Now listen to me. If you know you want a wife, there are many ladies out there. Go out there and select one and make her your wife. As for me, I am not interested. I don’t want a husband. I don’t even want any relationship. I don’t want a man in my life. Leave me as I am. Thank you!” said Linda.

Linda hung up!

(At Linda’s house)

One night, the door bell rang. It was at Linda’s home. It was past 8 pm. Who was it? Linda went to open the door.

“Hello Linda, how are you?”

Linda was shocked. She did not say anything as she held the handle of the door and looked at this figure in surprise.

“Linda, I said how are you?” said the person who was at the door.

She did not reply.

“Anyways, can I come in?” said the person.

“Yes, you can come in?” said Linda.

“Really?” said the person.

“Yes, for sure! You can come in.” said Linda.

“(Excited) Thank you.” said the person.

Linda opened the door wider for the person to come in and the person took one step in. As he was about to take another step,…. BANG!!!.

Linda banged the door at his face. Injuries! On his nose! On his forehead. Arnold fell to the ground slowly as he held his face and groaned in pain.

“What are you looking for? What do you want here?” said Linda.

“Calm down, Linda. Why so aggressive as this? You have really hurt me. Look at my face.” said Arnold.

“What do you want here?” said Linda.

“Linda, please try to understand. I love you and I want you in my life. Please!” said Arnold.

“I said, I need no man in my life. I am not interested.” Now leave! Leave now before I hurt you more.” said Linda.

“Linda, why don’t you show some pity? At least let me stay, and help me take care of these injuries before I leave. Look at what you have done to my face.” said Arnold.

“And I am going to do more if you don’t leave now. I am going to bath you in hot water. Your skin will burn! Trust me! Try me! Dare me!” said Linda.

“Linda, is this the kind of human being that you are? What manner of a lady are you? You are not even showing any pity; no compassion from you. You are just so cruel, so wicked, so aggressive! What have I done to deserve this aggressive behavior from you? I have been trying to show you love, what have you been giving me in return? Is that how you are going to repay all my gentle and caring approaches towards you? (Arnold was now shedding tears) Why don’t you just try to understand that I love you? It is your love that made me go wait for you that day at the supermarket. It is your love that made me go meet you at the eatery. It is your love that made me come here. It is because of your love that I go after you. Is this how sour your love is? Is your love this painful? Is it a crime for me to love you? Are you such a person that would react with aggression and hostility to the one who has shown you love? What kind of a girl are you?” said Arnold.

And for the first time ever, Linda felt such compassion towards Arnold that she had never felt before. She was moved by what she had heard. She burst out weeping. Linda left the spot, turned her back and moved some steps forward. She folded her arms, faced the floor and was weeping. Arnold stood up from where he was. He had gotten her!

“Linda, I don’t know whatever experiences you have had with men in the past. I don’t know how many times you were disappointed. I don’t know how many men cheated on you. But I know something for sure! And I want you to also know it and make your heart firm and assured upon it. If you give me your love, I am never going to betray it. Think about it Linda. Think about all what you have done to me. If I do not really want you, do you think I will stay till this time? I love you deep down from my heart and that love is so deep Linda. So deep! Please give me a chance. Please!” said Arnold.

And Linda agreed. Eventually, she gave Arnold a chance in her life.