The Surprise by I May End Soon - HTML preview

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One night, in Linda’s house, Linda and Arnold were together. They had just made love. Arnold grabbed his towel and went into the bathroom. He was going to have a shower that night before he slept. While Arnold was in the bathroom, Linda sat on the bed. What had happened between her and Arnold was bring memories of some events in her past.


“What is that thing you sent to me last night? What were you saying? Is that not the picture I deleted from your phone? I thought it was gone. I thought it was over. How come it still exists? I thought I had given you what you wanted? What do you want again? Please, don’t do this to me. Let the one that we had be the last between us. I don’t want my boyfriend to see that picture. Please, delete it.”

“(Laughs) Linda Linda! Anyways, it is true. It is true that we had an agreement. It is true that you fulfilled your own part of the agreement. It is true that I asked for something and you gave it to me. But I am a human being Linda. My own personal inherent nature would not just allow me to fulfill my own part of the agreement at the moment. My body is not satisfied neither is my heart. My body is calling for more as well as my heart. So Linda, the thing is, we will be having another one. After this one, then I would study my body and heart and see if they are satisfied. But if they are not, then it continues.” the guy said.

(Fell to her knees) “Haaa! Please, don’t do this. I am in a relationship and you know that. I don’t want my relationship to be destroyed. I don’t even like such experience where you and I

will be having what you are asking for.” said Linda.

“Oh! So you mean I am not good enough for you right? Like I stink? Like I am ugly? Like I don’t look okay?” said the guy.

“No! Not like that. Please, let us stop this. Don’t do this to me.” said Linda.

“Linda, I am sorry, I want to do this. And there is another thing I have not told you. Another thing will be introduced into the system. I am really sorry you have to take it like that otherwise your picture is going online.” said the guy

“And what is that?” said Linda

The guy whistles and two other guys arrive the room from inside. Linda looks at them as they arrive. What was it about them?

“Linda, this time around, I am not going to be the only one. These guys here have been good friends to me and they have showed interest. I cannot tell them “NO”. Linda, these guys are here for you and together, we will be doing it with you(Laughs).” said the guy.

“No. This can’t be. You cannot do this to me. Tell me you don’t mean it.” said Linda.

“Ogbeni, park well jare! Oje she normal, ko ma lo she yamayama!” said one of the other two guys.

“Yes oo. We no dey act film for here oo and this one no be play. E better make you lie down now or else, wetin go happen, you no go like am oo.” said the other one of the two other guys.

“(Laughs) Have you heard my guys? It is no joke. Now Linda, what choice are you making? Lie down or your pictures go online. Choose one now!” said the guy.

(Flashback ends)

Arnold came back into the bedroom after he had had a shower and saw Linda crying. Why? What was happening? He moved closer to her.

“Linda, what is wrong? What is the problem?” said Arnold.

Linda wiped her face. “There is no problem. Don’t worry!” said Linda.

“Are you sure?” said Arnold.

“Don’t worry. It is fine.” said Linda.

“Okay dear!” said Arnold.

One afternoon, the doorbell rang at Arnold’s house. Linda was in the house that day but she was not in the living room. She was doing something in the bedroom. Arnold stood up from a couch he was sitting on and went to open the door. He was expecting someone that day.

“Hey Arnold!”

“Hey Lawson! Glad you could make it here.” said Arnold.

Lawson stepped in from outside and Arnold and Lawson embraced each other.

“I am really happy to see you. It has been a long time since we saw each other.” said Lawson

“Yeah! That is true. Anyways, how are you?” said Arnold.

“I am fine. And how are you too?” said Lawson.

“I am fine, thank you.” said Arnold.

“And how is that your girlfriend? I can see she is taking care of you.” said Lawson.

“(Laughs) She is doing something inside. Let me call on her to come and see you. I have not told her you were coming anyways. Linda! Linda!!”

“Yes! I am coming!” Linda’s voice came from inside.

Seconds later, Linda walked into the living room.

“So, Linda, meet my friend here, his name is Lawson. Lawson, meet Linda, my girlfriend.” said Arnold.

Linda and Lawson looked at each other. Shock! They were both shocked at the sight of each other. None of them said a word. They could remember each other’s faces. Some things had happened between both of them in the past! Who was Lawson anyways? Linda and Lawson looked at each other in surprise with none of them saying anything. What was happening? Arnold could not understand.

“Linda, I said meet my friend Lawson.” Arnold said to Linda.

Linda still did not say anything and kept on gazing at Lawson’s face. Arnold was wondering what was happening. He turned to Lawson.

“Lawson, I said meet Linda, my girlfriend.” said Linda.

Lawson did not say anything either and he kept on gazing at Linda’s face. What was happening?

Linda pointed her finger at Lawson and said “You? In this house?” She then snapped her fingers at him in a way that looked like a threat.

Afterwards, Linda hissed and turned to go back inside. Linda disappeared from the living room leaving Lawson with Arnold. Arnold was taken by bemusement. Did they know each other? What was happening? Arnold turned to look at Lawson, perhaps he was going to say something. But shockingly, Lawson turned and headed for the door. He opened the door and was going to get out. Arnold called after him.

“Lawson! What is happening here? Why are you leaving?” said Arnold.

“Arnold, maybe we will see some other time. Bye for now!” said Lawson.

And Lawson got out!

(In the bedroom in Arnold’s apartment)

When Linda left Arnold and Lawson in the living room, she went straight into the bedroom, grabbed her phone and dialed a number. She was going to make a phone call.

“Hello, Tracy!” said Linda.

“Yes! Linda, what’s up?” said Tracy.

“Where are you?” said Linda.

“I am at home.” said Tracy.

“Good. Please, you will do me a favor. Leave your place and start coming to Arnold’s place now! Come in your car. Lawson is here and I want you to trace him and get his home address.” said Linda.

“Really?” Tracy said and she stood up from where she was sitting.

“Yes. He is wearing a red top and white trousers. Come in your car and park somewhere around Arnold’s house. When you see him get out, trace him and try your best in getting his home address today. Please, be fast! Start coming now!” said Linda.

“Okay, Linda. I am on my way there.” said Tracy.

“Thank you!” said Linda.

And Linda hung up. Afterwards, Arnold walked into the bedroom.

“Linda, what is the meaning of that that happened in the living room? Why did you act like that?” said Arnold.

“What are you talking about?” said Linda.

“Of course, you know what I am talking about. What is it between you and Lawson?” said Arnold.

“Nothing.” said Linda.

“Nothing? With the way you both acted at each other? With the words that you uttered at him? What do you mean nothing?” said Arnold.

“Arnold, I said nothing. Take it like that.” said Linda.

“I cannot take it like that. Even Lawson left shortly after you left us in the living room. Does this situation look like there is nothing between you too? Linda, tell me whatever it is. What is it?” said Arnold.

“And I said nothing. Is it until I tell you what did not really happen? There is nothing between us and that is it. And if you are not satisfied with my answer, why don’t you go after him and ask him? Please, leave me alone!” said Linda.

“Really?” said Arnold.

“Yes. Since you cannot trust me! Since you cannot trust that I have told you the truth in this matter, then you can go ahead and further your research. Go and ask him!” said Linda

Arnold was not satisfied. He reached for his car keys in the bedroom and headed towards the door that led out of the bedroom. When he got to the door, he turned and said:

“Linda, if I go and ask that guy and find out there is something between both of you contrary to what you have told me, you will see what I will do to you. I will be back.” said Arnold.

And Arnold got out of the bedroom. He was going to go meet Lawson at his house.

(At Lawson’s house)

Arnold rang the doorbell and he was let into the house. His attention was caught by the way the house was and what Lawson was doing. Some clothes were scattered on the floor and some bags were there on the floor too. Arnold saw Lawson folding some clothes and placing them in one of the bags on the floor.

“Friend, what is happening here? What are you doing?” said Arnold.

“I am packing out. I am leaving this house. I am leaving this country.” said Lawson.

“What? Since when have you been planning that?” said Arnold.

“Just today! Just soon after I left your house.” said Lawson.

“Really? Why?” said Arnold.

“Don’t worry Arnold. I know why I am doing this. I cannot just spend the next day in this house. I am leaving here tonight.” said Lawson.

“Okay, leave that aside. I want to ask you. Why did you and Linda act like that towards each other earlier this day? Is there anything between the two of you?” said Arnold.

“Between I and Linda? There is nothing between us.” said Lawson.

“Lawson, please don’t hide it from me. If there is something between both of you, please let me know. The way you both acted towards each other did not look like there is nothing. Come on, tell me.” said Arnold.

Lawson moved closer to Arnold and placed his left arm over his right shoulder. He looked into Arnold’s face.

“Arnold, there is nothing between us. Take it like that. But, I am going to tell you to be very careful and vigilant. Study that woman you call your girlfriend carefully and decide if you still want to keep her in such a place that she is now in your life. Find out if she is someone you can handle or deal with as your girlfriend. Find out if there is something dangerous about her that you don’t know yet. Just take your time and study her carefully. I know what I am saying. But as for your question, take this from me and expect nothing else. There is nothing between both of us.” said Lawson.

Lawson withdrew his hand and went on to continue with the clothes. Arnold stood there and contemplated on what Lawson had told him. After a while of contemplation, Arnold declared his intention to leave.

“Goodbye, my friend. When I arrive at the country where I plan to go, I will give you a call. Just remember what I told you. Don’t take it lightly.” said Lawson.

Arnold left Lawson’s house.

When it was night, Arnold arrived at his house and went into the bedroom. Linda was not there! Where was she?

“Linda!” he called out.

“Yes! I am in the bathroom.” she said loudly from the bathroom.

“Okay! I am back.” said Arnold.

“Okay! I will join you soon.” said Linda.

Arnold sat on the bed and was thinking about what Lawson had told him. Was Linda hiding something from him? Is there something dangerous about Linda that he did not know? While he was in contemplation, his attention was drawn to a sound that was coming from somewhere on the bed. Arnold looked behind him and saw Linda’s phone. It was a text message.

Arnold took the phone and opened the message.

“Girl. It is done. We have done the job.” the message read.

Arnold looked at the message. From Tracy! Who was Tracy? And what job was Tracy talking about? As Arnold was there contemplating on the message he had seen, Linda walked into the bedroom. She saw her phone in Arnold’s hand. What was he doing with it? She was curious. Arnold turned to look at Linda.

“You have a message!” said Arnold.

“From who?” said Linda.

“From Tracy.” said Arnold

“Tracy!” Linda said.

Linda rushed to snatch the phone from Arnold’s hand and she got it. There were some thoughts going through Arnold’s mind. With what Lawson had told him, the message he had read and how Linda had reacted when he told her the message was from Tracy, Arnold was feeling curious. He wanted to ask some questions. There were some feelings or urges in his heart that he wanted to satisfy. He wished that he could! Was Linda going to answer his questions?

Linda snatched the phone from Arnold’s hand and read the message. Afterwards, she placed the phone on the bed and went on doing something else. Arnold took the phone on the bed and searched for the message. Surprise! The message was gone! She had deleted the message! Arnold decided she was going to question his girlfriend.

“Why did you delete the message?” asked Arnold.

“What message?” asked Linda.

“Come on! The message I was reading before you took the phone from me.” said Arnold.

“Is it your message or my message?” said Linda.

“And what is that supposed to mean?” said Arnold.

“If you know the message is not for you, then why are you bothered about why I deleted it? The message is for me and I chose to delete it. Big deal?” said Linda.

“Okay! What job was she referring to in the message? And who is Tracy by the way?” said Arnold.

Linda moved closer to where Arnold was. She stood before him and gazed at him right in his face.

“Arnold, looks like you are trying to bite more than you can chew. You are going beyond your boundaries. If you don’t want trouble in your life, leave this matter and don’t ask any further questions on it. If you know what is good for you, don’t investigate further on this issue. Arnold, know it, that if you insist on getting to the roots in this matter, you will bite your finger in regret. I have warned you.” said Linda.

Linda uttered those words and went on the bed. She grabbed the blanket and set her pillow. She lay on the bed. Arnold looked back at her and she looked back at him in return with such a strong face. Did those words come from Linda? It was Linda who was talking to him in that manner? Giving him such warning? What was happening? What was it about Linda that he did not know of? Arnold stopped gazing at Linda and faced front, contemplating. All of a sudden, he felt someone tap him at his back. Arnold looked back to see Linda already sitting up and looking at him. Linda was the one who tapped him. Was she going to say sorry for acting like that and then tell him what he wanted to know?

“Don’t say I did not warn you. Don’t go further on this issue. Forget it! If you insist on getting to the roots, I am telling you. You may meet your doom on the way! Goodnight!” said Linda.

WHAT? Shock! Did Arnold just hear doom? Was it that serious? Doom! Who was Linda? What dangerous thing was it about her personality that he did not know of? Arnold thought for a while; about what Lawson had told her; about what he experienced when he got home. Afterwards, Arnold decided it was time to sleep.