The Surprise by I May End Soon - HTML preview

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The next morning, Arnold’s phone rang. Lawson’s name appeared on the screen as the caller. Linda was beside him on the bed still sleeping. Arnold picked the call.

“Hello Lawson!” said Arnold.

“Hello, this is not Lawson. It is Lawson’s brother, Edwin. Are you Arnold, Lawson’s friend?” said the caller.

“Yes, I am. Is there a problem?” said Arnold.

“Lawson is dead!” Edwin said.

“What! Lawson is dead? How come? When was that?” said Arnold.

“He was found dead in his apartment yesterday night.” said Edwin.

“Really?” said Arnold.

“Yes. And from the way his body was found, it seems it was a homicide. Some bullet holes were found on him.” said Edwin.

“Really? Okay, Edwin. I will get up now and prepare to show up there. I will be there.” said Arnold.

“Okay! Will be expecting you.” said Edwin.

The call ended. What? Lawson was dead. Bullet holes found on him? Who did the job? Arnold was there in contemplation until something suddenly occurred to his mind. Arnold looked at Linda who was lying beside him with her eyes still closed. As Arnold was thinking about the death of Lawson, the thought of Linda came into his mind. Arnold gazed at Linda’s face as he continued to think. All of a sudden, Linda opened her eyes.

“What? Why are you staring at me? Were you told I was the one who killed him?” Linda said.

Linda shut back her eyes and turned her back at Arnold. Afterwards, Arnold left the bed, grabbed his towel and headed for the bathroom. He was going to Lawson’s house.

Hours later, at night, Arnold came back into the house. He went into the bedroom. Upon getting into the bedroom, he saw Linda sitting on the bed. She did not say anything.

“Linda, what is wrong? You cannot even welcome me? Are we no more on good terms?” said Arnold.

“Welcome.” Linda said sharply.

“Come on, why are you acting like this? What have I done?” said Arnold.

“When you will not mind your business.” said Linda.

“What? Is it still because I read your message last night? But that would not be the first time I would read your message.” said Arnold.

“But you were going too far in your investigation. What concerns you if I delete a message from my phone? Is it your message?” said Linda.

“I did not feel it was wrong for me to ask. Okay, I am sorry!” said Arnold.

“I have heard you. Anyways, I have news for you.” said Linda.

“And what news is that?” said Arnold.

“I am pregnant!” said Linda.

“What? Are you serious?” said Arnold.

“Yeah. I am. I even have the reports here with me. I have been confirmed six weeks pregnant.” said Linda.

“Waoh!!!” Arnold yelled.

The next day, Arnold left Linda in the house and went out. Later that day, he came back and saw Linda looking worried. She looked like something was bothering her mind. Arnold had not left her like that and he did not like the way she looked. What was wrong with her? Linda had seen him come in and did not say a word to him. She kept on having that worried look. Arnold moved closer to her.

“Honey, what is wrong? You look worried.” said Arnold.

“I am okay.” said Linda.

“No, Linda. Don’t tell me you are okay. Look at your face. You don’t look okay. Tell me, what is wrong? Am I not your lover?” said Arnold.

“Mr. Lover Boy, I said I am okay. Take it like that. I am okay. Simple!” said Linda.

She was getting upset. Arnold decided not to ask her anymore. He then changed the topic. “Anyways, I want to tell you something. I am sorry I have been hiding something from you.” said Arnold.

“What? You have been hiding something from me? Oh! is this what you want to do to me? Tell me now. Just tell me that you have impregnated someone else and let me hear. Tell me and let me know what’s up.” said Linda

“Come on, it is not that. I have not impregnated anyone. It is even far from that. Please, calm down. Linda, I love you and you know it. You are the only one; the one and only.” Arnold tried to tease her.

“Come on, leave me alone and don’t give me that. So, what is it that you are hiding?” said Linda.

“Calm down. You see, there is something that you do not know about me. I kept it as a surprise for you. I want to surprise you with it.” said Arnold.

“What is it? Tell me.” said Linda.

“Calm down, Linda. I am not going to tell you now. But, I will tell you tomorrow when I get back. Be patient till tomorrow.” said Arnold.

“Oh! Tomorrow right? I have heard you. And you will sleep alone till that tomorrow when you are ready to tell me.” said Linda.

Linda grabbed her pillow and got down from the bed.

“What are you doing?” said Arnold.

“I am going to the living room. Until, you tell me that thing you are hiding, you will be sleeping alone.” said Linda.

“Linda, why are you acting like this? You are acting immature. You are acting like you are feeling insecure.” said Arnold.

Linda was walking as Arnold said those words. At that, she stopped and turned back to face Arnold.

“What did you just say?” said Linda.

“Linda, you are acting like a baby.” said Arnold teasingly.

“What? I won’t take that from you.” said Linda.

Linda rushed towards Arnold and started hitting him with the pillow. They eventually slept together that night. As in, they slept on the same bed.

The next morning, Arnold declared his intention to leave the house and reminded Linda that he had a surprise for her when he got back. Hours later, Linda dressed up and prepared to go out of the house too. But where was Linda going?

(At Nancy’s house)

Arnold had gone to see Nancy. He went there with one other person. They were all inside and afterwards, they all came outside in the compound at Nancy’s house. Who was this Nancy anyways?

“So Nancy, we will be leaving now. We will be back if there is something else we have to do here.” said Arnold.

Nancy: “Thank you very much Arnold. I really appreciate your efforts. (Turns to the other man) Thank you.”

“You are welcome.” said Arnold.

All of a sudden, someone stormed into the compound.

“NANCY!!!” the person yelled.

What? Familiar voice! The voice sounded familiar to Arnold. Arnold turned to look at this figure that was coming towards them in the compound. He was surprised at who it was.

“Linda, what are you doing here?” said Arnold.

“And what are you doing here too?” said Linda.

“I have come for Nancy. This young lady here is Lawson’s sister. And what are you doing here?” said Arnold.

“I have come for this good-for-nothing lady here that does not deserve to live. Nancy, you will die today!” said Linda.

Linda pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Nancy. Nancy was looking terrified at the sight of the pistol. The other man who was at the scene wanted to do something, but Arnold told him to hold on.

“Hold on, John! Let me handle this. (Turned to Linda) Linda, now, please put that gun down. Don’t do it.” said Arnold.

“Stay out of this Arnold. There is something between me and this lady here. She understands what is happening. (To Nancy) Now, you Nancy. I want to ask you some questions and I want you to answer me and don’t lie to me. Failure to answer my questions, I will blow your head off!” said Linda.

“Arnold, let me do something to this situation. This girl may kill someone. Let me take action.” said John.

“John, please hold on. Just hold on. She is my girlfriend and I can handle her. (To Linda) Linda, please for the sake of our love, put that gun down. There is something you do not know about me. Remember, the surprise I told you about. Please, don’t do it.” said Arnold.

“Arnold, we will talk about that later. Let me finish with this girl here. (To Nancy) Now you, Nancy, answer my questions. How did you get those pictures that you shared with Lawson and why did you take those pictures?”

“Pictures? What pictures? John, please hold on! I know you really want to do something but hold on. An issue is coming up! (To Linda) Linda, please calm down. Nancy, please answer her question. What pictures is she talking about? What do you know about the pictures she is referring to?” said Arnold.

“Linda, please calm down. I am sorry. Okay! I will tell you how I got it. You remember that night that we both went clubbing. You remember that I came to give you your keys while you were leaving, claiming that they had fallen from your bag. It is a lie. The keys did not fall from your bag. I actually stole it from you. I took advantage of your drunkenness that night and I got my way into your bag.” said Nancy.

“So what did you do with the keys?” said Linda.

“I actually swapped one of them with a fake one. The ones I recognized as the keys to the door at the main entrance of your apartment which I know is the one you usually lock. I swapped one of them with a fake one. I thought you would not know because you were drunk that night.” said Nancy.

“And what did you do with the key you took?” said Linda.

“I came to your house later that night and I opened the door with the key I had with me. I went to your bedroom and saw you lying on the bed and was already sleeping. I managed to take off your nightwear and I took some photos of you. That was how I got those photos.” said Nancy.

“Wait! You mean, you took photos of her with her nightwear off her?” said Arnold.

“Yes. Afterwards, I looked for the bunch of keys and I replaced the fake one with the real key.” said Nancy.

“And what did you do with the photos?” asked Arnold.

“I gave them to Lawson, my brother.” said Nancy.

“What? To do what? Why did you give him the photos? Why did you yourself take the photos?” said Arnold.

“Linda here is my friend and my brother Lawson had seen her with me and he liked her. He wanted to be having a relationship with her. He talked to her about it but she refused. Linda told him she was not interested. So he asked me to get him those photos so he could use them to threaten Linda into having a relationship with him.” said Nancy.

“NANCY! You are wicked. What have I done to deserve that from you? You are going to pay for this. You will leave this world today.” said Linda.

“(Fell on her knees) Linda, please spare me. Spare my life. For the sake of our friendship, please.” said Nancy.

“What friendship? It has gone sour. Did you think about our friendship before you did what you did? I will murder you today! This thing you are looking at in my hand is no toy.” said Linda.

“Linda, no. please don’t do this. Arnold, please do something.” said Nancy.

“Arnold, it is taking too long. This girl might kill someone. Let me act fast.” said John.

“NO, John! Please hold on!” said Arnold.

“No Arnold! I am acting now! Delay is dangerous. Look at the situation. It is taking long!” said John.

“No, John. Please, hold it.” said Arnold.

“No Arnold. Let him do something. (To John) Do something about this please.” said Nancy.

“Linda, please look at me. Put that gun down. Please don’t do this. Think about our love; our relationship. Think about the pregnancy in you. Think about the possible consequences if you do this. What is going to happen to you if you do this? To me? To us? To our relationship? To our love? To that pregnancy? Please think well. Don’t let vengeance push you to do the regrettable. Put that gun down.” said Arnold.

“No Arnold. I have vowed to take my revenge. The others are no more. She is the only one alive. Arnold, I am sorry but I am going to do this. Forget it. This girl you are looking at is a dead meat. I will finish her today. She is ending today!” said Linda.

“No!” John yelled.

“NO!” Nancy screamed.

“No Linda!” yelled Arnold.

“Arnold, let me do something!” said John.

“Please do something!” said Nancy.

“Nancy! You will taste death today. You will breathe your last today!” said Linda,

“Linda No!” said Arnold.

Arnold moved towards Linda to grab the gun from her. But before he could get his hand on it….

“Haaa! Haaaa!!” Nancy yelled in pain and fell to the ground. Two bullets! Two shots on the chest! Linda murdered Nancy.

“Hands up!!!” someone suddenly said.

What? Who called the police?

“Drop that gun and raise both hands now!” the person said.

And slowly did Linda drop the gun on the floor and she raised both hands. Linda sensed something in the person’s voice. The voice was familiar.

“John, handcuff her now!” said the person.

Familiar voice! A familiar voice was she hearing. Who was it? Linda turned her head to look at where the voice came from and what she saw took her by shock.

“Arnold? Are you… Are you a police officer?” Linda said.

Linda was handcuffed and taken to the police station. That was the surprise. Arnold was an Inspector!