Timeless Love by I.R.B.A. - HTML preview

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Chapter 6 – A New Beginning


[January, 1st, 2006 – 7:13 PM] John F. Kennedy International Airport


Rasul   It feels good to be home…


Nadja   Hypocrite! I thought you didn’t want to come home.


Rasul   I never said that.


Nabi    You did.


Rasul   Nabi, when did you start supporting her?!


Nabi    When you made her blame me for…


Nadja   I’m still mad at you…


Rasul You planned the vacation before I was in the picture, all I wanted was to make sure you two spent some time together, alone.


Nadja   Stop smiling!


Rasul   Brother, I think she likes you.


Nabi    I know she likes me brother.


Nadja   Of course I like you, you’re a good person.


Rasul   I meant you’re falling for him.


Nadja   I’d never fall in love with you if you were the last man on earth.


Nabi    You just broke my heart beautiful lady.


Rasul   You broke two hearts in seconds.


Nadja   It was my pleasure.


Rasul   How are we getting home?


Nabi    I told a friend to meet us here at seven-twenty.


Rasul   Well it’s half past seven. I hate people who are not punctual.


Nabi    Why are you in such a hurry?


Rasul   I need to see Yasmin.


Nadja   You need to rest.


Yasmin   You do need to rest Rasul.


Rasul   Yasmin.


Nabi    How did you know it was her?!


Nadja The question you should be asking is, why he pretended as if he was acting out a dramatic scene.


Nabi    The way he slowly picked up his head and whispered “Yasmin”.


Yasmin   Hi.


Nabi I’ve to say something, this is my birthday gift to you; I called her and told her I wanted an escort from the airport, and I also told her how you have been talking about her non-stop.


Rasul   Why would you do that?


Nadja   Just because you’re whispering does not mean she can’t hear you.


Rasul   Hi Yasmin. You look striking.


Yasmin   Thank you.


Rasul   There’s that smile I’ve been dreaming about.


Nadja   He does. He wrote a poem about your smile.


Rasul   That is a lie Yasmin, How have you been?


Yasmin   I’m fine Rasul. How…


Nadja   Just read it to her.


Rasul   There’s nothing to read, because it was never written.


Nabi    I’m really enjoying this.


Rasul [To Nabi] Please help me.


Yasmin   How was your vacation?


Nadja [To Yasmin] Your smile. Your smile is worth a billion sunsets. All I want  is to make you smile forever because I bet you whoever has seen your smile, smiles back. So promise me you will always try to smile and spread love, and whenever you’re having a bad day, look into the mirror and try to smile, and if you still can’t smile always remember there’s someone who smiles, just by thinking of you.”


Rasul I’m honored to be alive today because for the first time in my life, I'm convinced I’ve seen the most beautiful girl in the world.


Yasmin   I’m speechless. I wish I knew what to say.


Nadja   That was terrible Rasul, you have to write a better one.


Nabi    I agree.


Rasul   Can you two stop?!


Yasmin   Thank you, but I don’t have a perfect smile.


Rasul   I never said it was perfect. That would be an understatement.


Nabi    I’m starving.


Nadja   So am I!


Rasul Since, I’m the only one here with manners. My vacation was lovely. Thank you Yasmin.


Yasmin   You’re welcome.


Rasul   Can I tell you something?


Yasmin   Sure.


Rasul   I promise to write a better poem.


Yasmin   I loved it. That is why I can’t stop smiling.


Nadja   What did he whisper to you?


Nabi    And why can’t you stop smiling?


Rasul   I’m already getting tired of you two.


[Two hours later]


Yasmin   I have a busy day tomorrow, I’ve to be on my way home.


Rasul   I’ll escort you home.


Yasmin   You don’t have to.


Rasul   I know, but I want to.


Nabi    Thank you Yasmin.


Nadja   Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow, take care.


[About ten minutes later]


Yasmin   Can I tell you something?


Rasul   Sure.


Yasmin   I’m the reason why my father showed interest in your company.


Rasul   I don’t understand.


Yasmin I told him it was my dream to be associated with that company; because of the great minds that created it and that was when he began researching about the company.


Rasul   Great minds recognize each other.


Yasmin Thank you. I’ve another question; I felt as if you hated me the first time we met…


Rasul   Did you?


Yasmin   Yes.


Rasul Well, I didn’t, I was in love with someone else, and there was no way I’d let another person take her place, so to act as if you were not charming, I distanced myself.


Yasmin   What happened between you two?


Rasul It’s a very long story. All you have to know is, I was having one of the worse days ever when I met you, but the moment I saw you, I smiled. I’ve been reliving that moment ever since I saw you on the television. I just couldn’t believe I met a girl that made all my problems disappear. I can’t believe I met a girl who gave me heaven on earth for the few seconds I saw her, the one who gave my heart a real safe haven. I have not felt that good in a long time, and when you meet someone who makes life a better place, you hold on tight and never let go. And if they are not yours yet, you let them know how you feel and make them yours, by holding their hand, pulling them closer, and then you allow her to bless you with her seductive and divine lips. Yasmin, everyone has their own version of what hurts the most, some people even include love to that list; but to me, what hurts the most is missing out on love, not being able to love someone who loves you back, and being presented a chance to love but not taking that chance. That is what hurts, because when you’re on your death-bed, those are the things you will regret. If I died today, I wouldn’t regret a thing.


Yasmin When I said I was speechless earlier? I didn’t mean it. Now I’m speechless.


Rasul   I hope that is a good thing.


Yasmin   It is. You definitely know how to make a girl’s night.


Rasul   Thank you for making my night.


Yasmin   What did I do?


Rasul   You blessed me with those divine lips.


Yasmin   But I never…


[Moments later]


Rasul   What were you about to say?


Yasmin   Nothing.


Rasul    Good night Yasmin.


Yasmin   Call me when you get home.


Rasul   I intend to.


[Two years later]


Yasmin My father wants to see you as soon as we get back to New York; I asked him to tell me why, but he said it’s between you two.


Rasul Yah, I’ve some projects to show him, I was supposed to run those ideas by him before the wedding.


Yasmin Don’t worry, he understands you were busy trying to make your wife happy. You gave me the best wedding I could ever ask for, the least he can do is to allow you some leeway.


Rasul I know, but I was the one who gave him a deadline, I should have kept my word. I wouldn’t want your father to think I’m not a man of my word.


Yasmin He knows you’re an honorable man, and he respects you my love. Tell me what the project is about.


Rasul   I can’t, I swore to him I wouldn’t tell you.


Yasmin   My love, already keeping secrets from your wife?


Rasul   I wish I didn’t have to, angel but I gave your father my word.


Yasmin   I’m disappointed.


Rasul   Then why are you smiling?


Yasmin   Because I’m glad to have you in my life.


Rasul I promise you will know when the time is right, and you will love it.


Yasmin   I hope so. When are we going to New York? I need to tell him.


Rasul I don’t know yet. I’ve been trying to call Nabi, and there’s no answer.


Yasmin   What about Nadja?


Rasul   I only called Nabi.


Yasmin   What do you need from him? I’ll send her a text message.


Rasul Tell her to tell Nabi, to purchase a plane ticket for next week Saturday.


Yasmin   Can he postpone it to next two weeks?


Rasul   Yah, sure.


Yasmin I want to spend as much time possible with you. I never want this to end.


Rasul It will never end, that is a promise. I’ll always make you feel like you’re the only woman that matters on earth.


Yasmin   I love you.


Rasul   I love you.


Yasmin   I changed it to three weeks.


Rasul Okay, also tell him to make sure the departure location is Abu Dhabi, not Dubai.


Yasmin   But we are in Dubai and it would be easier for us to get to the     airport.


Rasul   I know, but I have a surprise for you in Abu Dhabi.


Yasmin   You know I hate surprises.


Rasul   I know, and I love the look on your face each time I surprise you.


Yasmin You always surprise me, by being better than the person I thought you were each day.


Rasul   Can I tell you something?


Yasmin   Sure.


Rasul   I’m scared.


Yasmin   What are you scared of my love?


Rasul   I’m scared of losing you.


Yasmin   Why would you lose me?


Rasul   I’m scared of losing you; my biggest fear is to disappoint you.


Yasmin   Would you ever let me go or disappoint me?


Rasul   Never.


Yasmin   So why are you scared of losing me?


Rasul Sometimes when I’m quiet and you ask me what I’m thinking about, and I say I’m thinking of a creative idea, I lie…


Yasmin   What do you mean?


Rasul Most of the time, when I’m quiet, I think about how incredible you are and ways to make sure I never let you down.


Yasmin O Rasul, you’re amazing, and I know you will never let me down on purpose.


Rasul Come closer. How did I get so lucky? It’s an honor and a pleasure to call you my wife. Bless me…


Yasmin   Rasul…


[Seven months later]


Yasmin Where is my good morning poem? I woke up and looked everywhere, but I didn’t find it.


Rasul Did you look on the mirror in the bathroom and under your pillow? Today I wrote two different poems.


Yasmin What is the occasion? And does that mean I’ll not get a good night poem since I received two?


Rasul You will, you just have to find them. I’m running out of places to hide them.


Yasmin   I love you.


Rasul   I love you.


Yasmin   Where did you go?


Rasul I was with Nabi. You looked very peaceful, and I didn’t want to wake you up.


Yasmin   I was exhausted, and needed to rest.


Rasul I noticed. Can I tell you something? But you have to promise not to tell a single soul, especially Nadja.


Yasmin   Tell me.


Rasul   You have to give me your word.


Yasmin   My love don’t you trust me?


Rasul My love, all you have to do is give me your word. I know you’re very fond of Nadja and can’t keep a secret from her, but you can’t tell her what I’m about to tell you.


Yasmin   Rasul, tell me now!


Rasul   Nabi revealed to me the reason why he went to Russia last week…


Yasmin   How is that a secret?


Rasul Well, he went to find the perfect ring in order to ask Nadja to marry him.


Yasmin Why would you tell me that? You know I can’t hide something like that from Nadja.


Rasul   You have to hide this from her until he is ready to ask her.


Yasmin   Rasul…


Rasul   This is why I asked you to give me your word.


Yasmin   Nadja deserves to know.


Rasul She will know when he is ready. He said he is going to ask her after her graduation in a few weeks.


Yasmin   Then I promise I’ll not tell her.


Rasul   I know you won’t.


Yasmin   I can’t believe Nabi will soon ask Nadja to…


Rasul   What is wrong?


Yasmin   Aye. She keeps moving.


Rasul   He keeps moving.


Yasmin   No, and I think this baby has a big head.


Rasul    Why would you say that?


Yasmin   She keeps poking me, and she is very heavy.


Rasul   So how did you know she has, I mean he has a big head?


Yasmin   Because you have a big head.


Rasul   Your head is bigger than mine my love.


Yasmin You wish your head was as beautiful as mine. Nadja and I were discussing possible baby names…


Rasul   Can I hear them?


Yasmin   If it’s a girl, I’ll name her Zara.


Rasul   What if it’s a boy? You know there’s that possibility too.


Yasmin   Rayan, but I know it’s a girl. I can feel it.


Rasul   It’s a boy Yasmin, and I want to name him Zayn, or Rashad.


Yasmin I love it, but what if it’s a girl? You know there’s that possibility too.


Rasul   Armela, I want the name Armela, I love it.


Yasmin   Armela is a beautiful name, what does it mean?


Rasul I really don’t know, but to me it means hope, Armela is a name you give someone who is an angel.


Yasmin   Yasmin is the name you give to an angel.


Rasul Yasmin is an angel’s name, and I’m honored to call that angel, my angel.


Yasmin I’ve never heard of the name Armela, but I like it, I’d love to name my daughter Armela.


Rasul I heard the name when I was in Europe, the moment she told me her name I promised to name my daughter after her.


Yasmin   And who might that be?


Rasul Armela is an angel who saved me. She is the reason why I’m here, she is the reason why I’m here with you, and I thank Allah for introducing her to me when I needed help the most. The first time I met her I thought we met because she was supposed to be the one for me, but later I came to find out, she was the one who will enlighten me, direct and guide me to the one, my true love. She put her desires aside to ensure the happiness of others; she is beautiful and intelligent, and would do anything to see other people happy even if she was unhappy deep down. I hope she meets a man who looks at her and sighs. Smiles inside and out, while his heart skips beats, then thanks God for her, and whenever he is with his friends and sees her, he introduces her as not just the most beautiful creation he has ever lied his eyes upon but also the love of this life.


Yasmin   That is how you treat me.


Rasul I know, and that is because you deserve it; so does she and every woman.


Yasmin   How did I get so lucky?


Rasul   I should be asking you that question. So how did I get so lucky?


Yasmin   Coz of the kind of person you are.


Rasul   Why are you squinting?


Yasmin   I’ve pain in my stomach…


Rasul   Yasmin, take a seat.


Yasmin   I’m fine.


Rasul   You just missed a step, are you dizzy?


Yasmin   I was a little bit light headed, but I’m fine.


Rasul   Come here, take a seat.


Yasmin   O Rasul, I’m fine!


Rasul You have been complaining about these minor pains and migraines for months. I don’t like this, it’s only getting worse; we need to go to the doctor.


Yasmin   I hate hospitals and doctors.


Rasul Nadja will become a doctor in a few weeks and you love her. We are going to the hospital tomorrow. I’ll tell Nadja to escort us if that makes you feel comfortable.


Yasmin   No, it does not.

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