Timeless Love by I.R.B.A. - HTML preview

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Chapter 5 – The Angel


[Three months later]  Goldenick, Frankfurt, Germany.


Rasul   Hi.


Female   Ich verstehe nicht.


Rasul   Sorry.


Nadja [To Rasul] Ha-ha!


Rasul   What is funny?


Nadja   Entschuldigung ich spreche kein Englisch.


Rasul   English? Yes?


Nadja   No! Nein!


Rasul   Okay, sorry. Have a good day.


Nadja   Do you always give up that easily?


Rasul   Finally, someone who speaks English.


Nadja I think out of the nine women you talked to, six of them speak English.


Rasul   Really?!


Nadja You had no chance, not because for the past three days you decided to talk to the most beautiful women in here, but because you gave up easily.


Rasul I wouldn’t describe any of them as the most beautiful woman in here…


[Incoming call]


Rasul [To Nadja] I need to answer this phone call, please excuse me.


Nabi    Did you receive my email?


Rasul I’m in a pub in Goldenick, Frankfurt Germany, while I was waiting for a dish of the local cuisine of four different types of sausages and some cheese potatoes with sauerkraut, I noticed a young, breath taking beautiful woman looking at me. She had a warm smile and at this point in my adventure I was hoping to come across someone that might speak English. For the past three days, I have been scared to approach her, because I didn’t think I had a chance, but she just approached me, and she speaks English. So, I will talk to you later.


Nabi    Rasul this is not an adventure, it’s a waste of…


Rasul   I have to go Nabi…


Nabi    Reply to my email as soon… [Phone call ends]


Rasul [To Nadja] Have you been stalking me?


Nadja   Ja.


Rasul   I know what that means.


Nadja   Is that all you know? Where are you from?


Rasul   What are you doing here?


Nadja   Why are you answering a question with a question?


Rasul   Why are you answering a question with a question?


Nadja   Haben Sie Einen Guten Tag!


Rasul   What?


Nadja Have a good day! Also, you have ordered the same meal for the past three days. You should try something new.


Rasul   Fine! I only know two German words; nein and ja.


Nadja   Where are you from?


Rasul   New York. What are you doing here three nights in a row?


Nadja   I come here to relax after work.


Rasul   Work? What is your profession?


Nadja   It’s my turn to ask the questions. What is your profession?


Rasul   I don’t have one. What is your profession?


Nadja I’m a student, but currently I work at the clothing store on the corner of the street. Why are you in Frankfurt?


Rasul   I’m on vacation.


Nadja How can you be on vacation if you don’t have a profession? Stop dodging my questions!


Rasul   I’m trying to escape my life in New York.


Nadja   I wish I could live in New York, or go there for a visit


Rasul   You should, if you ever get the chance, it’s beautiful.


Nadja I earned a scholarship to Colombia University. That is why I’m working hard to earn some money.


Rasul   Are you serious?


Nadja   Yes, but I don’t think I’ll be lucky enough to go.


Rasul You should keep trying to work harder. That is really an amazing opportunity, I wish you the best.


Nadja   Thank you, so why Frankfurt?


Rasul I just happened to find myself in Frankfurt; last week I was in Munich, the week before that, I was in London.


Nadja   Are you enjoying your stay?


Rasul   Yah but I still have not found an interesting activity that I love.


Nadja There are millions of interesting activities in Europe. Do you love adventures?


Rasul   Who does not?


Nadja Well I suggest you visit Montenegro, France, Austria, Serbia, or Amsterdam.


Rasul   Have you been to all these places?


Nadja I’ve only been to Austria, and Amsterdam. But all my friends have been to all those places, and they speak highly of them.


Rasul   Thank you, but I need to explore Germany before leaving.


Nadja I suggest you visit Schönau am Königssee, Dresden, Nuremberg, and Karlsruhe.


Rasul You expect me to visit places I can’t even pronounce? You need to come with me, in case I get lost, or need help.


Nadja I barely know you, and you expect me to leave my job behind to entertain you?


Rasul   Not to entertain me, but be my tour guide.


Nadja   Sorry, it’s a tempting offer but I decline.


Rasul   I promise it will be worth it.


Nadja It’s tempting as I said; I’ve always wanted to visit Dresden, but I still don’t think it’s a good idea.


Rasul   What if, we visit Dresden first?


Nadja   I’m beginning not to like you.


Rasul   Are you trying to say you like me?


Nadja Oh no, I’m not interested in you or anyone. I am focused only on my life and education.


Rasul   I love the sound of that.


Nadja I’ll have to make time. I have to think about this, meet me here on Sunday at nine-fourteen.


Rasul   In the morning?!


Nadja   No, at dawn. Have a good night, stranger.


Rasul   You never told me your name!


Nadja   You never asked!


Rasul   Well, what is your name?


Nadja   Ask me on Sunday, at nine-fourteen in the evening!


Rasul   Why nine-fourteen?


Nadja   Because, I said so. Go to bed you look exhausted.


[Almost two months later] Incoming call


Rasul   Nabi!


Nabi    Why are you doing this to me?!


Rasul She is not invading your privacy; she needs a place to live in New York, until she finds a better accommodation.


Nabi    You should have asked, before making promises.


Rasul   Nabi, she is a good friend, don’t worry, I promise you will like her.


Nabi    Where is she?


Rasul She is here in the car, we are on our way to Berlin Schönefeld Airport.


Rasul She will be arriving in New York, in nine hours, at five o’clock. I promise you will love her; she is amazing, it might take a while, but she will come around, I used to dislike her.


Nadja   You will miss me; and you can’t survive in Europe without me.


Nabi I sent you a few documents; you need to read them, sign it, and send it back to me within a few hours.


Rasul   Okay, were you able to look at the designs I sent you?


Nabi No, I’ve been very busy, that is why I keep telling you this is a bad idea, I’ve too much on my plate, and I can’t take care of her at this moment.


Rasul   Please do this for me brother.


Nabi    When are you coming back?


Rasul I have no idea, but I will as soon as possible, I miss New York. Also, when I get back we are going to Ghana. Nadja and I, went to Morocco for a week, and then went to Ghana for two days; but I didn’t have enough time to visit my family.


Nabi I’m glad you’re having fun, but you need to get back and take care of business.


Rasul   I will. Thank you and I’ll call you later.


Nadja   I don’t think this is a good idea, I don’t want to be a burden.


Rasul You’re not a burden; this is my way of saying thank you, for making the last two months memorable.


[Twenty minutes later] Berlin Schönefeld Airport


Rasul   Again, Thank you for everything. Also, take this…


Nadja   What is it?


Rasul   You open it when you get to New York.


Nadja Why? You took me to places I’d have never dreamed of visiting, and now you give me a large amount of money and send me to New York to follow my dreams? Why are you doing this?


Rasul Because you deserve it. You put your job aside to help me, and now I’m helping you. You helped me when I needed it the most; you didn’t even know what I was going through; I was hurt, I was falling apart, but you helped me smile. Thank you.


Nadja   It was my pleasure. I owe you.


Rasul I owe you; you owe me nothing. Now go be a neurosurgeon! I wish you the best.


Nadja I don’t have an envelope full of money for you, but I have some advice; whenever you meet a girl, introduce yourself and ask for her name.


Rasul   Ha! Thank you. Have a safe flight.


Nadja   Pass auf dich auf.


Rasul    Du auch.


Nadja   Thank you.


Rasul   Are you sure you have everything you need?


Nadja Yes! I’ve Nabi’s address, phone number, email address, and parents’ phone number. I’m not a little girl Rasul; I’ll be fine.


Rasul   I know; I just worry too much.


Nadja   Well, don’t worry, I’ll call you as soon as I get to New York.


[The following day] Incoming call


Rasul   Nabi, is everything okay?


Nadja   Why wouldn’t everything be okay?


Rasul I was just worried when I didn’t hear from you or him. How was your flight?


Nadja It was good; Nabi and I went out for dinner last night, and by the time I woke up he was not around, but he left me a note saying he will be back in a few hours.


Rasul Yah, he has an important meeting today. How is New York treating you so far?


Nabi I love New York Rasul! It’s everything I dreamed of. How is Germany?


Rasul I’m leaving for Austria in a few hours, there’s no need for me to stay in Germany anymore.


Nadja   You miss me.


Rasul   No I don’t.


Nadja   It’s okay, if you do, I miss getting on your nerves.


Rasul Don’t worry you will see me soon, tell Nabi I called and I also sent him those documents. I’ll call again later.


Nadja   Okay, have a good day. And take care of yourself.


[Seventeen days later] Outgoing call


Nabi    Hello.


Rasul   Nabi, how have you been?


Nabi I should be asking you that question. Nadja said she has been calling you, but there was no answer.


Rasul   How is she adjusting to her new life?


Nabi    She loves it; she is currently out with my sister for lunch.


Rasul   I’m fine, I’ve been in Austria skiing and rock climbing.


Nabi    Wait, do you even know how to ski or rock climb?!


Rasul No, but I’m learning. I’m very good at skiing; I have a rock climbing practice later today.


Nabi All these activities are dangerous. Why are you doing this to yourself?


Rasul   Please tell Nadja I’m fine and I’ll call her tomorrow.


Nabi    Why are you doing all these dangerous activities?


Rasul   Nabi…


Nabi Nadja asked me why you left New York and I told her. Then she said, “That is why he is trying to do so many things to hide his feelings. He barely sleeps; all he does is move from place to place, as if he is running from something.”


Rasul I’m not running away from my problems. I’m just living life a little, seeing the beautiful creation of God. I’m on a vacation Nabi.


Nabi You’re intelligent and old enough to know what is good for you. Reconsider your actions Rasul. The only advice I have for you is to take care brother.


Rasul   Thank you.


Nabi    Have a good day brother.


Rasul   You too. Extend my greetings to Nadja and your sister.


[The following night] Incoming call


Nadja   Hallo.


Rasul   Hi.


Nadja   I know you know why I’m calling you.


Rasul   Because you miss me?


Nadja   I’m worried about you, and so is Nabi.


Rasul   Did he tell you to call me?


Nadja No, he didn’t. I care about you, which is why I’m calling. When I told you to visit Austria, I didn’t mean, to spend your time doing dangerous activities. I suggested those places because they have beautiful sceneries.


Rasul Thank you but you should stop worrying; I’m not putting myself in harm’s way.


Nadja   You should come home, please.


Rasul   I will, when I’m ready but not now.


Nadja   Why are you doing this?


Rasul I’m not doing anything wrong. I’ve always wanted to see the world and that is exactly what I’m doing, if I died today, I’d hate myself for not being able to see how marvelous and creative God is.


Nadja   I understand, but…


Rasul Look, I’ve been blessed; my plan was to travel around the world with the love of my life, but since I don’t have one, I’m doing it alone. What is the point of being blessed if you’re not able to do the things that matter the most. I donated half of my earnings to different charities in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America; now all I’m doing is enjoying the benefits of my labor. I promise I’ll be fine. I’ll call you regularly, so you can know I’m fine.


Nadja   You’re stubborn Rasul. Please don’t do anything stupid.


Rasul Nadja, I’ve to go. Have a good day. And if living life and seeing the world is doing something stupid, then I love being stupid!


[About four months later] Outgoing call


Nadja   Rasul! Where have you been?


Rasul   I’ve been in Albania for the past two months…


Nadja We have been trying to reach you for months, why have you been in Albania for that long?


Rasul   I emailed you and Nabi, saying I lost my phone.


Nadja   What are you doing in Albania?!


Rasul   Exploring Europe.


Nadja The last time you emailed me, you said you were hurt, and I never heard from you again.


Rasul   I’m fine.


Nadja   What happened?!


Rasul   It is a very long story.


Nadja   I have time. I don’t have lectures today.


Rasul   How is New York treating you?


Nadja   Rasul! What happened?


Rasul   I fell while rock climbing.


Nadja   Nabi says hi, please tell me what really happened.


Rasul Well, about two months ago in Austria, I went rock climbing, I remember it was a Saturday. I really don’t remember much, but I missed a step and hit my head, when I gained consciousness, I was hanging from a cliff , while a girl was poking me with a long tree branch, after she noticed I was alive she helped me down. I was dizzy, probably from the concussion, so she suggested we go to the hospital, but I refused and told her to drive me home. As she noticed some minor bruises and cuts on my back and legs, she stopped to get some Aloe Vera and then applied it to the bruises and cuts. I was dehydrated, so she gave me some water, and then insisted we go to the hospital again, when I refused she became angry and drove me home, without saying a single word to me.


[The following day - Knock on the door]


Rasul   Who is it?


Armela   Open the door!


Rasul Hi, I never got to introduce myself; I’m Rasul, but my friends call me Ra.


Armela   My name is Armela, my friends call me Armela.


Rasul   Armela?


Armela   Yes.


Rasul   How do you spell it?


Armela   A-r-m-e-l-a. Are you sure you’re okay?


Rasul   I’m fine. Sorry, I have never heard such a beautiful name.


Armela   I know it’s beautiful, that is why my mom chose it.


Rasul So why are you here? Last night, you gave me the impression that, you were angry.


Armela   Because you’re hurt and you refuse to get professional help.


Rasul   I really love your name.


Armela I love it too. Do you know it’s very dangerous to go rock climbing by yourself?


Rasul   I could say the same to you.


Armela   I was not rock climbing idiot, I was jogging.


Rasul   Thank you for saving me, but I’m fine.


Armela   You’re not fine, you need professional treatment.


Rasul   Why are you here?


Armela   You seemed like you needed help.


Rasul   You’re exquisite. Do you know that?


Armela   I know.


Rasul   You’re magnificent and fascinating.


Armela   I know I am.


Rasul I love your name, if I’m ever blessed with a daughter, I’ll name her Armela; I just hope she learns how to say thank you.