Trouble by Emily Sommers - HTML preview

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Chapter 12


I feel something stir beside me pulling me close and trapping me. I immediately go into panic mode and my eyes fly open.

I feel muscular arms wrapped around me in a protective grip and I realise I’m in Jase’s arms. I immediately feel a surge of relief, and my heart rate slowly starts to beat at an even pace.

“Hey babe,” murmurs a deep sleepy voice. “You okay? You seemed a bit startled there for a minute, I thought you were having a bad dream.”

I turn around and face Jase, and damn, he looks even sexier in the morning. Plus he’s got that rugged deep sexy voice thing happening that guys get and they sound damn good. His eyes are still half closed but the green in his eyes still have their hypnotic effect.

“I just forgot you were here. I was wondering why there were some guys’ arms around me,” I say quietly.

“Some guy?” he says tickling me as I giggle and try to squirm out of his grasp. “I would like to think I’m not just some guy.”

I’m practically in tears from all the giggling from his tickles.

“Okay okay sorry- I didn’t mean it that way,” I say half screaming, half giggling

Jase stops his little torture and put his hand on the side of my face, tucking loose strands of hair behind my ear. His eyes have softness in them that don’t stop searching into mine. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep last night on you Soph, I plan to make that up to you if you let me,” he says kissing me softly on my lips. “And what you did was amazing, I get hard just thinking about it.”

I can’t help but smile back and get a little turned on. He makes me feel like a little crazed schoolgirl with one serious crush. Or a kid in a candy store. Thoughts of it not being forever and him leaving slowly start to creep into my mind but I push them away, living in the moment, revelling at having this gorgeous god in my bed. I will probably never have him like this again.

“Well Mister, what do you have planned today?” I ask boldly

Who am I? I’m morphing into some sexual, confident woman. You know, like normal females.

“Actually funny you ask me that,” he says while giving me a quick kiss on the forehead. “I want to take you surfing.”

I look him and burst out laughing. Seriously? Surfing?

“You’re kidding right?”

“No Soph, I’m not. Come on let’s head to the beach and make a day of it.”

I bite my lip realising all the work I have to do on my designs before I head to New York.

“I guess I could, I have a lot of work to do though and I really need to get that done.”

He ponders this for a moment.

“Okay. I’ll tell you what. It’s still early. Why don’t I come by lunchtime and get you, that way you’re free to get your work done in the meantime?” he says with that killer smile.

He looks so excited to take me out again and I never thought I would honestly see him again. But as life has it, it keeps throwing me curveballs. Besides I don’t want to say no. I want to see him again. I know I’m stepping into dangerous territory here. I know I’m developing strong feelings for him. And I’m sinking deeper and deeper in this crazed state and soon I’ll be in so deep that I’m not sure I’ll know how to get out. Because the only way this is going to end is with me alone and a broken heart.

I turn back at him, realising that I’m headed for the dangerous seas. I may think I’m halfway there, but truth be told, I’m already there. I should walk away. But I don’t. Against my better judgment, I smile and nod at him, agreeing to spend the day in his arms again.