Waiting for Me by Graeme A Watson - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


Sally Boyd was a tall, slim and elegant woman in her mid-fifties, with silver hair. She oozed confidence and assured Jamie that she too could have confidence in public. Almost her first words to Jamie were: "You cannot be confident if you feel inferior to the people around you and the first thing people will look at is what you are wearing. I have no wish to criticise your clothes choice as I imagine you will have dressed to a budget. However, I will take you shopping for a new wardrobe to make you feel confident." Jamie argued that she couldn't afford a new wardrobe; that she had no job. Sally told her that Mr Cooper had authorised whatever expense Sally deemed necessary and he had anticipated her argument about having no job. He had said that it was Jamie's job to support him and he didn't want her feeling guilty about the expense. He could afford it and with Jamie at his side, he knew it would be a wise investment.

Sally took her by train to London and entered shops that Jamie knew by name but had never thought she would enter. Sally selected the clothes Jamie should have and Jamie had to admit that Sally had impeccable taste. She had five new dresses or combinations, none of which cost less than £1,000, plus three coats for different weather conditions.  She also bought new underwear, new shoes and new lotions and potions. Jamie was surprised when Sally insisted on a particular perfume because it was one of Danny's favourites. Several pairs of shoes at £500 a pair were added to the growing list of purchases. Sally even insisted on nightwear although Jamie was afraid to tell her that she never wore anything when she was with Danny. Finally, they returned to Danny's cottage where Sally insisted that Jamie changed into one of the outfits and surprised him.

"I didn't think you could look more beautiful than when I saw you last week," Danny said as Jamie walked out of the spare bedroom in the outfit she liked best. "But I was wrong. You are stunning. Whatever it cost, it was worth it. Thanks Sally"

The rest of the week was spent in showing Jamie that she was every bit as glamorous and poised as others she would meet. Jamie learned how to breathe to control her nerves; how to greet dignitaries of various kinds, how to know what utensils to eat when dining out and how to stand when at special functions. And when they had their evening meals, Jamie would wear one of her new outfits, just so she could feel comfortable in them.

Danny too was busy. A small backing band had been selected and Mike had persuaded Danny to sing a couple of his hits at the Monday reveal. Danny chose 'Waiting for Me' and 'Where are you now' as both had been inspired by Jamie. He rehearsed both songs to convince Mike he had made the right choices.

And at night, when both Mika and Sally had gone back to their hotel, Danny made love to Jamie with a passion he had never known before.

On the Sunday afternoon, they packed some bags for their journey to Manchester, where Danny's solo career was to be revealed.