Waiting for Me by Graeme A Watson - HTML preview

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Chapter 10


The chosen venue was packed with both fans and press. Advance information had merely stated that Danny Cooper would be coming out of self imposed hiding and wished to make a important announcement. Of course, speculation was rife that he was either going solo or had found replacements for the two missing band members. Mike had been tight lipped and everyone else involved had signed non-disclosure agreements.

Mike started by going over 6Feet3's history and the unfortunate accident to Harry and Keith. He omitted the details of their alcohol level and drugs and also of the two girls who also lost their lives. He briefly touched on Danny's disappearance but said Danny would talk more of that. And then he introduced Danny. There was rapturous applause as he walked onto the stage. Jamie stood in the wings, nervously watching him. He looked totally different to the man she had spent the last week with. Gone was the beard and long hair. Now he looked much like the Danny she had first met over three years ago. And he was dressed in his trademark black leather trousers and black shirt. He looked gorgeous, Jamie said to herself. Then Danny spoke.

"After Harry and Keith's accident, I desperately needed to be alone. They had been my friends since before we started school together. I didn't know how I could live without them. At times I wanted to die too. I knew if I stayed around, I would be constantly asked how I was feeling and what I was going to do next. So I obtained a disguise, adopted a new name and went into hiding. I rarely stayed in one place for more than a couple of days. Gradually, my hair grew and so did a big bushy beard. I called myself Dennis Henley, or Denny at times. I was lonely on my own so often went out and met people. I may even have met some of you. I was relieved that no one recognised me.

"No one knew where I was. Even Mike my manager had no idea, although I kept in touch with him regularly via a disposable phone. Mike kept asking me to resume my career, either as a solo artist or by forming a new band. I was too depressed to consider it until an unlikely coincidence ten days ago. But first I must go back to over three years ago.

"It was while on 6Feet3's UK tour that we stopped in a particular town. On the Friday evening I went out for a meal with some friends, although not with Harry or Keith. The waitress who served us recognised me immediately but didn't fawn over me. She was beautiful, intelligent, efficient and above all, respectful. I was used to girls throwing themselves at me but this young lady treated me exactly as she treated all the other diners she was serving. She made an impression on me that I didn't fully realise until much later. Apart from seeing her at the show the next night - I had given her the tickets as a tip for the excellent treatment we had received - I never saw her again. As I mentioned, she made an impression on me. I couldn't get the image of her out of my mind. She was the muse that led to me writing 'Waiting for me', 'I had a Dream', 'Lost', 'Empty Spaces' and 'Where Are You Now?' It seems incredible now that I never tried to find her, but I didn't. She had said she was a final year student and had no idea where she would end up working. That and too much was going on in my life at the time were my excuses.

"About a month ago, I was tired of moving around and I knew my disguise was working so I rented a cottage for a few months. I would wander along cliff tops and enjoy the sea air. I would eat in town and chat to people on a range of subjects. Not once did I talk about 6Feet3 or rock music. Ten days ago I was in a restaurant I had never been to before. Sitting at a table not ten feet away from me was a young lady I recognised as the waitress from three years ago. She was still as beautiful if not more so. I was overjoyed. Or I would have been had she not been with another man. It seemed to me that their conversation was happy and maybe intimate, although I couldn't hear what was said. My eyes were constantly drawn to the face of this lady but it was obvious she didn't recognise me.

"I needed to pay a visit to the gents and on my way back I noticed a very different demeanour between the couple. The man was stood up and throwing a few notes on the table. This time his voice was raised and I heard what was said. 'That should pay for the meal and I want you out of my house by Sunday evening at the latest. I don't want to see or hear from you again.' Then he strode out of the restaurant leaving the lady in tears. I sat down opposite her and spoke to her by name. It was obvious she didn't know who the stranger talking to her was. I mentioned something to her that only she and I knew and the scales fell from her eyes. We needed to talk but not in the restaurant. We walked and talked for half an hour or so. The man had been her boss and her partner. He had sacked her and dumped her, in public, in the space of less than a minute. Naturally, she was distraught. As she had no job and nowhere to live, I offered her the spare room in my cottage.

"That lady persuaded me that I should resume my career. She has supported me, encouraged me and given me a reason for rejoining the world again. She had been the reason for many of my successful songs without even knowing it. Meeting her again made me realise how much I had missed her; how much I needed her.

"Today I want to announce two things: firstly, I will be starting a solo career. I am already planning a couple of new songs, both inspired by this remarkable lady. And secondly, I wish to announce that the lady has agreed to be with me, keep me safe and sane, and love me wherever I go. Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce the lady herself, the love of my life, Jamie Weston." There was a lot of applause and flashlight photography as Jamie joined Danny o the stage. He put his arm round her, kissed her swiftly on the lips and whispered to her: "You look beautiful. They'll love you."

Several people called from the audience to say a few words. With Danny's encouragement she spoke. "I am sure many young girls dream of falling in love with a rock star. I did not. I had a business career to look forward to; one I hoped would bring me intellectual satisfaction and maybe a good income. When I first met Danny three years ago, all I saw was a pleasant, chatty man who was enjoying a meal with friends. He happened to be a rock star. When, he handed me a tip as they were leaving he told me two things. He told me there would be two tickets for the following evening at the box office in my name. The other thing he told me was that he was going to write a song for me to remind him of my waitressing. He said it would be 'Waiting for me'. No one else was nearby when he said these two things so no one heard what he'd said. What he said to me when he sat in front of me was 'Waiting for me'. Then I knew it was Danny. When I first heard the song Danny had written 'Waiting for me', it wasn't what I had expected. It wasn't a bad pun on my waitressing, but I loved it. I hadn't told Danny I was a fan of the band at the restaurant but I was and always had been. When I was able to see and learn about the man and not the rock star, I realised there was a lot to love about him. I know he will be a star as a solo artist. I will learn to love the rock star too. Thank you." It had been a well rehearsed speech but it was a success.

More people asked questions, many of them to Jamie but Danny refused to let her answer any of them. He answered several himself, and then said he wanted to sing two songs with the lady who inspired them at his side. "'Waiting for me' was the first song Jamie inspired. I didn't realise at first just what an impression she made on me but I couldn't forget her beauty. And 'Where are you now?' was the last song that she inspired before we finally met again." At the end of that song, he took her in his arms and told everyone he now knew where she was and he was determined she would stay by his side.