Waiting for Me by Graeme A Watson - HTML preview

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Epilogue - 2 Years Later


The last two years had been hectic. Danny had written several new songs and released his first solo album, Love is Everywhere, which was an instant success. Four of the songs from the album had already been top ten hits in the UK and in three continental countries. A grand tour had been hastily constructed covering the UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands and Italy as well as spells in America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Jamie had assumed responsibility for merchandising. Her Business degree had proved extremely useful. Now, having completed the final gig in the town where they first met, Jamie decided Danny needed some well earned relaxation. The after show party had been a joyous and exhausting occasion. Jamie and Danny went to bed late and slept well into the next morning.

"I think we both deserve a good long holiday," Jamie told him when they were both awake. "We need to be away from distractions and paparazzi." Danny agreed. He would do anything for this woman who had given him the courage and encouragement to emerge from his self-imposed exile and embark on a solo career. And he knew he couldn't have done the tour without her support and obvious love for him. He also knew he would leave arrangements for the holiday to her. She was an organiser he knew he could rely on.

"I think I'd like to invite my parents and yours too. I've met your parents and you've met mine, but we've never spent time with both sets together. I'd like to do that." Danny thought it would be a lovely touch that he was sure the parents would appreciate.

"Of course, they'd have to sign NDAs. We don't want people finding out where we'll be. After all, that's part of the reason we are going away. And I think it would be wise if they let it be known they were going on holiday somewhere completely different to us and to each other. If they were going away at the same time to the same place, people might put 2 and 2 together and suspect they were going to meet us somewhere and follow them."

"I see you've given this some thought," he smiled. "So where are we going?"

"That's a secret. If I told you, you might let it slip and we'd be inundated with reporters." She grinned at him. "But I'm sure you'll like it. Oh, and I'd like to invite Amy and her latest boyfriend. More NDAs of course. As you recall, it was Amy who persuaded me to get involved with you. It'll be a sort of thank you to her."

"So it'll be quite a big party on holiday. Is that all or were you thinking of inviting anyone else?" He had a suspicion she hadn't finished with her list but he couldn't think of anyone else she might invite.

"Well, now you mention it, why don't you invite Mike? He's been more involved in your career than anyone else. Don't you think he needs a holiday too?"

"This is getting to be a very expensive holiday," he laughed. "I assume you expect me to pay for everybody?"

"Aren't I worth it?" she queried, raising an eyebrow.

"Every penny. Now, when and where do you want us to go?"

"In two weeks time. The others can join us a week or so later." She paused before adding: "I suppose we also ought to invite Sally."

"Why Sally? I thought the whole idea was to go somewhere where there wouldn't be reporters? So why do we need a PR guru?"

"I think we'll need her expertise when the story breaks."

"What story?" He was getting suspicious that she wasn't telling him the whole story. She grinned.

"Haven't you worked it out yet? And you might want to invite one other person." Yes, she was definitely planning something that she hadn't told him about.

"I haven't a clue. And why would I want to invite someone that you haven't already mentioned?"

"I'm remembering a statement you made shortly after I agreed to join you on this part of your career. A statement that I objected to at the time and for which you apologised. Ring any bells?" He struggled to remember so far back but slowly a smile began to spread across his face.

"And now you're withdrawing your objection?" Her face lit up as she nodded enthusiastically.

"I've decided that being with you all the time is more important to me than having children. I always wanted my parents at my wedding and I hoped you wanted your parents there too. Amy will be my Maid of Honour. So who will be your Best Man?" He didn't answer but swept her up into his arms, hugged her and kissed her passionately.

 "You've made me the happiest man alive. Do any of the people you've invited know about this?"

"I've spoken to them all about the holiday but no one knows anything about the wedding. They've already signed the NDAs. And they won't know about it until they meet us on a small, private Caribbean island that will be exclusively ours for a month. Also, none of them know where they will be going to. My parents are going to Spain for a few days. Your parents are going to Greece and Amy and her boyfriend are going to Paris. From these places, they will each get a flight to a different Caribbean island from where they will get a fast boat to our island. Not even Mike knows where we are going but he will follow us out a week later along with Sally. They've also signed NDAs although I'd trust them anyway. They will fly to the USA, then to a Caribbean island and finally by boat to our island. They will arrive a couple of days before the others. Now, what about a Best Man?"

Danny thought about it for a few minutes before deciding that Mike would be his choice. Mike had been close to Danny for five years, closer than any other man.

"I'm remembering something too. 24th February 2012. It's a night I will never forget or want to forget," Danny held her tightly to his body. "I think this calls for a repeat of that night but with two big differences."

"Oh, and what are they?" Jamie asked with a twinkle in her eye. She too remembered that night with the utmost pleasure.

"Firstly, it will start a lot earlier than 11:15 at night -  it'll start in the morning, I will definitely not be saying goodbye to you. I'll be yours for the rest of my life."

"I like that. It sounds like a title for a song - 'For Evermoire'," Jamie kissed him passionately. They had only recently woken up but it was going to be a long day and night of pleasure.