Went to Woo a Porn Star by Ina Disguise - HTML preview

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A Phoenix rising from the Asher


Asher whistled a happy tune as he wandered down the road. He did wonder a little about the strange woman online. It had been only three months since he had started his 'adventures in porn'. Nobody had ever just appeared and said he was beautiful, so he rather liked it. What a strange time for it to happen though? His fans online tended to be congratulating him on mining his source of 'white whores' which he found on one hand faintly offensive, and on the other quite amusing. He didn't personally care what colour they were. He just liked girls, and this was an excellent way of finding out what they wanted without too much ado.


She had mentioned his hand, and he had noticed that since then, he was noticing it more. How odd, to find yourself thinking whimsical thoughts about somebody you couldn't see and hadn't met, whilst in the process of bonking someone right in front of you? It was fascinating, how one's mind worked. He determined that this was worth taking note of, since this was part of what had bothered him about being married. He had drawn the conclusion that conventional love was a trap, and now here was this odd moment saying that it was perhaps a gate? Who knew that someone would approach you on the basis of your mind whilst you were producing anonymous porn videos? All she could see of him was one hand, legs, the sporadic foot, and of course his genitals.


People are very strange, he thought, but how nice! He was learning a lot! His hand was a symbol, he reckoned. He wondered what a hand meant to her? What could his hand be saying?


She was staying away from him he noticed, he was a little curious about it, but she had said she was working on something. Hopefully he would find out soon. Today was Sunday, so time for the kids.


“Hello Asher” Vishaka looked wary. He kissed her cheek and smiled.


“I hope you are well?” Asher looked slightly apologetic. “I am sorry I couldn't babysit.”


Vibhuti did it, it's OK.” Vishaka smiled shyly. Asher did not detect annoyance. He was relieved.

“I would like to go out for the afternoon, Asher, if that is OK?


Yes, yes that is ideal. I will make them lunch. They can join in, I brought salad.” he waved the shopping bag at her.


Fabulous. Thank you Asher, and I hope you are OK? Not too lonely in your flat?” Again she looked genuinely friendly. Asher guessed that the break-up had been a relief for her too. They hadn't really had a chance to get to know each other whilst producing their duty brood. It all seemed a bit polite, however. A little cool.


“No, it is fine, and am I right to think we are both on the same page?”


It's fine Asher, it really is.” Vishaka met his eyes and smiled. “It would have been nice for it to have worked out between us, but these things happen. I'm sorry you had to stop working.”


Good.” He took his bag through to the kitchen. “See you this evening sometime? No need to rush, I'll handle it.”


The sitter is coming at eight anyway. I didn't want to cramp your style!” Vishaka smiled and almost skipped out of the door with a knapsack in her hand.


Asher smiled and shook his head. The children were playing rather noisily upstairs. He decided to spend some time with them and the toys before lunch.


Some time later, following a delightful few hours of making messes with vegetables and stains with turmeric, he found himself playing Twister with his small giggling children and quite enjoying it. He was getting on better with them too, he found, since he had become less stressed.


Eight o'clock came around faster than expected, although the children were already dressed for bed when the sitter arrived. She was a mother herself, and always seemed to Asher to be a little neglected.


Hello sir.” This caused Asher to become slightly aroused. He blushed a little as he ushered her in.


“Hello, thank you so much for coming so promptly. They are ready for bed, just watching a film.” He noticed the sitter eyeing him up somewhat hungrily. “I am sure we will meet again.” he smiled naughtily as he gathered his things. He kissed the children. “See you next week.”


“Bye daddy!”


He extricated himself and set off to his flat. He couldn't possibly bonk the sitter, he thought. Since taking up his new hobby, he had found submissives in the most surprising places. Ladies of all ages that he had thought couldn't possibly even notice him would suddenly undo a button on their blouse, tug at their hair, or give some other indication that his maleness had been acknowledged. It was most surprising, and quite enjoyable. Almost like having an entirely new body. He was not invisible any more.


Heart swollen with contentment, he allowed the waves of well-being to carry him back to his flat, whereupon he finalised his arrangements for the following morning. A delightful and somewhat chatty redhead.


“I'm going to suck your big brown cock!” she exclaimed when she saw it. “Gosh it's big! Are you going to put that big brown cock into me! How marvellous! Just wait! One minute until I get the angle just right!”


She did not stop talking throughout, which rather disconcerted him, but it was comedic genius. It is extremely difficult to dominate someone who cannot stop talking. He guessed it was a skill he would have to learn. He stifled his giggles all day. It was nice to spread a little joy.