Went to Woo a Porn Star by Ina Disguise - HTML preview

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Cyn City


“So what do you like about this guy exactly?” Lorne looked confused and a little disgusted.


“He's beautiful.”


I just see an Indian dude hitting people with a belt and pissing on them. What do you see?” Lorne was bewildered. “I didn't get it with Little Shiva, and I don't get it with this guy? Little Shiva looked like an overdressed yob with big lips and this guy – you can only see half of him anyway?”


Oh right, OK. The musculature on his back indicates that he has studied. I know this because one of the exs had a similar issue at 23 and this guy has a similarly 'aging' back at 38. I know I have a genetic advantage in that respect and always overworked so I don't have it, but together with the other information, that of his outstandingly well-toned pectorals and very well turned hands and arms, tells me that despite the lengthy studying, he now works standing up and using his arms and hands a lot. The beautifully maintained and very strong hands tell me that he isn't a yob, and although he is careful about the pixellation on his face, the curve of his chest in one of the videos also indicates that he isn't an idiot and is used to commanding a certain amount of respect. When he is whipping them with a belt, he does this lovely little jump which tells me that he is happy and relaxed, and the way he uses his feet is also unusual and rather pleasant. I hate feet generally but his don't upset me at all. I think, in fact, that I hate feet because other people hate feet. He doesn't hate feet.”


What about his cock?” Lorne was confused that this had not been mentioned, since evidently this would feature heavily in the videos.


“It has a lovely variation in colouration between milk and slightly mouldy dark chocolate, but I don't pay too much attention to it in comparison with the body hair coverage, which is just gorgeous. I don't really think about sex directly at all, oddly enough, I would just like to wriggle about next to him and laugh, which I guess is more dangerous in a way?” Cynthia had evidently thought about this quite a lot. “I mean, evidently wriggling about and laughing ends up with sex at some point, but the wriggling and laughing bit is the only bit that actually matters at the moment.”


What do you think he does for a living then?” Lorne was fascinated by Cynthia's focus.


“Possibly a lecturer or a medical person? I don't know. I suppose he could be anything from a chef to a lawyer really. I'm thinking about the muscle structure again. Does it matter? He's a porn star as far as we are concerned. Let's just stick to that. Besides which, none of those things are what makes him beautiful.”


“So what makes him beautiful?”


Honesty. Ingenuity, having dreamt up this idea in the first place. Not wanting anything he isn't given. He is very calm and down to earth. All of those things make him special and beautiful.” Cynthia's face remained impassive, but Lorne detected that she was noticing that she was upset.


“Look at all these silhouettes I did.”


“Some of them are quite naughty.”


I like how strong they look. I feel much better about being a little sturdy thing.” Cynthia had been making cartoon silhouettes of herself all week. “I like how my creative brain is working on this.”


“Who else have you been talking to?”


“A lovely 18 year old virgin whom I advised to take up a different career, because he is a labourer and very scared of women because he doesn't meet any. A naturist who likes to talk about art and the outdoors. A Geordie dude who is also very nice, but I think he is probably married and on the fly. A Moroccan who is obsessed with anal. Two very young men who are making quite serious attempts to hook up with me.”


“That all sounds terribly civilised.”


“Yes, there are far fewer nut jobs on Pornbub than on Faceblock actually. Fewer dick pics, oddly enough too.” Cynthia smiled. “A lot of them just want a chat. I got a long list of things some dude wanted to do to me the other day and I advised him to take a lot of zinc, which led to a conversation about all the food with zinc in it, and why one needs a lot of zinc if producing a lot of semen.”


You are mothering porn fans.” Lorne warned, laughing a little. “You are so funny when you don't mean to be.”


Gee, thanks. I like to think of it as practical and caring.” Cynthia grimaced.


“It is practical and caring, mum.” Lorne teased. “Are you thinking of seeing any of them?”


Not yet. I have some stuff to finish first. I might though, they seem nice and I need a cameraman. Do you like my djellaba?” Cynthia pirouetted in her pointy hooded woollen kaftan.


“Like an evil druid elf. You are getting more and more eccentric.”


“On recent experience, that can only be a good thing. I do seem to be becoming slightly more dominant than of late, which is also a good thing. Life has been out of control for too long.”