Whistlin' Dixie by Maggie Adams - HTML preview

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The sheriff came by the Coalson farm the next morning. Mac was sitting on the front porch nursing a cup of coffee. “Well, son, we arrested Jeb Hawkins this morning as the arsonist responsible for the burning of your offices. We’ll need Sam to come down and identify him as the man with the gas cans that he saw behind the barn.”

Ben spit on the ground. “As to the vandalism, well, we got lucky. Jeb was so afraid of the arson charge that he confessed to the vandalism the first time we mentioned it. Said he made a copy of the keys after he was fired by you.” Ben raised a bushy eyebrow at Mac. “Seems like you were a bit too busy to remember to take those keys from him when you gave him his walking papers.”

Mac scowled. He remembered well the cause of his preoccupation at the time. She was his wife now.

Ben hid a smile but sobered at the last piece of news. “Jeb said he couldn’t put a name to the man who hit Sam from behind. It was too dark. He’d been contacted by phone and paid through a P. O. Box. We checked out the story and it panned out. The box was issued using a fake ID and the sketch we showed the postal clerk identified him as our mystery man. Sam was hit before introductions were made, but Jeb confirmed our description. He’s agreed to plead guilty to the charges of accessory to arson in return for a lighter sentence for giving us any information on our real criminal.”

“Accessory to arson?” Mac was furious. “Sam saw him pouring gasoline all over and he’s given us nothing we didn’t know before. What about assault? What about accessory to murder because my brothers could’ve died in that place?” Mac’s voice carried through the open window.

Dixie stepped out onto the front porch to see what all the commotion was about. She turned inquiring eyes to Ben.

“Calm down, Mac and I’ll explain. Sam saw him pouring the gas; he didn’t see him light the blaze. That makes him an accessory. As for the assault, Sam said he was looking right at Jeb what he was hit from behind. Jeb said he fled the scene as soon as Sam went down. He knew Sam could identify him and he took off. That leaves our mystery man to drag Sam in with the others and light the blaze.”

 “You’re taking Jeb’s word for it that he fled the scene?” Mac asked incredulous.

Dixie rubbed Mac’s back. “Calm down honey,” she murmured “Ben’s a friend of the family. I’m sure he did everything he could under the circumstances.”

“Thanks, Dixie,” Ben murmured. “As a matter of fact, I didn’t take Jeb’s word alone. He was attached to a polygraph when he was questioned. In addition to that fact, there’s also the fact that I’ve been in law-enforcement thirty years, and you can believe me when I tell you he would’ve sold out his own mother if he could’ve gotten a lighter sentence.”

 “At least we know a bit more about what we’re up against regarding this guy. Sam’s right. This is more than just sour grapes over competitive contracts. Whoever is doing this is out to destroy me and my family. Apparently, he’s going to go to any lengths to do it.” Mac rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “If we could figure out why, we’ll have our man. But I’ll be damned if I know, Ben. This thing just gets curiouser and curiouser.”

He glanced down as Dixie squeezed his hand. She smiled up at him with all the love in her eyes. He smiled back, noting how fresh and pretty she looked in her peach dress, the tension in his chest receding. How had he ever gotten this lucky? Was it fate that had sent her to him just when he needed her love and support the most?

Ben’s next statement drove him back to the present. “We’ll figure this out yet, Mac. But for now, be thankful that no one was seriously hurt and hopefully these clues will lead us somewhere. I’ll step up security around the farm and your homes, but you don’t need me to tell you to take any extra precautions you can to keep you and your family safe.”

“Do you think he will come after us on a more personal level, Ben?” Dixie asked quietly.

“At this point, we’re dealing with a live wire. It’s best to be cautious.”  He gave a tight smile. “A warrant has been issued for his arrest in connection with the fire and attempted murder. I’ve got copies of Jamie’s description of him to post in every store in the area. If he’s still around here, we will find him.”

He went on to say that the local arson squad was pursuing several leads found at the scene of the fire. Mac offered a reward for any information that could lead to an arrest and Ben agreed to include that on the flyers he would be posting around the area. “You know that doing this may bring out every kook and conman who comes across it,” Ben added skeptically.

“Yeah, but maybe one of these kooks has been approached by this guy. Maybe he could lead us right to him,” Mac said.

Ben agreed that was a remote possibility. After inquiring about the rest of the family and offering to postpone Chance’s statement until he was released from the hospital, Ben took his leave.

Mac went in to explain Ben’s conclusions to the rest of the family. Dixie headed for the stables. A few minutes, later Mac joined her. Grabbing her hand, he led her for a short walk to a grassy knoll overlooking the farm and orchard. “We need to talk about what happened at the fire, Dix.”

“I know,” she murmured as she slipped away from him to take a stand against an old oak tree. Every time she thought about how close she came to losing him, she alternated between bone shaking terror and burning rage.

“I realize you were upset and afraid for me, honey, but I could no more have left my brother to die in that place without trying to help them out than you could of let those children defend themselves against that boy with the gun. Our protective instincts are too strong. If we think there’s even a remote possibility of success, we have to help the people we care about when they’re in need.” Mac walked over and pulled her into his arms.

“I know you’re right, Mac. But I can’t promise not to never get angry. The reason I was so upset when I found you had entered that building was because I felt so helpless. The anger and frustration of being unable to help you, of standing there doing nothing, was too much. I know that was exactly how you were feeling as we waited for Chance to appear. When you made it out alive with Chance, my feelings were just too wound up and intense. I guess they needed an outlet. Unfortunately, you became my target.”

“There may be times when we can’t do anything but watch and pray for those we love, but if we can help, no matter what, we’re going to do that. It’s in our blood.” Mac smiled. “If that means that I have to be a whipping post for your paltry hits, so be it. Just remember that I need an outlet for my intense emotions, too.” He grabbed her for a soul shattering kiss.

Dixie wrapped her arms around him. She kissed him tenderly, telling him that all was forgiven. Mac returned her passion, kiss for kiss, until they were both breathless with longing. With a rueful smile, Dixie pulled her arms from around his neck. In full view of his parents’ house was not the proper place to make love.

Mac kissed her forehead. “We are so fortunate. Many people don’t even have one person to love them and care for them, while we have so many. I didn’t think I could ever find someone to share my life with. You waltzed into my office and out of my dreams, at a time when I didn’t believe I would ever find the loving relationship my parents enjoyed, or that it even existed anymore. Looking at the love in your eyes, I realize that I’ve found it. You made my every wish come true.” He laughed. “And I even got another brother in the bargain. I love you so much, I can’t even think about what I would have become without you in my life, but I know I could never be this complete without you by my side.”

Dixie wiped away her tears of love. There was so much she needed to say about her love for him, and yet, she couldn’t find the words. Everything seemed to pale in comparison to her feelings for this wonderful man. She kissed the dimple in his chin. “Well, not only are you going to have me in your life, in about seven months you’re going to have a child. That’s why I fainted. I’m pregnant.” She waited for Mac’s reaction. They had never really discussed when to have children, just the fact that they wanted them.

 “A baby? We’re going to have… Are you sure? What am I saying, of course you’re sure.” Mac showered her with kisses as he repeated the good news over and over again.

“I was going to wait a while to broach the subject of a family to you because you’re so young,” she told him saucily. She touched the bit of gray at his temple, “But I can tell you’re just as happy as I am.” In answer to her cheekiness, he picked her up and swung her around until she laughingly begged him to stop.

When she finally caught her breath, Dixie looked into Mac’s loving eyes. “My grandpa always said life shouldn’t be measured in years; it should be measured in happiness. If that’s true, I can guarantee a long life of love and joy is in store for us. I love you, Mac Coalson, and I love the fact that our child is growing inside me, a living testimony of our love for each other.”

“Speaking of love,” Mac grinned wickedly. “There’s a hayloft in the barn over there just waiting for a couple of lovers. What do you say, Mrs. Coalson?”

Dixie was running down the hill toward the barn in a flash. She yelled over her shoulder, “I say, last one naked is a rotten egg, Mr. Coalson!”

Join the Coalson Family in the next installment of the Tempered Steel series, Leather and Lace, as they continue their search for answers to the vandalism while Sam and Angel try to find love again.

“Don’t tempt me, Angel.” Sam’s eyes turned dark.

“I like tempting you. I love knowing you want me after all these years.”


Sam’s Peanut Butter Squares

1/3 lb. graham crackers, finely crushed (1 pkg crackers)

2 sticks melted butter

1 lb. powdered sugar

1 cup peanut butter

1 pkg milk chocolate chips, melted

Mix all ingredients, except chips, together.

Smooth into 13x9 pan.

Melt chips in microwave until smooth.

Spread over graham mixture.

Refrigerate for one hour.

Cut into squares and serve.