Whistlin' Dixie by Maggie Adams - HTML preview

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It’s so hard to make sure everyone that has supported me is acknowledged. I could be writing personal thanks for days! So I’ll just say that I love you! I appreciate you! And if you’re ever in trouble (and I’m not sitting in jail with you), I’ve got bail money and a great alibi!

A special acknowledgement to my talented daughter. It was my job as a parent to teach you, but you have taught me so much; not only about daughters and friends, but about who I can aspire to be. I hope you will always be as proud of me as I am of you. I love you!

Another special thanks to my tech savvy son. Without you, I would still be floundering in cyberspace, trying to tweet on Facebook (yes, I know the difference now). Your calm acceptance of my quirkiness and loving support of everything I do lets me know that even if nothing else in my life is good, I still have my greatest accomplishment – my children. I love you!

And, of course, to my husband, Ned, who told me to “just write the damn book already!” So I did.

This series is dedicated to the people in my life who believed in me; Tammy Bugger – my shoulder to cry on and cheerleader; Jenn, and all the wonderful people at the Killion Group, Inc.; My friends and family; thank you for your love and support. You made this book possible with your encouragement, your smiles, and your honest critiques.

It is also dedicated to the people who said I’d never do it – to my face or behind my back. Thank you for bringing out my fighting spirit. As my daughter is fond of saying, “Just watch me!”