3012: The Artifact by John M. Grier - HTML preview

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Still intrigued by the lighting system in these caverns, Jack took the opportunity to climb higher to see if he could get a better look at the source, now that dawn had arrived.  He walked into the natural cavern and ascended a path that looked both natural as well as worn.  Looking back to where Paul was standing, he said “I am amazed that these lights here extend into the natural caverns as well.  I wonder how deep into them they go.”

Not really paying attention to where he was going, since he was examining the ceiling, he was surprised when someone spoke to him.  “Hello, stranger” the voice said.

Jack nearly fell down with surprise.  However, he quickly composed himself enough to reply and simply said “Hi.”

Paul and Suzie were watching all this and joined them.  The stranger said “We don’t get many visitors around these parts.  Are you from the town by the lake?”

Cautious, Jack said “Not really.  Actually, we’re from the surface.  We’re just passing through on our way north.  Do you live nearby, or back in the town?”

The man said “My name’s Bob and I have lived here all my life.  My wife and I and our children have a home just a bit up this path.  A bit further on is a small settlement of a few families.  We try to avoid the military types in the town, but that’s not always easy to do.  My oldest son just recently got drafted into their service.  My wife still cries over that.”

“My name is Jack and this is Paul and Suzie" said Jack, indicating each in turn.  "We were planning to just stop for a rest before continuing our journey, hopefully avoiding the military types as well.”

“We were just preparing breakfast.  Would you like to join us?”

Before anyone else had the chance to respond Paul enthusiastically said “We would be delighted.  Thank you!”

“Please follow me and I’ll introduce you to the rest of the family” said Bob.

When Bob turned away and started up the path, Jack said “Paul, what are you doing?  We should avoid these people.  They may be just trying to slow us down so Lt. Jameson can catch us again.”

“I couldn’t resist, Jack.  This man has a family.  I have only your stories, as well as the little bit of history to go by that I have encountered from time to time, to even have any idea what a family is.  As a scientist, I can’t pass up this chance.  Surely, you understand.”

“What will we tell them about Suzie?  She won’t be able to eat with us.”

“I’m sorry guys.”  Turning toward Suzie he continued “To be honest I’m having a hard time remembering that you are not a real live person.  I really hadn’t given any thought to the fact that you wouldn’t be able to eat.  I’m sure we’ll think of something.”

In no time at all, they were entering the caves occupied by Bob and his family.  Bob introduced his wife “Jack, Paul and Suzie, this is Rachael.”

Rachael said “Pleased to meet all of you.  Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes.  Will you stay and join us?”

 Suzie spoke up and said, “We were really only stopping to stretch our legs a bit.  I’m sure the guys here can join you, but one of us should go back and keep an eye on the vehicles.  And, as wonderful as everything smells, I don’t think it wise for me to join you.  Perhaps next time we pass through I’ll take you up on the kind offer.”

Before anyone could protest, she made her exit and headed back to the HumVee.  Technically, she was right.  Someone really did need to keep watch.  You never knew when the military from the town behind them would free themselves and continue the pursuit. 

Rachael rang a bell and to Paul’s amazement, seven people of various sizes came running in.  Bob said “These are our children, minus Tom, our oldest son.  Children, this is Jack and Paul.  They will be joining us for breakfast.”

Paul took everything in, much as a scientist faced with a new and unexpected experiment would.  Jack knew he would have a hard time dragging him away. 

Jack’s sour mood at the interruption of their journey yet again was changed to one of wonder when he saw what was for ‘breakfast’.  Rachael had fixed heaps of scrambled eggs and sausages, with an enormous pile of bacon, home fried potatoes, hotcakes and a few dishes he didn’t recognize.  It had been ten years since he had bacon and he missed it greatly!  He said, “Rachael, this smells wonderful.  And if it tastes as good as it smells, you may never get rid of me.”

Rachael smiled and said “You are certainly welcome anytime, Jack.  It has always been our idea that if we can’t help each other, what’s the point in life?”

“I certainly agree.  But, from what I have seen lately, that sort of sentiment has been missing from the world.  It certainly is on the surface.”

With a look of alarm, Rachael asked “You have been on the surface?”

Jack said “Yes, for the past ten years I have lived under some old ruins and frequently interact with the cities there.  Paul here is from Harmony, a city not too far away on the surface.”

They all looked at Paul as if he had suddenly grown an extra head.  Finally, he said “I am an archaeologist studying the past and Jack and I are on our way north on an expedition.  We mean you no harm and sincerely hope you think of us as friends.  However, I know many people on the surface may not think that way and will certainly keep your community a secret.”

They all sat down to the feast that Jack could no longer think of as merely breakfast, and quietly, Bob, Rachael and their children sat still for a moment, with their heads bowed, but saying nothing.

Paul found this an extremely interesting ritual, but said nothing, not wanting to disturb them any more than his being from the surface already had.  But, after only a moment, they began passing food bowls and platters around.  Jack seemed to fit right in as if he was used to this type of behavior. 

Paul tried a bit of everything and had to agree that it was simply wonderful.  He couldn’t help but think that he would be very disappointed to return to his life in Harmony and the bland, vegetarian diet.

After the feast, Jack and Paul had no desire for things to end, but both knew they had to be going.  Paul said, “Bob, Rachael that was a wonderful meal.  Thank you very much for your hospitality.  I would extend the offer to you, but fear it unwise, as you may well imagine.  However, I shall keep you in mind as friends.  Now, sadly, we must be going.  Suzie will wonder what’s keeping us, I’m sure.  Thanks again.”

“Yes, thank you very much” said Jack.

Bob said “You are always welcome here; if you are passing through again, please stop by, but be very careful. We certainly welcome you back, but the military types around here are not very open.  They fear strangers. In fact, we were all under the impression that the surface people were unaware of us. We have always hidden ourselves from them, fearing the consequences. The military types take that idea very seriously…far too seriously if you ask me.”  Suddenly Bob looked real nervous, and Jack knew that it was time to go.

Jack said, “Its ok, Bob. We will certainly not say anything to anyone about you folks. But we’ll be glad to stop in if we are ever back in the area.”

Paul and Jack took their leave and made their way back to the HumVee and Suzie.  They got back on the road in moments and once moving, Jack said “Thank you Suzie for saving us back there.  I wouldn’t have wanted them to know you are a hologram.  It’s hard to know how they may have reacted.”

“I thought as much and acted accordingly.  I do wish I could have managed to stay and observe though.”

Paul said “I certainly have never observed anything like that.  That was an experience I shall not soon forget.  I dare say I shall never forget it!”  He thought for a moment and then asked “Jack, I know some of that food was meat, but I am curious, which animals was I consuming back there?”

Jack had to laugh at his friend’s unique way of asking his question.  When he composed himself, and noted Paul’s blank stare, he responded.  “Pork.  The sausages and bacon are both types of pork, which comes from pigs.  The eggs were from chickens.  I have a few chickens around the old base where I live, but pork has been hard to get.  There are pigs in the area, but not as easy as cows to hunt.”

Satisfied with the answer, Paul merely nodded and they drove for only about another hour or so before the next hurdle reared its head.

Paul said, “As interesting as the last stop was, I have to say this idea of creeping about like moles might not have been such a good idea after all.  Maybe it’s time to head back to the surface.”

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”  He pointed to the guard ahead of them who was at an obvious check point and said “But we have to deal with this guy first.”  They approached what appeared to Jack to be an old military style guard shack.  Jack was driving again and approached slowly.  Suzie assumed her role of female officer and, seated in the back, did the talking.

The guards approached the stopped vehicle and asked “Where are you heading with such an unusual convoy?”

Suzie said “We are on a mission of a sensitive nature that requires the use of the surface vehicle behind us.  Please let us through so we can be on our way.”

“I’ll need to see your traveling papers, Ma’am” said the guard.

“As I said, this is a secret mission of such a sensitive nature that papers were not produced.  You certainly should know that if we were caught on the surface, we could not possibly have anything with us that could lead the surface government down here.  They can not be allowed to know of our existence.  Now, Please let us through immediately!”

“Yes Ma’am, no problem.  I’ll just call my superior and you can be on your way in no time.”

He walked back to his post and Jack said “Good job, Suzie.  But, I think we’re still in trouble.  When he calls us in, I am sure he’ll give a description of us and we’ll be back in jail.  Hang on everyone!”  Having said that, he put the vehicle in gear and crashed through the gate, causing the guard to jump out of the way.  He didn’t slow down to see if anyone was following, but just kept on going at as high a rate of speed as he could manage safely in these tunnels.

Soon enough, he came to another intersection.  Taking a right turn at random, he continued.  Shortly after the turn he noticed that this tunnel appeared to be abandoned like the tunnel under his home in Virginia had looked.  Sure enough, it came to a dead end at another enormous elevator shaft.  Not having much choice, they backed the vehicles into the elevator car and pressed the top floor button.

Taken by complete surprise, Jack was shocked that the elevator worked.  After all, this elevator, like the one at his home, was at least a thousand years old.  Either it had been wonderfully maintained, which was doubtful, or it was rebuilt with materials that would withstand centuries of neglect, sometime after Jack’s time.

When they reached the surface, they drove out of the elevator car and stopped to take a look around.  Laughing, Jack said “Paul, take a wild guess where we are!”

Paul said “Jack, I have no idea.  Hopefully, we are closer to Canada than when we started, but I’m not even sure of that.”

Picking up the remains of an old sign, he said “Paul, welcome to Hershey, Pennsylvania.  To be precise, we are inside the chocolate factory in Hershey.  There was a time I would have considered this the next thing to Heaven.”