3012: The Artifact by John M. Grier - HTML preview

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Paul’s Rescue


Suzie had been to Harmony many times, in the virtual world of the 31st century internet, but this was her first time to be able to actually walk down the street.  She was safe to walk around Harmony without fear of people bumping into her and inadvertently passing right through because in this society, people went out of their way to avoid touching other people.

Even though the population of Harmony was considerably less than that of New York City of a thousand years ago, she came to the realization that Jack was right in not letting her visit that city.  It was difficult enough here, in this society, where people actually avoided her.  She couldn’t imagine what it would have been like where people simply did not care if they bumped into you or not. 

She kept close to Jack and simply enjoyed the sensations of being a real person, if only in her mind.  She had been created centuries ago, and instilled with her creator’s personality, at least that was her assumption.  She defaulted to a man that was military in nature, and lacked a personality altogether in most people’s opinion. However, in reality, he was also a stored personality of one of the people on the team that was involved in her ultimate creation.  There were several such personalities loaded, but Jack really liked this one and she was personally happy with his choice.

Before entering the city, Jack had asked her if she could pick up Paul’s tracking signal and follow it.  That was simple for her, and she was now leading them both to Paul’s location.

Jack was worried about what situation he would find Paul in.  Hopefully, he would be in a public place and Jack could at least get a message to him that rescue was imminent.  If not, somehow they would have to improvise.

He chose the evening hours to try to free Paul, thinking that his guards, if any, would be a bit more relaxed.  He was not ready, however, for what he saw.  As they approached the building where Paul was being held, he noticed it was a rather fancy restaurant.  As he scanned the windows for any information that may help him, he actually saw Paul.  Paul was having what seemed to be a rather intimate dinner with someone.  The mysterious dinner companion had her back to the window, so Jack couldn’t tell who it was.

Apparently, Paul had gotten himself out of whatever trouble he found himself in.  Or, they had brainwashed him into compliance.

Suzie couldn’t tell either who the person was so the two of them decided to just stroll in and see what happened.  As they entered the restaurant, Jack began to feel uncomfortable.  Somehow, he just knew that all of these people, except Paul, were government employees.  This did not look good.

As they approached the table where Paul and his companion were dining, Jack noticed that Paul seemed very happy.  Maybe he had been overreacting and Paul was simply out on a date.  He came up next to the table and for the first time saw that the mysterious dinner companion was no less than Janet!

Paul said “Jack!  What are you doing here?  Is the dig over already?”

Jack said “Not really, Paul.  We stopped due to a technicality.  We are still in need of someone such as you to complete the dig.”

Smiling warmly, Janet said “Hi Jack.”

Jack realized that for the first time, he had actually spoken in Janet’s presence.  Oh well, too late to back out now, so he said “Hi Janet.  This is a bit of a surprise, seeing the two of you together.”

“That’s what my friends keep saying when they see us together.  No one is used to seeing a government employee hanging out with a civilian.  But we don’t mind, do we Paul?”

Paul said “No, we don’t.  Janet and I have hit it off pretty good, Jack.  In fact, we have spent just about all the time since getting back here in each other’s company.  And I, for one, very much like it!”

“We both do, Jack” agreed Janet.

Jack said, “I don’t want to spoil your dinner, but when you get a chance, Paul, I would like to show you something.”

“Actually, we were just finishing up and were going dancing tonight, but I suppose that can wait.  Give us a minute to settle the bill and we’ll meet you outside.”

“Okay”, said Jack and he headed outside.  Suzie, upon seeing Janet, kept walking past the table in order to avoid an uncomfortable situation with her.  In Janet’s mind, Suzie was also a government employee and would not normally be seen with Jack.

Outside, Jack said “Suzie, maybe you should hang out somewhere nearby, but out of sight, at least for the moment.  I can’t figure out how this happened.  I remember telling Paul that I thought Janet liked him, but I was really just teasing him.  I guess she really does.  Imagine that!”

Back inside the restaurant, Paul said “Janet, let me go talk to Jack a minute before you join us, okay?”

“Certainly…I’ll be along in a few minutes.”

 As Paul made his way outside he let his mind wander.  Apparently, Jack had been successful in his quest to free his ship and had managed to move it closer.  Or, it was still encased in ice and Jack really did need his help.  "Whatever the case, I'm sure I'll find out soon enough" he thought to himself.

He exited the restaurant and spotted Jack, who was obviously nervous.  Jack said “Paul, quick, let’s get going before she catches up with you.”

“No Jack, I won’t leave her behind.  Something happened and we made a connection that I don’t understand. I can’t bear the thought of not seeing her again.  I haven’t told her everything, but I do want to take her with us, if you do in fact have the time machine freed and nearby.”

“I don’t like it Paul” said Jack.  “I don’t like it at all.”

Janet came out of the building and approached the pair of them.  With a friendly smile she said “So, what mischief have the two of you been cooking up now?”

Realizing that his friend did indeed have the vessel nearby, Paul said, “Janet, there is something we want you to see.  It is outside the city walls.  Will you join us?”

Jack said nothing, but did not look happy. 

Seeing that they were actually taking Janet with them, Suzie had no choice but to approach them “Hi,” she said.

Jack led them to their hovercraft outside the city walls but seemed to revert to his normal quiet mood around Janet.  Paul kept Janet in conversation the whole trip and Jack had to admit to himself that they seemed to be enthralled with each other.

When they approached the boat, Janet seemed apprehensive.  Boats were not unheard of, but hovercrafts were much more efficient and could go anywhere.  When Jack let them out, then parked the hovercraft on the roof of the boat, finally securing it with straps, she became worried.  “Paul, where is Jack taking us?  This seems very unusual.”

“Trust me, it will be okay” he said.

Suzie had remained quiet as well and thankfully, Janet had not questioned her or inquired about her presence. 

Once they were all on the boat, Jack finally spoke.  “Paul, how much have you told Janet?”

“Very little, I’m afraid.  This is all new to me, too, you know.”

“Okay, just checking.” Jack took a deep breath, and said to himself, “Here goes nothing.” Out loud, he said “Janet, you are not going to believe this, but this vessel you are standing on is actually a time machine.”

Jack paused to give her a moment to digest this. “I have had it in my possession most of my life.  Ten years ago, I made a time jump one thousand years into the future.  I landed here.  Actually, I landed under an enormous sheet of ice in Canada, which is why I always seem to be on the arctic digs.  I was quite simply looking for my vessel.  As you can see, I have it and it is obviously free of the ice.”

Janet said nothing, trying to understand what she was just told.

Paul said “I assume you jumped successfully?”

“Yes, Suzie and I leisurely spent about a week sailing down here from Canada.  She wanted to stop in New York City, but I talked her out of it, for reasons that become obvious once you are aware of the culture there.”

Janet said “Wait a minute.  You said you spent a week getting here? A week ago you were on the ice nowhere near the boat, if this is in fact the boat you were digging for.  That doesn't add up!” Janet was more confused than alarmed, but was not buying this, at least not yet. “Obviously this craft certainly exists, since we are standing on it, but how could it be the same one?”

“Actually, what has been a week for you has been more like two for us.  We obviously finished the dig and recovered my boat, which is a long story all by itself, and jumped back in time one thousand and ten years, to the point where I left.  We then spent a week getting here at which time we jumped back into this time, at the exact moment we left.  Only our position had changed.”

“You're saying that you traveled back in time? You spent more time than you have somehow, because of this machine?” Janet sighed deeply being very confused. "Time travel indeed," Janet thought.  “I think I'll just go along with this for now and see where it leads me.”  “Okay, I still don’t get it, but what are we here to see?  I mean, there is nothing but wilderness here.”

Jack immediately felt relieved. "Well," he thought to himself, “This went better than I thought.”  Letting out a breath he was unaware of holding, he said “As Paul is probably aware, a thousand years ago this was a thriving area.  I plan to take us there so you can see it.  Don’t worry; I’ll bring you back, if that is what you want.  But, just look at it first, please?”

Having said that, he made his way to the time control panel on the bridge and engaged the auto return function.  In a flash they were back in Jack’s time.  Janet had been standing on deck with Paul during the transition and was shocked to see a bustling civilization simply appear in front of her.

Paul, who was a bit more prepared, was still amazed.  Suzie just smiled and disappeared into the bowels of the boat only to reemerge an appropriate time later dressed in a bathing suit and assumed her place on the bow of the boat, in a deck chair.

Paul smiled at this and couldn’t wait to let Janet in on that little secret.

“Where are we headed, Captain?” asked Paul.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you are about to be granted visitation to the castle of Sir Jack of Destiny.”

“Sir Jack?” asked Paul.  “You never mentioned a knighthood.”

“Well, this is a surprise! I didn't think you would know what that title meant!” Jack exclaimed happily. He was thrilled that someone recognized his title, however accurate it may or may not be.

“Jack, it's me, Paul!  I'm a historian, remember?  Among other things” Paul laughed.  He was secretly glad to actually get one on Jack for a change.

“Well, actually, it may no longer apply.  A few hundred years ago I supposedly saved the day.  Actually, I knew my history and simply showed up to lay claim to something that was done by a ship captain that never made it home.  His ship was lost with all hands in the Bahamas.  I happen to know where it is.”

Jack was actually feeling a bit sheepish, now that he thought about it. “I know, it is a bit sneaky, but since I live in a castle, I felt I needed a title to go with it.” He paused, thinking about it.  “Actually, if I were to make a few little trips, I could secure my title and assure that it gets passed to me.  Once again it will be mine, but this time by inheritance.”