3012: The Artifact by John M. Grier - HTML preview

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The Heist


For three long days they followed the pirate ship.  With nothing better to do, Paul made good use of the time reading.  Jack spent his time trying to figure out what was wrong with the time circuits.  Janet enjoyed the time relaxing in the tropical sun with Suzie.

At one point in their three day crawl to the heist they somehow found themselves involved in, Paul said “Jack, I am really sorry I got us into all this.  I mean, we have something we are supposed to be doing, like finding that third disk back in my time, and here we are creeping about with dinosaurs, and now pirates.  If I had just kept my mouth shut about the dinosaurs, we wouldn’t be in this mess.”

Janet said “Paul, if you hadn’t got us into this, we wouldn’t have had nearly as much time together.  These past days have been great!  Granted, getting stuck in the past is rather frightening, but as long as we’re together, I for one, really don’t mind.”

“And, to be honest, I also have been having fun.  Not only with you, but it has been quite a learning experience as well.  Who would have thought that the world was so young?  But aside from the adventure at hand, which I have to admit is truly exciting; I guess I’m just getting impatient to see what those disks are hiding.”

Jack said “We’ll get there, Paul.  Remember, with this vessel, we can return and no time at all will have passed, other than from our perspective.”  Settling back to a quiet wait, he continued “Besides, who knows how much opportunity for relaxation we’ll have once we do get back.”

Suzie kept morale up in her usual perky manner.  You never knew exactly what she was going to do or say next.  One thing for sure, she certainly was not boring!  One thing Jack had her do was during the three days of following the pirate ship, she would appear on deck each time as a different person.  This way, the crew of the pirate ship wouldn’t figure out that there were only four of them.

When left to her own devices at night, Suzie would take every opportunity to mess with the minds of the pirate crew.  For example, every night at the change of the watch on the pirate ship, she would appear as a mermaid to them.  She would remain in the water, but close enough to be seen.  As soon as someone would spot her, she would slowly drop beneath the surface of the water and appear to swim away.

The crew members that saw her were utterly convinced that she was a real mermaid, even though she obviously made no splashes in the water.  They all got into trouble with the captain who was convinced they were drinking rum while on duty.

Late into the third day, the pirate ship signaled Jack’s boat for another meeting.  Captain MacGreggor called for Jack to meet him on his vessel this time.  There was no way he could refuse since the other captain had joined him upon their first meeting.

Jack pulled alongside and a rope ladder was thrown to him.  He scrambled up the ladder pretty quickly for a man of his years.  But then, a ship full of pirates in need of impressing was great motivation.  Captain MacGreggor said “My crew tells me ye have quite a sizable crew Captain.”

Jack said “As I said, we are adequate to get the job done.  Speaking of which, shall we retire to a more suitable location to further discuss details?”

Captain MacGreggor said “By all means, please come with me.”  He led Jack to his stateroom where they would be alone.  “Jack, I can’t help but notice that you travel with a pair of women.  Dreadful bit of bad luck, that.  I would be more than happy to relieve you of either or both, if it strikes your fancy.”

Fearing a confrontation he hoped to avoid, Jack said “One of the two ladies in question is betrothed to my first mate, and is a fine sailor herself.  The other is a member of my crew, of whom I have no intention of losing, if ye catch my meaning.”

Jack’s claim of the betrothal of Janet and Paul was not too far from the truth, in his mind.  They simply were unaware of what the word means.  He would have to give them a ‘heads up’ so to speak, as well as an education of how things work in this century.  Women were more looked upon as property and had no rights to speak of.  They could own no property themselves and generally had few choices of profession.

Seeing the stern look on Jack’s face, the pirate responded “Well then, if that be your final word on the matter, I shall consider it closed.  Now, about the matter at hand, the treasure I speak of is not far from here.  Just over the horizon we will find a fortress.  This fortress houses the booty of a fleet of ships bound for Spain with treasure, mostly gold trinkets and such.  The fleet that brought said bounty sailed from the mainland of the southern continent.  They became mired in a great storm and were feared lost.  However, a few of them managed to limp here and the fortress agreed to hold the vast wealth for the King.  Apparently, a second fleet has been dispatched from Spain, but has yet to arrive.  All we need do is stroll in and help ourselves.”

Jack said “Just stroll in and help ourselves?  That seems a bit vague for a plan, Captain.  Do you have any details of the fortress?”

“Aye, as it turns out, I do.  One of my crew members was held captive there for a time.  He knows the layout rather well.”  Walking over to a cabinet, William retrieved a document.  “He drew this sketch of the interior.”

Jack took the drawing and studied it intently.  According to the plan, the treasure was stored in a room that had every appearance of being accessible to them with little effort.  He said “How many guards are patrolling regularly?”

“Normally, there would be six at any given time.  However, since they acquired this treasure to watch over, they have tripled the guard.  Getting it isn’t the problem.  Getting it and getting away is the problem.  They have a fast ship stationed here.  It is rumored to be even faster than mine.  And with my vessel heavy laden, I won’t stand a chance.  What we need is a diversion.  How fast did you say that ship of yours can sail?”

Jack said “Actually, I don’t recall saying.  But, I suppose I could provide a diversion.  I also know of a place you can hide your vessel for a few days while things cool off.”  Jack rummaged through the pirate’s charts and found one that showed his island.  His castle would not be there yet, but the island should not be inhabited, either.

He pointed to the island and said “This island has a natural harbor that is well secluded, backed by a cliff with a grand view of the surrounding area.  The cliff also has a cave system, if you feel the need to lighten the load for a few days.”

William said “Will ye be joining us at this wee island?”

“No, I fear not.  I am due to a series of appointments well to the north of here.  I was on my way when we encountered each other three days ago.  Once done with this adventure, we must part ways.”  Jack thought a moment, then said “William, please allow me to return to my vessel where I can think on these matters more.  I shall return in an hour and we can finalize our plans.  Perhaps I will have a way to provide that needed distraction for the guards.”

“One hour then” said William.  He led Jack back to his boat and waited.

Jack quickly entered his bridge area and his crew followed.  He said “Captain MacGreggor plans to steal a treasure from a fort just over the horizon.  It is apparently South American gold looted from the locals there.  The fleet transporting it was damaged in a storm and they are waiting for a replacement fleet.  We are to provide a distraction for him while he breaks in and steals the gold.  Any ideas anyone?  Suzie, could you check the history of the gold we are looking at?”

“Aye, aye, Captain, sir” she said with a smile.  After a few seconds she said “Bear in mind I am somewhat limited due to the lack of an internet in this century.  However, in my database exists an encyclopedia of sorts.  The only thing I can find is a treasure from South America that was lost in a hurricane.  The ships were never heard from and the treasure never showed up again.”

“Interesting.  Maybe our captain over there has a few facts wrong and the treasure is already lost.  I have an idea.  I’ll tell the pirates that we can go in tomorrow disguised as a merchant vessel.  We’ll borrow a flag from him, I’m sure he has several, and try to get a look at the inside of the fort.  Suzie, how would you like to be a wealthy merchant’s wife?”

Suzie immediately changed back into the fancy dress she had on when they first arrived here.  She said, will this work?”

Jack said “I don’t see why not.  I may not look quite the part, though.”

Paul said “That might work, if you can get Captain MacGreggor to agree to it.  And, don’t worry, Jack.  Everyone’s eyes will be on Suzie, I’m sure.”

Jack said “There is one other thing.  The captain asked about both women.  Paul, Janet, I told him the two of you were betrothed.”  Turning to Janet, he continued “Paul may have an idea what that means, based on our subterranean adventures that now seem like a lifetime ago, but you may need a quick education.

“Betrothed means to be engaged to be married.  In this time, and every time I have visited, as well as my own, men and women would generally marry each other.  This means they would commit to each other exclusively, and share their lives with each other, perhaps raising a family.  I know that is a rather simplified explanation, but I must be getting back to the pirate ship.  I will explain more later if you need me to.  But, if it should come up in conversation, I want you to be prepared.”

As Jack made his way back to the pirate ship, Suzie wandered onto the deck.  It was quickly obvious that Paul was right.  Every pirate’s eyes were on her, including Captain MacGreggor’s.  The pirate captain smiled as he said “I see you came up with a proper diversion after all Captain.”

Jack said “I may have, indeed.  I am thinking we should go in tomorrow dressed as a merchant vessel carrying a wealthy passenger.  You may have noticed my crew member on the deck.  Your crew certainly has.”

“Aye, how could I miss her?  Ye may have something there after all.  But, your lack of sails will start them to asking questions.  Questions I have been wondering about myself, but have been much too polite to inquire of.”

Jack said “Yes, well, it is not something I can readily speak of.  However, I fear you are right.  Perhaps I can borrow an old sail, preferably one that is greatly torn.  I shall rig it so as to give the appearance of a ship that was damaged in a storm, or an encounter with other independent minded vessels, if ye get my meaning.  It shall look like the mast was lost and we are limping into port in search of repairs.  How can they turn us away?”

“With one as fair as your female crew member on deck upon your arrival, they certainly will not refuse you a safe berthing.”

“It is my desire to get inside the fortress myself and have a look around, perhaps inquiring about a place to store my cargo while repairs are made.”

“Aye, that may just work.  After dark, I and a few of my men will meet you on the deck of your ship to discuss what you have found.”

Jack said “I do believe we have an accord, sir.”  He rose and shook the pirate’s hand, then turned and strode out of the room.  The pirates were still enthralled with Suzie, who was pleased with all the attention, so he made it back to his boat virtually unseen.  He thought to himself “I can certainly see why they considered women to be bad luck on ships.”

Shortly after he set foot on his boat, Jack saw two crew men from the pirate ship carrying what could only have been the tattered sail he asked for.  They deposited it on his deck and asked if they could be of assistance, obviously feeling so generous in order to get closer to Suzie.

He agreed and they rigged the sail in a way that it would catch a bit of wind and look as if they were a sailing ship that was in distress.  Jack wanted to arrive as early in the morning as he could, so he started out right away.

In no time at all, they spotted the island with the fortress and headed in that direction.  Suzie remained on deck, dressed in the highest European fashion of the day.  Hopefully, the men of the fort would be just as enthralled.

They maneuvered the boat into the harbor as slowly as they could manage.  The look of the vessel made it obvious that they were in distress.  They made their way to the dock and were met by the harbor master.  He had a look about him that said he wanted them to be somewhere else, that is until he spotted Suzie.  He simply could not send her away; it would be unheard of to send away a lady in distress and he could never forgive himself if something evil happened to her.

Suzie, knowing that this was a Spanish fort and not everyone on board spoke Spanish, decided to try for English.  To accomplish this, she spoke very poor Spanish with a thick French accent to the harbor master.  He had no idea what she said, so she switched to English.  Able to converse in English, it was settled.  Even though they were flying a Spanish flag, they would speak English, thanks to Suzie. 

She said “We are ever so glad to find your cute little island here.  We have been making such poor time since that dreadful storm damaged our boat.  I do hope you can accommodate us for a few days?”  Before waiting for an answer, she strolled off the ship onto the dock.  She had to be careful to remain ‘unassisted’, which was certainly unusual.  She took several steps past the harbor master, who had no idea how to handle the situation, before turning around and asking “Which way to your hotel?”

The harbor master regained control of his ability to speak and said “Madam, we have no hotel.”

“No hotel?  Wherever shall I rest my weary head?”

“I shall personally escort you to the fort, if you like.  They may be able to accommodate you for a few nights while repairs are made to your vessel.”

Jack and Paul left Janet in charge, disguised as best as she could as a man.  She was well armed, though.  If someone tried something, she would be able to defend herself, if need be.  Paul was not happy about leaving her behind, but someone had to stay and the two of them were better suited to do a recon of the fort.

Suzie turned her head and said to Jack and Paul “Come along, gentlemen.  You will need to know where to bring my luggage later.”

The four of them made their way to the fortress, with the harbor master in the lead.  Jack was impressed.  So far, it had gone much better than could be expected.  When they got inside, the officer in charge had no problem giving Suzie a room for a few days.  He led them to a room that was obviously an officer’s quarters.  Someone would not have a bed tonight.  But, in those days, chivalry was not yet dead.

Much louder than was strictly necessary, Suzie instructed Jack and Paul to have her luggage transferred to her room as soon as possible.  She then went inside to wait for their return.

Jack and Paul made their exit and Jack said to the guard on the way out “Her highness shall get her luggage when we are good and ready to bring it!  It has not been a fun journey these past days with a crippled ship and a spoiled child in the guise of a lady on board.”

Satisfied that they now had some hours before anyone would become suspicious, they made their way back to the boat.  Janet was still there, unmolested.  Apparently, all eyes were on Suzie and the speculation of where she might be later in the evening.

Little did they know, but Suzie had already disappeared. She took the form of an off duty guard and set about exploring the fortress.  She made her way through the fortress with no problem.  Everywhere she went, she overheard people talking about the lady who suddenly showed up on the crippled boat.  She learned the layout in no time, finding that the story about the gold was only partially true.  There was a treasure, but the pirate ship could easily hold all of it in one trip, if need be.

Satisfied that she knew enough, she made her way back to her room, did a quick change in its ensuing privacy where no one could observe her transformation and stormed out of the room.  She headed straight for the fort’s gate, where she muttered something to the guard about inept help these days and continued on to the boat.  The guard merely smiled, thinking of what Jack had said to him.  She boarded the boat and the four of them went inside to talk things over.  Suzie said “That was fun, Jack!  We should do it again sometime.”

“Suzie, contrary to what has transpired these past three days, we are not pirates, nor will we become pirates.  And, as soon as we can get away from everyone, we are jumping out of here.”

Janet heard footsteps on the deck and said “Someone’s coming”

There was a knock at the door and when Jack opened it, William stood there smiling.  “Captain Murphy, I could not have asked for a better diversion.  While you were making like a sick puppy, we were able to get in, get much of the gold and get back out, although there was a bit left that we could not get to, but no need to be greedy, eh?  This small chest represents your share, as promised.  I had to estimate the number of crew, based on the numbers my crew counted, but it is in there as well.  I shall take my leave now and perhaps our paths shall cross again.  I shall certainly welcome it, sir.”

“And I, too” said Jack.  “Thank you.  Although, I must say that I am a bit surprised at the desired outcome arriving in such rapid fashion.”

“I must confess, I was planning to not go through with it, but when I saw your clever disguise as well as my crew’s reaction to your female crew mate, how could I resist?”  Captain MacGreggor made his way off of the tiny ship and to the astonishment of the men on shore, Jack headed slowly back out to sea.

Janet said “His crew must have gotten in there somehow, before Suzie had her look around.  That gold she saw must have been the bit left over.”

Suzie said “If that was the little bit they left behind, then we certainly did not get nearly our fair share.”

Jack said “We were not doing this for reasons of profit, but merely looking for means of escape so we can get back home without causing a stir.  I fear we may have done worse by helping them as much as we did.  I actually had no intentions of following through.  Perhaps Captain MacGreggor knew that.”  Once out of sight of the island, he said.  “Should we take a vote on what to do now?”

“What are our options?” asked Paul.  “I for one am eager to get back to my time and to our mysterious disks and their messages.”

“Now that we are free of pirates, we need to find a place to take a look at the time circuits and determine why we still are not home.”

Suzie said “I have given that some thought, Jack.  When we jumped from the land with the dinosaurs, we had no sea water.  So, we made do with what we had.  The result was only jumping a short distance through time, landing in that violent storm, which Paul claims to be the great flood mentioned in the Bible he is reading.  It certainly is plausible.

“However, we had to jump out so quickly that the machine was not fully recovered and as a result, we did not make it all the way home, but stopped here.  I think if we check the log, we will see that the power was not at 100%.”

Jack began looking at the log as soon as Suzie mentioned it.  From what he could tell, she was correct.  He said “It looks to me as if you’re right, Suzie.  I guess we can try a final jump home now, if that’s what everyone wants.”

Thinking about their situation a bit further, Paul said “Jack, let’s go back to your castle and get a plan of action together.  A night in a good bed might do us all some good.  It has been a rather eventful week!”  Everyone seemed in agreement, so Jack made the jump.