Sci-fi Fantasy Books

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Showing results: 61-70 of 700
The Skylark of Valeron

The Skylark of Valeron

Edward E. Smith | Sci-fi Fantasy
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
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Feeling his companion's eyes upon him, the doctor turned his inscrutable stare upon Loring, who had been studying his chief even as DuQuesne had been studying the outlander. Loring's cherubic countenance was as pinkly innocent as ever, his guileless blue eyes as calm and untroubled; but DuQuesne...

To the Sons of Tomorrow

To the Sons of Tomorrow

Irving Cox | Sci-fi Fantasy
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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The Olympus could never return to her home planet; her crew was destined to live out their lives among the savages of this new planet. But savages could be weaned from their superstitions and set on the road to knowledge, Theusaman thought. Or could they?

Pattern for Conquest

Pattern for Conquest

George O. Smith | Sci-fi Fantasy
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

The signal officer leaped from his position and made a vicious grab at the thin paper tape that was snaking from his typer to the master transmitter. It tore just at the entrance slot. The tape-end slid in; disappeared.

Robot Nemesis

Robot Nemesis

Edward Elmer Smith | Sci-fi Fantasy
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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The War of the Planets is considered to have ended on 18 Sol, 3012, with that epic struggle, the Battle of Sector Ten. In that engagement, as is of course well known, the Grand Fleet of the Inner Planets—the combined space-power of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars—met that of the Outer Planets...

Quest to Centaurus

Quest to Centaurus

George O. Smith | Sci-fi Fantasy
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Captain Alfred Weston entered the room and nodded curtly to the men at the conference table. Doctor Edwards, holding forth at the head of the table, nodded as though he had not seen the over-polite greeting. He waved the newcomer to an empty seat on the opposite side of the table, and Weston went...

The Jet Jockeys

The Jet Jockeys

R. W. Stockheker | Sci-fi Fantasy
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

This jet burn I picked up the time I pinwheeled into the force fence on the big Zeta socket track on Mars hadn't exactly left me looking like a glamor flash from the telecolor screens. Only up until now I had never let that worry me because the way I figure it you don't race rockets with your face...

The Time-Raider

The Time-Raider

Edmond Hamilton | Sci-fi Fantasy
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

In beginning this account of our great adventure, it must be understood that I attempt no complete history of the matter. There will be gaps, many gaps, in the continuity of my story, for that story remains, after all, simply a record of my own contacts with the Raider, and with those people whose...

In the Cards

In the Cards

George O. Smith | Sci-fi Fantasy
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

The masked man crept down the corridor stealthily. It was quite dark in the hallway but he knew that it was a synthetic darkness, a matter of temporal convenience, for on a spaceship, time is regulated by the Terran daily cycle of twenty-four hours.

The Deadly Dust

The Deadly Dust

Murray Leinster | Sci-fi Fantasy
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

A sturdy, small fishing-boat wallowed and rolled and heaved and pitched in the huge slow swells of mid-Pacific. It looked very much like any other fishing-boat and remarkably like those tuna-boats that put out from the West Coast of the United States and pursue their prey for as many thousands of...



Wesley Long | Sci-fi Fantasy
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

The trouble was a MacMillan held in the clawlike hand of a Martian. The bad business end was dead-center for the pit of Guy's stomach and the steadiness of the weapon's aim indicated that the Martian who held the opposite end of the ugly weapon knew his MacMillans.