A FULL LIFE by Michel Poulin - HTML preview

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New York City


‘’Good evening, dear viewers, and welcome to the CBS Evening News. I am Katie Couric, your host, and we have lots to cover tonight, starting with the bombing and destruction of the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington this morning, the incredible scenes of supernatural healings which followed there, then the reported American airstrikes against the Los Zetas drug cartel inside Mexico and the official declaration of war by President Bush against the Los Zetas. On that latter item, which was broadcasted live on our breaking news at six o’clock, it will be rebroadcasted at seven and at nine tonight, for the viewers who could not watch it at six. President Bush announced in his address that the United States is now officially at war with the Los Zetas Mexican drug cartel and will use all its military might to bring down and destroy what the President described as ‘a criminal organization and a foreign terrorist group which conducted attacks and bombings inside the United States’. President Bush declared in his address that the American armed forces will pursue and destroy the Los Zetas wherever they are, including in Mexico, as was done today when American jet aircraft bombed multiple locations belonging to the Los Zetas inside the Mexican state of Tamaulipas. President Bush also addressed the American domestic threat aspect of the Los Zetas and their illicit drugs distribution and sale in our country by declaring the street gangs affiliated with the Los Zetas or colluding with them to sell drugs on our streets to be quote ‘accomplices of a foreign terrorist organization’ unquote. Those said street gangs, notably the MS-13, the Latin Kings, the Texas Mexican Mafia, the Sureno-13, the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas and many others, will now be treated as suspected accomplices to terrorist acts on American territory and will thus be treated as ‘irregular enemy combatants’’ and will not be protected by our usual Bill of Constitutional Rights, like the way Muslim terrorists taken by our forces in Afghanistan were treated under martial law instead of under our normal judicial system. Finally, President Bush firmly urged the Americans who use illicit drugs to quit using them and for the Americans who do not use drugs to stay away from them, emphasizing the fact that the buying and use of illicit drugs by American citizens was the direct cause of the crimes and violence plaguing our streets due to drugs. CBS expects that many human rights organizations and rights advocacy groups, like the ACLU and the ADL, will protest those new anti-drug policies as being in violation of the American Constitution and as abuse of power by President Bush. We will thus closely cover the political developments on this matter.

Now, to cover the tragic events of this morning in Washington, we will now be joined on


line by our Washington correspondent, Chip Reid. Chip, what are the latest news about the bombing of the Ronald Reagan Building?’

The square-jawed reporter nodded once before answering Couric.

‘’Katie, the news about that terrorist attack are unfortunately not good. As of now, a confirmed total of 193 people are dead, killed in that bomb blast. While many of those victims were federal employees of either the CBP, the AID and of the Department of Commerce, at least half of the victims were private citizens working for various commercial outlets, shops and offices situated inside the Ronald Reagan Building.

Many may ask why there are no wounded mentioned, especially in view of the high number of fatalities. Well, there would have been dozens, if not hundreds of wounded caused by that bombing, if not for the miraculous intervention of two persons who performed healings by using their supernatural powers. Those two persons are the famous retired General of the Army, Ingrid Dows, and her toddler son, whose name is Michael Dows. I will now play online three short videos taken by onlookers, showing mother and son performing miraculous acts before flying away towards the White House.’

Katie Couric stayed mostly silent as those videos played on the channel, letting Chip Reid comment on them. She did speak up at the end of the last video, which showed Ingrid Dows, her son and their dog, levitating away from the bombing site.

‘’Chip, seeing such a young child perform such extraordinary feats is bound to make a lot of people pause and ask questions about where and how he got such powers of healing.’

Reid’s expression became most sober as he answered the TV news hostess.

‘’Katie, that is actually known and General Dows herself has been quite open for many years already about the origins of those powers. Basically, she calls herself a

‘Chosen of The One’, this ‘One’ being described by her as an invisible but extremely powerful spiritual entity which has been following the evolution of the Human race for millions of years. According to Ingrid Dows, tiny parts of that ‘One’ inhabit each of us during our lives and then return to The One at death for a period of spiritual cleansing before going to a new Human fetus in a process called ‘reincarnation’ by Dows. She also emphasized many times that this ‘One’ is not the God of the Bible, nor is it any of the other gods venerated today or in the past around Earth. It does not want to be worshipped, nor does it want to be preached about. According to General Dows, it only wants Humanity to improve by itself over time, without its active help save from


occasional and limited interventions by its Chosen. As such a Chosen, General Dows has repeatedly demonstrated in the past decades and most lately today that she possesses a number of impressive supernatural powers, including the power of touch healing and the ability to fly by herself. As for her son Michael, his case is even more fantastic than that of her mother. While he was born naturally from Ingrid Dows, his father is said to actually be a powerful sub-entity of The One called ‘Archangel Michael’.

Thus, young Michael, who is now three and a half years-old, is officially listed in his birth certificate as a half-Human, half-Celestial being, and has just proved this morning that he holds powers commensurate with his fantastic nature. Our viewers should be reminded that General Dows has another child, a daughter named Nancy, now a grown adult, who is also a half-Human, half-Celestial being and whose father is also Archangel Michael. She proved her nature in the past by performing a number of miraculous healings in and around New York City, something that earned her the nickname of ‘The White Angel’. Right now, Nancy Dows is mostly known as the star singer and band leader of the hugely successful all-female band ‘The D.C. Five’. All in all, a most incredible and powerful little family.’

‘’I’d say!’ said Katie Couric, duly impressed. ‘’Chip, Ingrid Dows is known to presently reside on the West Coat, near Seattle. Do you know why she was in Washington today?’

‘’Katie, I can only speculate on that, but the fact that she was seen very close to the White House suggests that maybe she came to Washington to advise President Bush on this crisis with the Los Zetas. Remember that General Dows has been acting as an occasional presidential advisor for nearly all past presidents since the 1950s, be they Democrats or Republicans, and was very much appreciated in that role. If she indeed came to Washington to advise President Bush on the problem of the Los Zetas, then it could only be a good thing for the country, as she is known to be a true strategic military genius and an expert in World geopolitics.’

‘’I see! And what about the Mexican government? How is it reacting to all this, Chip?’

‘’In a few words: very little. Apart from placing an official diplomatic protest about the airstrikes on its territory, we have seen no Mexican concrete action to try controlling the Los Zetas. If you would remember, when the Los Zetas attacked our three consulates in the state of Tamaulipas and massacred our diplomats, the local policemen who were supposed to protect our consulates melted away as soon as the Los Zetas


started their attacks, leaving our people defenseless. The Mexican Army did cover the evacuation of our embassy and other consulates but didn’t even try to enter the State of Tamaulipas, where the local governor is widely accused of being in the pocket of the Los Zetas, like too many Mexican officials.’

‘’But, with the continuing complete closure of the American-Mexican border, this crisis is bound to create economic and social chaos in Mexico, which was one of our biggest trading partners.’

Chip Reid’s face turned somber then before he replied to Katie.

‘’That is unfortunately too true, Katie. While Texas and our other southern states are also suffering to a point from that border closure, things must be starting to be downright awful in Mexico, with tens of thousands of Mexicans now unable to go work in the United States and with Mexican farmers unable to sell their products in our country.

All this is very sad and tragic, but the utter failure of the Mexican government to rein in the Los Zetas and the other drug cartels operating from its territory is clearly to blame in this crisis, which is exposing Mexico as a quasi-failed state.’

‘’How sad and tragic indeed. Hopefully, things will get better soon.’

‘’I wouldn’t hold my breath on that, Katie.’ then replied a glum Reid.

22:42 (Washington Time)