A FULL LIFE by Michel Poulin - HTML preview

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26 Woodland Drive Northwest

Woodley Park District, Washington, D.C.

Ingrid, who was watching the televised news with Nancy and her band members in their big lounge, sighed with discouragement as the exchange between Katie Couric and Chip Reid was finished replaying on the CBS channel.

‘’Unfortunately, Reid is correct about his assessment of the situation. The cancer of the drug cartels, and not only the Los Zetas, is at a malignancy state in the United States and it will take more than a few airstrikes to effectively deal with that problem. I expect in particular to see a lot more violence and crimes in the streets of our country in the coming days and weeks, as desperate drug addicts cut off from their regular supplies and street gangs unable to sell drugs start resorting to petty street crimes.’

‘’And what could our government do to prevent that, Ingrid?’ asked Erika Lang, the band’s drummer.


‘’I already counseled President Bush about how to deal with that aspect of the problem, notably by cracking down hard and quick on the street gangs affiliated with the drug cartels and by boosting the medical assistance to our citizens who are addicted to illicit drugs but are not habitual criminals, so that they would not be pushed by desperation into petty crime. Please keep this to yourselves, girls, but President Bush accepted my proposal to issue a presidential pardon and to free those in prison on simple possession of cannabis. He will announce this pardon tomorrow morning. This move will free a lot of prison space for the tens of thousands of street gang members who will soon be arrested, thanks to the new powers given to our law enforcement agencies in order to deal with the Los Zetas and its affiliates in the United States. As for the members of the Los Zetas we will eventually capture in the United States, they will soon be able to enjoy some lengthy vacations in Cuba, at the Guantanamo Bay Resort.

The Los Zetas may have thought that they could push us around, as usual, but this time things will be very different, I assure you.’

‘’And you, Mother?’ asked Nancy after a short pause. ‘’Are you going to stay long in Washington with little Michael?’’

‘’I don’t know yet about that, Nancy. It will depend on how this situation will evolve. I already talked on the phone with Jeff Hiller, to make arrangements about my job in Port Angeles while I will be here, counseling President Bush. Thankfully, Jeff proved to be very comprehending and promised me to keep my chair in Port Angeles warm while I am in Washington. There is only one thing left for me to arrange now.

Who would be ready to babysit little Michael while I work at the White House?’

Five enthusiastic hands immediately shot up in the air at that question.

07:11 (Sweden Time) / 01:11 (Washington Time)

Friday, November 02, 2007 ‘C’

Apartment Number 11, # 46 Lovisag, Stockholm