A Starlet is Born by Maysam Yabandeh - HTML preview

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From Black Hole with Love

The kid alien, dazed and confused, is shot out from the other side of the black hole, upside down. Not much longer, she recognizes the green planet from far away, opens a hologram of the green planet that was given to her, and observes that they match. She doesn’t want to return to her dad empty-handed. Determined to finish the mission, she descends to the green planet.

She is flying over a hospital full of pregnant mothers. She tries to blow on the capsule towards a pregnant woman, but it doesn’t take. The capsule is still hanging in the air as if there is a magnetic force in the fetus that repels the capsule.

Although confused, she doesn’t mind much as there are tons of other pregnant women in the hospital. She tries it on the next pregnant woman, but the same problem arises again; the capsule is repelled by the body. She is now a bit frustrated. Three, four, ten, twenty… she tries it on hundreds of different people, but the capsule is rejected by all their bodies.

The kid alien is out of breath. She is sad that she failed her very first mission. She thinks that the capsule must be expired by now. After all, she was stuck in the black hole for almost two days. The capsule is aged, so is the Enjel inside it. It must be almost two decades in human years. It is no longer a fit for an unborn baby.

The kid alien is sitting by the ocean, feet in the water. She, quite depressed, is watching the sunset. She is thinking how she has let her dad down, and how disappointed he will be with her. A tear flows down her cheek.

As the sun is setting, she suddenly feels that the capsule is glowing. She is surprised; takes the capsule out, and takes a good look at it. Yes, it is glowing and ready for implantation. She looks around confusedly but sees nobody on the beach.

The kid alien finally looks down on the side and finds a drowned body brought to the shore by the waves. The corpse is lying on his front, and the waves are stabbing him hard. She takes the capsule closer to the corpse, and it glows stronger. Her face is illuminated with the blue color shining from the capsule. The kid alien excitedly blows on the capsule. Some blue waves leave the capsule and reach the corpse.

The dead man suddenly comes back to life, rises to his elbows, pulls his head out of the water, and breathes deeply as if he was just about to get choked. The breathing is then mixed with some painful coughs to get the water out of his lungs.

After a while that he gains his consciousness back, he looks up. The kid alien sees his face for the first time. He is a very handsome, 19-year-old man, with long, black hair, dark skin, blue eyes, and a classic mustache. The sunset in the background makes him look even more dreamy. He is very confused though. He looks at everything like he is on an alien planet, and it is the first time that he is here. He is even confused by his own body; raises his hand, turns them around, and watches them curiously. Behind his fingers, he notices the city lights coming from away. He lowers his hand and sees the city. He is amazed by the tall, impressive skyscrapers that are reaching for the skies.

The sunlight is now completely gone, and it has left the earth alone in its darkness. In the absence of sunlight, the artificial lights of the city shine out. The colorful lights make the city look very attractive. The resurrected stands up and walks towards the light.

The kid alien, happy of finishing her mission, flies up to bring the good news back to Greenovia. Her daddy is going to be so proud.

The young resurrected is walking in the city when his foot accidentally hits an apple. The red color of the apple makes it look very appealing. Being new to this planet, the young resurrected has no idea what an apple is. He gets curious. He lies down on the ground to get a closer look at the apple. His face is very near the apple.

He pokes the apple with his middle finger. The apple shakes a little but remains in the same place. As he breathes, he senses the smell of the apple. He is learning about the act of smelling. He smells the apple with a deeper inhale. The smell is pleasant. He dares to touch the apple. He picks it up, as he sits up on the ground. He brings the apple near his nose and sniffs at it. The apple accidentally touches his lips too. He gets curious and touches the apple with his lips again. He likes the taste. He does that again. Soon, he is eagerly licking the apple like a hungry dog.

He tries to touch the apple with his teeth too. A bit of apple juice leaks. It tastes amazing. He takes a moment for this amazing feeling to sink in. He then starts biting the apple like a hungry jackal.

He senses a worm moving in his mouth. He picks it out with his two fingers and takes a good look at it. He then looks at the apple and finds it rotten from inside. Worms are crawling all over inside it. It looks disgusting. Surprisingly, he puts the worm back in his mouth and continues chewing. As his mouth is still full, he takes another bite of the rotten apple.

The young man, still soaked, finds himself in the city, in a dark street. A pallet of colors dances on his face. He looks like he is hypnotized. He is watching a sexy, black woman dancing and singing. She looks directly into his eyes. She makes a gesture with her fingers, inviting him towards her. The young man is biting his tongue. His hand extended forward, he crosses the sidewalk like a zombie. He is getting closer and closer to the sexy woman. He is very near the sexy woman, that his head hits the glass of the multimedia shop. The video of the sexy woman is being played from a giant TV standing in the shop’s showcase. He, confused and in pain, rubs his head.

The young man hears a voice from behind: “Don’t blame yourself. We all are in love with her, and her juicy tits.” He turns and finds a skinny, bearded homeless man behind him.

“Haha!” the homeless man chuckles. “You don’t have an extra dollar for your fellow brother-in-love, do you?”

The young man doesn’t understand the homeless man and just stares at him.

“Man! Look at you so soaked,” the homeless man continues. “Did you fall into a giant puddle or what?” He still gets no reaction from the young man.

“You understand what I am saying?” the homeless man says while focuses on the young man’s exotic mustache and Latino-ish face. “No English, huh? I don’t know any Espaniol either, except Chicas Bonitas. Ha. Are you hungry?”

The young man is just staring at him like a robot.

“Hungry, Food,” the homeless man says while rubbing the young man’s belly. “Belly making sounds? Huh? I know a little place that gives roasted chicks for a dollar, American dollar of course. Do you have any American money? We should exchange it first otherwise.”

The young man turns and points to the sexy woman on TV.

“Oh, you want Rihanna instead. She is too expensive for you. I know a nice house on the corner of 13th street, with nice chicks. They have a black angel, name Tatiana, which is basically an affordable version of Rihanna. She is not cheap either, but I hear she is worth every penny. How much did you say you have?”

The homeless man takes the young man’s hand and puts it in his pocket. “Yep, that is right. Dig deep to see what you got?”

The young man brings his hands out of his pocket, with a couple of twenty-dollar bills, wet and torn.

“American dollar! So, you’ve already exchanged. Good, but this is not enough to buy one night of love. But I tell you what, a handsome boy like you could get it for free. You just need to listen up to your old man’s advice. I am Russell by the way.” Russell gets no reaction from the young man but the same emotionless face. “Name? My name is Russell, what is yours? Never mind, I am calling you Dick in the meanwhile; it suits the boner that you are carrying in your pants. Ha.” Russell points down to the young man’s obvious erection.

“Come, come my fellow in-love-with-Rihanna friend. You’re going to buy us dinner, and Russell will give you free lessons on how to get a free night with a cheaper Rihanna.”

The homeless man takes Dick’s hand and pulls him. Dick follows him while still looking back at Rihanna dancing on the giant TV.