A Trekkie's Unofficial Book Summaries by Geoff Canham - HTML preview

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Legacies, Book 2 of 3, Best Defense

David Mack


The Organian-ordered peace conference between the Federation and the Klingons has begun on Centaurus, with Gorkon heading the Klingon team, and Sarek heading the Federation one. Gorkon is the one Klingon there who seems willing to work for an agreement, but Major Sadira, aboard the cloaked Romulan bird-of-prey Velibor, uses the Transfer Key to send Gorkon to the alternate universe with the aim of disrupting the conference so that the Organians will disarm both sides. The Klingons do blame the Federation for Gorkon’s disappearance, and call in their cruiser, HoS’leth, and Sarek calls in the Enterprise. Sadira has her own problems because her use of the Key causes serious disruption on the Velibor and her domineering attitude doesn’t endear her to the crew. She tries using the Key on Sarek but hits Beel Zeroh, the Andorian military adviser, instead. Kirk recognizes the effect and realizes the Velibor must be cloaked nearby. With the help of the HoS’leth they locate it, but in the ensuing fight the HoS’leth is seriously damaged and the Enterprise rescues the surviving Klingons (much to their disgust – they wanted to die in battle). Sadira orders the Velibor to destroy the Klingon delegation on the planet, but that effort is largely thwarted by the efforts of the Enterprise and Sarek. In retaliation, Sadira sends Sarek and Joanna McCoy (Bones’ daughter, who was a nursing student on Centaurus and had been treating Sarek) to the alternate universe. The Velibor had been in a bad way before that, and the added disruption caused by the use of the Key encourages Centurion Mirat to kill Sadira, but the Velibor was already on a countdown to destruction. Enterprise manages to tow the ship away from the planet and beam off the Transfer Key before the Velibor explodes. Meanwhile, Captain Una (Number One) has met up with her old lost colleagues, and slowly comes to realize that events in the other universe are like being in a lucid dream (they never need to eat, scenes change suddenly, etc.) and she finds she can manipulate events but is not sure how that helps them. [Timeline: one week after events in the Obsession TV episode, six weeks after the events in Legacies Book 1]