A Trekkie's Unofficial Book Summaries by Geoff Canham - HTML preview

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Legacies, Book 3 of 3, Purgatory’s Key

Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore


The Enterprise heads for the Usilde in the Libros system, hoping to return Una, Sarek, Gorkon, and the others. Commander Visla of the Klingon battle cruiser, I.K.S. Qo’Daqh, wants to use this opportunity to regain her family’s honor, and without authorization also heads for Usilde, arriving not long after the Enterprise and immediately attacking it, but ends up defeated. The Klingon vessel, I.K.S. Vron’joQ, with Captain J’Teglyr had stood by during the attack and rescues Visla and her surviving crew. Visla soon kills J’Teglyr and takes control of the Vron’joQ, later attacking the Enterprise again with as much success as before (i.e. failure) and gets himself killed by the Vron’joQ’s original second-in-command, Commander D’jorok. Spock and Chekov prepare and send a probe to the alternate universe to try and locate the others, but find its power gets drained quickly (the Jatohr drain the power because the probe causes disruption in their universe). Sarek and Una have come to realize that everything they experience over there is imaginary and Sarek works out how to use the probe to return to their own universe. Some of the Jatohr got transported across before that, when Spock had tried to use the Key to retrieve Una and the others. The Jatohr citadel had reconfigured itself into a spaceship and blasts itself into low orbit to continue its terraforming of the planet, but the Enterprise manages to destroy it, along with the Transfer Key. All the Federation members and Gorkon are recovered, but Commander Raul Martinez remains comatose. The Federation sends a team to work with Sarek and Gorkon in helping the Usildar repair their planet and try to find a new home for the Jatohr who are now in our universe. [Timeline: 2268, immediately after the events of Legacies Book 2: Best Defense]


The Face of the Unknown

Christopher L. Bennett


Enterprise comes under attack from Betelgeusians, but are able to diffuse the situation, only to find that the Betelgeusians had been previously attacked by other Federation ships, but not Starfleet. Then they find that the attackers look like the marionette used by Commander Balok of the First Federation. They track down the Fesarius (Balok’s ship) which was also being attacked, but the attackers get driven off. Balok wasn’t there, but they meet with Lieutenant David Bailey (the Federation’s ambassador to the First Federation, although he’d only really seen the one ship). The Enterprise gets a cryptic message from Balok, which they work out is coordinates, but arriving at the system they only find one planet that had been previously inhabited, but had been devastated. Then a fleet of three Dassik ships arrive (which broke apart into eleven smaller craft) and start attacking them, and the Enterprise enters the atmosphere of a gas giant planet (known as Cherela) to escape them. But deep down they discover a series of massive artificial worlds, connected around the planet, where the First Federation species, the Linnik, and a collection of other species who had had to flee their worlds, now lived in hiding from the cruel outside universe. But to remain hidden, they had to control the atmosphere of the gas giant, and some of them, now known as dissidents, had established that this was causing the Web of Worlds to become unstable. The rulers, headed by Triumvir Tirak, denied that this was happening, and when the instability leads to the destruction of one of the globe worlds, Kirk gets blamed and arrested. A Dassik, Koust, had been sent down aboard a shuttle to investigate where the Enterprise had gone, and he gets captured, and ‘accidentally’ put in the same cell (Tirak had hoped Koust would kill Kirk). However, the two start working together, along with Spock who gets arrested after he starts working with the dissidents, which include Balok. Force Leader Grun (who heads up the Dassik fleet) starts bombarding the planet with fusion charges, which disrupts the Web of Worlds even more. The rulers have to finally allow the Enterprise crew and the dissidents to shut down the damping of the planet’s atmosphere to let the Web survive, and a cooler-headed Dassik commander (War Leader Vraq) has Grun relieved of command. The Linnik and Dassik turn out to have been related species, but the Dassik had enslaved the Linnik, and the Linnick had genetically altered the Dassik to escape from them with the aid of other species, the Bogosrin, Tessegri and Kisaja. The Dassick had grown and recovered enough to become a space travelling race again, but needed the knowledge of what the Linnik had done in order to prevent themselves dying out. Balok finally gets the Linnik to admit they have that information, and a deal is struck. Balok becomes a Triumvir, and the people of the First Federation emerge from hiding. [Timeline: circa Stardate 5361.7, mid-2269, sometime after the events of the ‘Turnabout Intruder’ episode, and not long before the start of the animated TV series]


Original Series – Young Adult Books

Crisis on Vulcan

Brad & Barbara Strickland


Spock (who is planning to enter the Vulcan Science Academy) accompanies his father, Sarek, on a diplomatic mission to Marath, to settle a dispute between rival factions and pave the way for Marath to become a member of the Federation. There, Spock gets to know a young Marathan named Cha-Tuan Mar Lorval, but although all sides sign the agreement, the faction that Cha belongs to seems put out and they try to ambush the Enterprise (captained by Robert April and with Christopher Pike as First Officer) as they leave the area to take Sarek and Spock back to Vulcan. Sometime later, Amanda is attacked on Vulcan, then Sirok (Spock’s cousin) is badly injured in mistake for Spock, as the Marath dissidents bring their fight to Vulcan, but they won’t say what their dispute is about. Spock recognises Cha in disguise on Vulcan, and slips away from the security of his house to try to find out what is going on, and succeeds in that but is injured in an assassination attempt. Cha saves him, but is injured himself. Spock discovers that one of the Marathans was to have told Sarek about a sacred site that all Marathans should be granted access to, but he failed to pass on the message because he wanted the war to continue, and the others felt restrained by religious taboos. A codicil is added to the agreement and all is settled. However, Spock has now been offered a position at Starfleet Academy (Robert April recommended him, after he had undone some computer sabotage by the Marath dissidents).



John Vornholt


McCoy's first meeting with Kirk is during an unofficial nighttime football game that ends with both of them in trouble, and McCoy being ‘volunteered’ for the Disaster Relief Service Club. He is not too happy when this results in him missing a trip home, and really unhappy when he almost falls from a ladder during training when an earthquake shakes San Francisco. But worse earthquakes are shaking the planet Playamar, and the Disaster Relief Service Club get shipped off there to help in the rescue effort. On the planet, McCoy's group (which also includes Spock and Lisa Donald) rescues a number of people, but they find themselves in danger as the aftershocks continue. Spock is puzzled by the earthquakes on what was a geologically stable planet. When they have to use a forcefield brace they notice the same ion storm effect that accompanies the earthquakes, and speculate that the earthquakes are being deliberately caused by someone in subterranean caves. They (along with a security team) are sent to investigate and discover a group of Danai (who had previously made claim to the planet) operating a forcefield generator to create the shocks. The security team is disabled by the Danai, and McCoy, Spock and Lisa are trapped, but they succeed in ambushing the Danai and rendering them unconscious. With the aftershocks stopped, the rescue operation is able to complete its task and the cadets are on their way home. McCoy hopes to get a date with Lisa, but she informs him that she has a boyfriend by the name of James Kirk.


Cadet Kirk

Diane Carey


Ensign Leonard McCoy is annoyed when he arrives at the Zodiac-class warp-shuttle, the Spitfire, that is to take him to the Starfleet Academy Science Conference at Colony Cambria and Cadet Kirk won't let him on, quoting regulations and stating that McCoy is not on his passenger manifest. When Ensign Spock arrives with new orders, namely that Kirk is to ferry Spock and McCoy, it is Kirk that is annoyed because he had won the right to transport Dr. Richard Daystrom to the conference, but Daystrom had been delayed. Anyway, orders are orders and they set off, but have a few tasks to perform en route. The first of those tasks was to check in at the unmanned Atlantis Station, but as they approach they get caught in a tractor beam and pulled down to the planet. Spock is for letting the tractor beam pull them in, but Kirk pulls them out of the beam when he spots weapons at the station, and the craft crashes, but not too seriously. Kirk insists, against Spock's advice, on sending out a mayday in accordance with regulations, but that leads the kidnappers to them. The kidnappers had wanted to capture Daystrom. Spock tries to negotiate with the kidnappers and gets himself captured. When Kirk and McCoy stage a rescue attempt, they too become captives because the kidnappers were expecting them. Kirk is annoyed because things had gone wrong even though he had followed regulations. Spock points out that regulations can't be expected to cover all eventualities. Kirk starts improvising explosives and, after they have escaped from the storage room they were held in, stages attacks on the kidnappers' equipment. They could have escaped aboard one of the kidnappers' interstellar runabouts, but Kirk doesn't want to abandon his first command, and Spock and McCoy join him in reboarding the Spitfire. Unfortunately, Joe Swingle (the leader of the kidnappers) had been expecting them to do that and was waiting for them, and he is armed and the trio is not. However, with the equipment on the station exploding around them, Swingle allows them to take off, and, with a bit of coordination between Kirk and Spock, the tables are turned on Swingle. Then they find a Klingon battlecruiser approaching (the Klingons were behind the kidnapping, although most of the kidnappers were humans), but the Enterprise with Captain Christopher Pike turns up, having received the mayday, and drives the Klingons away.



The Ashes of Eden

William Shatner & Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens


The time is six months before the launch of the Enterprise-B, and Admiral Androvar Drake gets appointed Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Starfleet, and Teilani, the ambassador for Chal (a former Romulan/Klingon colony), entices Jim Kirk to go back to Chal with her as head of planetary security. It also turns out that she has purchased the decommissioned Enterprise-A to be the flagship of the planet’s security force. Chekov and Uhura barely escape with their lives on an undercover mission to investigate the sale of Klingon weapons and they are then appointed, along with Sulu, Spock and McCoy, aboard the Excelsior, to track Kirk and the Enterprise, as Admiral Drake maintains that the planet Chal is involved with Klingon weaponry. The Excelsior is attacked by three Klingon warships but, after destroying one of the warships, Admiral Drake arrives in a shuttlecraft, announcing that the Klingons’ orders have now been clarified and they will join in the search for Kirk. It turns out that the inhabitants of Chal were genetically engineered by the Klingons and Romulans as a cross between their races, but also incorporating genetic material from captured humans. The hybrids were designed to survive and prosper following the anticipated war between the Klingon/Romulan empires and the Federation. Admiral Drake thought that the planet contained a super weapon and wanted to gain control of it, as well as disgracing Kirk who he was jealous of (they had served together on the Farragut). The Admiral dies in an effort to go back in time to stop Kirk, and the Enterprise-A is destroyed in the effort to prevent the admiral’s attempt.


The Return

William Shatner & Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens


Captain Kirk’s body is stolen from Veridian III by an allied group of Borg and Romulans and brought back to life by means of technology from an ancient civilization. He is at first unable to remember who he is and is taught to hate Captain Picard, and told his aim in life is to kill him. The Romulan in charge, Salatrel, is the granddaughter of the captain of the first Romulan vessel to use the cloaking device and who died in battle against Kirk. She sees using Kirk to kill Picard and destroy the Federation as poetic justice. Kirk sets out on his task and, in trying to find out where Picard now is, he has run-ins with Worf, LaForge and Data, and finally with Riker. Riker lays a trap on Deep Space Nine for Kirk and captures him, and discovers a Borg implant in Kirk’s brain. With the aid of Admiral McCoy, who will be 144 years old next month, Bashir manages to remove the implant, but Kirk remains programmed to kill Picard and is himself doomed to die from the effect of nanites in his body. Meanwhile, Picard and Dr. Crusher have been on a secret mission to investigate an apparent Borg invasion. They end up on a trans-dimensional hypercube Borg space station, where Spock (143 years old) has also been kidnapped to, while searching for Kirk. Picard and Spock both arrive, on different Borg shuttles, at the ship that Kirk has been transferred to (the Challenger), and it is discovered that Picard, Kirk and Spock have all had their minds affected to some degree by the Borg (in Spock’s case, by V’Ger). Pooling their knowledge and skills, they are able to locate the Borg’s homeworld in the Delta quadrant, and to travel there (aboard a Defiant class ship, the Monitor, renamed the Enterprise for the mission) by means of the transwarp drive from one of the Borg shuttles. Kirk and Picard transport down to the Borg’s homeworld and succeed in destroying the Central Node, but at the apparent cost of Kirk’s life, although Spock does not sense his death. We are led to believe that Kirk will reappear again somehow, somewhere. [Timeline: immediately after the events in the film Generations.]



William Shatner & Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens


Captain Kirk was rescued from the exploding Borg facility by a Borg recycling system, cleared of the nanites that were killing him, and he had spent two years living with a group of independent-thinking Borg before getting transport back to Federation territory. He arrives on Chal during a virogen outbreak that is stretching Federation resources to breaking point. He carries a cure for the effects of the virogen, with which he cures Teilani, the current love of his life. Meanwhile, Spock receives a message that his father had been murdered, and he heads for Vulcan to ascertain the truth of the matter. Captain Picard, aboard the Enterprise-E, also heads there after discovering that the virogen is being spread deliberately, apparently by a group of Vulcan environmentalists known as the Symmetrists. When Chal is attacked by Orion pirate ships, manned by at least one Vulcan, Kirk also heads for Vulcan aboard the science vessel Tobias, captained by Christine MacDonald. At Vulcan they find some substantiating evidence, but Kirk comes to realize that the Symmetrists must have been behind the earlier ecological tragedy on Tarsus IV, where Kodos the Executioner had killed half of the colonists. He leads the group there, as he believes the Symmetrists to be using it as their base, which turns out to be true. They also discover that T’Pring and Stonn are part of the current Symmetrist movement, along with Srell, who had been Sarek’s and Spock’s assistant, and who had been poisoning both of them to simulate Bendii syndrome. At Tarsus IV they destroy the base and find leads to an antivirogen, and 146 year old Admiral McCoy turns up in time to make the antivirogen work. Kirk returns to Chal to start a new life with Teilani. [Timeline: 2373AD, 106 years after the Babel Conference to consider Coridan’s admission to the Federation, 80 years after Kirk was lost in the Nexus.]



William Shatner & Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens


Kirk is talked into making a trip away from Chal by Teilani, and he visits Earth but gets abducted (along with Spock, Scotty and McCoy) by Kathryn Janeway from the mirror universe. They meet up with Spock’s duplicate, and are informed that Earth and Vulcan in the mirror universe have both been defeated by an alliance of Cardassians and Klingons. The two from the mirror universe want to get Starfleet technology to help their fight, but Starfleet captures them and they and Kirk’s group are taken aboard the starship Sovereign, under the command of Admiral Nechayev, to investigate (or so Kirk hopes) the capture of Teilani, also by people from the mirror universe. Meanwhile, the Enterprise and Captain Picard’s crew have been tricked by a duplicate of the starship Voyager and taken captive by the mirror Cardassians and Klingons. The Cardassian and Klingon alliance apparently want to take the Enterprise back to the mirror universe to use in defeating the Terrans. Kirk discovers that Admiral Nechayev is really a mirror universe infiltrator, and Kirk’s group manage to escape from the Sovereign, aboard a shuttlecraft, into the Goldin Discontinuity and they discover the base where the Enterprise is being held. Teilani is also being held on the asteroid base. The Enterprise crew is being held as slaves, being used to construct a massive transporter (nearly completed) that will move the Enterprise to the other universe. Kirk gets Janeway aboard Voyager, and she is able to gain command of the ship. Scotty, who had been chief engineer of the Sovereign, is able to disable it remotely and use its warp core to help destroy the alien installation at about the same time that Picard is instigating an uprising, and just as the transport of the Enterprise was about to begin. The Enterprise is apparently safe, but suddenly it powers up, just as Picard is planning to reboard it. The viewscreen shows Kirk’s double, known as Tiberius, aboard the ship, threatening to take over this universe. While all this is going on, the two Spocks determine that the two universes split at about the time of First Contact and Cochrane’s first warp flight (presumably due to the Borg’s attempt to prevent that event). [Timeline: year 2375, 5 years after Voyager was lost]


Dark Victory

William Shatner & Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens


Kirk follows Tiberius down to the asteroid, as Picard tries to stop a self-destruct countdown aboard the Enterprise. Tiberius is apparently vaporized in a phaser blast, but Kirk has his doubts. Kirk nearly dies of exposure to the vacuum of space, but is rescued by Captain Radisson who claims to be part of Project Sign, which is supposedly trying to thwart efforts by the Mirror Universe to interfere with ours. Kirk returns to Chal and marries Teilani, but Teilani collapses at the ceremony, seemingly poisoned, and is taken to Qo'noS in the hopes of saving her. En route, Picard enlists Kirk in a mission that he says will help find out what has poisoned Teilani. Kirk, the mirror-universe Janeway, and T'Val are transferred to the mirror universe, with the aim of tracking down Tiberius, but Kirk is captured by Tiberius. He learns that Tiberius has groups of children, bred with the additions of certain genes which can make them lethal weapons. It is believed that it was a child from one of these groups that administered the poison to Teilani. Meanwhile, aboard DSN, Garak has restored memories to Dr. M'Benga about times Teilani has been assisting a secret Starfleet group, and one of those memories is about a mysterious group of children. Tiberius tells Kirk that what he wants to know is where the First Federation base is, and Kirk agrees to help him (believing he has been betrayed by Starfleet). [Timeline: 108 years after Kirk had the first accidental encounter with the Mirror Universe, and 6 months after the O'Briens nearly lost their daughter in the temporal anomaly.]



William Shatner & Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens


Teilani (after receiving the antidote to the poison applied by one of Tiberius’ ‘children’) gives birth to Kirk’s son, but the baby appears deformed and is put in stasis. Tiberius (Kirk’s double from the Mirror Universe) goes in search of the First Federation’s base, taking Kirk with him, and Picard (aboard the Enterprise with Spock) follow them. When they reach the First Federation base, they find it deserted and the fleet of ships destroyed by an asteroid that had been attracted by a Preservers’ obelisk, which was only six years old, established the same time that Kirk had reappeared. Meanwhile, a group of psychohistorians are predicting the end of the universe and, suspecting Picard to be a central figure in the coming calamity they abduct him when he visits them to enquire about the Preservers. Riker is told of the kidnap by the mysterious Captain Radisson working with Project Sign, which is believed to be a secret Federation project investigating the Preservers. Halkan (where the Mirror Universe was first encountered) is seen as central to the mystery, and all head there. Kirk and Tiberius transfer over to the Mirror Universe where they discover another Preserver obelisk, and Kirk has an encounter with them, seeing another Guardian of Forever, but Tiberius is driven off by ‘ghosts’ from his past. In the regular universe, the Ferengi are planning an experiment (assisted by Christine MacDonald aboard the Pathfinder) involving routing energy from the ion storms into the dilithium in the planet Halkan, and Picard aims to stop the experiment, in the belief that it will somehow cause the end of the universe. Actually, the Preservers had been planning to use the experiment to bring the Mirror Universe to an end, but the plan is thwarted when the Ferengi ship (the Leveraged Buyout) is destroyed. Teilani dies in the effort to stop Pathfinder assisting the Ferengi. Tiberius goes back to the Mirror Universe with plans to work for peace under Intendant Spock, having learnt something from his experiences with Kirk. Kirk and his son (who it is realized is normal for his mix of genes) start to make a new life for themselves, without Teilani. It becomes known that the Mirror Universe split from the regular universe on the decision of Cochrane about whether to tell of his encounter with the Borg or not. [Timeline: continuing on from the book ‘Dark Victory’, near the end of the Dominion War]


Captain’s Peril

William Shatner with Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens


Kirk talks Picard into a vacation at an archeological dig on Bajor at the lost city of Bar’trila, now underwater. He also talks him into an orbital skydive to the dig, but a failure on Kirk’s suit means that Picard has to save him, and then there is a long trek to the archeological site. On arriving there, they find that one of the scientists has been murdered and all communication with the outside world has been cut off. They also discover that the camp’s cook, Lara, has a terminally ill daughter. The person financing the dig, Sedge Nirra, takes Kirk and Picard out on the inland sea to where the dig is taking place, but Sedge is then apparently killed by a disruptor blast and Kirk and Picard get thrown into the sea. Kirk feels a large creature try to pull him down but he escapes, although Picard disappears and is presumed drowned. The two dive masters, Arl Kresin and Arl Trufor, arrive and Kirk talks them into trying to rescue Picard, but both of them also disappear and their bodies are later washed up on the shore. Kirk comes to realize that something is not as it should be and he discovers that the records for part of the survey of the city are missing. He dives down with one of the archeologists, Corrin Tal, to inspect the particular area and finds an underwater cavern that had apparently been a temple, and they also find Picard there, who had been seemingly brought there by the B’ath b’Etel (a giant rayl fish believed to be mythical by most people). Corrin realizes that Kirk had selected him to come on the dive because Kirk had worked out that he was the murderer, and Corrin dies in the ensuing fight. But then his body is transported out of the cavern and Sedge transports in (his apparent death having been staged with a transporter). Sedge is actually a Cardassian, named Atal, who had been surgically altered, but he dies in a battle with the two captains and with the B’ath b’Etel. Unfortunately, Sedge had fired his disruptor into the roof of the cavern and the water starts to come in. In looking for a safe place to shelter, Kirk and Picard find an orb of the Prophets. Realizing it should really be discovered by a Bajoran, Kirk gives the orb to the B’ath b’Etel, which legend says contains the spirit of a Bajoran who is protecting the orb. Kirk and Picard escape from the cavern using Sedge’s controller for his transporter, and then Kirk takes Lara’s daughter into the sea to meet with B’ath b’Etel, and B’ath b’Etel gives its life to cure the girl. Soon after that, Spock and McCoy arrive to join the two captains. During all these adventures, Kirk recalls the time he effectively invented orbital skydiving during an encounter with a ship capable of doing Warp 15 (somewhere over Warp 9 on the later warp scale) that had escaped from something called the Totality, and was trying to find its way home. Unknown to anyone on Bajor, while these events at the archeological dig have been going on, the starship Monitor had been testing a Borg transwarp drive and got thrown out of the galaxy, and is now trying the escape from something that they referred to as the Distortion and the ship sends a warning message about it back to Earth. [Timeline: Stardate 55595.4, two years after the death of Teilani; the incident Kirk recalls occurred around Stardate 1003.6]


Captain’s Blood

William Shatner with Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens


Soon after the incident with Shinzon, and with the Romulan power-structure in flux, Spock is apparently assassinated while advocating reunification (but he has actually staged the event in the belief that it will strengthen the movement). Kirk, his son Joseph Samuel T’Kol T’Lan Kirk (now five years old), McCoy and Scotty plan on going to investigate the ‘murder’. Picard gets talked into joining them by Admiral Janeway who has been led to believe that the Tal Shiar are emerging as the predominant Romulan power-block, and she wants to set up a deal with them. The ship, the S.S. Calypso, that they are given for the trip gets intercepted by a group of warbirds just after entering Romulan space, and they find themselves being escorted to Remus, not Romulus, where they are informed that Kirk’s son, Joseph, is seen as the new Shinzon. Then the Calypso gets attacked by some group, but Joseph seems to get transported away and Kirk, Picard and the others find themselves apparently captives on Remus. The Doctor has also been along on the trip, but secretly as Janeway’s representative, and it is he that ‘spirits’ Joseph away during the attack. Then Norinda turns up as one of the leaders of the Jolan movement on Remus (Kirk had previously encountered her at the start of his captaincy, when she had arrived in our galaxy after escaping from Andromeda). The Starfleet groups manage, by various means, to escape and get back to the Calypso, and Spock also turns up as a captive of Norinda’s. Riker is now the captain of the Titan which has been sent inside Romulan space to Latium Four, and he takes the captain’s yacht to help Kirk and Picard. Later they call in the Titan itself to help locate three bombs that are due to go off, intended to start a civil war. Kirk and Joseph get the better of Norinda, but Norinda then disappears taking Spock with her. Kirk is given the Calypso as his ship, although he may be called upon to use it in Starfleet’s missions from time-to-time. [Timeline: Stardate 57465.6]


Captain's Glory

William Shatner, Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens


The Federation (and the Klingons, and other races) suddenly find that warp cores are exploding unexpectedly. Some suspect that it is a natural phenomenon, but the fact that a number of warp specialists have apparently been abducted (and Spock may have been one of the first) leads many to believe that some form of attack is taking place. Janeway briefs Kirk of these events, and tries to get him to start obeying orders, rather than use his ship (the Belle Reve, with Scotty, McCoy, and Kirk's son, Joseph, aboard) to try to track down Spock. When Janeway’s ship comes under attack, resulting in the warp core exploding (she only just escapes), she sends the EMH doctor to Kirk with the message that Spock may be on Vulcan. However, while on Vulcan Joseph disappears, apparently abducted, and Kirk learns that Norinda is associated with the Totality, and the Totality (or humanoid-looking extensions from the Totality) has taken control of Vulcan. Apparently the Totality is a life form existing in dark matter and dark energy, and sees itself as ‘real’ life, and is trying to extend ‘love’ to humanoids by forcing them to be absorbed into it (it had apparently already taken over the Andromeda galaxy). When Picard tries to stop Kirk from his obsessive search for Joseph, Kirk abducts him, and Riker is given the Enterprise to chase after them. Norinda returns Spock as some form of good-will gesture, and from Spock's memories (from when he was within the Totality) the Federation is able to develop a gravity weapon again the Totality extensions (they can't survive in four or more Earth gravities). Finally, Norinda reveals Joseph to Kirk, but Joseph has fallen for Norinda's charms until she starts to attack Kirk. Then he comes to Kirk defense, ultimately changing into a being of light and driving the Totality away, but then being lost to Kirk and the physical realm. It is then suspected that Joseph's mixed heritage had given him the same characteristics as the long lost Progenitor race. It is suspected that the Progenitors had seeded the galaxy with life, created the barrier around the galaxy, and sacrificed themselves in order to protect the galaxy from the Totality. [Timeline: Stardate 58552.2, eight years after