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The Phenomenon

Now that faster communications had been established, I soon discovered that the abductors had further plans for some abductees. My NASA buddies told me they required assistance in another project. Yours truly was number one on their list.

Turns out, I was the only one among the communication team members selected to participate. I had no idea why I was the only one chosen. But I would eventually discover there would be others.

All communications with the abductors thus far had been conducted by government higher echelons. Keep in mind, at this point I still had not had any direct contact with the abductors, or at least none that I could remember. Nor had I had direct communications with government higher brass. I still had suspicions that someone could be pulling the wool over my eyes, or worst, pulling my leg. 

Then I received a statement from my bank, confirming my first payment. No taxes had been deducted. It was time to reevaluate. Perhaps there was some truth to this after all.

I had no clue as to why, what, or where the next mission would be or take me. Strictly need to know. But curiosity got the best of the tomcat again and I agreed to go along. Although I had a feeling I would be going whether I wanted to or not. The two NASA officials who had first contacted me escorted me to another government aircraft.

Man, this must be costing the taxpayers big time.

The three of us boarded Air Force Two, and off we flew into the wild blue yonder. As you may know, Air Force Two is the Vice President’s plane.  So I was either a VIP, or a sheep being led to slaughter. Either way, there was no turning back at this point.

The interior of the plane, which was equipped with a bar, lounge and private sleeping quarters, resembled a hotel suite more than it did a passenger airplane.

If I wasn’t a VIP, I sure did get the VIP treatment. I had my own personal cute female flight attendant to wait on me hand and foot. The food and drinks were fit for a king.

 I started with caviar, followed by a tamale pie. Then came a tossed garden salad, with chef’s Italian dressing. The main course was Chateaubriand, cooked to perfection, that melted in my mouth. Accompanied with a twice baked potato (with all the trimmings) and seasoned steamed vegetables. The flight attendant kept my wine glass filled with a Paul Masson Pinot Chardonnay. Dessert was fancy French vanilla ice cream topped with golden Galliano sauce...sprinkled with chopped walnuts. The after dinner drink was a Marina Coffee (Galliano, Kahlua, coffee and whipped cream).

Stuffed to my eyelids, I crawled into my private sleeping quarters and immediately fell into a deep sleep.

As far as I know, we were the only ones aboard. I had no idea where we were going, although I suspected that my NASA buddies knew. It was a long plane ride over lots of ocean. Just before we landed, the flight attendant woke me. I looked out a window and recognized the place immediately. We were landing on Easter Island.

I had read about Easter Island and its statues, and that’s how I recognized the place. The island is called the navel of the world or the eye turned towards the sky. It was a place of surging breakers, precipitous cliffs, towering volcanoes, and open windswept slopes, all located on the most remote island in the Pacific Ocean. Dominating the landscape, of course, were the island’s famous statues.

These massive, stylized figures, known as Moai, made of buff-colored volcanic stone, are both majestic and disturbing. Their heads are immense, their expressions are brooding and disdainful, their ears are grotesquely elongated, and their chins are jutting and powerful. Their arms hang rigidly alongside their legless trunks and their hands extend stiffly across their protuberant bellies.

Could this be what the abductors looked like?

It wouldn’t be long before I found out.

No one knows what these great Gulliver’s were doing in this Lilliputian land, a mere forty-five square miles in extent. The statues seemed like sentinels, but over what were they standing guard?

We were met by several U.S. Army personnel as we deplaned. The army officer-in-charge seemed to know the two NASA officials, even though there were no introductions. They escorted us in army vehicles to a small rundown shack, located at the base of a gigantic volcano.

The one room shack was dusty, dirty, and empty of furniture. Not even a stool to sit on or a pot to piss in. Possibly a good thing, because the wood floor looked like it wouldn’t support much weight. The only window was small and covered with spider webs. It was apparent there was no maid service here.

I saw a trap door in the middle of the room with an old leather strap screwed to it.

One of my companions grabbed the strap and lifted the trap door. The door squeaked as dust filled the air and made me cough.

“You first,” he said, as he handed me a flashlight.

“Why do I have to go first? “ I asked. “I have no idea where to go.”

“Just follow the stairway. We will be right behind you,” said the closest NASA official.

I could imagine them closing the door on me, trapping me in this God forsaking place. I was somewhat relieved when they followed.

The trap door opened to a stairway, which led to a hand cranked elevator. Only my NASA buddies and I took the elevator.

Down we went, to who knew where. It seemed to be a bottomless pit, as it took forever to reach our destination. 

“May I ask where this leads too?” I said.

“ You’ll find out soon enough,” responded one of my buddies.

Gee whiz, what was I getting myself into

 My nervousness started to rise again as my mind started to imagine all kinds of scenarios. I could picture the abductors to be blood suckin’ flesh eating aliens and I was to be their main course. 

Just focus on the nest egg, movie deals, and the dames who may be in distress, Tom.

 Roger, copy that.

 We finally reached our destination and departed the elevator into a narrow, damp, and dimly lit passageway, where we were greeted by two men. Water dripped from condensation on the ceiling, making the passageway slippery. 

“Watch your step,” said one of the Secret Service agents.

I could tell who these other men were by the patches on their shirt sleeves. They are normally  assigned to VIP government personnel.

They escorted us on another long cautious walk down a damp and narrow passageway before we finally entered a large cavern. My eyes immediately focused on a small dome stationed in the middle of the room. It was about twenty feet high and maybe fifty feet around. The dome was filled with a thick swirling misty vapor, which made it difficult to see anything else that might be inside it.

“What is this place?” I asked, not really expecting an answer.

“It’s __”

“Need to know,” interrupted one of the secret service guys.

“We can tell him, since he’ll be getting a memory block after all this is through,” responded one of my NASA buddies.

Giving me a memory block? What in Sam Hill are they talking about? I wondered.

“Yeah, you’re probably right. Your NASA buddies will explain.”

With that, the two secret service agents departed the cavern.

The two NASA officials looked at me, and then the closest one to me said, “This is the abductors home base, and one of them desires to talk with you.”

Now why didn’t this news surprise me? I bet you have suspected this all along, huh?

“Well it’s about time. Let’s rock and roll,” I said.

I was starting to feel my Wheaties. You know, the Breakfast of Champions. My adrenalin pumped me up and I felt like I could take on anyone or anything. 

One of my buddies handed me a bizarre-looking helmet and said, “Put this on.”

“What the heck is this for?” I asked.

This helmet, as it turned out, was why the abductors had measured my head during the abduction in Oklahoma, though at the time I had no idea that this had been done.

You do remember me telling you about this, right?

“It’s to communication with the abductor.”

“Ok, so how does it work?”

“That’s above your pay scale. Just put it on,” he commanded.

The helmet looked and felt like leather. It resembled the helmets worn by football players back  in the early days of the game. But this one had lots of tiny blinking lights flashing all different colors. I could feel a slight vibration and hear a slight eerie high pitched sound coming from it.

I reluctantly slipped it on.  It conformed perfectly to the shape of my head. Suddenly, it became deafeningly quiet. It was like the calm before a violent storm.

I immediately observed a mysterious figure emerging from the swirling mist inside the dome. I had finally come face to face with an abductor.

Now, you may have been expecting some God awful looking creature, slobbering slimy sticky stuff, to spring forth and scare the shit out of us. I suppose I had too, but, thank God, this didn’t happen. I hope you’re not disappointed. I know I was somewhat relieved, because this creature presented a peaceful innocence about it. 

Heaven knows, I had no idea what I was looking at. In the not too distant future the being would be appearing countless times in movies, TV, and books, but at this particular moment in time, what I saw was totally strange and unfamiliar.

The abductor resembled Spielberg’s ‘Close Encounters’ aliens. I told you, he had to have been abducted too. How else could he have known what they looked like?

The being was humanoid, small in stature, about five feet tall, but with a little more meat on its bones then Spielberg’s aliens. I would say his (I’m assuming it was a he) weight was almost in proportion with his height. He had a pale grayish complexion. His head was slightly oversized. I saw no traces of hair, no eyebrow or eyelashes. Its face was dominated by large lidless eyes above a small nose and mouth, and instead of ears, I could detect a small opening on each side of its head. It was clothed in a one piece gray metallic cloth of very fine texture.

Thank God it wasn’t Sigourney Weaver’s alien creature. I can’t imagine what I would have done if something had sprung from its mouth, screamed bloody murder, and spit acid at me. Most likely die from fright, or at the very least, piss in my pants.

So, the abductors really are aliens and this is what they look like?

 It would seem that way.

 However, you might keep in mind, sometimes things don’t always appear to be what they seem to be.

But in this case, it does appear that aliens really do exist. So, what are they doing here on our planet? Where have they been hiding? Where are they from?

When one stops to contemplate how vast the universe is, it is unreasonable to believe that humans could be the only life forms. Still, I wondered why these beings had chosen to come here and to make contact with little ole me.

Maybe it was a situation similar to what Superman experienced. Perhaps their planet was being destroyed and they had to relocate. They had meandered around the galaxy, searching for a suitable home, and just happened to stumble upon our doorstep.

How long had they been visiting? Maybe now some mysteries of the world, the  Pyramids, Stonehenge, Easter Island, and numerous others would be answered. Was mankind finally going to get an explanation?

All these questions swirled around in my head. I wondered if I was losing my mind. Was seeing really believing? Or was this a dream, a hallucination, or perhaps, an elaborate hoax?

 I stood there in shock and awe, gazing at this extraordinary being. Suddenly blocked memories started escaping from my subconscious. I saw what had really occurred on the country road outside Clinton. I saw what had actually happened in Oklahoma and Carmel. My mind was flooded with a vast collection of previously blocked memories.

The memories were coming faster than the speed of light, much more quickly than I could comprehend.

The Comeback Kid was about to blow a fuse.