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The Inscrutable

Stories of UFOs and abductions have been recorded throughout human history. Surrounding mankind on our planet are numerous unexplained events and sites. As we begin to question our past, often eager to find clues to the future, we increasingly realize that a wealth of civilizations have preceded us. Many discoveries have proven to be so extraordinary and so enigmatic that they pose more questions than answers.

We have uncovered fascinating evidence about much of our mysterious prehistory, yet so many mysteries remain. Who built the five cities of Tiahuanaco on the roof of the Andes? Why was Zimbabwe created, and by whom? What of the mysteries of Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle, Roswell, crop circles, and countless others?

Could the answers to many of the world’s mysteries be that in prehistoric and modern times aliens from other worlds have been visiting our planet? How could the evidence be denied? Do aliens really exist on Earth?

Here are just a few examples of numerous substantiations that have been recorded:

1561, Nuremberg, Germany

Descriptions exist of a battle in the sky lasting about an hour, which ended with a large crash outside the city.

October 24, 1886, Maracaibo, Venezuela

The U.S. consul reported a bright object accompanied by a humming noise, that appeared over a hut. The occupants later displayed symptoms similar to radiation burns and poisoning. Several days later the trees surrounding the hut withered and died.

1947, Roswell, New Mexico

An FBI investigator, along with several other witnesses, reported that three flying saucers had crashed. Each saucer was occupied by three bodies of human shape, but with pale gray skin, with large eye sockets, and of only about four feet in height. They were dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture and of a type never before seen. The investigator was shipped off to another position across the country and told to keep quite.

June 1953, Falmouth, Massachusetts.

A U.S. Air Force radar operator and pilot bailed out of their craft because of engine failure. They had reported they were in pursuit of a UFO. Plane and crew members were never seen again. Six months later, in Lake Superior, another U.S. Air Force pilot and his plane vanished while pursuing a UFO.

January, 1966, Wanaque Reservoir, New Jersey

A bright light in the sky led to traffic jams and overloaded police communications networks. The UFO shifted colors as it shot a beam of light towards ice near the dam. Among those who reported seeing the craft were Mayor Hagstrom, Chief of Police Elston, Captain Joe Sisco, Sergeant Thompson and Patrolmen Waster.

September 15, 1991, Space Shuttle Discovery (in orbit)

Video taken during the mission STS-48 shows a flash of light and several objects flying in controlled patterns. NASA explained them as ice particles. However, Dr. Jock Kosher proposed convincing arguments against them being ice particles.

 September and October 2003, Pleasant Hill, Missouri

Some area residents saw a strange row of lights hovering over a field between Harrisonville and Pleasant Hill. The lights disappeared as suddenly as they had appeared. During the next few weeks, many area residents would spot these same type lights. Farmers soon found strange formations in their fields. This is just a few miles from the site of my first abduction.

October 2011, Kansas City, Missouri

Eighty-seven UFO sightings were reported in the Kansas City area, the most in the world for the month of October. This just happened to be the month before I published my memoirs. Coincidence?

Project Bluebook

A government study on UFOs from 1947 to 1969. A fourteen chapter report was issued, but chapter thirteen was missing and it is still missing to this day. What was in that chapter and why did it go missing?

These few examples are just a drop in the bucket. So why, despite the evidence, are most people  still unable to accept or believe UFO sightings, aliens, and abductions? Credible witnesses, including airline and military pilots, astronauts, law enforcement officials, and other prominent figures, including a U.S. president (Jimmy Carter), have reported UFO sightings. There is credible evidence that President Eisenhower met with aliens.

Countless more have claimed to have been abducted by aliens. So, why do most people think these claims are only fantasies, trickery, or overactive imaginations? Why can’t folks believe what is happening right before their very eyes?

Is it because the U.S. government has brainwashed and convinced the public that UFO, aliens, and abduction stories are just pranks? After all, they can’t have people believing that stuff. Think about it: if these stories were known to be true, it could disrupt civilization as we know it. There could be panic in the streets. It would change the history and beliefs of mankind. That could be good reasons why our government will forever deny UFOs and all alien existence.

Then there are those who throw another monkey wrench in the equation, aiding the government position with their shenanigans.

Many UFOs are thought to be alien spacecraft. The abductions are thought to be by extraterrestrial beings. However, Alpha Centauri, the next closest star system to Earth, is approximately twenty-five trillion miles away. Present-day spacecraft would take about 70,000 years to cover that distance. That’s a long time to spend without a trip to McDonald’s or a Wal-Mart.

Suppose the trip could be done in 2,500 years and the extraterrestrials had plenty of time on their hands. Their spacecraft would have to travel at a speed of a million miles per hour. That’s a thousand times the speed of the fastest recorded modern aircraft. I bet even Superman or Star Trek’s Enterprise couldn’t achieve that speed. So the odds that another life form could travel that far are astronomical.

But then, there is the story of the Anunnaki. Approximately 450,000 years ago, Alalu, the deposed ruler of the Anunnaki on Nibiru, escaped his planet on a spaceship and found refuge on Earth. He discovered that Earth contained plenty of gold, which Nibiru needed to protect its diminishing atmosphere. They began to mine Earth’s gold, and this caused many political battles for power.

Then, around 300,000 years ago, the Anunnaki decided to create a race of workers by genetically manipulating the primates of planet Earth. The result was Homo sapiens, human beings. Eventually, ruler-ship of the Earth was handed over to the humans and the Anunnaki left, but it is written that someday they will return. Could the Anunnaki be the abductors? If that were so, then they could be considered our God?

Those who believe and have reported that they have been abducted are a heterogeneous group, widely dispersed along demographic and cultural lines. These types of abductions are a rare phenomenon and have been estimated to have occurred to over three million people in America and countless others throughout the world.

There is a remarkably precise correspondence to their reports. Abductees exhibit relatively little psychopathology. Hypnosis has been used to confront, confirm, and allow others to experience their memories. However, hypnosis only allows the abductee to see through the memory blocks. It does not dissolve them. That is why after being revived from hypnosis, they still have no memory of the events.

Both subtle and highly robust physical evidence accompanies some abductions. Many abductees share some remarkably similar experiences.

Is it just a coincidence that in the last fifty years technological achievements have progressed more than in all previous years of history? And that between the years 1950-1970, UFO sightings and abductions skyrocketed. This alone, should make you wonder. The answer may be blowing in the wind and smack dab in front of our eyes, an answer that even a blind person could see. Or, an answer that may be buried deep within your own subconscious.

So what is it that keeps most people from believing in aliens and abductions? Has the government really done such a great job of brainwashing us? Are we skeptical because we have watched too many science fiction movies or read too many science fiction books? Are we that afraid of finding out the truth?

Well, hold onto your hat pilgrims, because you are about to get hit upside the head with a startling revelation.