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The Dreams


So don’t fool yourself into believing what you see. It’s only illusions, a prodigy.—Big Dismal

“A dream is an answer to a question we haven’t learned to ask,” said Fox Mulder, of The X-Files.

I say, “Dreams can be blocked memories buried in the subconscious.”

In many ancient societies, dreaming was considered a form of supernatural communication, a means to predict the future, or a warning of something about to happen.

It is widely believed that dreams are the mind’s way of sorting through our waking thoughts. Dreams are another reality with which we can interact. Dreams provide a signpost and a different perspective on our lives. They are offered to us nightly, free of charge, until they turn into nightmares, and then there is a price to pay.

Ever dream of another you? I had, and still do. In fact, I had dreamed of him for the past thirty-five years. He was a rambunctious rascal and could do the strangest things. He never seemed to age and constantly found himself in a tight spot. In fact, he reminded me a lot of myself. 

So, why was I having these dreams? Did they transpire as a means of a mental connection (ESP) to another,  like some twins are known to have? And just who in the hell was this other in my dreams? Was he really me, living a double or parallel life? So many questions to be answered. It was a complicated relationship.

This chapter might be a bit confusing, as dreams tend to be. Dreams occur within a matter of seconds but seem to last the whole night. They transpire in sleep, when the subconscious is the most relaxed. Most dreams fade from memory in a short time after awakening. For that reason, I would often arise in the middle of the night, as soon as I awoke from a dream and write it down. My wife, being a light sleeper, would usually wake and ask if I was okay.

“It’s just a cramp, dear,” I would tell her, or, “It’s just gas, dear. Go back to sleep.”

Here are some of the dreams that I have had and recorded:

She says she wants to take our relationship to the next level and proclaims she is three months with another's child. I wake up, somewhat confused.

I reach in my mouth and pull on my upper front teeth. Out comes a skeleton mold of the inside of my face. I wake up, screaming.

All my teeth begin to fall out. The same with the screws, springs, and plates that held them in place. I collect everything in a jar to give to the dentist, only the dentist is nowhere to be found. I wake, grinding my teeth.

I’m looking in the mirror and see a weird spectacle. Staring back at me is something half human and half alien. But I can recognize myself. I wake up, soaking in my sweat.

I sit at work to have lunch, open my lunch box, and grab a sandwich. It stinks, so I spread the bread apart. Squiggly worm-like critters spill out all over me. As they hit the air, they grow larger, saturating my entire body, and I can't breathe. I wake up, suffocating.

I’m soaring through the clouds like an eagle. I glimpse a huge shadow as something swoops down and attacks from above. It hits me with a tremendous force and  I lose flight. I’m falling to the ground. I wake up, with my heart pounding.

Someone calls out to me. “Tom, help me. Where are you?” I wake up, talking to myself.

The female warriors are complete opposites. One has a pale blue complexion, with darker blue freckles. She has fiery red eyes, short curly flaming red hair, and plush rosy lips. Another has olive skin, with sparkly yellow eyes, and long straight blonde hair flowing over luscious watermelon breasts. The third is completely hairless, with skin as dark as night and as smooth as silk. Her bedroom eyes change colors with each blink. Her three small breast nipples point straight at me, enticing me to play with them. All three are exotic and naked. They absorb my body like a sponge. I wake up, hard as a rock.

I started a joke, which had the whole world crying. I wake up, laughing.

Three thugs have pinned me to the ground. I know with my martial arts training I can conquer all three in a New York minute. So why am I letting them break my leg? I wake up, kicking.

I was on a field trip. An Asian princess sat behind me on the bus. Her inviting smile, hypnotic beauty, and sexy dark bedroom eyes are tantalizing. Departing the bus, she motioned to follow her home. Her sexy red thong was left on the front door knob, and the door was left ajar, an invitation to follow her trail. Articles of clothing left a path to her bedroom. I felt a tremendous surge of emotion and passion flowing through my veins as I entered the bedroom. Passion soon smothered my existence.  I wake up, totally in love.

Some of the dreams were very peculiar and made no sense whatsoever. Others were exotic with imaginations, or were they fantasies, soon to be realities?

Did these dreams have something in common with my story? You would think so.