Angels of the Universe by Kristina Karen - HTML preview

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Chapter 14


Maya wanted to talk to Scott, so she called him at the store because she knew the phone number of the local store. Tristan, an employee of the store, answered the phone. “Hello,” said Maya. “Is this Office Corner?”

Yes, it is,” said Tristan.

I am Maya Manning. How are you doing?”

I’m doing great, Mrs. Manning. How are you doing? Is everything ok, I mean is your laptop working properly? Are there any problems?”

No, there are no problems with my laptop. My laptop is perfect. Thank you for asking. I just called to talk to the guy that delivered the laptop to me. I don’t even know his name.”

Give me a minute,” he said as he looked up the details of the purchase of Maya’s laptop. “I’m looking it up on my computer.” He found the information he was looking for. “Here it is. The guy who delivered the laptop to you is Scott Harrison. Unfortunately, he’s not here right now. He’s at home.”

I hope this is not too much to ask, but may I have his phone number or his work email address?”

I’ll tell you what? Give me your phone number so I can have him call you.”

Maya dictated her home number to Tristan.

Tristan wrote it down and said, “Ok, Mrs. Manning. I’ll have Scott give you a call. By the way, I need to ask, are you trying to contact Scott because you’re dissatisfied with his service?”

No. I need to contact him for personal reasons.”

Ok,” said Tristan. “Have a great day, Mrs. Manning, and if you have any problems with your new laptop, we’ll fix it for you at your home because you purchased the protection plan.”

Thank you,” said Maya. “Have a good day.” She hung up.

A few minutes later, the phone rang at Scott’s house. It was Tristan calling. Scott was soundly asleep, and Lily wanted him to rest for a little while, so she answered the phone from her living room. “Hello.”

Hello, Lily, this is Tristan. How are you?”

I’m good, Tristan. How are you?”

I’m alright. Listen, I’m calling because Maya Manning needs to get in touch with Scott.”

Maya Manning wants to talk to Scott?”

Yes, and she gave me her phone number so he could call her.”

You know what, Tristan? I need to talk to Maya Manning. Give me her number, please.”


Scott’s asleep. Just give me her number. I need to talk to her or Matt urgently.”

Ok. I’ll give you her number so you can have Scott call her back when he wakes up.”

Hold on,” said Lily. “Let me get a piece of paper and a pen.” Lily walked around the entire house to find some paper. Finally, she got to Scott’s office and opened the top drawer of Scott’s desk. There, she found a yellow writing pad and several pens around it. “I’m sorry for making you wait so long, Tristan.”

It’s ok,” said Tristan.

I just found a writing pad and a pen.” She picked a blue pen and placed the writing pad on the desk with the pen in her hand. “Ok, I’m ready.”

Tristan dictated Matt and Maya’s home number to Lily.

Thank you, Tristan. I owe you one.”

I’d do anything for you guys. You’re my best friends,” said Tristan. “Have a great day.” He hung up.

Lily hung up the phone and dialed Maya’s home number immediately.

The phone rang three times and Matt answered it. “Hello, this is Matt Manning.”

“Mr. Manning, I know you don’t know me…”

“That’s ok,” said Matt sitting down on the sofa in front of his big-screen TV, “talk to me.”

“I am Lily Braeden, and I need your help. You see, my boyfriend, Scott Harrison, he looks just like you. I don’t know if you’ve seen him or met him.”

“No, I haven’t seen him,” said Matt.

“Well, the problem is that Scott decided to change his face because he doesn’t want to look like you.”

“Wow,” said Matt, laughing his butt off, “does he hate me that much?”

“It’s not that he hates you. The problem is that he doesn’t want to look like anybody else. He wants to be unique.”

“Well,” said Matt, taking the situation more seriously, and deeply worried, “that’s impossible to do, don’t you think? I mean everyone here on earth has one look-alike or more.”

“That’s what I was trying to tell him, but he won’t listen to me. He thinks that his life is in danger just because he looks like you. I think that he thinks that if you do anything wrong, he’s going to be held responsible.”

“I’m not a saint, but I’m incapable of committing a crime. I am not an attorney, but I know the laws…”

She interrupted him. “Yes, I bet you know all the laws all over the world. I’m sure you know everything there is to know about Planet Earth and about space. Is that right?”

“I don’t dare to affirm that.”

Would you please come over to our house and talk to Scott? I really don’t want him to get a new face. I don’t want to have to meet him and get to know him all over again. Do you know what I mean?” she said and then dictated her home address to him.

Yes,” said Matt, as he wrote down Lily and Scott’s home address on his hand. “It would be like having a relationship with a man for years and all of a sudden waking up beside another man.”

Exactly,” said Lily. “I’m sure that you aliens can get anyone to change their mind about anything.”

Again, I’m not going to confirm or deny that, but I will do what I can to help Scott. That’s the face that he’s had all his life, and he shouldn’t change his face just because he looks like me. That doesn’t make any sense,” said Matt as he got up and put his jacket back on.

Thank you for everything, Mr. Manning.”

I’ll see you in a few minutes,” said Matt and hung up. Then, he walked out the door. It suddenly occurred to Matt to call Mark on his way to his car. He pulled his cell phone out of the pocket of his jacket, flipped it open, and dialed Mark’s number.

Mark was on his way back home. His cell phone was on the passenger’s seat. It started ringing. Mark took the phone in his hand, flipped it open with the same hand, and took the call while maintaining total focus on the road. “Hi, Matt, how are you doing?” he said.

I’m good,” said Matt as he got into his car. He closed the door and as he fastened his seatbelt, he said, “Listen, Lily Braeden asked me to help her convince her boyfriend, Scott Harrison, not to get plastic surgery on his face. He doesn’t want to look like us.”

That’s bizarre,” said Mark. “Most people don’t care who they look like as long as they’re gorgeous.”

Matt laughed at that comment as he took the road and the gates of the mansion closed. “That could be true. Anyway, I wanted you to come with me to Lily and Scott’s house.”

Sure!” said Mark. “Give me the address, and I’ll be there.”

Matt gave Lily and Scott’s address to Mark.

Mark memorized it. “Ok,” said Mark. “I will see you there.”

A few minutes later, the Manning twins arrived at Lily and Scott’s home. Scott was widely awake, in the living room, waiting for Matt, sitting in the loveseat. Lily walked to the door and opened the door for them. “Oh,” she said, “you both came. Come on in.” She made way for them to come in. They came in and she closed the door. They went into the living room and sat down on the sofa in front of Scott. Lily said, “We were only expecting Matt.” She sat beside Scott.

Matt called me and asked me to accompany him,” said Mark.

So, what do you guys want to talk to me about?” said Scott.

We want to talk to you about your stupid obsession with your face,” said Matt.

Wow, I never expected that!” said Scott, rolling his eyes and turning his face to look at Lily.

It’s senseless to alter your face just because you look like us,” said Mark. “We all look like somebody. Didn’t you know that?”

This might sound rude, but I don’t want to look like you guys. You guys are supernaturally… I mean you don’t look like anybody else. Did you know that?” Scott fired back. “I don’t know how to say this without sounding gay…”

Lily and the twins laughed.

All I can say is no one else looks like you. I don’t want to look like this. I want to be normal.”

Do you love Lily?” asked Matt all of a sudden and Lily looked at him.

Yes, I love her,” said Scott, putting his arm around Lily and hugging her. “I adore her.”

Would you do anything to make her happy?”

Of course,” said Scott. “This is the love of my life. We’re going to get married in six months.”

She told me,” said Matt looking directly into Scott’s eyes, “that she doesn’t want you to get a new face.”

Scott gave Lily a kiss on the cheek.

And you know what I think?” said Matt.

What do you think?” said Scott.

She fell in love with you. She loves you just the way you are. She doesn’t want you to change anything about you. She thinks you’re perfect. Lily chose you because you’re the man of her dreams. Lily wants to marry you and start a family with you. You’re the man she wants. Don’t turn into another man.”

I couldn’t have said it better myself,” commented Lily.

Yes,” said Scott as he got up. “You’re right. I mean I said that no one else looks like you. I’m the only human being that looks like the two of you. Now that I think about it that makes me special. No other human man looks like me. That’s a good thing. Actually, it’s great.”

I’m glad you see it that way,” said Mark, surprised. “I’m glad you came to your senses.”

Do you guys want anything to drink?” asked Scott.

I’ll have any drink you have in your fridge as long as it’s non-alcoholic,” replied Matt.

I say the same thing,” said Mark. “We never get drunk or lose touch with reality. We just don’t like the taste of alcohol.”

As Scott walked out of the living room, he said, “It’s funny, because alcohol is extremely harmful to us humans, and we love it. It’s not harmful to you aliens, and you hate it.”

Lily and the twins laughed as Scott walked the hallway to the kitchen.

David was getting out of the car in his mother’s driveway. He had a bouquet of flowers in his hands. He closed the car door with his left leg and then walked to the entrance of the house. He held the flowers in his right hand and rang the bell with his left hand.

Emma was in the living room, reading a romance novel. She put the book down, on the couch, got up, and went to the door and answered it. There was her son, with a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hands.

Hi, Mom,” he said, smiling.

Surprised and ecstatic, Emma asked, “What’s this for?” She made way for him to come in.

As David came in, he said, “This is just for bringing me into this world.” He kissed her on the cheek. “I love you, Mom.” He placed the flowers on the center of the coffee table. He saw the book on the couch. He picked it up. “What’s this?” he said and read the title. “Uncontrollable Passion, wow! This is interesting.”

It’s Stella Andrews’ newest novel. I love it. It’s awesome,” said Emma. “You want a piece of apple pie?”

I would love that,” said David.

Come on,” said Emma and they walked together until David got to the dining room and Emma got to the kitchen. She had just made an apple pie, thinking of David, and she was planning to enjoy it alone. Emma never imagined her son would show up for her to share the apple pie with him. She took the pie in her hands. It had just come out of the oven and it was still hot. It was in the oven when David arrived, but it was almost ready. David got up, walked out of the dining room and to the kitchen, opened one of the upper cabinets and got two small plates. Then, he got two forks from the kitchen sink. He and Emma walked back to the dining room together, and she placed the pie on the center of the dining room table and she and David sat down together. David sat right next to his mother.

So,” said Emma as she cut two pieces of apple pie, “do you have a girlfriend yet?” She placed one piece of apple pie on her plate and the other piece of pie in David’s plate.

David blushed. “Mom…”

When are you going to give me grandchildren?”

Getting a girlfriend is easy, Mom,” said David as he took the first bite of his apple pie. He chewed it thoroughly and swallowed it lightly. Then, he finished his thought. “What’s not easy is convincing her of having babies with me, even though I have tons of money.”

So, you haven’t had sex with a girl yet,” said Emma. “You’re still a virgin, David?”

As hard as it is to believe, Mom, yes, I am. That’s because I know that as soon as I get with a girl, I will get her pregnant because condoms don’t work on us.”

Are you serious, son?” she said as they continued to eat the pieces of pie.

Yes, mother, I’m serious.”

Well, don’t worry. You’ll find a woman who won’t care about the fact that you’re not human and who will give you as many children as you want.”

I think that the problem is that I’ve only looked for my lifetime partner in human women. I need a woman of my species. Our women are always looking for a partner to reproduce, and they’re also trying to get with human men.”

You’re right. I have no problems with humans who mate with aliens or aliens who mate with humans, but men and women are better off with partners of their same species,” said Emma.

Thirty minutes later, Emma and David finished the entire apple pie. Emma had a slow metabolism, so she was fat, but happy. She was not obese. She weighed 160 pounds. Emma would never get obese because she exercised regularly, but she would never get skinny because she would always eat anything she wanted to, as much as she wanted to. She would never diet. Emma and David took the dishes to the dishwasher. Emma turned it on and let it do its job. Then, Emma and David walked out of the kitchen and continued to walk until they got back in the living room. “You know, son,” said Emma, “I am deeply concerned because you’re twenty-seven years old and you haven’t had a girlfriend yet.”

I’m sure my time will come, Mom. I’ve enamored ladies and they’ve rejected me, so I guess I’ll just wait.”

However, he wouldn’t have to wait anymore, though he had no idea about it. Brittany’s mother, Samantha, and Emma were best friends, and they had been friends for over twenty years. Brittany would visit Emma every day, but at different times, so Emma was confident that Sabrina would come over today. Until now, Sabrina hadn’t met David because David also visited Emma regularly, but he and Sabrina would never coincide. Sabrina rang Emma’s bell. Emma got up, went to the door, and answered it.

Hi, Emma,” said Sabrina and gave Emma a big hug. Then, she went in, and Emma closed the door behind her.

I thought you weren’t coming over today.”

I come over every day,” said Sabrina as she sat down. She noticed David. She smiled. “Hi.”

Smiling, David said, “Hi.” He sure liked what he was seeing. He thought this woman was hot. She had a nice body, a sweet smile, the most stunning blue eyes, long, straight, black hair, and light skin. Yes, this was the woman that he wanted. He even started daydreaming about their wedding for a few minutes. “How are you doing?”

Sabrina was so nervous that she couldn’t stop smiling. No guy had ever looked at her like this before. David was fixated on her. At this moment, all that mattered was she. She felt like she was the center of the universe. “I’m… I’m good,” she said. “How are you?”

Oh, I am doing great!”

I’m glad to know that!” she said.

David,” said Emma, sitting beside her son to try to keep him under control, “this is Sabrina Bernstein, my best friend’s oldest daughter. She’s very intelligent and lovely.

I can see that,” said David.

While David and Sabrina enjoyed the entire afternoon with Emma, the ungrateful humans were planning their war against the aliens. It would be a bloodbath, unless Alexander and that mysterious person could stop it.

The next day, everyone got up in the morning and followed their daily routine. Some people went to work, children went to school, collegians went to college, and those that were unemployed either stayed home and watched TV or performed other activities. Suddenly, normal TV programming was interrupted in all the channels that had newscasts. There were special bulletins. Reporters started talking about a world war against the aliens, and the plans of some human beings to expel them from the planet or kill all of them. People instantly became afraid. They knew that there would be unimaginable bloodshed. That day, world leaders expressed their opposition to the war. They said that these humans who hated aliens would not get any financial support from them, and that this war was ridiculous. It wasn’t worth it for innocent humans to lose their lives just because a few human beings didn’t want aliens on earth. While these ungrateful and evil human beings planned the war that would not be supported, aliens were still reproducing by the millions, and it would be extremely difficult to make them disappear from the face of the earth. In order to kill all aliens, these people had to extinguish more than one half of the world’s population. That’s why world leaders weren’t for it.

Since they would get no money and no guns for the war, the evil humans took another route. Suddenly, these scientists were planning to unleash a virus that could kill any living thing, human or superhuman. It wouldn’t be easy and it would take months for this to happen, though. In order for this virus to be lethal to all species, it had to mutate for several months, so they worked with the virus for several days, using rodents for their experiments. They would give the virus to rats and other rodents and they found that this virus would make them very sick, although it didn’t have the potential to kill them, yet. Their defenses were weakened and they would be unable to live a normal life, almost unable to move, and most-importantly, unable to reproduce. These people figured that the virus would help them after all because they would be able to stop aliens from reproducing. When the deadly form of the virus was unleashed, it would kill all the aliens and they would disappear from our planet. It would be the perfect bio-terrorist attack. These people would place the virus in different foods: fruits, meat, vegetables, and dairy, and they would make it undetectable. What they didn’t know, however, is that several human beings would die because they couldn’t resist the virus.

Mark and Matt reunited a few aliens to tell them what was happening. From now on, if they noticed something funny in their food, they wouldn’t eat it. It would be very hard for them because in some cases, they would be forced to starve. Nevertheless, these aliens wouldn’t be able to inform all of the aliens in time, and thousands of aliens started getting sick after eating the contaminated food. They were left sterile and barren, and they didn’t even know it. The poor angels became afraid and the next thing we knew, one thousand gigantic spaceships all over the world took them to space, to find another planet to live in before dying. In total, over one million angels were taken out of the planet. However, angels stood their ground and refused to let this continue to happen. They worked with the Beautiful Horizon Clinics all over the world to enhance the DNA of the aliens that kept getting sick.

It wasn’t easy to get rid of this virus completely, but our angels were working on it. They disposed of all the foods they suspected were contaminated. Suddenly, something horrible started happening. The people that were in charge of continuing to contaminate food with the virus started dying mysteriously, and the worst of all of this is that aliens didn’t have anything to do with their deaths. They were surely blamed for this, but in the end, their accusers didn’t have any proof against them, so the case against all the aliens was dismissed. In reality, the ones that were killing the terrorists were other humans, humans that were in favor of the aliens. Nonetheless, no proof was found against them. They weren’t even accused of anything. The scientists that sided with the aliens used the terrorists’ own virus against them. Those terrorists that needed any kind of medical care were purposely infected with the virus, but the staff of those hospitals didn’t know anything about it, so they couldn’t be blamed for these mysterious deaths