Angels of the Universe by Kristina Karen - HTML preview

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Chapter 15


“Wait,” said Tasha and sat down in the dining room chair that James was sitting on when the phone rang. “You don’t need to get some kind of treatment to stay alive, do you?”

“No. Daniel did a very good job. Now I am in the state I was before the accident. It’s as if nothing had ever happened to me.”

Daniel nodded.

“I have to see you. James and I have to see you. Give me the address there,” said Tasha, looking for a blank piece of paper and a pen in the living room. She found a yellow notepad and a blue pen and she was ready to write the information down.

“Don’t worry, Tasha, I know the address,” said James.

“Ok, we’re going over there,” said Tasha. “I will see you in a few minutes.” She hung up.

Forty-five minutes later, James, Tasha and Alexander arrived simultaneously. James and Tasha parked their car at the entrance of the mansion and Alexander parked his car right behind it. James and Tasha noticed that there was someone behind them and they wanted to know who it was, so they unbuckled their seatbelts, James in the driver’s seat and Tasha in the passenger’s seat, simultaneously, and got out of the car.

Alexander had never seen these people before. He was always nice to strangers, and almost every person he’d met was his friend. He was very likable and he had a great heart. Everyone who knew him loved him intensely. “Hi,” said Alexander, smiling brightly. “I’m Alexander.”

“Hi,” said James, smiling back. “I’m James.”

Daniel was watching them from the window of his room, upstairs, and he walked away from the window to go downstairs and receive them.

“I’m Tasha,” said Tasha, smiling.

Alexander shook James and Tasha’s hands. “It’s very nice to meet you. So, you’re Daniel’s friends, huh?”

“Actually, I don’t know Daniel. My boyfriend knows him. My boyfriend brought…”

Daniel opened the entrance door and interrupted her. “Hi, guys! How are you doing? Come on in, please.”

Everyone went in and Alexander closed the door behind him. They went down the steps of the entrance and went to the living room. Everyone sat down except Daniel. Daniel stood in front of them.

“I’ve got a surprise for all of you. It’s coming any minute now. Do you want something to eat or drink while you wait?”

James and Tasha looked at one another. They knew that Diana was the surprise, but Alexander didn’t know.

While they waited, Diana was making herself very pretty for her brother, her future sister-in-law, and Alexander. She was wearing a thin-strap white, long dress, making her beautiful chest noticeable. Diana had always had what many people consider a perfect body. She weighed 115 pounds, she had a perfect waist, she was 5’6… she had the body of a super model. Diana put on her earrings and her necklace. Daniel had also bought her jewelry, from the moment that she got here, hoping that she would get to wear it. It was $50,000 worth of jewelry accumulated over time. Then, she picked up her long blond hair in a ponytail and walked out of the room. She walked the long hallway until she got to the long stairs. Diana walked down the stairs very slowly. When she finished going down the stairs, she walked a few more steps to get to the living room, where everyone else was. Daniel was stunned.

James, Tasha and Alexander got up. Alexander was awestruck. His jaw was dropped. He had never seen such a beautiful woman in his life. Alexander was speechless. “Diana,” said James walking closer to her, and held her hands, “oh, my God, you look so beautiful. I don’t know what this man did to you, but he made you one thousand times more beautiful than you were before. You look so healthy, so… perfect.”

Daniel smiled.

“Thank you, James.” They hugged.

Tasha hugged Diana, too. Looking up and down at her, she said, “It’s so hard to believe. This is a dream. It’s not real.” Tasha was very emotional, crying tears of joy. “It can’t be real.”

“It is real,” said Daniel. “Since I care so much about all of you, I’m going to show you everything I did to make this happen, but you’ve got to promise me that you won’t tell anyone.”

“We feel honored that of all of the people in the world that you could’ve told this to, you chose us,” said Tasha.

“Come with me,” said Daniel.

Alexander, Daniel, James, Tasha and Diana walked the whole mansion until they got to Daniel’s lab. They walked in and they were amazed. Daniel spent several hours explaining to them everything he had done with Diana and showing them everything on his computer. They were so shocked that they couldn’t say anything for several minutes. That’s exactly what Daniel wanted. He used the power of telekinesis to get into their minds and make sure that all of the information that he had given them would remain secret. They wouldn’t tell anyone and it would be very hard for anyone to get the information from them. Whoever wanted the information would have to perform on them another secret special procedure to get it all out. Their minds were now like computers in which a password has to be entered to access this file.

Alexander, James, Tasha, Daniel and Diana had fun at Daniel’s mansion. They were listening to music, eating and drinking all the snacks that Daniel had prepared for them. Diana was eating tortilla chips with cheese dip, Alexander was eating a ranch salad, James was eating chili and Tasha was eating tortilla chips with ranch dip. They were all drinking different kinds of sodas. All the fun momentarily came to a halt when Diana asked Tasha, “So how’s your baby? Did you leave him with the babysitter?”

Everyone else stopped doing what they were doing and remained silent for a moment.

“Diana,” said Tasha, deeply saddened, looking down, and then looked up at her directly in the eyes, “our baby is dead. He was stillborn.”

James started to cry silently.

Diana was so shocked that she started to cry. “Oh, my God, my little nephew… oh, my…” She had her hand on the left side of her chest, where her heart was pounding, and her mouth was widely open.

Tasha started to cry and hugged Diana. James joined in on the hug.

Daniel commented, “Did they give you the baby? Did you bury the baby?”

James asked, “Why do you ask?”

Tasha said, “Oh, no, Dan, you’re not thinking…”

They realized what Daniel was talking about, and they gasped, looking at one another.

That night, after Diana, James, Tasha and Alexander left to go home, Daniel took a shower and put on his best clothes to visit Madison. Time was running out because it was fifteen minutes after nine. He put on one of his most expensive, buttoned, white long-sleeved shirts, and expensive but beautiful black cotton pants. Then, he put on a jacket because it was a little chilly outside. He walked out of his room, closed the door, walked the hallway to the stairs, walked down the stairs, and walked until he got to the door. He opened the door, went out, closed it, and locked it. In less than five minutes, he walked to the car, got in, closed the driver door, buckled up, started the car, pulled out of the driveway, and took the road.

He called Madison to tell her that he might be late.

Madison answered the phone. “Hello, Daniel."

“Madison, I just called you to let you know that I’m going to be a little bit late, so don’t be mad at me, ok?”

Smiling, Madison replied, “As long as you get here, that’s all that matters.”

“Thanks for understanding. See you in a bit.” He ended the call.

Daniel was going to go to Madison’s house, but it suddenly occurred to him to get her a bouquet of red roses, her favorite flowers, and a box of chocolates, so he went to the finest florist who was just around the corner and was open until midnight, and when he arrived, he parked his car right in front of the store, unbuckled his seatbelt, got out of the car, closed the door and locked it with his keyless remote, and walked to the entrance of the florist. He opened the door, went in, and closed the door behind him.

There were three female customers at the flower shop, but they weren’t human. They passed by him and smiled. From that point on, they couldn’t stop looking at him. They saw through him, and in a flash, they knew that he was one of them. They also knew that he wanted to enamor another woman because he was in the rose aisle, picking out the bouquet with the most roses in it, and the most beautiful roses. Even so, they decided to go up to him and talk to him. From the way it looked he wasn’t free to be with any of them, but it didn’t hurt to make a new friend, especially a new friend that belonged to their species. They were Martians, who had just been released from TOTS, and they were looking for a mate, but each one of them wanted her own mate. Good aliens didn’t want many partners. They just wanted one, and since they could impregnate them no matter how old their mate was, and male aliens could get any woman pregnant no matter how old she was, finding a mate wouldn’t be a problem for these beautiful superwomen.

“Hi,” said the first female, a drop-dead gorgeous and perfect-looking blue-eyed blonde. “How are you doing?”

“Hi,” said Daniel, smiling. “I am doing great. How are you doing?”

The gorgeous black-haired, green-eyed, light skinned woman said, “We’re doing fine. Actually, we’re not, because we’ve just been released from alien prison, and we’re looking for a mate, and we can’t find one.”

“Yes,” said the hazel-eyed blonde. “That sucks.”

Daniel pulled three cards out of his wallet and handed a card to each one of the femme-fatales. “Here’s my card. I would either help you find a mate right now, or become your mate, but I’ve got a very important appointment with another lady, and if I miss it, I won’t be able to score because she’s the woman I want.”

“We understand,” said Laura, the blue-eyed blonde, wrapping her arms around Daniel and caressing him. “Even if you weren’t taken, you couldn’t become our partner because each one of us wants her own man, you know what I mean?”

“Yes, I know what you mean. I feel the same way. I only want one woman.”

“I see that your home address is in your card,” said the black-haired heartbreaker, Katherine.

“Yes, that’s right, my address is on my card, and so if you need me, you can come over or call me anytime, at my home or my mobile number. Are you sure you’ll be able to wait for your perfect mates?”

“We’ll make our bodies wait as long as necessary because we know you’ll find us gorgeous hunks like yourself,” said the hazel-eyed blonde, Sarah.

“That’s right,” said Daniel, taken the bouquet of roses he had chosen for Madison. “So, I guess I will see you girls another day.”

“Bye, Daniel,” said Laura as they walked away from him.

“Bye,” he said and went to pay for the flowers.

“Wow,” said the girl at the counter, “your girlfriend’s lucky! I can tell you are madly in love.”

“Yes, I am,” said Daniel, smiling.

“It’ll be $300 for those beautiful roses, sir.”

Daniel pulled out his credit card from his wallet and handed it to the lady. The lady swiped the credit card, charged it, and Daniel signed the digital screen with the special pen to authorize this transaction. Then, he carried the roses in his arms. The lady handed the credit card to Daniel, and Daniel put it back in his wallet although both hands were occupied, astonishing the lady. Finally, Daniel held the flowers with his left hand and used the right hand to place the credit card back in his wallet and placed his wallet in the pocket of his pants. Daniel then walked out of the florist shop and went back to his car. In less than three minutes, he buckled his seatbelt, started the car, and took the road.

Minutes later, Daniel stopped by the pharmacy and bought Madison the most expensive and exquisite chocolates money could buy. As soon as he paid for the box of chocolates, he walked out of the pharmacy, went to his car, and pulled out of the parking lot in a matter of minutes.

Madison was patiently waiting for Daniel. She looked at the clock on the wall, and she knew that he was late, but she didn’t care. She knew that Daniel would come over. Rather than reproaching him for making her suffer and abandoning her, she decided to give him the best night of his life, not a night of passion, yet, as this would be the second time she’d seen him all her life, but a night of romance. She had written songs and poems for him that she hoped he would hear one day, in the voices of other singers, of course. Passion could wait. She was waiting for it to be more intense she wanted to hunger for him more. Madison wanted this love to become so ardent and uncontrollable that it would explode one day. Then, she would give him a night of passion that he would never forget, and they would be happy for ever.      

Thirty minutes later, Daniel arrived at Madison’s house. He got out of the car in a matter of minutes, opened the back door on the passenger side, and retrieved the gigantic bouquet of roses. Then, he carried it with both hands and closed the door with his left leg. He walked to the front door, bared the weight of the roses with his left hand and rang the bell with his right hand. Madison was wearing her best dress and she had candles around the dining room table with a nice dinner, shells stuffed with chicken and spinach, red wine to drink, and lemon cream pie for dessert. She had her hair down and looked absolutely stunning. She walked from the dining room to the door and opened the door. She gasped. Daniel looked amazing tonight.

“Come on in, Daniel,” she said.

Daniel went in and she closed the door behind him.

“You look amazing,” he said as he walked to the living room and then sat on the sofa. He placed the bouquet of flowers in the dining room table, but he forgot about the chocolates. However, he didn’t want to ruin this moment by going back to the car to get them.

“You look gorgeous tonight,” she replied.

“You’re as beautiful as you were the night that I met you.”

“I’m never going to forget about that night because it was the best night of my life,” she said, standing in front of him. “Meeting you is the best thing that ever happened to me, but right now, I want to focus on you, on us. I want to make this a special, romantic night.” She walked to her stereo, retrieved a soft-music CD from her vast CD collection, loaded it on the CD player, closed that compartment, and played the music. “I have a surprise for you. You want to come to the dining room with me?”

“Sure,” he said as he got up, and then she walked to the dining room and he followed her.

There were no lights on in the dining room, only the candles chased away the darkness. Daniel was astonished when he saw the food on the table. He pulled Madison’s chair away from the table so that Madison could sit down. Then, he walked to his place on the table, in front of her, and sat down. They started eating. While they ate, they said absolutely nothing to each other. They just ate and looked lovingly into each other’s eyes. Madison didn’t want to talk about her past boyfriends because she knew she would start to cry and ruin this moment. He didn’t want to talk about his child and the mother of his child for the same reason. Madison could only wonder what Daniel was thinking. She wanted to know if he loved her. She had to know if he wanted her. They felt the same way for one another and it was more than evident. When Madison and Daniel were done eating, Daniel asked, “May I have this dance?” holding her hand.

“Of course,” she said and got up. Then, they started dancing beside the table. Suddenly, they hugged and held each other tightly. Then, Madison said the words Daniel didn’t think he’d hear from any woman. “I love you, Daniel.”

“I love you, too, Madison,” he said, still holding her.

She smiled. “I wish this moment would never end.”

They broke the embrace and then she held him once again. They started French-kissing passionately. Fifteen minutes into the kiss, he broke it and said, “Madison, I don’t want us to go too far.”

“I agree,” she said. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I just love you and want you so much. I’m not planning to make love to you, though, at least not tonight.”

“I feel the same way. I think it’s too soon for us to do that, I mean it’s only the second time we’ve seen one another.”

“I know that you work very hard. After tonight, when can I see you again?”

“I’ll make time for you every night. I promise that we’ll go on dates and I will make it up to you for all that you cried for me.”

“How do you know that I cried for you?” she said, amazed.

“I can see it in your eyes. You’ve suffered all this time because you love me. You’ve loved me since the moment we met.”

“Let’s not talk about that right now. My suffering is over because you’re here with me tonight, and you just gave me the best kiss I’ve ever had in my life.”

“Wow, no other woman has ever told me that before!” he said, blushing.

“It’s the truth. You can make any woman happy, Daniel.”

He smiled. “Now that this is going so well, I’m going to share one secret with you, and I hope that you don’t dump me afterwards.”

“What’s the secret?”

“I do experiments with humans.”

“What kind of experiments?”

They went to the living room together to talk about this because it was very interesting.

“I brought one dead woman back to life. She died after being in a coma for a few days, after a car accident. I don’t know how, but her brother heard that some of us, some of us aliens were looking for ways to bring dead people back to life, and he had two paramedics bring her to my house and begged me to do the same thing with her.”

“Oh, my God, she’s alive now?”

“Yes, she is. Her name is Diana Dawson.”

“Wow… how did you do it?”

“Madison, I hate to keep secrets from you, but that’s one question that I can’t answer.” He worked with her mind until he made her forget that they’d talked about this. He hated to do this, but he had to. Daniel couldn’t share this secret with humans because he knew that while some people would use it to do good things, other people would use it to do horrible things, and the angels didn’t want to be responsible for that, so the few that were doing this would keep it to themselves. Daniel knew it was a mistake to talk about this with other people and even show them his lab, but he could undo this mistake, so he did, twice now.

It was a success. Madison completely forgot about the conversation they were having just now, forever, and she would never question him about it again. “How about we watch a movie before you leave?” she asked.

“Yes, I’ll be glad to…”

“Oh, you’re a psychiatrist and you have to get up early tomorrow!” Madison said with her hand on her forehead. “Let’s just watch the movie tomorrow in the afternoon when you get off work.”

“It’s ok. No matter how few hours I sleep, I always wake up rested. If you want to watch the movie right now, we will.”

Madison went to her entertainment center and chose a DVD movie from the 500 movies that she had collected for a long time. Then, she placed the disc inside the player and closed the tray. She turned on the TV and the DVD started playing immediately. Then, Daniel sat on the sofa and Madison walked to the sofa and sat beside him. She got up again. “I almost forgot. I’m going to make some popcorn and get some sodas for us.”

“Thank you, baby, that’s very nice of you.”

She pop-kissed him on the lips... “I would do anything for you, sweetie.”

Ten minutes later, Madison came back to the living room with a bowl of popcorn and a two-liter bottle of cola. She placed everything on the coffee table including the two big glasses.


“We can have all the popcorn and soda we want,” she said, smiling.

Daniel served himself a glass of soda and started eating popcorn kernel by kernel while they watched the movie. It was a science-fiction movie about aliens invading and destroying earth.

Madison commented, “Now they know this is not science fiction anymore. At least the aliens that have come to earth so far don’t want to destroy it. What do you think about that? I played this movie thinking of you.”

“I think you’re absolutely right. In the beginning, Martians wanted to destroy humans, but when they got here, they were taught to love them and get used to them because after all, this is humans’ planet.”

“It’s not just ours anymore. Now we’re sharing it with you,” she said and placed a kernel of popcorn in her mouth.

“That’s right, you’re sharing it with us, but you know what? The only thing about this movie that’s sci-fi now is the way they made us look. We look nothing like that, but I don’t want to show you.”

Madison said, “That’s ok. You can show me one day, whenever you want. I’m not afraid of you, you know? I love you more than my life, and when I love someone I take him just the way he is.”

“With every word you say, you make me fall more and more deeply in love with you.”

She smiled. “I know all the wonderful things you guys have done for us, and I only expect more wonderful things.”

They hugged and watched the movie together. Incredibly, they finished all the popcorn and the soda. It was now fifteen minutes after one. He got up. “I have to go. Do you want me to come back tomorrow?”

She got up and looking him in the eyes, she said, “Yes, you can come over tomorrow. In fact, you can come over every day. I expect you to come over every day. I love you.”

“Thank you for everything.”

They hugged and pop kissed again. Daniel walked out the door and Madison followed him and closed the door behind him.

Five minutes later, Daniel was gone, and Madison loved him more than she did before he came over.

Daniel was on his way back home. Minutes after leaving Madison’s house, he saw a house covered in flames. Someone set this man’s house on fire to kill him. Daniel heard the desperate screams of the man. Incredibly, none of his neighbors called 911 for help. Death would not come to this man. His agony was only prolonged. Daniel pulled over in the sidewalk, got out of the car, closed the driver’s door, and ran into the house as fast as he could. He didn’t care in the least that the house was on fire or about getting burned. Without knowing that his body had the capacity of healing itself in a matter of minutes, he went in and his entire body got severely burned. He was a living flame. Within minutes he knew exactly where the man was and went for him. The man was in his bedroom, screaming his lungs out. Daniel just picked him up, carried him with both arms, made the fire stop with his mind in an unorthodox and strange way, and took his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed 911.

The 911 operator answered the phone.

“Hello, this is Daniel Sherman, and I need help.” Daniel started the fire again, and it was as bad as when he went in. “2116 Larson Road is on fire and I got the victim out, the owner of the house. He’s got severe burns all over his body.” Daniel was in the same situation, but in a matter of minutes, his skin started healing itself.

“We’re sending an ambulance and the firefighters right away. We’re also sending the police for a thorough investigation of this incident. Hang on, ok, Mr. Sherman? Also, thank you for helping the victim of this fire.”

Daniel concentrated on keeping the man alive using the immense power of his mind to keep his heart beating and keep him breathing while the ambulance arrived. Amazingly, he did it. The man stayed alive, breathing and conscious the whole time despite his intense pain. He couldn’t stop moaning and crying. The men placed the man on the gurney immediately and tied him down. They put him in the ambulance and took him away. Fifteen minutes later, the man arrived at the hospital and shortly after that; he was in the operating room.

Doctors were beside themselves, as they knew that the process of reconstruction would be difficult and painful. He would be forced to live with skin implants for the rest of his life, and normalcy wasn’t guaranteed at all, meaning he would also probably be disfigured for the remainder of his days. The doctors shook their heads and then covered the man’s body with bandages while they planned the first skin transplant for him. While all this was going on, the man’s family members were in the hospital, crying and expecting the worst because the police notified them of what had happened.

Dr. Revere went to the concerned family members of this man and explained to them the multiple operations this man would have to endure just to stay alive. The man’s mother and sisters couldn’t stop crying. His wife just fainted. This man was twenty-six years old and he had four children. He’d been married to his wife since he turned nineteen. One hour after the operation, the man was placed in Intensive Care. Daniel asked to see the man and incredibly, the nurses let him in because the hospital had photos of this man before the fire, and he looked exactly like Daniel! Everyone knew that this man didn’t have a twin brother and neither did Daniel, but the man’s loved ones asked Dr. Revere and the nurses to give him authorization to see the man because he had saved the man’s life and because he looked just like him.

Daniel didn’t come to the Intensive Care Unit empty-handed. He had a syringe with him. He’d learned about genetic alteration from Monti, and he was going to use this technique to restore his look-alike’s good health. It was a simple way of giving this man his life back. Incredibly, the man was still conscious, and although he couldn’t talk yet because his voice was gone, and he was in great pain, he could hear what others said to him and was perfectly aware of what was going on around him. He knew too darn well who had done this to him. Before injecting his blood into the man, Daniel said, “Don’t worry. You’ll get your life back in no time. I promise this.” He pulled the syringe out of his pocket and disabled the man’s sense of touch. Then, he injected the man