Apollo 918 the Trip of No Return by Joseh Thomas - HTML preview

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Apol o 918 The trip of no return


Joseph Thomas

It was three days ago since the operation, upon my

arrival, I had been covered in a giant anti radioactive

bag, then isolated from the entire staff of Apollo 918,

the worst part was that I could not see Dr. Estevez, as

only the specialists in this field were able to treat me.

They ran certain test to make sure everything was fine

with me. Until finally I was able to get out of there

and return to my duties as head of security for Apollo

918. Thank God the two suits managed to save my

life and my body had no traces of contamination.

The first thing I did after leaving the hospital was

send for agent Robert urgently. There were the

murders still to solve, which until now had only been

committed in our ship, the other two being free of any

altercation. Agent Robert was present immediately in

my office, I could tell in his face, he had interesting

news about the information only a few days ago I had

provided to him. I, was eager to get into action.

- Any new news? Were you able to use the

information I gave you?

- Yes, and I have something that will surprise enough.

The agent, as always, sat down by the table without


- I hope you brought the report I asked, you had

plenty of time, actually several days.

- Don’t worry Colonel, it was worth the wait - the

agent started talking, I decided not to interrupt again,

before leaving you sent the report to my computer.


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

Major Pot is already aware of the issue, he will come

to see it as soon as possible, thanks to the files you

gave me, it was discovered that indeed the senator

Thomson was doing business with our enemies. We

have records that prove the Senator selected ten

possible suspects. All are being watched now, but the

most interesting thing of all, is that among these ten

subjects are Jarod Hemle Hunke and Lindsay. This

caught my attention, the girl I knew belonged to the

enemy group, but the guy I was curious about, and

decided to seek more information comparing the files

that made it to Apollo 918 before the holocaust the

planet. It turns out the real Jarod Hunke was found

dead about twenty miles from his home just one day

before leaving for the secret facility. So the man that

died in the ship is not Jarod. We do not know who he

is and how he got here. But we also know that one of

the civilians in the ship MARGARET is not who he

says, as his record belongs to the paternal brother of

Jarod. And he was also killed in France a day before

leaving for Europe's secret facilities. However,

according to the results of DNA the testing effectively

proved it is the blood brother of Harold Hunke; Now,

I found no link between the senator and the people he

chose for civilians on the ship Margaret. Only the guy

already in custody knows. We waited for you to make

the first interrogation.

- Good work agent, good job, I said almost excitedly

I’m going to see Colonel Fabiens to coordinate the


- Wait Colonel, the most interesting thing I have not

told you yet, he said. The agent stopped me with this


Joseph Thomas

phrase. - In your absence we inspected the panels that

Harold or Lindsay wanted to open. And found this. -

The agent pulled out of his pocket a nylon bag and

inside was a small trigger fusion. Sufficient to set off

a small bomb H, or hydrogen. The puzzle of these

murders began to come together. The hydrogen was

the fuel the ships used and this type of detonator told

me that the risk was higher than expected. If these

terrorist infiltrators were trying to make or detonate a

bomb on our ship we would not let them, because we

were on their trail. I ordered the agent to double up on

the monitoring of the eight suspects we already knew

of, as well as throughout the ship, I wanted to talk to

Harold Hunke.


I passed the checkpoints in the tunnels that connected

the two ships. I found Colonel Fabiens doing his

routine tasks and was glad to see me again. They had

the guy in custody, two French soldiers guarded the

door of the room where he was being held. We went

and the boy looked peaceful. While lying in bed his

eyes were still closed, but he was awake, we heard a

kind of prayer that came from her lips almost

imperceptible. Noticing our visit he stood. I ordered

him to sit. We want to talk to you. -I said cordially.

The boy nodded, not a single gesture showed me that

he was scared. He waited in silence for the first


- Do you speak English?

- Yes, He replied.


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

- Who are you? I asked looking into his eyes.

- Aston Hunke. – He replied.

- That's not true. I know you're not Aston Hunke. You

changed identities with that person. That person is

dead. He was killed the day before you showed up

with false identity in Europe’s secret facilities. Your

brother did the same in the United States. Jarod’s

identity supplanted Hunke, we know from DNA tests

that you are brothers. But they are not the Hunke


- The boy looked up at me surprised. He did not

expect me to tell him what I had just mentioned, his

response was a question.

- How is my brother, also being held like me?

- Your brother is dead. I said with the low tone, he

was found dead in a confrontation in Apollo 72ship

with a girl named Lindsay Hemle, do you know her?

The boy's eyes were teary eyed, he did not mention a

single word. I waited a few minutes trying for him to

react, but he still did not lift his eyes again ... Behind

me Colonel Fabiens remained silent with arms folded

across his chest. From my experience I decided to

leave the boy alone for a while, I stood up and said a

few words before leaving.

-Listen, I want to think that your brother was not on

the side of evil. Hopefully his death will not be in


Joseph Thomas

vain. I do not know who you are, I do not know who

your brother was either, but if you can help stop these

murderers you will be of great help. I will wait until

you are ready to talk to me, just let them know and

one of the guards will come get me. I regret very

much the death of your brother, remember, we are on

the good side, just a few of us here of our species.

You are just in time to help save them. - I gestured to

my companion to come behind me. Once outside the

room, Colonel Fabiens asked:

- Why did you stop the interrogation?

- Something tells me this guy knows something, but

does not belong to them. Hopefully in a few hours, he

will the talk. I responded to the colonel before

heading back to the tunnel that would take me back to

the Apollo 918.

Pretty rest after the last three days, it was best to catch

up on how things were. I toured the ship, I did a short

interview on each floor with security guards and crew

chiefs. Everything was quiet. Civilians began act a bit

uneasy but normal and expected. The levels dedicated

to the animal species there was no new, except a

lionesses gave birth to a little baby that was the

entertainment of many. The workshops functioned

according to the daily work and the stores were all

good. Everything under control, I thought it best to

also check how the Apollo 918 hospital was running.

First time I was deeply interested in this topic without

me knowing why.

She was standing with her back to me when I reached


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

for the door. As always her neat white coat showed

her perfect silhouette, still remember the feeling my

hands take her by the waist, tight military trousers

marked her strong and firm legs. Further north of her

thighs something that made me crazy. She had not

noticed my presence and for a few minutes, I was just

staring at her. Until one of the doctors noticed me and

greeted me loudly, then she turned to look at me, her

face broke into a blushing smile. She did not come to

me. As I walked toward her, I was watching as she

gave nurses and patients instructions, until finally I

had her beautiful bright eyes in front of me.

- Good afternoon, Colonel. Is something wrong that

you are in the hospital?

Now I do not know what to say, the art that women

have to put men between the sword and the wall.

- No, I'm fine, just a routine visit. It was the answer

that came from my mouth without thinking.

- How’s your arm? The Dr. insisted.

- My arm is fine, although still a little sore. I

answered with a lie, just wanted to take the

opportunity to feel her hands on my skin again, I

would not let that pass.

- Come with me, let's look at the wound. She told me.

My mind jumped for joy, because my little white lie

had worked.

We went to the same room as last time. The same


Joseph Thomas

table, the same tray into the rack. But this time I

closed the door. I took her by the waist. With my

hands I turned her body around holding her close to

me a few seconds. She said nothing, I touched her

soft cheeks, I did not kiss her, but we just stared into

each other’s eyes and she stayed still and let me hug

her, while stroking her back firmly. I whispered into

her ear that everything would be fine. She pressed her

arms against my body, looked down and lost her eyes

up to my shoulder. Then my intercom broke the


- Colonel Paul? Commander Pot requests your

presence in the control room.

It was the phrase that rang in my ear and both of us

heard. Our bodies were separated, never had I hated

an intercom as much as this time. I went walking

toward the hallway that would take me to where the

General was. I ran my hand through my shoulder and

discovered moisture from a tears the doctor had shed

on my uniform.


Commander Pot was waiting in the main hall of the

control room. As I entered, he stood almost lunged at

me, exclaiming:

- Good news Colonel. Finally some good news!


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

On the table were the leading astronomers and

scientists of the three ships, on a screen in the left

wall showed images of galaxies and planets. I sat at

the table and I joined the conversation that already

had begun at that meeting. The man who had

supplanted Dr. Hans, Dr. MCCARTY and now chief

astronomer and research director of Apollo 918 was

the one that began the dialogue.

-According to our studies and calculations we have

concluded that indeed in the Magellanic Cloud galaxy

there is a planet, the Taurus III, which has developed

a kind of atmosphere with chemicals almost identical

to that of the earth. We also confirmed the presence

of a liquid that may be water. We can see two small

oceans Taurus III, all the other surface is solid. We

have a plan to corroborate this information. The

science and astronomer Dr. Thomas Reynolds will

explain in detail what it is.

A man in his fifties, about six feet tall, with total

baldness, and firm body of a man that had seemed to

have exercised. He stood up and took the remote

control in his hands. With this he spoke and passing

different images on the screen at his back.

- As Dr. McCarty mentioned, indeed we may well

have found a planet where settle our civilization. The

Taurus III in the LMC. The plan is to send a ship to

take samples of liquid, solids and gas. Also if

approved we would send some animal species within

this ship, in order to prove that the atomic

teleportation does not affect in any way the life and

survival of our species, so far this method is just a


Joseph Thomas

theory proven, we need to confirm solid objects, such

as metals, wood, etc.., but that has not been tested or

with animal life. To reach Taurus III would have to

go through a black hole, so it is necessary because of

the distance that separates us from it. Using this

method, if all goes well, in 72 hours the survey ship

should bring back the results. Only after that would

we confirm our theory.

Commander Pot nodded and made some scientists

questions that were answered by them. After nearly

an hour of debate General Pot approved the dispatch

of the ship. Dr. McCarty is responsible for all studies

and would be the head of this investigation, reporting

progress every twelve hours to the commanders of the

three main ships.

The meeting ended and I was alone with the general, I

wanted to talk to him personally. Now alone, it was







- Glad to see you and back to your duties. Since I was

given the report of what happened on earth, I want to

tell you that although it was a very risky decision I

congratulate you for your courage.

- I just did my job, Commander. I replied.

- Let's move to another topic. - The man crossed his

arms over his chest and leaned back into his seat. -

How are the interviews with the boy at the



Apol o 918 The trip of no return

- This morning we first spoke with him. Actually he

was a bit upset when he learned of the death of his

brother, so we decided to let him rest and not

continue with the questioning, my personal opinion is

that this guy has valuable information. But I don’t

think he belongs to the bad side, let’s hope he wants

to talk. We will give him a few hours and at night I

will be visiting him.

- Remember, Colonel, that this situation is delicate, I

do not want another person dead in this ship. The

Commander's tone was strong-Try for this guy to give

you the information you have, for the moment I have

given orders for all each suspects to be watched

closely and monitored. I do not want to leave any

loose ends and give the enemy the opportunity to

threaten the safety of this ship and this mission.

- I'm sure the guy will talk.

- After you talk to him at night not delay a second to

come to me with your report, whatever happens on

that interview I'll be waiting.

After a military greet, I stood up and left the

Commander, we had finished our conversation. I

decided to rest a couple of hours while it was time to

go to the Margaret ship, but my calculations within

two hours of rest went wrong, leaving the central

control room agent Robert met me, he came looking

for me because the man wanted to talk to me. I turned

around my steps and went straight to the tunnel that

led me to the room where I expected this guy

incognito. I found him sitting on the bed. As I entered


Joseph Thomas

the room, he motioned for me to sit.

I did and waited for him to start talking. After a few

seconds he became interested in the body of his

brother, for the details of his death, and asked

permission to see him one last time. I answered all

their questions with absolute truth. I explained what

the real situation was and that it presented a problem,

I asked for his help. I knew the boy was confused, but

my intuition did not deceive me from the first

moment when I thought this guy before him was not

among our enemies. After I spoke to him honestly

and he decided to tell his story.

- The story is long, I needed time to listen. My real

name is Abdel Hadi. I am twenty-six years and

although I was born in Iran, I lived for fifteen years in

France. My brother’s real name was Arfan Hadi, also

born in Iran, four years older than me. Our father

brought us up in the Baha’i religion. Our brothers

have been abused, tortured and massacred for

hundreds of years by groups of the Islamic Republic.

When my brother was fifteen he witnessed our

father’s death. Then tied him to a horse, dragged his

butchered body through the streets. My brother saw

that. He vowed for vengeance. Some friends of my

father took us out of Iran, me to France, and my

brother to the United States. Arfan never forgot, and

although our beliefs do not support revenge or war, he

swore vengeance on our enemies. Then infiltrated in

an anti-Western Islamic groups within American

territory. A week before presenting to the secret

facility my brother traveled on false documents and


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

visited me. He told me about the ships and the escape

plan. That an influential senator had managed to

introduce civilian personnel to a group of ten. The

order was for the group to assassinate leading

scientists before the discovery of another destination

and perpetrate a terrorist act inside the ship detonating

a bomb that, as I said, had infiltrated while building

the ship. I do not know the exact location, but he

mentioned several times ponds and marine species.

There was a problem, Jarold Hunke’s brother had

been chosen in the UK for their qualifications at a

university in London. The day before leaving back to

America my brother killed Aston Hunke. He

confessed this to me, that night he gave me all of

Aston’s documents, asked me to be present at the

European secret facilities after 36 hours. He murdered

Aston Hunke to save the lives of all civilians who are

on this ship. He had to be here and stop the terrorist

plot. But he could not trust anyone, not knowing who

was with the senator and who was not. He was

ordered to kill that guy and get me on the ship. We

should not have any contact while we were here. The

last time he was at my side was in France, he told me

everything and told me that if anything went wrong,

find someone you trust and tell my story. I did not

have names, just telling you what I know. All these

days I have prayed for him. But today when I heard

he was dead, I know his plan failed. So I decided to

tell you everything. I swear I'm telling you everything

I know.

I thanked Arfan for his decision to tell his story, and

shook my hand as a sign that I believed everything he

was saying.


Joseph Thomas

I promised that I personally would take him to see the

body of his brother and when we got to our next

destination, I would help him