Apollo 918 the Trip of No Return by Joseh Thomas - HTML preview

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Apol o 918 The trip of no return


Joseph Thomas

- Good afternoon, Colonel.

Agent Robert greeted me warmly as he walked

behind me to my office. He sat down without asking,

waiting for me to speak first. Slowly I explained the

details of all the information given to me by the first

lady, without going into details of who had given me

this information.

- It's great information – The agent said. I ordered

him to thoroughly investigate every person chosen by

the senator. Something told me that if we followed

the track and we checked carefully this information,

we would find one or more members of the group that

infiltrated the ship. I told him discreetly that

information of the progress of the investigation

should only be given to General Pot and myself. I

gave the agent the password to enter the files where

all records of all civilians in the Apollo 918 were, I

would contact him within 24 hours. I apologized for

the urgency and for the need to work fast and

efficiently. I let him go, explaining that he had to

attend to other matters.

On the way to see General Pot almost reaching the

central command post I crossed paths with Dr.

Estevez. As always, her hair fell on her shoulders

over her white coat, making her eyes shine bright like

two suns. This woman had a charm that fascinated

me. When she was in front of me, I could forget all

the problems, I was scared when my mind reacted

saying: I was falling in love. I never had time to

experience that feeling. And I wondered why now.

How could I afford to love someone who, like me,


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

had no destination. Every human being at this time

who lived within these three ships, had a destination.

Nobody knew what would happen. I know love can

overcome all obstacles. When she approached me.

She took my arm in her hand. She lifted a corner of

the dressing and looked me straight in the eye, gave

me the most beautiful smile ever before saying:

- You must make an upcoming to visit to the

infirmary. Since the wound is healed, we can now

remove the bandages and clean the scar.

I promised the doctor to visit her in a few hours, I

really had no desire to take my arm and those bands

off. I was quite pleased with her diagnosis. What I did

not mention to her was my desire to see her again.

And the thought that crossed my mind that now I did

not have an excuse to visit her, where she spent most

of her time.

General Pot was giving instructions when I got to

where he was. The flight captains were coming and

going between the control panels. I approached him

and asked him for private time. The man asked me a

few minutes. I stood behind his seat. I heard him give

orders. Until finally he rose from his chair and






to follow him, to a small rooms adjacent to the main

control room.

- I hope you come to give me an interesting report on

the investigations- The General told me as he sat on

the chair of this room.


Joseph Thomas

- Yes, I have, General. - I replied. And immediately I

explained everything that had happened since meeting

with the first lady in their private quarters. I gave the

commander of Apollo 72 all the information and told

him about the orders given to agent Robert.

- Very good job, Colonel. I expected no less from

you. Keep me informed of every step in this research.

And tell agent Robert that only you and I must know


- I already did, Commander. - I said.

- Ok. OK, now go and rest about two hours. At 21:00

hours I need you ready to receive instructions and be

ready to go with seven pilots to the mission we talked

about earlier. Since the ships are ready to remove the

ice needed. At 23:00 hours you will leave for earth.

With a military salute, I turned my back to the man

who commanded those three ships.


Two hours was very little time to rest, so I decided to

go to the infirmary and have my arm bands removed.

As I arrived, my eyes were searching the doctor. She

was taking the pulse of one of the patients admitted,

who remained in quarantine. The weight of my eye

looking at her caused her to turn around and saw me

starring at her.


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

- Colonel apparently you are desperate to remove that

band. – She said. It’s only been forty five minutes

since I told you and you are already here.

- I’m leaving in two hours for a mission and wanted

to have them removed. But if you're busy I can come

back another time. -I replied.

- It's OK, come with me.

I followed her to small end at the end of nursing

quarters. She ordered me to sit on a metal table and

extend my arm. From a shelf she had pulled a tray

with all the healing tools in her hands, she put on

nylon gloves, and taking scissors started cutting the

bandage. I kept looking at her. I had her there so close

to me and yet I dared not say anything. She looked up

at times. And sought my eyes. Bands finally

disappeared from my arm. And then I felt her fingers

touch the scar that extended a few inches into my skin

while cleaning what was left of the wound. I do not

know how made. But my other hand sought hers. Her

fingers lost between mine. This time she did not look

up. But let the warmth of my palm caress her hand. –

Your arm is like new, she said. And I, not knowing

how I jumped over the metal table and taking her by

the waist pressed against my uniform. She was so

close to me that for the first time I could smell her

hair and skin, your perfume. A that point I was almost

ready to kiss her. Almost touching her lips with mine

when a girl suddenly opened the door of that room.

- Doctor, the patient in bed 34 has worsened, Dr.

RIMT needs your help. Said the girl and closed the


Joseph Thomas


I picked up my military cap from the table, before the

Dr. noticed my cheeks were red, I left.

I checked the time, I appeared before General Pot,

which he had been expecting me. With him, we went

to the main hangars of the Apollo 918. Already there

were the other seven pilots that would accompany me

on the mission, several of the experts were

explaining how to extract and store ice in the eight

ships ready for this. It was the general who gave the

first indications.

- You will depart exactly at 23:00 hours, Colonel Paul

will command the mission, enter the planet thru the

northern hemisphere, which currently is the

hemisphere that is facing the sun.

Exactly the coordinates 10 ° 57 '42'' north latitude and

74 ° 46' 54'' of longitude west of the city of

Barranquilla. When passing through the atmosphere

you will be divided into two groups of four and these

in turn into four pairs and make a reconnaissance

flight. Since the eight ships are equipped with special

cameras and equipment to measure pollution, none of

this will be a problem for you because these cameras

will be directed from here. Overfly each capital city

of every country of the Americas. You will not leave

your ships, see what

you see. After


reconnaissance flight, the four ships that will be in the

southern hemisphere and will go to Antarctica.

Overflying the northern hemisphere at 4:00 pm in the

Arctic pole. While there a hydraulic arm attached to


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

each ship in the bottom will be extracting the ice to

fill the compartments with which there are eight

ships. You only need to ensure that the depth reached

for these arms is five hundred feet, at that point it

should not have contamination.

You have five hours for this. At the end you should

have turned around and then the four ships that are in

the Antarctica fly over the continents of Africa,

Australia, and Asia, the ships that fly over the Arctic

are Europe and Russia, meeting everyone at the

coordinates 25 ° 03 ' N and 121 ° 30'W in Taiwan

City to begin the climb and through the atmosphere at

17:00. You should be back in Apollo 918 at 23:00 am

tomorrow. The team of experts will explain how to

drive the hydraulic extraction. You have enough

oxygen in you ships for 48 hours. You cannot take off

your spacesuits or leave your ships for no reason at all

your equipment are designed against radiation. Pilots,

God bless. - The general became silent and each of

the pilots including myself headed to the ships

prepared for the mission, though I was familiar with

all controls and the flight deck of a ship, for the first

time I was going to fly a ship that would cross into

the atmosphere. The Z-shaped wings out from the

center of an oval frame where the cockpit was in the

bottom. Small windows let us see into outer space.

One expert went with me and showed me how to

handle the arm that would draw the ice. Everything

else was of my knowledge. All ready, General Pot,

gave the order to go, the Apollo 918 gate opened to

release the eight ships departing.


Joseph Thomas


We leave the Apollo 918 in triangle formation, we

started our journey to our land. I was sure this would

be the last time I would see the world in which I lived

in for so many years, a feeling of heaviness invaded

my spirit. We crossed the atmosphere at the agreed

point, and there I gave orders to divide. Three pilots

followed me to the northern hemisphere. The other

four were out of my sight flying to the southern part

of the planet. After flying over Mexico with a

difference of a few miles between ships, we

separated, one of the pilots was to fly over the east

coast of the United States, fly over the states of

Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, Utah

and Washington. A second pilot would travel the

cities of Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas,

Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming, South Dakota,

Montana and North Dakota, the pilot closer to me was

to fly over the states of Louisiana, Mississippi,

Alabama , Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri, Kentucky,

Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, and

Minnesota. And finally I would fly over the east coast

of the United States, the states of Florida, Georgia,

the Carolinas, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New

York. After passing over the United States each ship

would head north, and fly over the states of Canada,

to meet at a point in the Arctic pole. I realized I had

been selfish in distributing routes, but I had wanted to

pass by the military barracks which had seen me grow

into a Colonel. I wanted to see with my own eyes the

city where I grew up in. See the lake where every

evening I would sit with my father in that old wooden


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

bench that I helped build.

As we flew, the silence became king of the eight

cabins on the ships, although we were all were

interconnected, not a word had been heard. The horns

of our ships were not used a single time.

The destruction on the planet was complete.

Everything was reduced to rubble. Not one of the

cities that I flew over was still standing. The colors of

the streets of my country, had now the color of

funeral gray including the landscape. The waves were

invading some of the buildings that had height. Not a

single sign of life. A few trees were still standing but

not a single green leaf. Major interstate highways

were full of cars and trucks turned into ashes. Nearly

half of Florida had disappeared under the sea, the

Carolinas, now only a desert full of silence and death.

From the old castles in the state of Virginia had less

than ten feet, all with more than half of the buildings

destroyed. I intentionally flew over my old

neighborhood, my home, nor the house or the bench

were there. I understood why the pilots refusal to say

a word. When I approached New York, no city had

been destroyed like this one. One of the warheads had

crashed in the center of Manhattan. I only found dust

and sand, and the waves of a sweeping black sea took

what little was left.

And so the mission passed in silence, we just let the

images form our ships do the talking. The images we

were also seeing were also seen by Apollo 918, not a

single word from them either.


Joseph Thomas

At the appointed time the four ships headed to the

Arctic, the other four, twenty minutes before had been

reported as on site in the extraction site of the

Antarctic pole. We placed our teams on the marked

extraction site. The digging arms moved towards the

white ice. Within half an hour the tips of the augers in

the arms were at the required depth. I gave orders to

start the motors. And the compartments began to fill,

the measuring needle began to move, everything went

as planned. So far the mission was a success. Except

the sadness of seeing our home, the earth, totally

destroyed and dead.

Exactly three hours forty-eight minutes the extraction

operation lasted. The northern hemisphere ships were

ready for the second part of the mission, to fly over

the other side of the planet. The ships in the southern

hemisphere needed about twenty minutes more. I

hoped that the launch was timed as had been

calculated. But when going to the second part of the

mission one of the ships left hydraulic arm was stuck

in the ice. For the first time in our cabins speakers we

heard the voice of a pilot.

- Colonel, I have problems!

- Tell me pilot, what wrong? -I said to the man that

seemed scared.

- My ship, the auger is stuck. It does not respond to

my commands, the coupling mechanisms to the ship

have frozen.


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

- Calm down, cadet. Do not leave, stay put, let me ask

for instructions. - I connected my radio equipment to

the frequency of Apollo 918, we were all waiting to

see what would happen, but I was not willing to leave

that pilot on earth, many human lives had already

been lost.

- Apollo, Apollo, Colonel Paul here. Do you read me?

- Affirmative, Colonel, I read you, what happened?

From the other side a voice of one of the flight

captains answered my call.

- The ship number 3 is stuck in the ice, the auger and

hydraulic arm do not let go, des not respond to the


- Colonel. Here speaks engineer Douglas. –I

recognized the man who spoke to me, he was one of

the experts who had shown us how the whole system

worked to extract and fill the compartments – the

hydraulic lines may have frozen, the ice also

imprisoned the length the arm. I connected the pilot to

the frequently of the ship.

- Ok, Affirmative. I copy. - From the cockpit of my

ship I could connect the other ships to the frequency

of Apollo, I looked at the controls on my head and I

added the cadet in trouble to the conversation.

- Pilot. Are you there? - Asked from Apollo.

- Affirmative, cadet Lester here. Pilot Ship No. 3.


Joseph Thomas

- Pilot, engineer Douglas is speaking to you. What is

your situation?

- All the compartments are filled to 100%. I was

about to take off, but when operating the ice trying to

get systems hydraulic arm, the system does not

respond. I'm stuck in ice.

- Ok, cadet, I understand your situation, listen closely.

To your right are two panels of the ship stability.

Among these you have a small panel installed, it will

release, it is a different color to the others in your


- Affirmative, here what I have.

- Release the panel that I mentioned, you will find a

black control.

- Yes, here it is.

- That's the manual command to expel all hydraulic

arm extractions, operate it slowly upwards. The arm

will come off the ship and you can take off.

It took about two minutes until the pilot's voice came


- Here, pilot of the ship three. I powered the control

arm twice and does it does not release. What do I do?

- Calm down, cadet. Await instructions.


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

From the Apollo 918 spacecraft took the three in the

frequency just heard the whole conversation, for the

second time the engineer Douglas spoke to me.

- Colonel Paul, are you there?

- Affirmative, here I am.

- Colonel, this is engineer Douglas again. I will

explain the situation, apparently the eject commands

are also frozen. You will have two options.

Disconnecting the drill from the outside of the ship,

which is extremely dangerous for any human being.

Due to radiation levels that our system is reading, or

the other is leave the pilot and the ship behind, I know

it's a tough decision, but we will have to sacrifice a

pilot to achieve the mission’s success. The clock is


- I will not leave a man behind, - I said - tell me what

to do.

- Colonel, are you sure of your decision? – I

recognized the voice that spoke to me this time. It

was the Apollo 918’s commander, General Pot.

- Yes, Commander. I'm sure, too many lives have

been lost on this planet to afford to lose one more. I

wait for instructions, but I'm not leaving here without

that driver.

- Colonel Ok, I trust your decision. Engineer Douglas

will instruct you.


Joseph Thomas

- Colonel? The engineer began to give me

instructions- in the bottom of the ship is the hydraulic

arm that has a command equal to the one just

operated by pilot Lester. This time you must drive it

down hard. Please use the auxiliary protection suit

behind your seat. Two suits will protect more than

one. Leave your hatch open. If the bit is clear, you

should run to your ship. A block of ice can break and

leave you trapped, and that will not be very good for