Apollo 918 the Trip of No Return by Joseh Thomas - HTML preview

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Apol o 918 The trip of no return


Joseph Thomas

The shot was accurate, perfectly between the eyes.

The man dropped upon impact from the bullet in his

head and the knife he held in his right hand. The rifle

barrel that soldier Neal was holding was still

smoking, the girl trapped in the hands of that mad

man, was trembling with fear, the blade of the knife

to her throat managed to break every nerve.

We had only been in outer space for two hours and

problems already began. I stood frozen in front of the

scene I had just witnessed. We were all out of danger.

I immediately gave orders to have the personal file

sent to my computer of the man that was now dead.

In the hallway of the second floor, a pool of blood

filled the bunkhouse door number 234. The girl was

trembling while on her way to the infirmary, she was

held by one of my best soldiers, the Cadet Laura o'


Only two minutes had passed since the soldier Neal

had fired his rifle, on my right side appeared general

Pot. He appeared nervous. He asked what had

happened and I tried to answer his questions in just a

few sentences. :

- Soldier Neal radioed me reporting problems on the

second floor. He was making his usual rounds, when

he saw a man holding a girl hostage, threating to kill

her with a knife to her neck. Soldier Neal pointed his

rifle at him. When the man saw that, he tried to cut

the girl and the soldier fired. We do not know the

reasons, I just ordered the man’s record and hopefully

we can talk to the girl after she calms down, she’s

now in the infirmary.


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

-The General frowned, he approached the dead

man’s body and checked into his pockets, he found

nothing, not a single document, no identification. He

stood up, and ordered:

- Colonel, order the evacuation of this man’s body, I

need someone to clean this place up, I do not want to

panic among civilians. You have five minutes to

come to my office. We need to talk. - And he went

thru the same where he had appeared.

I walked in five minutes the General had asked me,

after I had walked thru hallways of floors 3 and 4.

Everything was quiet. Then I came to his door. Door

was open. I stood there, firm, hoping he gave me

orders come in.

- Come in Colonel, have a seat.

The office was small; little furniture, a metal desk

coming out of the floor and was made to turn into a

bed all the way to the left side of the room. Papers on

his desk and a computer. Two metal seats of the same

color in front of the desk and a larger one behind the

desk. On the back wall a screen that reminded me of

the one that I had seen in the secret government

bunkers. I sat and waited for the general’s questions.

- What about the attacker, Colonel? – He asked the

question without facing me. His back facing me,

looking on the screen the image of planet earth. At

some point I noticed the image had him concerned.

- One of my soldiers is transferring the files from the

main control room to my PC. We could not talk with


Joseph Thomas

the girl at this moment as she is resting and asleep,

she has been sedated. The incident shook her up. His

back still facing me, his voice just told me he was not

paying very much attention to me.

- Ok Colonel, I need the report of what happened in

my hands today by 22:00 hours. We already have

enough problems. – He sounded serious and

concerned. I wanted to inquire about Planet Earth, but

it was not necessary. The General changed the

subject, and immediately said:

- This is not why I called you Colonel. I need to

reveal information about the situation on the planet. I

want you to know that the two ships that accompany

us in this mission, two ships exactly like ours, are

already here, one to our right and one to our left. To








MARGARET, you need to make contact with

Colonel Fabien. He’s French, but speaks perfect

English. On the left are the Russians. It’s

distinguished by the red letters that adorn the ship on

the top with the name XX MOSCOW. You may

contact the colonel in charge of security is, he is Ukac


I gave orders for a communication chip be installed in

your intercom, this way you can maintain

communication with their personnel. You need to

pass by where the engineers are to be installed. You

need to be in constant communication with the

officers of the other ships. If necessary these ships

have a permit to transfer between them. Becoming

between the three ships a humongous floating city.


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

But that’s only if it becomes necessary. So far the

situation on the planet remains the same. The threat is

growing every second and our intelligence agencies

cannot find where enemies have that nuclear arsenal.

Just thirty minutes ago Kazakhstan was defeated, ide

fiercest general, right now they are questioning him.

Hopefully we can obtain important information and

all this will be nothing more than a terrible nightmare.

You may leave, Colonel. And remember to have that

report ready by, at 22 hours.

I said nothing, I stood up, and saluted him firmly with

my right in a typical military goodbye, thus letting the

general know that his orders would be fulfilled. I

went to my room and my body collapsed on the bed. I

needed to go over what happened in the last two days.

To recount the events in my mind. I had to reorganize

my ideas.


Trees on the street painted the landscape of a dark

orange, the sidewalk was barely visible through the

dry leaves that covered it. I could feel the crunch of

dry leaves under my military boots. I came to the

front entrance of a gate, as I walked. I saw my father

thru the gate, sitting in the front porch. As soon as he

saw me, he jumped for joy. He did not let me come to

him, he came to me and gave me a big hug. It was

exactly three years since I went back home to visit the

home I was born in. Since being transferred to

Virginia, I had not been able to return home, in times

of war calls are scarce, my father excited for my visit,


Joseph Thomas

did not know what to do to show me his happiness.

We entered the house, I stopped to watch him sitting

in the kitchen. He had gotten old.

You could see in his hands that the strength of his

youth was gone. Ever since my mother had passed, he

was never the same again. From the refrigerator he

reached for two beers. The stove was on, he was

cooking a stew that now surely he would share with

me. He checked the food on the stove, before giving

me the beer, he sat next to me.


- Colonel? Colonel!

Soldier O'Hara’s voice woke me up. I wished it had

not happened. So I could continue searching for fresh

memories of my father. I was surprised to have those

memories so fresh in my mind.

- Come in, soldier. Tell me. - I ran my hands over my

face, trying to finally wake up, because I was still half


- Colonel, the records you requested of the girl and

his attacker are already on your computer.

Sitting on my bed, I thanked O 'Hara, and asked him

to leave. Again alone and quiet in my room, I opened

the files.

Lindsay Hemle, California, January 23, 1998. Just

graduated from Harvard Law School. She lived in her


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

hometown until the age of 14, her parents separated

and she moved to New York with her mother, her

father passed away three years later of an overdose,

the separation was the reason for his depression.

Lindsay never returned to California, her mother

remarried and she decides to leave the house. She

then moves to an aunt’s house who lives in New

York, spent her years studying and earns a

scholarship to Harvard with very high grades. Her

college years passed uneventfully again outstanding

grades. Never has been arrested, never a problem in

college, one known boyfriend, a guy from Denver,

the son of a U.S. Congressman, who died in a car

accident. Finished her studies in 2019 being the

second best grade in her class. She was hired by the

firm Berner's & Asociates. An attorney there, she

worked 18 months, defending four cases, she won all

of them, the Jersey case is the most important one.

She defended Jayden Nobals, son of one of the richest

man in the country. Suspected murderer of 4 people

in Detroit, shot to death, is acquitted by Lindsay’s

great defense. In other words, young, famous

professional, no connection with crime. Clean, done,

end of story.

I closed the file and opened the girl's attacker’s, file

hoping to find some answers.

Jarod Huken, South Carolina, August 8, 1996,

graduated from Florida International University.

Doctor specializing in orthopedics. He lived until he

was six years in South Carolina. His parents moved to

Florida in September 2002. Lived in Tampa till he

was 10, his father is also a Doctor, specializing in


Joseph Thomas

pediatrics. His mother, a renowned surgeon at

Jackson, he graduated with honors in 2020 receiving

his diploma from the hands of the state governor.

Never been involved in any crime, medical

examinations reveal that never drugged, did not

smoke, never seen drinking alcohol. When he began

medical school his parents choose to live in Miami.

Three girlfriends known, all medical students with

him. All with clean records. Before being chosen to

come aboard, he was directly working in implanting

limbs amputees. In other words, friendly, young,

prominent professional, no link to crime, nonviolent,

clean, done, end of story.

I closed the file puzzled, nothing in the file told me

what could have happened. I decided to visit Lindsay

in nursing and see if I could speak with her. Maybe

what she told me, could give me details and I could

determine what happened. I needed to find out details,

my report was due on the General’s desk before 22

hours. I had exactly six hours to do so.


The hospital was in one of the upper floor of the ship,

the busy medical staff meeting with the wounded and

beaten caused by the civil stampede to board the ship

from land. Lindsay was still sleeping. A doctor with

last name of Estevez, name on her medical gown’s

badge, was determined to check the wound on my

right hand, while I waited for the girl wake up. She

took me to one of the private nursing cubicles, where


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

she withdrew the band that hours earlier I put on to

stop the bleeding.

She was a woman of about 35 years, tall, Latino

features, black hair up to the middle of her back.

Light eyes, very beautiful. She treated me as if the

wounded arm was a small child’s. The tenderness of

her movements immediately caught my attention. She

crossed eyes with mine every time I she tried to

suture the wound, as if looking for signs of pain. She

kept looking into my eyes for signs of pain. I saw

uncertainty in her eyes. The doctor completed the

work on my arm about the same time that a nurse let

me know that Lindsay had awakened. I found the girl

on her bed, she was quiet, but her eyelids still had

signs of having cried. I sat by her side after formally

introducing myself and started to ask her questions.

- Hello, Lindsay how do you feel?

- Thank you. I feel much better. She replied getting

up from bed, waiting for my next question.

- I need you to tell me what happened, why this man

wanted to kill you?

- I was in my room. – The girl told me, and decided to

walk to one of the dining rooms looking for

something to drink. By mistake, I went towards the

right bunker and found this man trying to open with a

knife panels on the right. If you look there you will

find marks. I realized he was not a technician,

because he did not have tools with him. I asked him

what was he doing, he got scared. He took me by the


Joseph Thomas

neck, threatening me and pointing the knife at my

throat. He started to say a few phrases in a language

unknown to me, it was like a prayer. I cried for help

before he covered my mouth. Apparently, my cry for

help was heard by the soldier. You know the rest of

the story.

- Can you remember any phrase that this man was

saying, I need you to make an effort.

- He repeated various times, something like: Rows jan

you viladi kueli join.

Upon hearing this phrase, my whole body was by

swept with shiver. I thanked her and told Lindsay I

might need to see her again.

Back in my room I kept thinking the sentence that the

girl had repeated. My experience as a soldier and

three missions in Arab territory had taught me a little

of their language. The translation of the phrase was

simple but very dangerous. For Allah is my revenge.

That was what the man repeated. Before going to my

room I decided to check again and check the panels

that what Lindsay said was true. I took a picture with

my phone and loaded them to my laptop, which the

pictures were seen clearly, I saw the marks produced

by a sharp object. Apparently the girl was right. The

scratches she mentioned were there, the question that

was spinning in my head was why the panels? What

was there that could be of interest to him?

Because of the seriousness of this matter I decided to

write the report and submitted to the General Pot

before 22:00 hours. I sent for one of the main


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

engineers of the ship, I needed to know every detail.

It took only minutes for the engineer to arrive, in the

meantime, I went ahead and wrote a short report to

send the other two ships that accompanied us






It was necessary for them to be on alert, it was

alarming to even think that our enemies had

penetrated was alarming in my head. I spoke lengthy

and in detail with the engineer. I asked him to explain

to me what kind of connections were passing thru the

panels, and ordered him to review each one of them.

If Harold Hunke wanted to open that panel, it was

because something in them had caught his attention.


Joseph Thomas