Apollo 918 the Trip of No Return by Joseh Thomas - HTML preview

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Apol o 918 The trip of no return


Joseph Thomas

In the middle of writing my report in my computer

after my conversation with the engineer, an alarm in

my intercom sounded off, I should report myself to

the central control room of the ship. I saved my report

in an encrypted file which I had written on my travel

log. Not much information yet, only my interview

with Lindsay, and the engineer’s report. I stood

before the General. All military and civilian leaders

of the ship were there, we would also be in video

conference through a screen with the command posts

of the other two ships that accompanied us in the

mission. After the formal presentations from senior

leaders, the General lit a small monitor screen and

read the latest reports coming from earth.

- The Western coalition troops had advanced towards

our enemy’s stronghold. Casualties on both sides

were counted in the thousands per hour. Europe had

been fully released but there were still points where

Arab enemies were posing resistance. Cities such as

Madrid and Brussels were reduced to rubble.

According to estimates, only 6% of the civilian

population had survived in these cities. Though still

no warheads had exploded on the planet, medium

range missiles plied the skies. The attacks were

devastating, it was known that few thousand survivors

in the Swiss Alps had escaped before the bombing.

The West Coast of the United States was at this time

under fire. Three coalition aircraft carriers had been

sunk. Of enemy forces, seven were knocked out

thanks to the courage of the soldiers of the U.S. Air

Force. The African continent was dominated by the

English forces and no activity had been reported some

four hours now.


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

One of the main leaders of the Arab enemy forces,

had been killed, with all his men in Zimbabwe. Many

cities in South America, had been virtually wiped out

along with their inhabitants. Although there was no

longer enemy presence, hunger and thirst began to

take its toll on the population. Countries such as

Brazil and Argentina had offered their support and

military force to the liberating troops. The general

paused for a moment, took a sip of water before

continuing with the investigation report. Now came

the part that we all expected. -Still unaccounted for is

the president and commander in chief of the enemy

forces. We have taken three more cities in Iraq, Iran

and Saudi Arabia. But have not found the nuclear

arsenal. Our orders were still to remain at 12,650

miles from the planet. Ensuring the safety of our crew

and civilians. And ensuring their safe return home if

this war ends. If this is not possible, our astronomers

are looking for a place to settle our culture. But have

nothing yet. We are receiving reports from the planet

every two hours. We will continue to inform you of

additional news.

The commander of the Russian ship also read the

report from Moscow that had been sent. Not much

more encouraging than the one that came from

Washington. From the third ship their commander

was silent, almost at the end of the meeting he raised

some questions about the work of astronomers who

were dedicated to finding a point in space where our

civilization could continue in case of a disaster.

General Pot dismissed all giving the order to meet

there again within four hours. I was about to leave

when the man's voice asked me to stay. All officers


Joseph Thomas

had left, only I had stayed alone with him. The man

sat down on the right side of the oval table. He

gestured with his face denoting high concern while

staring me in the eyes, until he finally spoke:

- You have news about the attacker, Colonel?

I was about to reply when over the intercom in my

right ear, the voice of one of my soldiers telling me to

I was needed at level two of the ship, urgent.

- It’s something on level two of the ship, General. -

That was my quick response before leaving as quickly

as possible to the place where I had been called. The

man did not wait for my response, said nothing,

picked up his gun from a drawer and went behind me.


Apol o 918 The trip of no return


Joseph Thomas