Ascension: The End Game by AP West - HTML preview

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Chapter Nineteen


"ARIES access all information pertaining to The Bloc, RAC, North America." We're in the media room now and as I command, ARIES accesses my memories and begins to both display images and transmit information directly to Apollo's brain. After a while, the boy looks at me with an expression of significance and I confirm his trepidation, "That's right Apollo, they have others, just like you and me."

"And Cynric?" I see now that Apollo has made the wrong assumption, so I explain to him, "Cynric is merely a bureaucrat, but he commands thousands and they posses weapons that make the Corsair machines look like toys. But the others that are like us, that's an entirely different matter. There's no way of knowing how many they may have."

Suddenly, an image emerges on the screen that I must admit is rather frightening. It's a depiction of what must be thousands of soldiers marching on a bloodstained beach, littered with corpses. Countless machines hovering above them, covering the sky. I search through the computer and eventually realize where the picture is coming from,

"Apollo, where did you see that?"

"ARIES showed it to me last night."

I passively try to explain away the image, "Well it has to be a scene from the Last War." But Apollo disagrees, "When I asked ARIES what was my purpose.."

I interject, "I've already told you that." But my interruption doesn't deter him, rather it leads him to his point. "That's just it, when I asked her what I was supposedly protecting Alcazar from, that's is what she gave me."

I quickly decide the best way to address this situation was to go directly to the source, "ARIES, what is the date of the image." After a few moments, ARIES answers, "That information is classified. Authorization: Second Lieutenant Amy R. Lexington, Code Prime - USAMRMC, Fort Detrick, Maryland."

I react to her response by probing further, "Okay then, show the file on Second Lieutenant Amy R. Lexington, USAMRMC." The computer replies with the same reference to classified materials, followed by only silence. I don't ever remember ARIES being reticent, so I repeat myself, "Who is Amy R. Lexington?" After another silent moment, I change my focus and turn to Apollo, "We'll have deal with this later, right now I've got to get you ready."

Apollo then explains how his mother drilled him on most of the specifics of the Ceremony. Which is a good thing because I can't seem get that name off my mind anyway, Amy R. Lexington. It's almost like the sound of it reminds me of someone. The look on Apollo's face shows he senses my dilemma too. So instead of feeding him, I try to change the subject, "Walk with me Apollo, the some fresh air will help clear our heads."

We go downstairs and out into the Porticus Acropoli. Walking toward the pond, I say to him, "Luna will be there tomorrow, you know." His reaction isn't exactly what I anticipated, "Will her grandmother be there?" and I nod, "Yes, she will be there, is something wrong?" He just shakes his head, "No, just curious."

Then I think Apollo attention goes to another place because he just stares out at the water. I can only guess who he's thinking of. I also get the impression he would rather be alone, so I oblige, "Well if you need anything, I'll be around. You know you are welcome to stay here, if you like." Apollo answers, "Don't I have to?" And I reply, "No, you can do anything you want. I only ask you always try and do the right thing. In this instance, staying with your mother is perfectly fine with me." I turn back and head for the archway. As I walk inside, I hear him say something that hints at faint hope for the future, "I'll see you in the morning."

After spending all night in the library, I still don't have any answers. I've probed every bit of information in ARIES' memory and my own. It's like the woman didn't exist. "ARIES provide a list of all the second lieutenants in the United States Army, last name Lexington." The computer shows a list of three individuals, none of which are who I'm looking for.

Then I hear Apollo's voice, "I got a feeling there's someone who can help us." I sit up to see him approaching me. "Who would that be?" He responds to me in a way that almost feels like condescension, "Obviously, Amy R. is an anagram." My eyes widen when the idea dawns on me, "Amy R. equals Myra." Apollo nods in agreement, "Exactly."

I go with his lead and convey the question to the computer, along with the image from before, "ARIES explain this image. Authorization, Second Lieutenant Myra Lex, Code Prime - USAMRMC, Fort Detrick, Maryland." As the picture dominates the domed ceiling, ARIES responds, "Authorization denied."

I take a deep breath and try again, "ARIES explain this image. Authorization, Second Lieutenant Myra Lexington, Code Prime - USAMRMC, Fort Detrick, Maryland." And again she replies, "Authorization denied." I slam my fist on the table in frustration. Surprisingly, Apollo doesn't respond the way I did, but rather with complete confidence, "I figured she would say that, Code Prime must mean something as well." He smiles at me, "And we both know someone who would know what that is." I complete his thought and my answer makes us both smile.
