Big Timmy by Chris Manson - HTML preview

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As I couldn’t walk Harry Howler had to get a Mitsubishi company coloured van to get me to the terminal. Once there Harry instructed me to get out of the van and into my wheelchair which he had ready waiting for me.  I was surprised no one tried to stop him.  Some people had just started opening up the shops across the way from us. I was wondering how Harry Howler was going to get me past security. The next thing I knew I was being held at gun point by another man, who stunk of cigars and alcohol.

I had a plan but I didn’t know whether it would work.  I had spent a year blowing up stuff in my old science classes. When the man’s attention was drawn away I quickly undid my lap belt and then slid down to the floor. I got my Uncle’s lighter out my right trouser pocket and stroked the flint against the steel bar to light it, then I crawled away from the man with the gun and threw the lighter still lit in his direction.  His alcohol ridden jumper spontaneously combusted!  While Harry tried to help the man engulfed in flames I took the opportunity to crawl away and when I got outside I managed to get myself into the nearest car. 

The next thing I knew a woman came running towards the station wagon that I was in. She was about five foot tall with black hair; she opened the door and got in.

“What are you doing in my car?” she asked, “Were you trying to steal it?”

“I’m only twelve, I can’t even reach the pedals! Please help me” I replied.

“I will have to drive then, I’m Becky by the way.” She said. 

She had just offered to put me up in a hotel for the night when there was an almighty crunch.  Whatever it was it only missed my leg by centimetres.  A car had run into the side of Becky’s car so we were now at a standstill.  Suddenly a man appeared by my door, opened it and tried to apologise.  Becky then said that the accident had been as much her fault as his so she said don’t worry about it and we were soon on our way again.

Becky and I stayed at a three star hotel for 1 night. In the middle of the night I received a call from Ben, he was aware of my kidnap and escape and was now trying desperately to work out a plan to get me home.  During breakfast I briefly explained to Becky where we needed to go to get me back home safely.  I ordered a fry up for my breakfast that consisted of a rasher of bacon, two slices of buttered toast and a crispy-bottomed egg.  Becky tried to hurry me along to finish my breakfast quickly; but then she got up to indicate that it was time to go and that I should leave my bacon and egg which I hadn’t got to yet.  So I decided to eat my food as quickly as I could.  When we eventually got out of the hotel doors we got into Becky’s car.  She drove down the road for about ten minutes and then we turned into a lane which had a row of bungalows on either side. However there was something rather odd about these bungalows, they all seemed to have at least five tombstones in front of them. When we had driven as far as we could up the lane we stopped.  I got out of the car into my wheelchair.  Becky and I waited in an old farm building for what seemed like half my life.  The next thing I knew we were confronted by two guards with hand guns, which they pushed into our faces. I was then escorted on to a private jet and made to sit down in a separate compartment to the other passengers and the pilot.  I don’t know what happened to Becky, as I got into the plane she was still standing with the guard but now she was pointing a gun in his face. I then realised that she had double-crossed me.

The plane was long and thin; it had nine seats and could fly up to 500 miles per hour. I couldn’t see the pilot as it had a private cockpit in the passenger compartment. I really couldn’t appreciate the surroundings with a gun in my face, it wasn’t very nice.

“Do you know anyone at Shoreham airport?” The man with the gun asked.

 “No why?” I replied.

“We want to be as inconspicuous as possible.”

We took off and seemed to be heading in the direction of Shoreham.  Before long we were landing at the airport. I then tried to distract Harold who was another one of Harry H’s accomplices – but no joy there. When the pilot had parked the plane, Harold started to unload.  I then had time to think of a way to escape.  Harold was still unloading when I swung open the passenger door knocking him out cold.  By hanging on to the fuselage I stumbled along the outside of the 12.5 metres of aeroplane, I then pushed 1 on my flip phone (which had still been in my back pocket) and waited two seconds for my hazard light to come on, then  I pressed 85 on my flip phone to activate the electric blast. Then I threw my Mobile over the plane, waited yet another four seconds for the Mobile to give out an electrical blast which would paralyse the rest of the gang who were getting off the plane for two minutes.   By now people across in the bar at Terminal two were beginning to grow concerned about the events that were unfolding in front of them. Someone from Terminal one ran across to see what had happened.  Two armed security men came across to the plane. The security guards looked puzzled; I told them my account of what had happened.

“Well you better arrest him or do something pretty quick because they are only temporarily paralyzed.” I said.

“I can’t arrest anyone if I don’t know what they’ve done, I can’t do anything I’m afraid.  How’s about we go down to the Shoreham security office and we sort out who’s in the wrong?” The security guard suggested.

Meanwhile Harold was forced out of the plane and escorted towards a different part of the security building; I was wishing I was back at school  doing my maths, science and English rather than getting involved with all of this.  I then went with the man to a tower block; it was more like a hotel lobby with water features in every direction.  I was made to wait in a plain white room which reminded me of a hospital.  After a while three men aged between 30 and 60, the youngest one asked – confronted me –

“How are you? What’s your name?”

“Chris.” I replied.

“We believe you’ve got some explaining to do.” He went on.

I told them the mystery of how I had been kidnapped.  Two of the men were in agreement that I was innocent, the third man announced –

“Well as its two against one I suppose we’ll have to let him go.

I had an escorted trip in a security van back to C.H.I.S.  By now it was eight o’clock in the evening, I was quickly rushed into the lift with Sarah, and I had a quick brush of my teeth and then straight to bed.  I slept until three in the morning because the light was coming through the top window in my room as I hadn’t closed the curtains the previous night. I had seen a NHS van down the end of the drive from my window but I was consumed with watching one of my “Only Fools and Horses” DVDs, later that morning when I was getting ready for the day, however I heard this all mighty crash in the bathroom. The next thing I knew a crane came through the wall a couple of rooms away from mine. Mattie immediately came running down. After what seemed to be a split second later we were face to face with Harry Howler.  He got out of his crane platform, he grabbed Mattie, Mattie tried to make a speedy get away to get a nurse to come and save the day, or at least us, and me but Harry had other ideas! 

We were taken down the road to a field that was a supposed secret.  A big double decker Belfast was waiting expectantly.  We were taken on board and soon we took off.  We flew for about an hour and then we landed I heard voices outside which sounded like French to me.  Before long the engines started up again, both Mattie and I tried to open the cockpit door, we twisted and pulled the handle, but there was no hope so we gave up and we went down the spiral staircase to where we were originally dumped. After what seemed like five minutes I heard the engines slow down again and the under carriage come down. We landed and I felt the brakes jerk on. Harry H came down the spiral staircase and out of the crew door, and then we heard some talking again this time it sounded like an Austrian dialect. I heard them say something to do with their summer holiday, something to do with some sun cream.  It must be in the cargo I thought to myself.  I looked around and found some. Meanwhile Harry was out of the plane. Sun cream, what would a group of terrorists be doing with sun cream.  My thoughts were answered when I accidently squeezed the bottle and where it landed it began to dissolve the curtains on the small window in front of me, I then concealed the sun cream in my hip pocket, which might come in useful later. I quickly crawled back along the gangway of the Belfast and back into the same position as before, so as not to make Harry Howler suspicious. The Belfast then started to roll back there from its stationary position. Then I felt the engines roar up, as we were preparing to take off again. Mattie and I were afraid to breathe let alone talk to one another; we were silent, as though we were having a rest break at C.H.I.S.

I heard the engines slow down to a dull roar, then the landing gear came down and about a minute later there was this huge crashing sound as the wheels connected with the grass of the field.  When the plane came to a complete stop I crawled back along the gang way and quickly looked out of the window.  I saw that we were in a remote field that I presumed was somewhere in England.  Later I realised it was the field outside of C.H.I.S.    When the plane landed there were scores of policemen waiting expectantly, some of them dressed in riot gear.  Obviously someone had become worried whilst we were away and contacted the police to investigate. I could see they weren’t prepared to say please or thank you.  I could see that they were ready for an interrogation and maybe they wanted to arrest us.  I couldn’t remember anything else from that moment, as I felt a piercing dart penetrate my arm and it quickly put me to sleep.  I presumed that Mattie had also been hit with a dart.