Big Timmy by Chris Manson - HTML preview

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The Abseil

I woke up at 7am in the morning on the edge of my bed with a chill running down my spine.  I quickly adjusted my body; I only had plain white sheets to keep me warm in this cold prison cell.  Paul the policeman who was watching me that morning asked –

“Do you want breakfast?”

 “Yes.” I replied with a tired smile. I got out of the steel bed, put my arm across to my make shift chair and pushed my chair out of the holding area.  Then down the corridor, which overlooked Brighton seafront.  There were then two metallic chairs and a table where Paul was sitting.  He was relaxing in one of the seats.  It was quarter past nine now, there was a big silver clock in the far corner of the sitting room. I could hear the clock ticking from my cell down the corridor.

“What else happened on this supposed vacation of yours?” Paul asked.

“I told you about going to France and Austria.” I replied.

“Yes, then what happened?”

“We flew to Salzburg where we saw  Mario from C.H.I.S.  Mario I later discovered was working with Harry Howler as an assassin; he had been double crossing us.  Anyway this Harry Howler shot the driver in his Hummer limo with a helium bullet.”

 “Then what happened?”

“The driver kind of exploded!”

 “Dear, dear me.” the policeman exclaimed “So I’ll have to get our department do a check on this Harry H guy and you’ll only have to spend four more nights here, fortunately.”

My breakfast arrived, at least they had got that right!  I had coco pops, which pleased me. The police officer then pushed me back to the interview room. Later when I was sitting at the desk I had an idea, by using my phone I fired my grappling hook, which was disguised as my phone aerial, up at the roof.  I then swung myself up onto the window ledge where I released the aerial from its hold in the roof by tapping hash eight into my mobile. Then I attached it to the window handle, then opened the window, and started to abseil down the side of the building. I was worried about where I was going to land, as it was only four in the afternoon, and the shops were just closing. People were coming out by the dozen, but I pushed off the 300 foot tower which was the 6th floor of the building and continued down.  Finally I pushed off for the last time hoping that the harness would hold me, I glided on to the pavement as smoothly as landing on a billiard table. I got some pretty strange looks from people that had just done their evening shopping.

 I was attracting a lot of attention by passers-by I thought it was only a matter of time before they alerted the authorities. Luckily I quickly found an air vent to crawl down. I crawled along the vent for about ten feet and then there was an unexpected dip in the pipe, I fell down at such a speed it took me a few minutes to gather my thoughts.  Once I had recovered I carried on along the pipe until I came to an office, it was quite small about 10x10 foot. I then got out of the cramped vent, back onto my knees; suddenly I saw a set of arms trying to find the light switch.  I saw a load of boxes and crates which I quickly darted behind, just before the pair of hands reached the light switch to turn it on.

“Who would of thought sun cream could be so harmful and no one is any the wiser Harry” the voice said.

Luckily I had my flip pho ne to hand and I managed to operate the voice record setting on it to capture the voice, but after every 10 seconds it cut out so I had to keep on pushing 6 on the key pad.  I was getting more and more uncomfortable as the minutes went by.   I had decided what to do next - I typed in to my flip phone 11909 which was a silent feature which would send out a message to alert Keith, who I had met at the Folders lane base,  of my whereabouts to tell him I was in trouble.