Boysenvale- Beyond the Berry Farm by Timothy Michael Magana - HTML preview

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The Battle Against Nefarious


Bigfoot was the first to make it to the battle, Dodo bird chasing after him. Nefarious saw him coming and his wind seeker blade took over battling me all on its own.

Bigfoot lunged for Nefarious using his body to spear him in the gut, the two tumbled to the ground, but Nefarious landed on top of Bigfoot then bashed him in the face a few times.

Bigfoot swung back knocking Nefarious off of himself.  Bigfoot was in pain now and crouched in the fetal position. 

Nefarious stood up then raised his hand to the sky. At once the army of ravens in the storm came in a line. 

“I like you monster... you are strong.” Said Nefarious as the ravens began to swarm over Bigfoots body, covering him completely.  

“I no monster!” Bigfoot shouted, trying his best to get away from the ravens, but they were much too strong and he was much too week. The ravens continued to pile on, until there was nothing but a large mound of dark feathers. 

“But you are a monster.” Nefarious Replied. “Don’t you know what the rest of this world thinks of you?... Let me show you what they really see... what you really are.”

“Nefarious!” I shouted continuing to battle the wind seeker blade. “Leave him alone!”

At that an anger grew inside of me and I threw the boomerang so hard that the wind seeker blade and Boomerang began to battle each other all on their own. Clashing together in the dark storm.

“Forty-one!” I shouted and tracks appeared where Nefarious stood. The giant locomotive came immediately smashing into him and continuing off in the distance. 

“That must have crushed him.” I thought.

Suddenly the locomotive began to slow down and came to a halt. though it had now stopped its wheels were still moving at full speed slipping on the tracks. Without warning the entire locomotive flew off of its tracks flying into the air then landing on its side far off and exploding in the distance. There on the tracks stood Nefarious. Unscathed, unbroken with a piercingly angry look on his face as he glared at me from afar. He began to charge at me!

“Dragons swing!” Nefarious shouted and a large Vikings sword appeared in his hands as he rushed towards me.

“Merry go round!” I shouted, my band flashing white light and an army of animals rushed by me headed for Nefarious.

Nefarious and the animals collided, some of the animals hit him, but he was able to dodge most and used his Viking sword clear himself a path continuing after me. But before he could get to me, Montezuma caught up to the battle.

“Leave him alone!” Montezuma shouted clashing his jaguar blade against Nefarious’ Viking sword. Montezuma had the final seal with him, and was trying to use it, but Nefarious knocked it out of his hands and it fell to the ground.

Nefarious smiled once again. “You can’t beat me alone.”

“He doesn’t have to.” Said Coast as she arrived at the battle with her corkscrew spear.

Meanwhile Westwood sped to help Bigfoot using Coasts buggy. When he arrived he could see Bigfoot was no longer covered by the horde of ravens, instead he lay face down in the grass, Dodo was already close by and slowly crept up trying to comfort him, but something was wrong. His brown fur had become completely black; it was like he was more of a shadow of his former self. Dodo crept closer but Bigfoot began to growl. Dodo took a step back. In an instant Bigfoot leaped at the poor Dodo bird grabbing it trying to eat it.   

“Bigfoot!” Shouted Westwood. 

Bigfoot stopped for a moment turning his head to look at Westwood. His face was almost unrecognizable. His once soft eyes now glowing with a tint of sinister red, his mouth panting and drooling.  Bigfoot looked back at Dodo in his hands. The bird was terrified trying its best to squirm away from Bigfoots grasp as Bigfoot raised the poor bird to his mouth to take a bite.

“No!” Screamed Westwood and fired off a shot grazing Bigfoot in the wrist. Bigfoot let out a deathly roar dropping the bird. Dodo scampered away as far as it could. …Bigfoot now turned his attention to Westwood.

“What’s wrong with you?” Asked Westwood but Bigfoot had no reply. Only growled and drooled.

“This is not you! Fight it!” Westwood demanded.

Still Bigfoot had no reply, instead he began to charge at Westwood. Westwood thought for an instant that he should probably put poor Bigfoot down, but he knew this beast wasn’t really him. Only a shadow of his former self. Bigfoot was being used as some kind of puppet, and he couldn’t bear the thought of killing his best friend. It wasn’t his fault he had become this thing. 

Westwood wouldn’t put Bigfoot down. Instead he hopped in Coasts buggy ridding away from Bigfoot giving himself more time to think about what to do. Bigfoot chased after Westwood grunting and roaring as he ran on all fours trying to catch up to the buggy.   

Montezuma, and Coast continued to battle Nefarious. I had no weapon at the time, my boomerang was still battling Nefarious’ Wind seeker blade.

“What can I do?” I thought to myself, but before I could find an answer Nefarious called back his Wind seeker blade to help him battle against Coast and Montezuma using it like a second sword and my Boomerang came back to me. 

“Xcell!” I shouted and my Xcellerator boots flashed white light. I rushed at Nefarious at massive speed, my boomerang in hand. I smashed into Nefarious knocking him back, he tumbling in the grass. 

Montezuma rushed at Nefarious trying to stab him while he was down, but Nefarious swung back blocking the attack, this forced Montezuma back he tumbling off in the distance. Quickly he hopped back up shaking himself off and rushing back again.  

Coast and I now clashed swords with Nefarious. 

“What have you done with Surfside?” Coast demanded.  “Give him back!” 

“You can have him.” Nefarious whispered.

Suddenly out from the center of the storm something began to fall out.

It was Surfside! His body falling lifelessly from the sky and slamming into the ground.  

I took over battling Nefarious with my Boomerang.

“Go get him!” I shouted to Coast and she headed to help Surfside.  Montezuma rushed back and together the two of us continued to battle Nefarious. 

“You two think you can beat me?” Laughed Nefarious. “Let me show you what real power is.” 

Suddenly something began to happen, the ground began to quake and out of the ground hundreds of Dinosaur came clawing their way out from the earth. The dinosaur came in hordes and Monte and I tried to fight them off, there were so many of them, they were overpowering us. Montezuma had no choice.... we would have been eaten by the dinosaurs if he hadn’t called upon it.  

“Quetzalcoatl!” Monte shouted and out form the sky came a large feathered serpent, larger than any dinosaur, it fought back protecting us from the dinosaurs devouring any that came too close.

Meanwhile Coast rushed to Surfsides aid, but when she arrived she noticed something was wrong, he wasn’t in pain, …he just stood there alone. He also looked different. Darker.  She called out to him but he had no reply. Like Bigfoot he too had become only a shadow of his former self. 

“Get in!” Shouted Westwood pulling up in Coasts buggy. Coast saw Bigfoot headed their way chasing after the buggy. Coast hopped inside the buggy and the two continued to evade Bigfoot. 

“Somethings wrong with Surfside.” Cried Coast.

“I know.” Westwood Replied. “Bigfoot too. They ain’t themselves.”

“What do we do?”

“I don’t know.”

The two continued to evade Bigfoot. Suddenly in the sky they could see Surfside riding his glider headed for them. A flash of light came from his direction and then out from the ground a large burst of water followed by a giant hammerhead shark! The shark was large, Larger than any whale, the shark rose into the air then arced before coming back down intending to smash the buggy head first. Westwood maneuvered the buggy just out of its way and the shark hit the earth and with another giant splash disappearing.

“Surfside is using his bands against us!” Said Coast.

“Well that’s just great.” Westwood replied. “How are we supposed to fight that.”

“Maybe I can bring him back. He knows me.”

“Not him!” Shouted Westwood

“What?" Replied Coast

Westwood pointed off in the distance. “That!”

Hordes of Dinosaur were coming their way, all of a sudden another flash of white light from Surfside and a large pool of water surrounded the buggy and all of the Dinosaurs.

“He’s using the whirlpool band!” Shouted coast. “Hold on tight!”

The buggy floated as the water began to swirl viciously. The dinosaurs tried to escape but the whirlpool was just too powerful. The whirlpool began to suck the dinosaurs in drowning them. One of the smaller dinosaurs grabbed onto the side of the buggy, Westwood shot it with his revolver and it fell back into the water. Soon the Whirlpool dissipated, the buggy landing back on the ground and around them now were the bodies of the Dinosaurs that had drowned.

They could see Surfside land his glider and stumble back to the ground, something was wrong with him.

“I think he just helped us.” Said Coast. 

“He’s not what you think he is.” Replied Westwood. “He’s lost now.”

“Then I need to bring him back.” Coast countered as she rushed from the buggy heading for Surfside.

Immediately after Westwood could see Bigfoot finally catching up and heading after Coast so he thought maybe he could use the buggy to distract him, it worked and Bigfoot chased after Westwood once more.

Montezuma and I continued to battle Nefarious as the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl continued to protect us from the dinosaurs. Montezuma was very skilled and was able to slice at Nefarious a few times, but every time he did he would also be in pain for a moment because of the connection between the two of them. The wounds, however, would disappear almost as fast as they came and he would continue to battle. 

We were both trying so hard to fight Nefarious, but it was more like Nefarious was toying with us, eventually Nefarious became fed up knocking us back.  He impaled Monte through his shoulder with the Viking sword while he was down, sticking him to the ground. Montezuma screamed in agony trying his best pull the sword out from his shoulder, but the sword had gone all the way through planting itself into the ground.

Montezuma’s wound also hurt Nefarious and his own arm became limp.

“Stay!” Nefarious Shouted in agony. 

Somehow I managed to fight even harder but though he could only use one arm, Nefarious continued to dominate the battle one handedly.  He began to toy with my mind. 

“I can send you home Miko.”  He said as his Wind seeker blade and my boomerang clashed together. “Just let me take the power from inside of you."

“Shut up and fight.” I replied.

“You don’t need to die; I can take it from you without killing you."

“He’s lying." Warned Montezuma as he continued trying his best to pull the Viking sword out from his shoulder. “He’ll kill you!”

Montezuma looked to me in agonizing pain. “Don’t listen!" He said. “He’ll kill everyone.”

“You don’t belong here!” Said Nefarious as he knocked me back. “Even now your wife is at home waiting for you Miko. You can be with her again, just give me what I want... Or I’ll kill you both!”

“Shut up!" I demanded again rushing back to him attacking again and he blocking then counter attacking.

“I can send you home. I can even show you how to live forever.” 

Montezuma continued to pull at the Viking sword that had pinned him to the ground, suddenly he could see the final stone laying close by. It was just out of his reach; his fingers could barely touch it.

Meanwhile Coast arrived to help Surfside. He was kneeling in the mud holding his head with both hands. It seemed as though he was trying to fight it, fight whatever Nefarious had done to him, resisting Nefarious’ control. For a short moment he was able to change back to himself, but he quickly faded away. 

“Surf.” Said Coast touching him on his shoulder. “It’s okay I’m here.” 

“No, no, no, no.” Surfside whimpered. “Please don’t.”

“Don’t what?” Replied Coast. But Surfside wasn’t really talking to her, he was battling inside his own mind. Trying to overcome whatever Nefarious had done to him. 

“Surf what’s wrong?!!” Coast shouted demanding an answer, but instead of an answer Surfsides band flashed and his weapon was now drawn, a dangerous blade called the pacific scrambler, he had never used it while training with Coast, because he was worried that he would’ve hurt her if he did. He pounced upon Coast putting the sword to her throat, but stopped himself, battling his own mind. Coast reached up and touched Surfsides face as she laid there helplessly under him.

“I love you.” She said. “Before you end me I want you to know that I loved you. I should

have told you before, but I was afraid you wouldn’t love me back.”

Surfside continued to battle with himself trying to stop himself from cutting her, he was able to pull the sword away from her throat, and for one painful moment he was able to show himself and speak.

“Coast." Stuttered Surfside, tears now dripping down his face. “.... You ...need to kill me.”

Surfside once again turned back to his shadow like self, he was gone now, the darkness he had been battling with in his mind must have won.

Coast drew out her Corkscrew spear knocking him off of herself. Surfside quickly hopped back to his feet rushing back to slice at her.

“Vertigo!” Coast shouted and her band flashed white light. Surfside began to stumble and fell in a dizzy pain vomiting with all the nausea the vertigo band had put upon him.  Coast did not want to fight him. She didn’t want to kill the only man she had ever loved!... instead she ran.

As I battled Nefarious he continued to taunt me, trying to get into my head.   

“So what will it be?” He asked. “Will you die here today? Or will you give me what I want? Will you let me help you and send you home, back to your wife where you can forget about this cruel place?”

I have to admit that I almost wanted to take his offer. I wanted to go home back to

Michelle. But I believed my brother Monte. That Nefarious was a liar, trying to deceive me. Suddenly wise words passed through my mind. The wise words of Mr. Knott the farmer. I didn’t know what they meant before, but now I did.

“You and I.” I replied. “We are not cowards, but a long time ago you were lost along the way, and that makes you week and afraid. I was once afraid too, but now I am brave, and the brave find a home in every land.... I don’t need your help; your heart is filled with fear...I will find my way home without you.”

My answer did not please Nefarious, he threw his wind seeker blade so hard that it knocked my giant boomerang right out of my hands he then grabbed me by my neck choking me and used his wind seeker blade to fly us into the sky, it rotating just above his hand like a propeller.

“I’ll show you fear!” He shouted as we rose into the storm. 

Suddenly My boomerang came back knocking Nefarious’ Wind seeker blade out of his hands. The boomerang and blade continued to attack each other out of our grasps as we plummeted downward toward the ground.

Nefarious held onto me as we free fell through the sky.

“Look at them!” He said.  

I could see everything from above now. Monte struggling to remove the Viking sword from his shoulder as the Dinosaurs began to swarm over the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl. Surfside chasing after Coast and Bigfoot Chasing after Westwood.  

“How brave are you now?” He asked.

I have to admit, I was afraid for a moment, but not for me and not of death. I was afraid for everyone else. I was afraid of what would happen to Monte if I died. Would my wife Michelle and unborn child be safe? I knew that if I were to lose this fight he would consume everyone and everything in Boysenvale including my new found friends. 

“Everything that you love....” Said Nefarious. “I will consume it all.... even her.”   

I was not going to let that happen! I needed to find a way to beat Nefarious somehow, then I saw it. My Perilous Plunge Band, it was glowing now, not ever since I had gotten it had I been able to use it!

“Perilous plunge!” I shouted, and the band flashed white light and for once I was able to overpower Nefarious in the air, we fell downward faster than the speed of falling I smashing him into the ground which was followed by a giant wave of water that tidal waved outward from around us…

Meanwhile Bigfoot was finally able to catch up to Westwood in the buggy tackling the buggy and making it tumble. Westwood flew from the buggy landing in the mud. He then tried his best to crawl away.

Bigfoot hopped atop the overturned buggy searching for him for a moment then saw Westwood crawling away. He roared charged after Westwood jumping then landing over him. Bigfoot turned Westwood over and was met with a revolver pointed at his chest.

“Bigfoot...?” Said Westwood, tears in his eyes. “What have you become?” and for one moment, like Surfside, Bigfoot was able to show his true self.

“Westwood.” Bigfoot whimpered. “...I monster now...”

“I know big guy... I know." Westwood cried as he watched Bigfoot slowly become lost again. Westwood cocked his revolver preparing to put Bigfoot out of his misery... he began to pull back on the trigger...  and when he did something hit him as his pistol fired... A giant wave of water! The two were washed away.

Meanwhile I had finally overpowered Nefarious, I had slammed him into the ground with my perilous plunge band. The wave that came had washed away all the Dinosaur and Quetzalcoatl with it. It turned the ground to mud freeing Montezuma and he was finally able to pull the Viking sword from his shoulder.

Immediately afterward the wave was gone and all that was left was mud as I lay atop Nefarious, he seeming to be unconscious for the moment. 

Then I saw it! The final seal resting not more than five feet away. I ran to grab it and when I did Nefarious awoke tackling me to the ground. I had the seal in my hand but he immobilized my arm by kneeling on it.   

Nefarious looked at me for a moment with scowl in his eyes.  I could hear Monte shouting as he rushed our way but he was still so far. 

“He can’t save you.” Said Nefarious. “He can’t even save himself.”

 Nefarious called his Wind seeker blade back from battling my boomerang and it rushed from the sky and into his hands. 

“Don’t worry Miko.” He laughed as he held the blade high in the air preparing to kill me with it. “This will only hurt very much.” 

Nefarious thrust the blade downward at me but suddenly stopped just before the blade had reached my chest.  He was out of breath and looked like he was in pain, he then looked over in the distance. We could see Monte; he was falling to his knees. He had stabbed himself in torso with his own jaguar blade. The blade had gone all the way through, its bloody sharp end exiting out of his back. Monte looked at me and smiled before falling over.

Nefarious was trying his best to breathe. The two were connected so he must have felt what Monte was feeling. Nefarious shook his head trying to forget the pain re-lifting the wind seeker blade in the air but before he could stab me something large knocked Nefarious off of me smashing him into the ground.

It was my boomerang! It had still been battling with Nefarious’ wind seeker blade chasing after it when Nefarious called it back to himself.  Quickly I rushed to where Nefarious lay with the final seal in my hand, finally he was weak, yet still he tried to stop me grabbing my wrist.

“Go to sleep!” I shouted and with one last thrust I was able to forcefully touch the seal to his chest. Ice began to slowly form around the seal covering Nefarious chest then reaching to other parts of his body. Nefarious looked at me with disgust in his eyes.... he began to speak.

“It’s your morals that will be the end of you Miko.” Said Nefarious finally giving up. “Everything dies. Someday the seal will wither away and I will be free again. When that day comes I will consume this world and the other worlds with it... including yours...You should have let Montezuma kill us.”

“If that day comes I will stop you.” I replied.

“You can’t live forever. Someday death will find you, but Monte and I... we can live forever, and he can't stop me alone. You are only postponing the future that I will bring. Someday I will be free again."

“If that day comes." I replied. “Then I will be here to stop you and lock you away, and after I die, my children will lock you away and their children’s children...Until the day you no longer remember who you are or why you are here, and when that day comes you will still be locked away...” 

“Next time." Replied Nefarious as the ice began to cover his neck crawling up his face. “I’ll kill you quick." 

The ice covered the rest of his face and body. It began to grow back into the mountain it had been before. The mountain moved back over reflection lake before disappearing once again. All that could be seen was the final seal which burst back into its seven pieces flying off to different parts of the world.

The battle was over, Nefarious would now be sealed away for many years to come. I began to search for the rest of my group.

I found Montezuma laying in the mud in blinding pain. The Jaguar blade pierced completely through him.

“Get it out, get it out.” Montezuma Whined. and I grabbed the blades hilt.

“Okay.” I said. “On three.”

Montezuma nodded and I counted to three before forcefully pulling the blade out from his abdomen. Montezuma sighed in relief and I could see the wound where the sword had entered begin to close and disappear, there were no markings left behind, it was like he hadn’t been stabbed at all.

“Finally." Montezuma laughed in relief. “He’s gone!”

We looked to the sky, the storm had now gone. The ravens still circled in the sky, but began to turn white. The thousands of white raven began to scatter to different parts of Boysenvale.

“He’s giving them back.” Montezuma Announced.

“Giving what back?” I asked.

“Everyone.” He replied.

The white ravens scattered to every area of Boysenvale where they had once taken people. They swarming in different places then disappearing. In their place appeared the people they had taken.

In Calico all the townspeople were returned along with deputy Tommy and the cancan dancers, even Dr. Skinem and his assistant were returned.

In the Mysterious Forest Chief (Speaks with stories) watched as his entire tribe was returned to him. Happily, he cried as his grandchildren rushed to his side pulling and tugging at him wanting to tell him stories of their own.

Jeff the train Engineer was by himself in the middle of nowhere sitting in his locomotive when his Brother, the Head Engineer was returned to him. He gave his brother a hug. 

“What happened?” The Brother asked.

“He did it!” Declared Jeff. “Michael stopped Nefarious!”

“Who’s Michael?” He asked.

“An Operator.” Jeff replied.

Mr. and Mrs. Knott and their children were returned to a field of crops on their farm. 

“What happened?” Russell asked his father Mr. Knott.  

“They did it.” Replied Mr. Knott. “They defeated Nefarious.”

All had now been returned to Boysenvale... All but three...

Coast was crying searching through the mud for Surfside. Calling out his name. She plopped down in the mud and was about to give up when one of the white ravens landed in the mud and disappeared. Suddenly out from the same spot came Surfsides hand. Coast rushed to him helping him. She sat him up and out of the mud. He was his normal self again but he was very weak and could barely talk. Coast cried hugging him as hard as she could.

“I think I had a nightmare.” Surfside said before passing out.

Another white raven flew into the mud not far away and out came Bigfoot and right underneath him lay Westwood which he pulled up out of the mud.

“Are you okay?” Westwood Coughed rubbing the mud from his eyes.

“Yes, I fine.” Replied Bigfoot. “I had bad dream bout monster.”

“Me too.” Replied Westwood. “But that wasn’t real...You are real.”

“Of course I real, what wrong with you Westwood? You’re head no work no more? You getting real old.”

Westwood laughed, then stood up patting Bigfoot on the back …also checking Bigfoot for a bullet wound, there wasn’t one.

“Where Dodo?” Bigfoot asked.

“I don’t know.” Westwood replied as he took a look around. “We had better find him though.”

Monte and I caught up with Coast and Surfside first. Coast shook Surfside just long enough for him to wake for a moment. 

“Looks like you’re an operator after all.” Surfside weakly smiled and I gave him a hug before he passed out once again.  

“There’s something wrong with him.” Said Coast.

“He’s extremely tired.” Montezuma replied. “He must have been battling Nefarious in the dark storm for days. Don’t let him wake for long he may be deathly tired. Let him rest for now.”

Coast stayed with Surfside. Monte and I headed to find Westwood and Bigfoot, I found my leather backpack along the way. Hiding inside was Dodo, the bird was shivering. I calmed Dodo as best as I could.

When we found Westwood and Bigfoot I told them that I had already found Dodo. I let the bird out of the bag and Bigfoot called to it. But Dodo was scared hiding behind Montezuma. 

“Dodo’s a little shook up, let’s give him a little time.” Westwood insisted.

“Why?”  Bigfoot asked. “What happen to Dodo?” But then Bigfoot paused for a moment... and he remembered his Nightmare.

“...It no was dream.” Bigfoot frowned. “…I try eat Dodo.”

“It’s not your fault.” Replied Westwood. “That wasn’t really you.”

Dodo peered out from behind Monte and slowly began to creep out. It squawked at Bigfoot then came to him. 

“It okay Dodo. I no eat you.” Bigfoot assured.

Bigfoot put his hands on the ground and Dodo climbed into them. Bigfoot gently raised the bird to his chest and hugged it. 

I remember always thinking to myself that Dodo never learns, but in this instance I knew that I was happy that it was able to forgive and forget. Without Bigfoot the Dodo bird would have died off long ago.