Boysenvale- Beyond the Berry Farm by Timothy Michael Magana - HTML preview

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It was now time to go home. I used my band and we all traveled together upon my 340 locomotive. Bigfoot helped raise Surfside to the top of the locomotives tender where he continued to sleep. Our first stop was in Fiesta village. Where we met with Diego once more. Diego told us that a flock of raven had entered the town and while in mid battle they had turned into white ravens and left. The entire town held a festival in our honor. 

We stayed at the house of Diego that night. The next morning, we left Fiesta Village and headed to the town of Calico where we were once again greeted by the towns people whom raised Westwood on their shoulders and into the saloon where the drinks were free. The town was still in shambles but the people were already making quick do with what they had. The people of Calico wanted to officially make Westwood the town mayor, but Westwood politely declined saying that he would always be there for the town as the sheriff of Calico. Westwood wanted to come with us to help me find my way home, but the town was still in pieces, we all decided that he should stay behind to help out.

We all said our goodbyes to him. Bigfoot gave Westwood the biggest bear hug raising him into the air.

“You take care of yourself out their big guy.” Said Westwood.

“You too partner.” Replied Bigfoot with a smile. “Oh and no get so old.”

Westwood laughed replying. “Take a bath... You smell.”

We left Westwood in calico and the rest of us headed back through the desert and into the forest where we were met by Chief Speaks with stories and his tribe. There were hundreds of tribe members and they all welcomed us. We all went into the mysterious lodge and sat around the large fire pit where the chief manipulated the fire and smoke to tell our story of battling Nefarious to the rest of his tribe.

The tribe saw us off with great pride as we left the next morning. I thought we were going to leave Bigfoot there that day. 

“Well I guess this is it.” I said.

“I go with you.” Replied Bigfoot. “We still need find you way home.”

I wasn’t one to argue with Bigfoot, he always did what he wanted to do so we all continued on. We were amazed when Coast put on Surfsides glider band. She used Surfsides glider to help fly each of us over the river and back into the plains again.  Once again we all boarded my locomotive and headed for Mr. and Mrs. Knott’s farm, where we were greeted by Mr. Knott himself. 

Mr. Knott’s son Russell came straight to me saying that he saw us fighting Nefarious. 

“I knew you were an operator!” Russell shouted.  He and his sisters were quick to find Bigfoot and Dodo. The four kids took turns as Bigfoot lifted them into the air as high as he could.

Mr. Knott once again invited us into his home where he set up a bed for the sleeping Surfside to rest. We ate chicken once more. It was just as delicious as the first time. 

We asked Mr. Knott about the boysenberries and he regretfully told us that there were no more, that they wouldn’t be growing again until next season. 

There and then I knew that I’d be away from my wife for much longer now. This saddened me extremely and I went out to the porch to sit by myself. 

Outside, the Knott family’s golden retriever came to me wanting me to pet it so I did. It began to lay at my feet and rest. 

Suddenly I could hear the rest of the group shouting from inside, calling me. 

“Michael!” Monte called peeking out of the screen door of Mr. Knott’s home. “Get in here!”

When I got inside everyone was sitting around the dining table …staring at Surfside. He was finally awake. He had slept for almost two whole days. He was now sitting at the table with the rest of the group and his hands were held out in the center of the table, inside of his hands lay a lone Boysenberry. 

“It was Coast.” Claimed Surfside. “She brought it to me when she left you, when she came back to the Boardwalk. I knew how much she liked the first one she ate so I was going to save it for her, but I believe you need this more than we do.”

Coast took the Boysenberry from Surfsides palm and placed it in mine. 

“Now you can go home Michael.” She said.

“So I just eat it Monte?” I asked looking to Montezuma.

“Not just yet.” He Replied. “You need to find the original place you entered Boysenvale in order to return.”

“The sky cabin.” I replied. “I landed on the boardwalk in it the day I came here.”  

“Then we need to get you back there.” Declared Mr. Knott.

“Not until morning.” Replied Mrs. Knott as she served tea. “You all need some rest and definitely a good washing.”

We each took baths before bed. Bigfoot was so large that he had to use the bathtub more like a sink trying to clean up his best, he left a pool of water around the tub. It was a mess and I mopped it and removed all of the fur left behind before taking a bath of my own. I have to admit it was quite disgusting. 

That night I dreamt about my wife Michelle once more. She was waiting for me at the sky cabin’s entrance in the theme park. She was staring up at the sky cabin which was stuck at the top of its tower. I felt so bad. She looked so sad and worried. 

“I’m coming home.” I said to her but there was no reply. She couldn’t hear me.

I woke that morning early and found that Monte was sitting outside on the porch by himself. I went to him sitting beside.

“Today’s the day.” Said Montezuma patting me on the back. “Today you get to go home.”

“Yeah.” I replied.

“Once you leave... I’ll head back out there again.”

“Out where?” I asked.

“To find the seven seals.” He replied. “There is no time to waste. It took me many years to find them the first time and I need to get to them before the grey witch Edena does.”

I knew there and then that Montezuma had a burden upon him. That no matter what and as long as he lived he would be cursed to search Boysenvale to keep Nefarious at bay. That for his entire existence he would be burdened to find the seven seals. Montezuma could probably tell how bad I felt about that. I don’t blame him for changing the subject.

“What will you do with yourself once you get home?” He asked.

“It doesn’t matter.” I smiled. “As long as it’s with Michelle I’ll be happy.”

“She sounds like a very good woman.” He replied.

“She is. She’s my whole life.” I replied then thought for a moment... “Maybe I’ll write too.”

“I didn’t know you liked to write.”

“I’m not very good.” I laughed. “I don’t like to read much either but I think I should at least try.”

“What will you write about?” Montezuma asked.

“I think I’ll write about the day I came here in the sky cabin. About how I met Surfside and Coast, the two protectors of the boardwalk. I’ll write about Mr. and Mrs. Knott and their farm.”

“It’s a very nice farm.” Monte Replied. “What else will you write of?”

“I’d like to write about Bigfoot and Dodo, and the Mysterious forest... about the town of Calico and the great sheriff Westwood... and about the house of Diego and the play about the Bear prince.”

“I like that.” Montezuma replied. “Sounds like a good story.”

“...But do you know what I want to write about most?” I asked


“You.” I replied


“Yes, My brother Montezuma. The greatest Operator that ever lived. I’ll tell our story about how we and our friends stopped Nefarious together.”

“I’d like that.” He grinned.

“I’m going to miss you big brother.” I said nudging into him.

“And I you little brother...” He replied nudging back.

The rest of the group woke and we headed to the boardwalk that morning.  Once we arrived at the sky cabin I said my goodbyes to each of my friends.

Surfside put out his hand to shake mine, but I swatted it away and gave him a hug. 

“Take care of Coast." I whispered to him. “She loves you more than life itself."

“I will." Surfside whispered back. 

Next I said goodbye to Coast. She was trying her best not to cry. 

“Do you think you’ll ever come back?" She asked.

“I don’t know." I replied giving her a hug. She kissed my cheek. “But if I ever do, I promise to come and visit."

“You better." She cried with a teary smile.

Bigfoot was already crying; He didn’t want me to leave. He had been with me the longest on my journey through Boysenvale. We had spent the most time together and I was really going to miss him.

“Dodo no want you go now.” He said pulling the Dodo bird out of my leather backpack. I pet Dodo on the head and said goodbye to it.

“You no coming back no more, are you?” Bigfoot asked.

“I’ll try to come back someday.” I replied. “And when I do, I’ll come visit you and Chief in the forest.”

“Me and Dodo like that.” Bigfoot replied. Then gave me a giant bear hug raising me up in the air. I had seen Bigfoot hug Westwood like that before. It wasn’t as painful as it looked.

 Finally, I said goodbye to my brother Montezuma. I gave him one of my bands. The 340 locomotive band.

“I can’t take this.” Said Montezuma.

“Can you use it?” I asked.

“Yes, but it belongs to you.” He replied.

“I know, but you need to find those seals. Boysenvale is a large place and if this band can help you find them faster, then I’d really like for you to have it.”

Monte took the band and put it on. “I’ll hold onto it for you. If you ever come back, It’s yours okay?”

“Okay.” I agreed. “Now give me a great big hug.”

Montezuma gave me a big hug. 

“Live.” Montezuma said. “I want you to enjoy your life. Be strong for our father whom no longer has strength.  Be kind for our mother whom was very kind... Play for our brother Koma, because he can no longer play. And laugh for our sister Aythel whom can no longer laugh. Live for them Miko... so that they may live through you.”

“I will.” I replied. “With all my heart.”

Monte told me I could eat the boysenberry now so I did and at once the Sky cabin suddenly began to light up and raise off of the ground hovering a foot in the air. It’s doors sliding open waiting for me to step inside.

I stepped through the Sky Cabins doors which closed behind me, and I watched through the windows waving goodbye as my friends waved back. Suddenly as the cabin rose in the sky I could see two riders headed toward the boardwalk. It was Diego and Westwood! I thought maybe they were trying their best to make it to see me before I left. The two looked disappointed that they were unable to be there to see me go, but I knew that they were there and that meant the world to me. I don’t know for sure if they could see me too but I did wave to them. 

I watched my friends fade as I rose higher into the sky. Eventually the cabin rose so high that it was above the clouds now.