Burning Blue: Boy Meets Honoi by Joel S. Williams - HTML preview

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Half an hour later they reached the city of Noss.

It seemed in the same state of decay as Kreplon, with the same ingenuity put into the everyday lifestyle of the people.

The only noticeable difference to the group as they went was the presence of other alien species amongst the nycarmans, probably why the Dielengann Path chose to put the ship here—a place where they could access it without the interference of racially agitated nycarmans.Most of the buildings here had a dark, brown-red tone, though there were exceptions.

“How much further do we have?” the captain said to the back of the jeep.

“Just another hour’s drive to the Brine Wind Seaport,” said the Sekku.

Joey, his stomach full of the awful tasting rations, leaned on Heliri’s shoulder, longing for a big piece of steak, or the soft, juicy flesh of a cossik. He felt sudden warmth on his chest. He leaned off Heliri, and seeing a green light on his chest reached inside his shirt and took out the compass.

It projected the hologram of Fopi in the air. A worried look was painted on his small face.

“My dear boy,” he said, “I am picking up high levels of electrical and radio activity some distance behind us.”

“What?” Joey said.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw people running into corners and buildings. He looked behind him, and gaped in horror.

“HOLY COW!” Joey said.

Everyone, already puzzled by the hurried movement and panicked voices of the people, looked behind them; the ones in the front jeep stood to look over the heads of those in the rear.

A Skymera was fast approaching, five Dawhawks positioned in front of it like they were dragging the thing behind them.

The particle-beam cannon on the Skymera that had been charging up erupted. The blast smacked into the side of a building, blasting a massive fiery hollow right through and into the next building, and the next.

Then the screams began.

“Heliri, step on the gas!” Joey said.

“This is a mynamather, Joey!” she said.

“Kick him in the nuts!” Joey said.

Heliri slapped the reins on Redbolt and said, “Faster, madel’u!”

Vehicles; rusted old excuses for cars, hovercars and carriages, screeched wheels and careening into each other as they turned away from the orderran ships.”

The Dawhawks flew by them with haste and purpose, and those left behind were gun downed by the heavy cannons of the Skymera.

Once close enough to their targets the Dawhawks opened up fire.

Joey screamed and held Heliri tighter as gunshots riddled the ground around him and the jeeps. Upon seeing the corner the forces of the jeep returned gunfire.

It was ineffective against the Dawhawks; such machinery needed much more inkling to give up their hold on the perfect structure of their hulls. Luckily for Joey’s comrades, such cases could be solved with force, as with one of the soldiers in the rear jeep producing an RPG.

The soldier fired the rocket. The Dawhawk in the lead tried to maneuver out of the way but its left wing got clipped and exploded.

Inside said Dawhawk, Jinkai Borros Onn held onto the grips in the ceiling along with twelve other soldiers surrounding him.

It was his Alpha Pack.

“Gentlemen,” Onn said, oblivious to the nature of the Dawhawk spiraling out of control, “I think it is time we made our departure…”

The Alpha Pack smile; all gleaming red eyes and huge canines wearing metallic plates strapped around them by elastic wires.

“This place was getting stuffy anyway,” said the one of the pilots as he and the other got out of their seats and mixed with the others.

Onn was the first to leap out of the ship, followed by the others. They were ten meters above the ground flying between the buildings, but for lycans that height was just a leap off a log.

Onn landed in a carriage, crushing it and the occupants inside. His men landed around him in street, sending civilians scattering. They faced the jeeps blazing down the streets. Above them the Dawhawk crashed into the side of a building and spewed flame from all its crevices.

Onn said like a simple order, “Fetch them.”

Orderran bodies convulsed and bulge. Their muscles stretched their armor plating, but the wires held them on their grotesquely growing forms. All this was just in a mere two seconds, and Onn was surrounded by massive lycans. The tallest was a lieutenant with a bristly Mohawk, standing eight feet tall at his wide shoulders.

Onn only activated forty percent of his lycan ability, attaining only doubled muscle mass and ragged hair on his body.

Lieutenant Knark got on all fours and barked with spittle flying form his three-inch long fangs, “After them!”

Like jets taking off they went, fluttering Onn’s cape like clothes on a line. Onn crouched, his face a mass of dark veins, and took off with equal speed.

“Oh crap,” a corporal in rear jeep said, “We have doggies coming!”

The lycans raced pass the vehicles in the street, shoving those in their way violently aside and leaping over them.

Gunfire from the rear jeep rang out along with the blast from a rocket launcher. The explosion hit in the center of the pack, scoring a hit on one lycan and blowing him sky-high into the night in mass of blood and flesh.

They others dodge the next missile. Onn leaped over it and kept going.

“I will slow them down!” Telkit said, getting out of his seat and already consumed with honoi.

“May the holy trinity be with you,” Dunit said.

Telkit leaped out the side of the jeep into the street, transforming into the Zeromuos.

He only managed to stomp one of the snarling lycans flat while the others went by him.

Telkit switched targets as a Dawhawk came at him, blasting explosives his way. Telkit tanked two explosions before retaliating, leaping into the air and gripping onto the wings of the Dawhawk.

He pulled down on the ship so suddenly that only a handful of lycans managed to leap out before it crashed into the ground. The escapees took the nearby rooftops and resumed the chase from there.

Another blast from a passing Dawhawk rocked Telkit, sending him staggering into a building side. He fired a massive Bluebolt that reduced the Zeromuos to half its size. The blast narrowly missed the Dawhawk.

Infuriated, battered, and reaching his limit, Telkit forced himself into a run after the Dawhawks. But his attempt was cut short from the blast of the Skymera’s particle-beam cannon.

The Zeromuos and Telkit inside it were pushed forward, the intense heat cooked the Zeromuos and made it boil and swell until it exploded in a blast of energy that shattered the windows of the buildings around him.

When the chaos settled only glittering particles were left floating in the air.

“There it is!” the Sekku pointed towards the port some three hundred yards away, visible by the presence ofa sixty story tall lookout tower, still intact but discolored with wear.

The jeeps swerved between two buildings and sped down the alley. Redbolt followed, displaying an amazing endurance at keeping up such speed.

Joey, clutched around Heliri’s waist, kept taking glances behind him.

At one point he thought he had lost the lycans, until he went around another street and saw them skidding around it behind him; an army of burning red eyes, glistening teeth and hot misty breaths.

Joey fired off a Bluebolt that did little but hit a lycan in the shoulder and make him miss a stride. He slipped but quickly got back up.

Above him Joey saw the black, shaggy silhouettes against the moon of lycans leaping across the rooftops.

There was the growling hum of the three Dawhawks as one almost materialized from around an old abandoned business building. Two of them flew pass, but another hovered above in front of them, unloading soldiers from its side, some of which became lycans while the other others readied their arms and deployed their shield-projectors.

One of the Dawhawks came around to the right of them with gunfire that blew out the tires of the front jeep. It took a wicked slump and jarred everyone forward, tattering them with throbbing bruises.

Tylin got thrown into Yeltsa and head-butted her on the chin. Secretly Tylin was happy, please for getting her back for the punch she gave her earlier.

The jeep slowed to a stop. The driver of the rear jeep was slowed down sufficiently enough for one of the lycans in pursuit to reach and drag a soldier out of the vehicle by his foot. He was subsequently mauled by the lycan and his companion, his screams filled the night as his guts were ripped out and splattering around him.

“They have us trapped!” S’us said.

“They will not stop us so easily!” Murbella said, leaping out of the jeep.

“Right behind you, my dear!” Dunit said. But upon following her Dunit missed his step and fell.

Both of them transformed into Zeromuos; one of which was rubbing his back and knee.

The others exited out of the jeep, strapped with their weapons and the last of their ammunition belts. Lezura reached out as Redbolt passed and Joey bent down and grabbed her arm. The momentum mixed with Lezura’s leap hoisting her onto Redbolt’s back.

Tylin and Yeltsa took shots at the gunners around them. Yeltsa had switched to a heavy-assault lancegun, and use it to mow down a lycan coming from behind her. She emptied nearly half the clip into its body. The Lycan fell shrouded in smoky steam.

The Sekku had propped up a molded shield she used to ward off bullets aim at her, while the small S’us at her side provided counter fire.

They all followed Redbolt, who was being led by Dunit, tanking the bombardment from the Dawhawk and the soldiers around him.

Dunit kicked a shield-projector and its soldier out of his way and leaped with his tattered body onto the Dawhawk, dropping it in a body slam that shook the ground and sent everyone off their feet.

Lezura and Heliri scurried to bring Redbolt back on his feet.

A bullet slapped Lezura in her armor and just into her flesh. She winced, spun around and drew her gun. She fired a small burst that popped off the Cyri’s head.

Joey fired a Blueburst with both hands in a lycan running towards him.

“Screw you!” Joey said.

The snarling beast shrugged the attack, but the next one staggered him. Heliri spun the bulb off her Sugarstick up and fire into the Lycan’s head, blowing the top off.

“Go!” Dunit shouted, already being swarmed by thrashing lycans and gunfire that tore his head off.

The second jeep had already stopped and its occupants left, helping to slow down the advance of the lycans coming from the second Dawhawk.

They were assisted by Murbella who took the rear, firing Bluebursts that blasted away the opposition. The second Dawhawk fired two missiles. Murbella dodged one and blew the other up with a Blueburst.

Around her feet orderrans and nycarman soldiers were gun downed, with lycans adding dismemberment and mauling to the fray.

The Lycan Lieutenant took two soldiers by their heads and slammed them into the ground, jumped in their heads and splattered grey matter in the street. He howled a hollow sound of bloodlust.

The commander of the rear jeep opened fire at him; incendiary rounds burned holes in the lieutenant’s back and cut his howl short. He turned to the commander and pounced on him, rammed his claws into his mouth and flicked the top of his head off—

And the lycan was kicked into a building by Murbella.

The Skymera, closing in on the scene, fired a stream of gunfire at Murbella that dropped her. She was swarmed by lycans like a larva attacked by ants. She kept on swatting them off but they continued to gang her.

Redbolt was back on his feet and his riders hopped on. Yeltsa, Tylin, the Sekku and S’us tagged close. They managed to squeeze around the battle scene and onto another street. But they only got thus far before they were in pursuit by the lycans on the roof and a handful of militants on foot.

The Sekku pointed into a street, said, “There is the path to the port!”

And two lycans hoped down off the building before them. One sported a Sputty, and fired it, shattering the Sekku’s shield and sending her flipping back with a yelp.

Another lycan fell on top of her. His hot, rank breath just inches from her face and ready to take the bite, but Tylin with blinding speed sliced off its head with her sword.

S’us, Yeltsa and Lezura mowed down one of the lycans with gunfire. The other one hopped around them, and made a lunge towards Redbolt.

The beast was ran over by a bike, sending him sprawling and rolling into a lamp post.

The bike stopped, and Oleon took off his helmet and said, “Do you ladies need a lift?”

“Oleon!” Lezura said, hopping off Redbolt.

“You came,” Joey said.

“Who the hell’s that?” said the Sekku as she pushed the dead lycan off her.

“No time for questions, get moving!” Yeltsa said, pointing to the third Dawhawk heading their way from the other street.

“Do not worry,” said Oleon, “I brought company.”

Engines roared, and seven motorcycles came blazing down the street.They slid to a stop, some more stylishly than others. Yeltsa helped the Sekku onto the back of one and handed her a pistol off her waist, then hopped onto the back of another with the rest.

Joey remained on his position behind Heliri, while Lezura seated herself behind Oleon. They sped down the street of moss, blue and green stones and warehouses. The air here was raw with the scent of sea water and fish.

People who had heard the ruckus had already made themselves scarce in their stores and warehouses. Those still towing their fish-carts hurried pushed and pulled them out of the way into corners.

The Dawhawk in pursuit of them, increased its speed, opened its sides and unloaded its occupants. Lycans leapt out with Cyries clinging to the fur on their backs. The Dawhawk sped ahead, dropping off ordinary orderran soldiers into the fish market.

They tried to slow down the bikes with gunfire and shields.

“Hang on!” Oleon said, “We are breaking through these bastards!”

He hit the gas and the bike lurched into a faster pace, smashing through a shield-projector, the soldier leaped over the bike and fired a shot in Oleon’s shoulder. Lezura plucked him out of the air with a round to the head.

The orderrans sped out of the way as the motorists broke through, the Lycan’s tailing right behind them.

The Dawhawk had switched positions and cruised sideways along the bikes.

Heliri heard Flivi chirping wildly on her shoulder, and looked and saw the Dawhawk’s new formation.

“Oh crap!”

She turned from the bikes and went around a stall. A lycan managed to follow them and leaped onto the back of Redbolt, sinking its claws into its hide. As the mynamather wailed in grief the lycan bit into Joey’s shoulder.

Joey screamed. “SHIT!” he said as the teeth sank deeper, he reached for his sword off his back and plunged it into the lycan’s head. Steam spouted and the beast fell off.

Joey clutched his shoulder and grimaced. “Hey!” he said to Heliri as they came upon the docking bay, cluttered with ships, “Do you think I’ll turn into a lycan since he bit me?”

“Not from these low levels,” Heliri said as she approached a blue and brown, oval shaped boat with the orange flag of the Felkremin fluttering at the pinnacle.

Joey frowned hard. “Dammit!” Joey said. “Maybe I can get another one to bite me!”

“No time!” Heliri said, “We have to get you to the boat!”

“Wait, what about the others—”

There was a series of explosions behind them that shook the foundation of the docks. They took a quick glance behind them to see the pursuing Dawhawk fire a rocket in front of the bikes, adding to the flame and destruction around them. Joey’s vision was engulfed in flames, and he never saw the others again.


Waiting on them near the boat were several Felkremin, readily taking the reins of Redbolt. Heliri and Joey leaped off as they ushered the animal onto the ship.

“We have to go back for them!” Joey said.

One of the Felkremin, a largaph man with his translator already in ear, said, “That is not possible, Rakai! You have a greater duty. The compass will guide you to the God Titan. Hurry up and board the ship…”

He grabbed Joey’s arm but Joey broke himself free.

“Joey would you stop being so stubborn!” Heliri said.

“I’m not leaving them behind!” Joey said. He turned and ran towards the flaming market place.

“Rakai!” the man said. He, Heliri and a dozen others gave chase after Joey. Surprisingly they couldn’t catch up with him.

Joey prepared honoi in one hand and drew his sword. His vision was blinded by the light of the flames and the heat roaring before him in elemental fury.

Screw the fire! They need me!”

And Joey leaped into the flames that greedily swallowed him.

The Dawhawk fired off four consecutive missiles at the front of the bikes, blowing up the market stalls and shops. The force and the debris crashed into the bikes, knocking their occupants as well as a few lycans over.

The pursued hastily go the bikes off themselves and their comrades and got on the move. Lezura’s head bled profusely from the side, but she was still conscious and had enough strength to stand. She helped Oleon from under the bike.

“Is everyone all right?” she said.

There came some weak and strong replies. Lezura looked around and found that by some miracle everyone was still alive, albeit with some bruises and lacerations.

“Where’s Joey?” S’us said.

“Probably on the ship by now,” said the Sekku.

Good, Lezura thought. Wait, that is not good! I should be on that ship too!

Yeltsa looked around her with her pistol; they only gun with ammunition left. “Where are all the orderrans?” she said.

Everyone hung on her words and looked around. They saw that only flames surrounded them. The chocking scent of smoke and cooked meat filled their lungs.

Lezura lowered her goggles over her eyes and switched to night vision. It was screwed up by the heat a little, but she could see the faint image of the huge frames of the lycans, waiting outside the flames.

“They are around us,” she said, “but they are just standing there…”

“For what?” said Tylin, drawing her two swords.

They felt the slight tremor of the particle-beam of the Skymera hitting the ground. Probably the others are still alive, Lezura thought.

“Let’s just head for the ships, already,” Oleon said.

And an orderran dropped in the middle of them. Guns, hands gleaming with honoi and swords were aimed at him.

Jinkai Onn slowly rose and looked around at the others. He smiled and said, “So these are the little vermin that have been giving me hell all this time…”

No one answered, but they kept their guards up. Some in the group could tell by the cape that this was a Jinkai and a high level lycan.

“Where is the Rakai?” Onn said.

“He is already on the ship out of here,” Lezura sneered at Onn, “you will never get your hands on him!”

A Blueburst ripped open a hole in the wall of fire and out sprung Joey. He was breathing heavily and his clothes were burnt in a few places. But besides from that he didn’t have any wounds. If anything he seemed rejuvenated.

Joey spotted Lezura gaping at him and said, “What’d I miss?”

Disapproving hoots and murmurs echoed around the group.

“’What the hell are you doing here, kid?” Oleon said.

“Joey you blasted buffoon!” Lezura said, “You should be on the ship! Why did you turn back?”

Joey said, “Hey, hey—I came back here to save you guys and this is the thanks I get? Besides, I’m not a baboon; you’ve got the bigger ass, Lezura…”

Heliri flew on her Sugarstick into the middle of everything. She got off and looked around for Joey. She noticed a huge figure beside her, and realized she had landed beside Onn.

Heliri shrieked and hurried over to Yeltsa’s side. From there she spotted Joey looking at her.

Heliri pointed her staff at him and said, “Joey—”

“I know,” said Joey; “I’m stupid, blah-blah-blah, immature, blah-blah-blah, I’m a baboon, blah-blah-blah—what else is new folks?”

“I assume this is all of the cavalry?” Onn said, his alto voice jarring everyone back to their senses.

“This is the cavalry that’s goanna kick your ass, alright!” said Joey. He pointed at Onn and said, “I’m guessing by your fancy cape you’re the big boss for the orderrans?”

“That’s correct,” said Onn with a smile, “and you must be the Rakai?” When Joey pushed out his chest and gave Onn a bow, the Jinkai said, “I have to say, I was expecting something more than a moronic, small child.”

“And I was expecting Darth Vader!” Joey said, “But I guess your bitch-ass will have to do.”

Onn flexed his fingers and said, “I have a proposition for you, Rakai. Hand over yourself and the key, and I will let the others leave with their lives.”

“As if you’re that bad,” Heliri said. “Even my bird is stronger than you!”

Above them, flying in circles, Flivi thrilled.

“The answer’s no, dick-head,” said Joey.

“Then I will have to kill everyone else and take you with me,” said Onn in a steady voice.

“You and what army?” said Tylin.

Onn grinned, the light of the flames glistening on his teeth. He said in a low voice, “Me, myself…and I…”

A massive lycan erupted from Onn’s shredded skin. Its frame exuded aura of primeval malice and dread that nearly crushed everyone to the ground.

“Yo!” Joey screamed, “That’s a lycan?”

“We’re in the shit now…” I’us said as S’us inched away.

Borros Onn stood at twelve feet. His tank of a chest, still wearing armor that had stretched to accommodate his size, was wide enough smother Yeltsa. Huge hands capable of crushing a greshku’s skull hung just below his knees with blade like claws reflecting the flames off it. His snout was long and narrow, eight canines stuck out of them, eager to skin into flesh. Long ears sat on top of his head like noble knights on the lookout.

Onn stepped and turned around to Joey, his ruby eyes hotter than the flames, and Joey could feel them burning through him.

“Tylin…?” Joey whispered.

“Yes?” she said.

“Is this a real lycan?”

“Unfortunately it’s a Lycan Lord,” she said.

Onn pointed a finger at Joey and said in a calm, subtle, almost serene voice, “I’ll save you for last—”

And Onn moved like a blur. Only S’us feet that were blessed with the leg muscles of a geckoid allowed her to get out of the way in time.

Onn ran his hand through the nycarman beside S’us through his gut, hoisted him off his feet and tossed him away. Onn dashed to Yeltsa and kicked her into Jivel. He blocked his face from gunfire with his arm and walked towards another one of Oleon’s men.

They were silver rounds but they didn’t even faze him. Onn yanked the gun from him and bit it in half. They fired a Blueburst into Onn’s chest. Onn narrowed his eyes at the cowering man, lifted one claw and plunged into his head.

Lezura, Oleon and S’us unloaded their weapons in Onn’s back, ripping up his cape and dying it with spots of blood. Onn leaped in the air. He hit the air with his palm with so much force it sent a blast of air that blew them away.

Onn landed and rushed towards Heliri. Joey leaped in the way and fired a Bluebolt into his chest. Onn winced and growled, lifted one hand and swatted Joey aside.

A trembling Heliri released a fireball at Onn. The Lycan Lord blurred out of the way and went for Heliri once more—only to be stopped by a Hiranien in the gut by Yeltsa. She gritted her teeth and snarled, twisting her fist into his gut.

Onn bared his massive teeth at her in a grin. His abdominal muscles gripped her arm, stopping it from going any further.

Onn’s claws were stopped so suddenly it startled him. He looked at his hand and saw his claws clashing with Tylin’s swords. Her entire body was tensed to push against Onn’s arm.

The Sekku morphed a javelin and threw it into Onn’s chest. A fireball from Heliri scorched Onn’s face. Onn snarled and knocked Yeltsa aside with his other hand, sending her crashing into a smoking stall. Lezura dove upon Heliri and brought her out of the way of Onn’s snapping jaws.

Tylin slashed Onn across the back. Onn lashed down at her but Tylin parried them, Onn repeated his assault with Tylin, constantly blocking, finally she was shown some mercy when Oleon, both arms cloaked in the Hiranien and ending in massive claws, slashed Onn repeatedly across the back.

Tylin and Oleon ganged up on Onn, but the massive lycan easily warding off all of their efforts from both sides. Even when Lezura joined in with her expertise in wielding the spear, Onn effectively divided his attention for the three of them; he kicked away Tylin, elbowed Oleon into the ground, and ran his claw into Lezura’s shoulder. She screamed and fell to her knees.

Heliri and two other men leaped into Onn’s back and pierced his flesh with blades.

Onn howled something out of the depths of hell. “You little pieces of shit!”

Onn exerted his minuscule amount of honoi in a pulse from his body, knocking them all off.

Onn roared and stepped into one of the men’s chest like a plastic bottle, sending blood spouting from almost all his orifices. Onn punched the other man in the head and blew it apart.

Joey regained consciousness and charged into Onn with his sword, running it into Onn’s calf.

That much silver in once place erupted steam from Onn’s flesh like a train’s chimney. He howled and kicked Joey away; the force yanked the sword out and sent Joey flying into S’us; who caught Joey by releasing a water rune that dulled the impact.

Oleon cut into Onn’s left hand, slicing off two fingers. Onn reached for Oleon, the nycarman ducked beneath the claws, wheeled and cut Onn across the shin.

Onn thrust his palm at Oleon and knocked him off his feet with a gust of wind. Onn reached to Oleon before he dropped and caught him by the throat. Onn bit into Oleon’s neck worked his teeth, gnawing his head clean off.

Two swords from the Sekku into Onn’s rib made him fall to his knees. Tylin came charging with swords and chopped into Onn’s shoulder.

Onn swung his fingers folded together like a sword, slicing the head off the Sekku. Tylin ducked beneath the arm, and attacked.

In that instant Onn got up to his feet and parried the blows. With Onn weakened, Tylin was able to keep pace with Onn, managing to cut him a few times across the gut until Onn knocked away her weapons.

Tylin pulled a long knife from under her armor and continued to oppose the Lycan Lord with gritted teeth.

Lezura and Heliri staggered to their feet, so did Yeltsa, S’us and Joey, all bloodied and limping, all at their limits. An all watched helplessly as Onn ran the three claws left on his other hand into Tylin’s chest.

Joey felt a fist drop on his heart.


Tylin gaped, eyes wide. She closed her mouth and gritted her teeth. Tears ran down her bloody cheeks. She coated her knife with honoi and extended it into Onn’s eye. The Lycan Lord uttered a hellish growl.

“Bitch!” he said.

Onn ran his other hand into Tylin’s chest and hoisted her off the ground, twisted his hands with a sickening slurping sound of moving organs and bone, and ripped her in half.

The half with Tylin’s head landed at Joey feet, splatting his shoes with blood.

S’us screamed and fell to her knees, holding her cheeks.

Tears absently ran down Joey’s face.

Lezura and the others hurried over to Joey and stood between him and Onn.

Onn was trembling visibly, and his calm demeanor had been beaten into a passionate canvas of hatred painted onto his face.

The fire had died to smoking debris around them. Onn’s few troops crept on behind him, and the Felkremin man from the ship and the others had come to Joey’s side.

“You will not be escaping this, Rakai…” Onn tried to say calmly, but the bitterness was just rolling off his tongue.

Joey tightened his grip on his sword. Without a moment’s thought he ran out from the protection of the people around him and confronted Onn.

But as if spurred on by Joey’s rage and bravery, without question the others followed him.

Lezura, Yeltsa, Heliri and S’us were right behind him. The soldiers and the Felkremin handled each other.

Joey jumped into Onn, the lycan parried Joey’s blow as he passed. Lezura whirled the spear in Onn’s side with a searing sting. Onn parried her other blows but a sudden fireball from Heliri in his face blurred his vision, giving S’us the chance to sneak a stab in the inside of Onn’s thigh. Before he could reach her Yeltsa came from Onn’s blind side and rocked his head with a punch, knocking a few teeth out.

Onn s