Burning Blue: Boy Meets Honoi by Joel S. Williams - HTML preview

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Upsinodron is one of the most unique systems in the Sakiuchi Galaxy. It has the large star, Upsinodron, surrounded by eleven planets, one of which is a gas giant the size of Jupiter known as Big-Gassy, with over thirty moons. The planet is so lustrous that it provides its own light for the moons, and also the common gas flares that hit the moons provide them with nutrients. It was enough for some moons to develop a livable atmosphere.

It has seven planets that are inhabited by seven different species. The planet Narz is homed to the largaph, Sangetsu is homed to the nycarmans, Veheculon is homed to the orderrans, Natraun is the home of the yautgan, Slyerrick is the home of the rapturan, Gammuo is where the lazhinians reside, and living on Haturn are the raizean.

The orderrans were the first species to evolve space flight, first making contact with the nycarmans, as they were the second technologically advanced species during that time. The two species formed a partnership with each other that lasted some twenty years. They both secretly watched the other worlds, waiting on the opportunity to make contact with the other races once they had progressed in technology.

The two species had ranked that in third place of technological achievements were the largaph, whose planet had a rich source of acrilium, a mineral that when electrically charged facilitated anti-gravity lift in machinery and other objects.

The largaphs were the first species to create antigravity technology, while the other worlds were still using petroleum fuel at a massive cost, and had very little acrilium to use. The nycarmans and orderrans visited Narz with the hopes of establishing trade with acrilium for new technology with the largaphs. The largaphs agreed in order to learn about new technology for their people.

The nycarmans, orderrans and largaphs then created the N.V.S. treaty (Narz, Veheculon, Sangetsu), where Sangetsu and Veheculon would share technology and biological resources such as new plants for food sources and animal foods with Narz for acrilium.

This lasted for just three years, because feeding the two planets was taking its toll on Narz. So in the solar-years of 144, the same number of years after the first species obtains space flight, the largaph people decided to end the treaty on fair terms with their two partners.

In 146 the largaph had obtain enough knowledge about space flight to create their own ships and were now traversing through space to the other worlds. They went to Big-Gassy, where they discovered the moons there held life. The largaph scientists conducted research that revealed that the biology of the animals on the moon was similar to that of largaph bodies.

This led the largaph to believe that their world, Narz, was once a moon made from Big-Gassy that drifted away from the planet along with debris that made up Narz’s moons. At the same time the orderrans and nycarmans were checking out the moons as well. They found that it contained a rich source of acrilium. The largaphs ordered that they stop the mining of acrilium from their moons, as it represents their first homeland, but they were free to harvest it from the non-inhabited worlds.

But the orderrans and nycarmans believed that the largaphs were becoming arrogant and trying to take their claim of the territories. With three new colony worlds under their belt, they could expand their military power well beyond the others.

Eventually this became the first, interstellar war; between the nycarmans and orderrans against the largaph over the four worlds of Tessius, Noax and Ploween and Ki-ung-pa.

But the largaphs didn’t have a space fleet like the nycarmans or orderrans, and needed to increase their numbers. So, they went to recruit the yautgans, who were a naturally hardy species but low in technology. They explained to the yautgans fully their situation with the orderrans and nycarmans, and that if they helped they would give them one of the moons as a token of their appreciation. Happy with the prospect of seizing more power and resources, the yautgans joined the war in 151 under the leadership of the largaphs. Forty thousand yautgans joined the war on the planet-moon Ploween, and the yautgans successfully colonized the moon along with the largaphs.

The orderrans and nycarmans decided to recruits as well. The raizean people were too weak physically to be of much help in a war, but they did have mental capabilities that were interesting. Some nycarmans decided to study the raizean—which meant literally abducting them and dissecting their brains to learn how to bestow their mental capabilities to their own soldiers. In I53, this was known as the Psych Knight project. The nycarmans and orderran soldiers recruited to undergo the experiment were given brain-tissue implants from the raizean subjects. They developed the mental capabilities, but at an extreme cost. Some subjects developed brain tumors, memory loss, and neural damage which dropped them into a vegetative state.

Only one percent of the experimental subjects maintained their normal brain activity.

The raizean retaliated by using the failed Psychknights as soldiers, controlling their minds to do their bidding. The rebellion wasn’t strong enough, and was quickly put down, but the orderrans and nycarmans did leave the world, though it was devastated.

The orderrans tried to recruit the rapturans; who had amazing physical attributes, but the rapturans declined to get themselves involved. The orderrans took extreme measures, enslaving the people and forced them to fight for them.

In the same year, 154, they went to the planet Gammuo where they discovered that the lazhinian people had a very unique biology that allowed for accelerated healing and reattachment of severed limbs. The oldest living lazhinians were over two thousand years old. Experiments were done to try and get orderran individuals to have the lazhinian cells incorporated into their bodies permanently. Sadly this could not be done, so the orderrans settled for just harvesting their body fluids to use on the battlefield.

The nycarmans had distanced themselves from the events on Slyerrick and Gammuo.

The largaph and yautgans tried to help stop the atrocities on Gammuo and Haturn, but the people didn’t have the technology or strength to fight as the rapturans did.

Three years later, in 157, help came in form of another species from a distant solar system known as the Unquan System. They were known as the zell, and said they were members of the Galactic Garden (G.G.). They stated it was the duty of the Galactic Garden to preserve order in the galaxy, and that they would report this to their superiors.

In 158, help came in the form of nearly 250,000 battleships from the Galactic Garden, manned by two species known as the weavike and the cat-like people called the myrangs. They agreed to provide aid for the third-worlds, Gammuo and Haturn, and liberated them from the orderrans and nycarmans.

The two antagonistic races retreated to their homeworld. They faced sanctions from the Galactic Garden, which stated that as compensation, the orderrans and nycarmans, along with the largaphs who were also involved in the war, had to take in some of the native people of the other worlds onto their planet to live.

The orderrans willingly agreed, because now they had the opportunity to study the other species. But the nycarmans were reluctant to do so, fearing that the aliens could take over their planet.

The Galactic Garden spent fifteen years helping to repair the damages done to the worlds, and they placed a restriction on the moons around Big-Gassy so there wouldn’t be any more wars over them.

While the largaphs were negotiating with Galactic Garden to free their worlds, there was revenge brewing the blood of the other species who had been victim of the orderran and nycarmans, but they waited for the right time.

In 175, the Galactic Garden ordered representatives from each species to meet with them. After long negotiations it was decided that each planet would form its own Council where they would discuss matters with each other and come to a peaceful resolution on each.

The seven species then decided to share the moons. The largaphs and yautgans inhabited Ploween. The orderrans and nycarmans were given Tessius. The lazhinians were given Noax and the raizean Ki-ung-pa; two whole worlds for them to colonize for themselves. All species were given free rein to mine acrilium from the moons around Big-Gassy.

Twelve years later (187 S.S.F.), the orderrans and raizean developed warp drive technology, and became the first two species to travel outside the solar system. Second was the nycarmans and third were the largaphs, the lazhinians remained on Noax to fully colonize it and developed a very productive ecosystem. The yautgans were fourth and the rapturans fifth. The raizean in 211 S.S.F. colonized a planet named Nakashpu by joint effort with the orderrans, in the solar system of Yel, some 26 light years away, making it the first planet to be colonized outside the solar system. Second was the planet Nessenous, in same system, by the lazhinians and raizean, in the year 250 S.S.F.

With maps given to them by the Galactic Garden, the races of Upsinodron had now a fair idea of the location of their star in the galaxy and those that were habited and uninhabited by sentient species. Later this space exploration would be the source of the Second Solar War.

In 301 S.S.F., The rapturans journeyed to the Vehenni System, an area that the Garden labeled a hazardous zone. They had found a new type organism they named the exeon. These creatures were organisms that could survive without oxygen, and fed by assimilating matter around their bodies and absorbing nutrients.

They brought with them a few genothroid eggs containing queens.

The rapturans were studying the effects of the exeons on breaking down matter and reconstructing it by using their produced energy, and how they controlled the minds of the genothroids. Their experimentations took a vile twist when the exeons took control of the minds of the researchers, and made them set the genothroids loose on the colony planet to attack the rest of the seven thousand people in the city.

The attack was a success thanks to the exeons controlling the minds of the soldiers and their fire power. Once they took over the planet, the genothroids studied the map mapping the location of the Upsinodron starsystem.

Using the technology from the rapturan ships, they built several ships in the span of the six years, and traveled to the Upsinodron solar system.

In 321 S.S.F. the exeons invaded Upsinodron, leading to the second Solar War. They dropped on the planets with the rapturans who they had ordered to breed and increased their numbers, along with the genothroid variant soldiers and the exeon drones.