Burning Blue: Boy Meets Honoi by Joel S. Williams - HTML preview

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In 322 S.S.F., the colonized planet of Nessenous, by the raizean and lazhinians, were doing experiments to create a new species of fighters. During the first Solar War, they were the two species who were the most devastated because of their lack of military tactics and strength. But they were going to rectify that mistake.

They used raizean DNA as the basis, breaking it down and moving certain genes from the chromosome and rearranging them. They reconstructed it with Lazhinian DNA, and created embryos grown in tanks of culture fluid. The result was the creation of the suravian species.

They were on average six feet tall, with lean muscle and blue skin. The back of their heads narrowed to a point as their chins did. They had the heat exhaust skin folds at the back of their heads in light blue flaps, and orange eyes set against jet black sclera. They has small nose bridges common with both species, and along with sensory quills in the form of two green sacs on their foreheads, they had very slight regenerative capabilities take from the lazhinians. But most of all they had the ability to deflect mind probing either telepathy or manual means, making them excellent warriors against the exeons.

But fearing their strength could one day overthrow the two species, the raizean and lazhinians only made males, and grew them in labs if their numbers needed to be replenished, and gave them a lifespan of just 50 years.

In 333 S.S.F., in response to a message of help sent by their home worlds and colonized moons, the plant Nessenous deployed 20,000 Suravian troops to their fellow race in Upsinodron. In 339 S.S.F., the suravians effectively aided the other planets and species in pushing the exeons and their genothroid slaves out of the solar system.

But a year later they regrouped and launched another attack. The suravians, allied with other members of the United Planetary Nations Force (UPNF) led the strike on the exeon motherships. The 700,000 thousand troops chased the Exeons back out of the solar system to where they came from. It was said that they followed the exeons to the colonized planet of the rapturans, but there never came a reply from the few soldiers left in the attacking fleet if they were successful or not. All that was known was the exeons never come back.

The remaining suravians in the solar system, for their efforts, were recognized as a new independent species, and awards ships and planets to colonize, and the blueprints for the process of growing more of their kind. They have yet to produce a female to reproduce with, but with their quick growth and good adaptability, they were able to increase their number from just 50,000 to over forty million in the space of the two hundred and ten years since the defeat of the Exeons.