CHUM by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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“Yes, Daddy?” asked Chum as he put his hands on Ben’s stomach.

“This is it, it’s yours to decide my boy,” Ben said as he tucked in Chum’s shirt; only to have Chum giggle and untuck it himself. “I love you either way, and I always will,” Ben said with dignity.

“I love you too, Daddy, much, much, and more much,” Chum said honestly with a hint of a smile. “But what do I do now, I ask ah?” asked Chum timidly as he looked at Ben and then Jen.

Jen glared at Ben, and smiled lovingly at Chum. Ben saw this, and he suddenly had a better hold on what Beth had been doing to him all these years. He stepped back from Chum; and put his hand over his mouth.

“Take 7 big steps towards me, Chum, and then we’ll start,” Jen said sternly as she waved goodbye to Ben (that had been Beth’s original take on the scene from the theatrical release of the movie, but it was later changed in the DVD). “Fine, Ben, it’s fine with me,” said Jen warmly as she threw her cigarette over a small bush and into a drainage pipe.

“This is rubbish, she’s a hack,” Beth could barely stand still, her legs moving from one uncomfortable position to another. “Terrible delivery, so crude and juvenile,” snapped Beth with the same infuriating nose up and shoulders back (she loved putting people in their place). “I’ve never played this scene that low rent and cheap beer, in my glorious life. I don’t think she’s…she’s really,” Beth said blankly as she snuggled with Gloria just out of the scene. Beth was getting worried; she could see the way Jen was playing the part and it meant trouble for her. She hoped to rattle Ben with a new delivery, but she worried it would fall flat.

“She’s steals her lunch and she knows it, Beth,” said Gloria. “Let’s just wait and then you’ll destroy her,” Gloria kissed Beth on the lips and around the face, but Beth kept her eyes squarely on Ben.

“Of course, there’s no substance here,” Beth dismissed coyly, as she was worried it could all fall apart in front of this now ever larger crowd.

“Am I far enough here?” asked Chum in a lilting tone.

“Yes, Chum, you’re fine,” nothing rattled in Ben’s voice now. “Go ahead and you start, Beth, bitches first,” Ben said snidely as he showed no emotion, just stood there confidently.

Jen looked at Ben, and then Chum, and smiled and said,” Boy, Chum, you’re gonna miss your favorite show Mr. Bumly; I’d hate to see you miss that, let’s go, Chum, say goodbye already,” Jen said nonchalantly as he turned and offered Chum her hand. Jen was going off script, she figured out a good way through for Ben, and she knew it would work (it had to).

Ben looked at her and started to smile and said,” Chum, you and I both know she’s not going to let you watch Mr. Bumly. She’s gonna make you do sit-ups. And you’re gonna have to watch her put on her makeup,” Ben replied with an answering nod. “Please, Chum, why don’t we leave that bitch behind? She hates you, Chum, she hates us both. Chum, are you hungry yet? I’ve got those ice cream bars you like in the fridge,” Ben said softly, as it took every bit of his wherewithal to not yell at Jen. He kept his focus on Chum, and did not waver.

“But you hit Chum!” Chum said tearfully as he rubbed his arm (there was a bruise there the size of a golf ball). “You beat me up, all time. I want to NOT be hit,” Chum said skeptically as his lower lip quivered; he cried like rain down a pane of glass during a thunder storm, and he faced neither one of them now.

Jen saw this and said calmly,” That’s right, Chum, your bum father beats you up, I wouldn’t do that. Let’s go home already, Chum, RIGHT, NOW!”

Chum looked at Jen and shook his head from side to side, no. Chum shouted tearfully,” YOU HIT CHUM TOO! Why hit Chum?” he demanded impetuously as he hit his own leg. I don’t hurt anybody, I am just a kid. Leave poor Chum alone, one time for true,” Chum continued. My back hurts from your slaps, and my face hurts from your hits! I can’t…I can’t take it anymore,” he cried. “Please don’t hit me anymore, please don’t. I’ll be good, I swear…I swear I will,” Chum said tearfully. “One time, one day without a hit, just one,” begged Chum tearfully as he broke down, and his hands were shaking. He looked at Jen, and then right at Ben, and he started to fidget with his hands.

“I’ll never hit you again as long as I live, Chum, I swear…I swear it,” insisted Ben. I’m sorry, I should not have done that, I’m sorry, Chum. Don’t we have good times, Chum?” asked Ben tearfully as he crouched down and got on eye level with Chum. Beth saw this and she wanted to punch Chum right in the head. Beth knew that kid was giving the scene away.

“Yes, we have had good ice cream eats. Good bike rides, and good walk on sand. I…don’t...know.”

Jen stepped to the side and caught Chum’s attention, and said warmly,” Chum, you can’t believe him, he’s an alcoholic. You know he’s just gonna drink, drink, and die, right, Chum?” Jen asked sheepishly. “Remember how funny it was that day he beat you up? You know it’s true. Chum, now god DAMN IT!” shouted Jen. “I’m not waiting for you any longer. GET over here NOW! We’re going home,” Jen demanded sharply as she glared at Ben, and it all crystallized for Ben right then and there (the way through).

In the Gifted Love hospital ward-where Ben Train lay in his self induced coma-he was watching this happen via hologram in his mind and controlling it at the same time-and his hands started to shake. He had blue goggles on that emitted red light as he acted and lived the entirety of each scene. His legs were up on a pair of pillows, with yellow and red tubes in his chest and hands. He saw there was an answer, but he didn’t know just yet how to get there. His longtime wife Julie Train was asleep in the chair next to his bed, as Ben’s body shook violently. He looked old and grizzled, with a long beard and thin body, but the mind was sharp. On the walls were his award night pictures: showing the Golden Globes, The Screen Actors Guild best actor awards-of which he had won 3 each-and his loss at the Oscars with the words I’D LIKE TO THANK ANYONE BUT THE ACADEMY scrawled on it in red ink.

Meanwhile Beth was eyeing Jen, and looking for the motivation to outwit this new Ben. She watched her every move, and she prayed Chum would go to Jen.

“NO, Mum, I can’t eat vegemabels all time,” Chum explained indignantly with a fierce look in his eyes. I want, GOOD, FOOD. I’m sorry, but I have to go away from you for now, bye, Mum,” Chum said warmly as he waved to Jen.

“CHUM!!” Jen yelled sharply, and she made her body diminished by lowering her head and shoulders (old studio trick she’d heard about). Get over here or there’s no Mr. Bumly! Chum, Chum?” she paused. “Is there any justice for the gifted? Aren’t I ready to love you, Chum? Won’t you tell me your stories, please, Chum?” pleaded Jen sadly, as she watched Chum walk over to Ben and take his hand.

Ben didn’t look back, and he and Chum walked over to his car and got in quickly. By then Beth had seen quite enough and she shouted,” BULL-SHIT! That would never happen if it were my scene, bitch! Let’s ROLL IT AGAIN! Get back her, Ben, you’ve won nothing!” Beth yelled angrily as she took a few steps out to where Chum was standing. She bent down like she was adjusting her shoes, and put a silver coin down nearer to where she’d be (it was a silver dollar she got for her first acting role from her mother Jean).

“You’re really going down, Beth, it’s embarrassing,” Jen said happily as she walked over to Jim, Jack, and Scott. Beth cringed at this; and she started to stare down Jen.

“Good fucking scene, Jen, you nailed it,” Scott exclaimed as he patted Jen on the back.

“Thank you, I’m just the best there is, that’s all,” she answered. “What’d you think, Jim Nuts?”

“I think you did amazing,” Jim assured. “And I think my name is Jim, not JIM-nuts. Maybe you could remember that, for good and longer. Jack, what do you think the chances are Ben gets Chum again, once and for all I mean?” Jim inquired smoothly as he rubbed his chin.

“I’d bet on him, all I’ll ever have and win,” Jack answered.

“I got a good feeling, this could finally be the day he breaks her in two,” Jen interrupted in a gratified manner. “God let Ben have the courage, please let him have it,” Jen begged nervously as she put her hands together like she was praying (they were above her head and her eyes were closed). She begged for god to help Ben, and a few seconds later she opened her eyes and grimaced.

“Yeah, he deserves it,” informed Jack. “This could be the greatest day for the art of acting, since ever there was. Man, look at the crowd that’s forming. Everyone here is talking about the same thing we are. Yeah, Jim, this is the one, and that’s all he needs,” Jack replied confidently as he watched Ben and Chum slowly walk back to their places. Ben had a certain air about him and everyone could see it.

“Well then, Beth, you’ve got your comeuppance coming,” Ben said snidely with fake enthusiasm “How’s the crow taste today?” Ben asked coolly.

“You should know, Ben, it’s all you’ve ever eaten, FOR YEARS,” snapped Beth angrily. “Ha, I’ll crush you and everyone will know your talent was little and fading, all the while. Ben, ha hah, let’s put on a show! Chum, take you place, its breathing greatness time,” Beth insisted snidely as she strode back to her mark, smiled to the crowd, and slowly turned to face Chum.

Then the set morphed back into the one in the hills. Ben took his place, and put his hand on his stomach to calm his nerves. For some reason he wasn’t as crippled by fear as he had been low those many years. He knew her game now, but he still didn’t know if she’d go off script.

Chum walked over to Beth and said politely,” Hi, Mum, I mean Mother, I missed you.”

“Don’t we miss us all, Chumly,” Beth replied with an unyielding strength in her voice. “Well I guess we should go home, Chum, Mr. Bumly’s on,” Beth ordered, she went off script to even the playing field. Ben saw this, and he had to squelch his own anger. He knew she could trick him if he wasn’t committed to everything.

“Beth, I’ve got an idea,” he said carelessly.

“Pray tell?”

“I can’t go on with this arrangement, and I know you hate it too,” insisted Ben. “I’ve decided that I’ll let Chum, once and for all, decide who he wants to be with. Chum, you go ahead and stand in the middle of us,” Ben paused. Then we’ll each ask you to come with us. And you go where you’re heart is, Son.”

“O.k. Daddy, I’ll do my bestest,” said Chum innocently as he turned and skipped over to the middle area between them both. He looked at Beth and saw her gently gesturing with her hand for Chum to come to her. Then Chum turned and saw Ben sitting on the ground nodding contently.

“Chum, that father of yours is a big time nobody!” Beth snorted as she laughed to herself. He drinks all the time, and he beats you up like a toy doll. He’s a waste, Chum, he’ll ruin your life,” said Beth as she rubbed her left wrist. “And you gotta ask the question…do you want the big stage, or the audience? Because that’s all people are anymore, and you’re better than that,” Beth said urgently, as she eyed Chum with a Leopard’s eyes; and she gently moved her hand like she had something in it.

“I don’t like your smelly clothes, and your food tastes like clothes,” Chum said tearfully as he swung his hand around like a windmill punch. I want to watch TV, more than 20 minutes a day! I deserve my own room, not sleeping on the chair. I HATE THAT CHAIR, I HATE IT!” Chum started punching his own leg, and looking blankly at Beth, with homemade rain in his eyes.

“Chum, there’s a warm bed and some macaroni at my place,” Ben insisted hopefully. “And, Chum, there always will be. You can be anyone you want, it’s your life. And, Chum…oh god, I’m going to quit drinking and hitting you,” Ben felt the river of tears inching down his face (he was killing it again and he knew it). “I know I screwed up, I know it…I’m not perfect. I can’t believe what I did to you, I won’t do it again. You can watch TV all day long, Chum, its fine. Won’t you come home?” Ben asked tearfully as he put his hands on his knees-like he was ready to hug Chum-and slid his foot out of the way to make it easier for Chum to hug him.

Drivel, worthless and weak,” objected Beth immediately. “How can you listen to this boob, Chum? He’s 2 weeks from homeless at any given time. He’ll have you living in a box, with smelly people all around you,” Beth spoke with a condescending tone she saved for this very moment. You don’t want to be a bum do you? Come now, Chum, there might be a new video game thing, back at home, huh,” Beth said without remorse, as she knew that in the scene she could say anything true or not, and he had to act it correctly (everything was true in a scene, and she knew that from her acting lessons with Stella).

“Mum, you slapped my head, my back, and my neck,” Chum hit the back of his head and neck 5 times fast. “I can’t…I can’t take the pain anymore,” cried Chum violently. “It makes me sad, and lonely. I don’t want to live that way, at, all.”

“Chum, you know I can turn it around, please just give me one more chance,” Ben begged his eyes never leaving Chum (even though Beth was trying to break his concentration with spastic movements). “You know she’ll tell you anything you wanna hear, you know it. There’s one chance here, Chum, one chance for us to be happy. I can’t be happy without you. And I can’t ever hurt you again. I swear to god, please forgive me, Chum, please,” pleaded Ben tearfully as he reached out for Chum and sobbed.

Chum looked at Ben, and then heard Beth make a farting sound (by blowing on her armpit). Chum looked over at her and she said snidely,” That’s bad ratings cable if ever I heard it. You suck, you can’t fool us, Ben, we know. Come now, Chum, when you leave him, you leave second class behind, FOREVER,” Beth had a certain unflappable smirk that never left “Oh, is that a silver coin on the ground there, Chum? Why don’t you pick it up and bring that over to mum, o.k.?” Beth asked hollowly as she pointed with her finger; and she got as humble as she ever had in her facial expressions.

“Is it silver, wow I’m rich!” Chum exclaimed as he bent down to pick it up. “I ah, need to thinka for a second. Do I go over, or do I NOT, go over? My head is tired and hurts,” mumbled Chum as he started to walk towards Beth rubbing his forehead.

“CHUM!” Ben said urgently, as he used the same spastic hand movement Beth had to catch Chum’s attention. I put that coin there for you as a gift. Go ahead and bring that over to me and I’ll show you it’s secret. You wanna see that don’t you?” asked Ben coyly, and he looked wide eyed at Chum in one last ditch effort.

Beth laughed and bent down at the waste.

“O.k., Mum, I want to go with…”

“WAIT!” Beth interrupted violently. Just hold on, Chum, I’ll buy you a new mini racing car, hmm. And I’ll buy you a new red helmet, just the one you wanted. Now can we go home and play the video, ahh game thing?”

“Chum, just look at me one last time,” Ben demanded shortly as he started to stand up onto his knees; and he put his arms out like wings and breathed in the dying sun.

“What?” Chum asked as he grinned ever so slightly. “Do you have a racing car too?”

“Yes, yes I do,” Ben insisted hollowly. “I have money saved up for your college fund too. I’ve decided to let you blow it all on food and toys. Chum, I just can’t watch you sad for one more second. How ‘bout it, Chum, your dinner’s ready?” asked Ben warmly, nodding determinedly as he eyed Chum and cried.

Beth froze at this, and her thoughts started to race. She had nothing for the first time in years.

“O ma K, that means o.k.” Chum answered happily as he smiled at Ben. “Mum, I won’t be eating your spinach sandwiches ever again, bye to ya,” said Chum innocently as he ran over to Ben and hugged him as tight as soda pop to the can.

“Chumly, don’t go…down that…wait!” B