Dead Watchers by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 12





My eyes opened sleepily as voices could be heard dully in my head. They were spoken as if they were across an ocean. Swinging lights blurred in front of me as the scenery passed with such a haste I thought my life was flashing forward. A cloud seemed to hang around my eyes as the lights seemed foreign to me. I must have been drugged because I felt groggy and very woozy too. My muscles ached with stiffness. My fi ngers began to twitch like a spider waking from hibernation. “We need to get him on the plane now. The contestants have to check in officially no less than four hours from now!” A soft voice spoke as I finally started to gain a little bit of my surroundings. I tried to move my arms, but felt them strapped across my chest. I tried to move any part of my body, but when I looked down I realized that I was in a straight jacket. The dolly I was on was made of a strong metal as black leather straps were strapped around my body. “Where am I,” that soft voice gave a quick “he is waking up! We need to get him to the cage stat! I repeat the sedative is wearing off faster then predicted.” I felt the dolly crash through a pair of double doors as the air suddenly got colder. A large engine could be heard in the distance as a man yelled “thank god I thought you guys weren’t going to make it!”

“What the hell is this,” exclaimed the man wheeling me out. They pulled me upright as I looked around to discover that I was in an airplane hanger. It was larger than a mansion with a large 747 airplane in it. The airplane ramp was opened to reveal ten security cages, five on each side. The man’s face sagged resembling Droopy Dog. Each wrinkle seemed to be etched with tiredness and every word seemed to come out in a whisper. “This…this is the boy…this is the son of Tammie Jo? What could he have possibly done sense he was nine years old. My god, you have him locked up like Hannibal Lector! What could he possible do to me?” I heard a voice from behind me, “don’t let his innocence fool you Conrad! He is smarter than probably all of us put together including every contestant combined. He was going to get a full scholarship to…well its all in the file.” I saw the squat man throw his bony finger at the man, “well it’s too late now, anyway he needs to be checked in today…put him in his cage and lock him up good! I am going to submit the paperwork to the Gatherers for the Gamer Guide. The other contestants are just arriving.” The man came closer to me his eyes narrowed as he leaned in to examine my face. “Why does he have a protective mask on?” A voice from behind me yelled, “He’s a spitter!” His face moved closer, “my name is Conrad F. Mansbridge…can I automatically assume that you know who I am? You may remember me from very early in your life. In fact, you might know me more than any man in this hanger huh? I must admit that I expected a little more out of you.”

I stared up at him as I never gave him the satisfaction of my wisdom. He pulled away from me, and I was happy to see a look of disappointment. I knew him, oh yes I knew him. I knew his wretched body. The image of him, and my mother hooking up with me as nothing more then a fly on the wall. It was burned in my mind as I wanted to leap out of this jacket and strangle him until his life slipped before me. He waved his hand as I was wheeled towards the plane. I heard a thick clipboard hit Conrad’s hand as the men wheeled me over to a cage and transferred me over, “alright Conrad I need you to sign here and fill out this sheet. The application for your contestant is due after medical and background testing has been conducted.” Before I was transferred over to the cage I noticed a number 1 and a weird symbol. It was the Eye of Providence and in the middle of the iris sat a demonic skull. It had missing razor sharp teeth as if its owner had been chewing on rocks. They sat me down in a metal seat and chained me across it. Although, they did do me the courtesy of removing the Hannibal Lector mask. But when they did I gave them a quick, “where are you taking me you stupid pig? I should be back in confinement!” I gave a quick launch of spit which the guard was ready for. His hand had taken the blunt of it, “knew that was coming. For somebody nicknamed The Mind you are one predictable mother…” He slammed the cage shut locking me in. They smiled as they walked away leaving me helpless with no way to escape, “real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance!” He left shaking his head in mockery. What was the point of fighting? Something was going on and I had to play the cards that I had been dealt. Seems like that has all I have ever done in my life just drop two cards and pick up two different ones. The only thing I could do was figure out as much as I could and be prepared for whatever lay ahead.

I watched them drag in a pale woman with red curly hair, freckles covering her face as she appeared to be drugged. It had been awhile since I had seen a woman, a real woman. Her figure was a little slender for my taste. They strapped her down in the chair and made sure she was good and tight. She must have been given a sedative too. My guess was she was still under its effects. The guards returned with a second victim, dark skinned with a bald head. He had many hemp and leather bracelets, beaded necklaces, a large silver cross with a pacifier, and even a couple necklaces made out of noodles. His eyes were wild with rage he was yelling loudly, “Let me go, let me go!” He was fighting with the three men that were trying to imprison him in the steel cage. “Where’s Rosenberg, tell Rosenberg I’m going to kill him! You can’t kidnap me! People will know I’m missing! My father will have your heads!” T hey slammed him down on the security chair. “Let me go...I’ll kill you all! COWARDS, tell Rosenberg that when I get out the only mystery box he’s going to get is the one that’s going to blow him into pieces!” He continued screaming at the top of his lungs as he was chained down to his seat. “Too scared to fight me like men are you, nothing but spineless western cowards!”

The three guards retreated, “Tell Rosenberg that I’m going to cut off his hands and cut out his treacherous tongue! LRA will never go away!” One of the guards yelled back, “don’t worry in a couple hours you won’t remember any of this. You should be thanking him for not turning you over to the UN.” They walked away, “well then where am I going? Hey don’t turn your back to me, where am I going?” The guards continued to walk away, “hey where are you…” “They won’t answer you,” he glared at me and gave a growl more like an order, “Well then you tell me white boy! Tell me where we are going huh?” I shrugged, “it ain’t going to be Manhattan.” “Man what?” I shook my head, “never mind.” I hated explaining myself to idiots, “What’s your name?” “What’s your name white boy,” he snapped at me as he began to tug at his cuffs. I smiled watching him struggle. Look at that idiot wrestling with his cuffs like a monkey would wrestle with peeling a banana, “HEY white fish, in my country when I ask a question it is answered!” “Well we aren’t in your country, so how about if you help me out and we can both get out of this mess.”

The man dropped his task with the cuffs and glared at me, “And how is my name going to help you? If you have a key in there that would be more useful!” I stared at him as he gave a defeated, “Raska, Raska Ongwen!” “As in the Raska Ongwen from the Lord’s Resistance Army,” “what about it,” he snapped. “You mean the Dongola Miso? One of the son’s of Joseph Kony? The Raska that holds position twenty three on the UN’s Most Wanted list?” He shrugged “I don’t know! I don’t really care for western news or news that is not relevant to the fight.” I nodded “I quite understand I have always had a problem with the mass media.” I watched them walk in a small Chinese man. He had a goatee surrounding his mouth as his short black hair sat as thin as silk on his head. No struggling or fighting, he obeyed the guards like a dog obeying his master. He didn’t look muscular and his scrawny body was held by only one of the two guards. They brought him to another empty cage and began to chain him down. “So who are you white boy,” “no talking” yelled one of the guards. “And what are you going to do? I dare you to come in here, I’d love it if you came in, oh please do!” The guard ignored Raska as they closed the cage and left again. The Chinese man sat still as a tree and stared out the fenced cage. He sat like a dog would sit waiting for his master’s command.

“My name is Christopher Wentworth, but people just call me The Mind,” Raska began to laugh, “The Mind, ha…The Mind!” I glowered down at him, “I am an elder with DMI!” Raska continued to laugh as he replied, “college boy using the initials…this right here is for the big dogs, so let me know when you get your nuts back!” “It stands for Dead Man Inc. you retarded little shit! I’d put your fucking mind in the cellar where it can rot along side your pathetic little army of children!” I leaned back in the seat, “And who is the dumb ass? I have an IQ of 186 and that was my lowest score! I got a prefect score on my ACT and my SAT! You stupid bitch, could you even find your dick?” “Who you calling a bitch…I should come over there and turn you into my bitch! I have no idea what the ACT and the SAT are and I don’t really give a…” I gave him a sarcastic “really, I never would have guessed!” “Alright,” he snapped “where do you think we are college boy? If you think you’re so smart, what do you think is going on?” I shook my head “I don’t know, but they’re coming back.”

“Unhand me,” came a panicked man’s voice as he began to wrestle with his captures. He had a brown handle bar mustache, broad shoulders, and had four large gruesome scars lining his face. “LEFU,” he cried at the top of his lungs. “I swear if you hurt her, if you hurt one hair on her… LEFU!” The guards looked as if they were trying to subdue a raging bull. “Lefu,” the man yelled again as they tried to chain him down to the chair. “I swear if I don’t see my dog unharmed then Lord Otto will need all the protection he can afford!” The handcuffs clicked as the guards backed out and shut the cage door, “give me her you lousy…” “Man will you shut up!” Raska’s frustrated comment was met with a “who exactly are you?” “Annoyed by your constant yelling, which by the way I find extremely useful given the current situation!” The man gave a glowering look as he turned to the ramp. “Tell Lord Otto that if I don’t see Lefu soon I am going to spend my entire life tracking and hunting him down!” The man growled as I asked, “so who are you,” the man began to tug at his chains but finally realized defeat.

“Name is Jacob…what is going on, who are you people?” I stared back at Raska who had begun to tug at his chains again, “how did you get here?” Jacob stared at me as he seemed to dwell on the subject, “I was at a client’s mansion and was offered a cup of tea. I must’ve gotten drugged. All I remember is being dragged on a private jet until I was slapped into cuffs and brought here, which I don’t understand!” He turned back to the door, “Lefu,” he screamed again as Raska gave a mocking “Lefu…Lefu, you’re acting like a fool!” Ignoring his comment I dwelled on my thoughts, “Hey buddy… hey Chinese guy you gunna sit there the entire time in silence. Fine…Raska how did you get here?” Slamming the long chain down as Raska appeared frustrated “this guy Rosenberg…” “You mean Rosenberg Diamonds, Rosenberg?” Raska nodded and continued, “Took out my entire company, captured me, placed me in cuffs, several hours later…walla!”

“Don’t you steal diamonds from Rosenberg, you know to fund your rebellion,” “REBELLION,” Raska yelled. Sweat began to form on his greasy face and bald head as he looked murderous. “LRA is no little rebellion, our war has the blessing from God himself,” “yeah, yeah but you do right?” “So what if I do, what business is it of yours?” Raska tried to stand as he looked at me with murder in his eyes. “You know white boy in Uganda questions are never asked! So why don’t you bite your tongue before I tear it out?” “LEFU,” cried Jacob louder than ever. “Will you shut the fuck up, do you expect whatever a Lefu is to respond back… Jacob…oooo, bleck!” I began to laugh at his sarcasm, “And what’re you laughing at white fish,” I shook my head, “for being such an idiot you entertain me…I’ll do my best to look after you.” “I ain’t your bitch white boy, this ain’t prison. This is the big time, not the big house. If anybody is going to need protection it’s going to be you, from me.” I laughed again as Jacob gave a quick, “better watch out mates they are bringing somebody else aboard.”

Sure enough two guards were bringing somebody else onto the plane, this one was sedated. They carried in a dark skinned man except he was very tall, had buzzed black hair and a beard that was tied into two braids. He looked like a man who had done his share of work in the past. The guards chained him down to the sit and then slid the gate closed. They exited down the ramp as I stared at the man dozing softly. His head rested against the metal cage. “So who brought you here white boy,” asked Raska. I tried to ignore the question as I stared at the new occupant. But I heard Raska about to ask me again so I said, “I don’t know, but my guess is a man named Conrad F. Mansbridge has something to do with it.” Raska shrugged as Chris answered his confusion, “He runs prisons in different states, Maryland for one. He and my mom had a thing.” “How do you not know everything I thought you were The Mind,” this caught my attention as I turned to him. “I was in prison! You think I can just get my hands on anything! I’m locked up 22 hours of the day…and I don’t read mainstream newspapers or watch television. Who are you to talk to me like that? I was taken by force you went willingly,” “they had a gun in back the entire time white fish!” “You’re that stupid Raska that you let them take you. I don’t know what happened, but I assure you I would rather die then think they had a hand over me! I am a God to this world, a true blessing that people have deemed a curse! You…you are nothing more than a stain on my shirt.” I watched Raska launch at the cage door. His face smashed against it as his teeth were barred like a wolf. “I am the most dangerous man in Uganda and if I ever get loose from this cell I’m going to kill you. You better watch yourself white boy!” “I’ll keep that in mind…hey Chinese boy! HEY I’M TALKING TO YOU!!!”

I gave up again and turned to Jacob, “Hey, Jacob,” he turned to me “do you have anything to contribute to this like names?” “Names,” he repeated looking confused running his hand over the bald spot on his head. I took a deep breath and said, “Who brought you here, how’d you get here?” Jacob turned from me and stared out into the large airplane hanger, “I told you already, but now that you mention it I don’t know any of you.” I pointed to Raska, “that’s Raska, LRA member,” “I SPEAK FOR MYSELF WHITE FISH! I don’t remember putting you in charge!” I ignored him as I continued on “Chris Wentworth I am an elder in DMI.” I heard Raska grumble “little shit didn’t even add my rank or title but no you have to add yours.” “Will you shut up Raska…and that guy over there won’t say or do anything. He just keeps…sitting…there, doing nothing.” Raska bared his teeth again and yelled “who do you think you’re talking too? This isn’t prison anymore, they’re going to let us out sometime and when they do…I’m going to skin you!”

Jacob gave a shrug, “I don’t know what DMI is boy… and why are you asking such frivolous questions? Because all I can tell you is that I was brought here by a man named,” I whispered “Lord Otto, right? You shouted it in your ranting. I ask because I want to know. Knowledge is power my friend they should have taught you that in elementary school. I want to know because I am…I mean we are being played. I AM the chess master, never the pawn and any information can help. If you don’t I can guess, which mostly ends up correct anyway.” He turned back to me as I smugly knew that I had caught his attention. “I am guessing by your rants that Lefu is something precious to you, definitely not a woman,” Raska gave a small laugh. “I believe Raska was on the right path before. It’s probably an animal most likely a dog. Judging by your ruggedness and safari like ensemble you don’t look like a man to want to keep human companionship.” Jacob stared deeply at me as I continued, “oh it probably might be a major reason to keep the beast now, but your animal’s original purpose was protection.” “You know nothing about me or Lefu!” I smiled wider as I continued, “by your reaction I would guess that I am getting really close…so, if you need protection it must mean you go to dangerous places.” Jacob snarled “my god just get on with it dear boy!” “A hunter,” he turned as I added, “given the current backgrounds of us I would say that you weren’t a normal type of hunter…a poacher.” He turned back to me, “I don’t have to answer your questions now leave me alone boy!”

Jacob turned back to the ramp as more footsteps could be heard. A new person was screaming as she thrashed in the arms of a large guard. She had golden blonde hair and was strikingly beautiful. She made the red head seem less breathtaking. As I watched the rage in her face she screamed, “VOU astard Yoseph, I’ll cill vou! I’ll cill vou! I zhould’ve ade zure Vou vere ed phirst ime vou zmall icked astard!” She sounded Russian as another guard came to try and grapple with her. “Why is the sedative wearing off on the contestants?” The woman began to claw over the guards as they threw her in the metal seat and were able to wrangle the cuffs on her. The guard began to inspect his shredded uniform, “God damn it, why weren’t you sedated more!” I watched the woman’s face contort in a murderous stare, “Vou Vouldn’t ven dare jet ner e!” The guard laughed as he walked away, “lady I could knock all your bones out your body with a slap of the hand. So sit back and enjoy the ride.” “Vat ide…vere I’m going? I due ack en ourt in a kouple dayz! Eple vill know I issing. Huesos…I alking don’t valk avay rom… Idi na xuy husesos!” The guard was long gone as she screamed, “don’t vou know vhose I am…I’z ze Blak Vidow!”

Laughing as I heard her gutter mouth sling Russian insults at the guards I nearly felt my heart skip a bit as I blurted out “Holy shit!” My laughing had now turned to disbelief, “You’re the Black Widow?” She turned to me as her cherry lips seemed to pout as she snarled, “Vat of et?” I shook my head, “The Russian Black Widow…I read about you in the papers.” “Whoa, I thought you don’t read papers,” I turned to Raska and snapped, “If it comes my way I catch it…true knowledge is the information you possess.” “What the hell does that mean,” growled Raska as I turned back to the woman. “You’re Nicole Romanov,” I lowered my head in confusion “this, this all doesn’t make sense, any of it!” More footsteps could be heard as she snarled, “IZ Nikki Que Ball…let e out!” Two different guards were carrying in another sedated person. This man had on a blue jumpsuit as they hoisted him into the seat and shackled him in. I read on his uniform, California Department of Corrections. He had slicked back blonde hair as his face stood out like a vulture. He had smugness plastered on his face that could only be recognized with the snidest of people. “What does his name read,” I asked Jacob who stared out the cage not even remotely interested in anything going on. It almost seemed as if he had given up, lost without his companion. “Jacob,” I shot at him but he still didn’t budge. “Raska tell me if there is a name,” Raska gave me an angry, “Fuck you white boy!” I heard footsteps coming up the ramp again and they were now escorting a calm man with a blue sack over his face.

I watched in surprise as the prisoner willingly walked into his cell and almost helped the guards lock him into the seat. They slid the gate closed as the man just sat there, “hello?” The man didn’t move as I repeated “hello?” After a couple seconds, “what the hell is your problem I know you’re awake. Oh great they caged up another talker…very helpful!” He turned his head in my direction, “hey what are you deaf? HEY!” I sat there frustrated and speechless as I watch the guards bring in another man. He was sedated and dragged into the cage. He was an average dark skinned man with shoulder length dreadlocks dyed red and blue. He was sweaty with large string like bumps on his face and seemed to have a permanent sick look to him. The cage door closed as the guard walked away one bellowed “Cabin is full! All contestants are loaded, checked, counted, and ready to be taken to check in.”

I stared around at the other nine members six awake and three asleep. “Nikki,” I turned to the attractive woman, “how’d you get here?” She looked surprised, “vat vou ean ow I git dere, I don’t know vou eople.” “Look who brought you here,” she ran her hand over her face, “vat… mi x-usband, Yoseph…vhy?” “Don’t you see,” the rear ramp of the plane began to close as the engines began to rumble. The noise was almost unbearable as Chris screamed, “we are all connected.” “Vat,” she screamed as the ramp door closed. “We all have a purpose, a purpose for being here” the plane began to move as I continued “we are here for a reason.”

A voice bellowed from behind me, “Indeed you are right Mr. Wentworth!” I turned to see a bright light burst from the opposite end of the plane and shine on the opposite wall. The man that I had seen upon my entrance of the hanger sat talking to us on a projected screen. “I am becoming very pleased with how you have grown Chris. Unfortunately, I cannot answer any questions at this moment. It would break the rules.” “Who the hell is that,” Raska shouted as the man said, “Hello candidates and welcome to Paris. I would like to welcome you all to check in on this glorious Oct. 24th morning. My name is Conrad and I am here to tell you that you all have been selected for a very special competition.” “Competition,” repeated some of us, “I cannot tell you anymore until you have been officially weighed in, had your background checked, and submitted to an extensive medical examination. However, I can tell you all to sit back, you’re going to be on this flight for quite sometime.” He reached over and was about to push a button when he said, “I must also tell you that escape is meaningless and your security on this f light is our main priority. I would spend the next hours finding some religion and come to peace with whatever god you worship.” “Screw you,” yelled Raska as Conrad disappeared off the large projection screen. The projector shut off as the plane began to pick up speed, “Ve’re aking off ” Nikki said trying to remain calm. The plane roared louder as I felt the ground leave us, “hey Mind, if you’re so smart how about getting us out!” I smiled at Raska “I like your enthusiasm,” but I shook my head “I am afraid that they searched me really well.” Raska wriggled in his chains, “I know somebody owes me a dinner!” He wiped his nose on his shirt as he said “so what should we do?” I leaned back in the metal seat as I stared at all nine occupants. “Yo, I’m talking to you! I can’t do this, I…can’t… break…these…cuffs, do you have a plan?”

“I thought you were going to kill me if you were to get free?” He smiled, “oh I still am once I get free, but that doesn’t mean we can’t work together to get out…I’ll give you a five second head start.” I gave a sarcastic smile, “That’s if I don’t set five traps to snare your ass.” Raska tilted his head back and laughed, “you’re alright boy…you’re alright, but I know a coward when I see one.” I shrugged “one day I’ll show you how wrong you are.” “So like I said you got any plans, anyway out?” I shook my head “so what are we going to do?” Raska stared back at me as I tilted my head back, “we wait and see my loud mouth friend…we wait and see.”

10/31/2005 - 8am

Team #1

1. Jacob Harnett

2. Christopher Wentworth

3. Raska Ongwen

4. Nikki Dzhugashvili

5. Yakov Dzhugashvili

Team #2

1. Mwai Njenga

2. Aednat McShane

3. Anton Koppe

4. Hakeem Rashard

5. Kiyoshi Sugiura