Dead Watchers by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 13




My eyes twitched open as the sun rays seemed to fry my irises. I raised my hand to try to block the sun, when I felt something clatter to the ground. I tried to turn and felt something sharp dig into my back. I began to pat at the ground like a blind person looking for his cane, when I felt something firm. I grabbed my Safari hat and placed it on my brow trying to shield myself from the sun. I opened my eyes to discover that I was in a field. However, when I raised my head further I discovered a broken down playground. I couldn’t remember anything from the plane ride. The last couple days were a blur to me. I remembered a lot of shots being given and my blood being drawn other then that blackness. I tried to rub my head trying to put the pieces together. However, it seemed the deeper I probed them the more they faded away. Soon the memories were gone and the past several days became a blank slate. I clenched my head as I tried to remember the last memory I could think of. “Lord Otto...yeah, that’s it Lord Otto wanted me to kill some creature. The creature I captured for him before.”

Trying to stand as my hand caught something f irm and solid. I looked down to notice a Marlin 39A rifle lying next to me with a bandolier of bullets. I grabbed for the rifle and discovered that it was real and loaded. I had no idea where I was, but I was glad to have a weapon with a belt of bullets. I clicked back the chamber and examined it over, “what a piece of shit!” It was easier in Africa, whenever I got low on ammo Lefu was always there to protect me. Lefu was a weapon that was irreplaceable and valued higher above everything else. I stood up and began to take in my surroundings, deserted buildings, vast f ields, and even in the distance a possible run down power plant. I patted myself down and noticed that my vest was loaded down with magazines for another weapon. I felt my pants pockets and found that I also had my “Beast Killer” which made a little wave of relief come over me.

“Where the hell am I? How did I get here?” I asked myself as I began to search around my temporary grass bed. I patted myself down again as I searched through the mass of grass and found something to make my jaw drop. In the bushes lay the gun for the numerous magazines I was wearing. It was for an AR-10 Armalite DMC with a lazar scope lying in a clump of grass. I picked it up and examined it over like I would a lover. I had only ever seen these sold by the RIRA soldiers that I had dealt with in the past. I looked at the side and found a switch. This little darling could go semi or fully automatic. What had I done to deserve such a treasure? I wrapped the Marlin around my back as I began to smile a little wondering if my mission still needed to be complete. The only problem was where was Lefu? Everyone in Africa knew not to take Lefu away from the infamous Nomad. The man born from the land, who brought treasures back in bloodied hands. “Lefu,” I shouted quickly hoping that her smiling face would bound through the tall grass. But as the seconds past I knew it wasn’t meant to be. Lefu had the sharpest nose I had ever seen on an animal, and if she was around she would have found me. Maybe I would need to find her?

I finally took in what I was wearing. A tan leather vest lined with magazines and green cargo pants. I picked up the “beauty” again and found her to be loaded for me too. I straightened my Safari hat and handle bar mustache. I had to get my bearings as I stared from building to deserted building. I realized that I was in the middle of a former playground area. Thick green vines had collapsed the encircling walls surrounding the area as I heard a soft moan from behind me. I raised the rifle as quick as a blink and found people that I did not recognize. I felt my heart sink a little bit. Did Lord Otto think I was unable to bring this creature down by myself again? Judging by the creature’s size maybe they were supposed to be my back up. I laughed a little at this thought. Lefu and I, there was no more dangerous combination. I didn’t need their help, but on the contrary. I raised my head and stared around at the deserted and crumbling city. Maybe Lord Otto wants me to use them as bait? I stared down at an inked up trashy white kid wearing a blue prison jumpsuit. He was asleep like a baby nestled between an old slab of concrete and a rusted iron fence.

I felt a realization begin to answer some of the questions I had. “Yes,” I heard myself say “That would make a lot of sense. The creature would need bait.” I was about to stick my boot in his back when something clattered from the trees. I raised my rifle, “who’s there?” I felt my hands beginning to shake but being in a place that was foreign to me was not reassuring, “Damn Parkinson’s!” My lifestyle led me down many different paths however this was a whole new side to the mountain. My finger inched on the trigger as a clatter came from behind me. My red dot of death landed on a man sitting on the broken steps of a destroyed building. He had a black eye patch and knuckle knife which curved into a hook at the end of it. He was peeling away some foil from a military MRE when a loud CRACK, and a voice came from behind me. “Don’t move or I’ll blow your brains all over the grass,” I lowered my weapon slowly as I continued to watch the old man with a graying black ponytail sit on the broken steps. He was dressed in what looked to be an old Soviet uniform with red lapels, a captain if I wasn’t mistaken. “Lower the weapon…slowly,” the voice ordered.

“Who are you? What am I doing here? What’re you doing here,” the man barked at me. “First the plane ride with you boys constantly yapping, then all the druggings…now, I end up in this field alone! I don’t know even know what day it is!” I didn’t have any answers for the man or know what he was talking about. I stood speechless as I stared at a dark skinned bald man with a red bandanna tied around his neck. His many beaded necklaces rattled against his chest and even one silver cross with a pacifier wrapped around it. His AK 103 shook in his hands. He defi nitely knew how to hold it, but the man was clearly scared. “Does it look like I have any idea where we are or what you are talking about? I do know one thing though you and I are not alone.” The man looked at me confused. “What do you mean alone,” his eyes opened wide as he lowered his weapon slightly. “I saw an old man over there by those steps…wait, I recognize you,” soon a smirk broke across his face as a low howl seemed to come out of him. He lowered his weapon a little more. It was mocking and dripped with sarcasm as it seemed almost as silent as the wind, he struggled with it slightly. “Leeeffffuuuu,” he said with a smirk, “How do you know that name? What have you done with her?” The soldier shrugged, “I have no idea who or what you’re talking about!” “What have you done with my dog?” The mysterious man’s face contorted into confusion, “Dog, what the fuck are you talking about?” “Lefu you just said her name,” “I did?”

The man continued to look confused, “I can’t remember...anything. What the hell is going on?” “Would you mind if I raised my weapon I don’t like being defenseless,” Raska’s confused look quickly disappeared. “I don’t think you saw anybody and judging by your fucked up face I would say that depends,” his gun raised slightly as he waved it wildly at me. I noticed form his stance it was almost as if his AK was nothing more than a long spear. “What’s your name,” he jabbed the gun at me, “what’s your name?” I placed my hand on my chest, “Jacob...and you?” I watched his hand grip on the stock as he seemed to be calculating his next move. His eyes narrowed and I thought for a brief second that he was going to fire. He released his grip as he muttered, “Raska.”

“Can I trust you Raska,” trying to stay calm as he smirked menacingly at me. “Listen boy, we both don’t remember anything which means we’re both in the same boat! Don’t you see Raska whoever did this dropped us in the middle of god knows where!” Raska’s eyes began to travel around the overgrown underbrush and the crumbling buildings. “Pretty speech Jacob, but I can tell you one thing though…this isn’t my homeland…I don’t know this place.” I began to raise my gun, “I know what you mean it sure doesn’t feel like Johannesburg.” Raska realized his mistake and his attention was brought back, “whoa, whoa, slow down there Crocodile Doodee.” “It’s Dundee you idiot! I’m getting pretty sick of this too either shoot me or don’t…either way I’m raising my gun and moving on!” “Oh yeah,” said Raska sarcastically. “Yeah I need to find my dog,” “dog” repeated Raska as I raised my gun slowly. “What’s its name Safari Jack,” he asked as I watched Raska’s eyes bulge with every movement I made. “Lefu, you just said it.” He nodded “I can’t remember anything. Every time I try it seems more of the picture disappears. Hard to believe too, because I would remember a guy like you dressed in that vest and gaudy necklace of teeth.” “Look who is talking, a pacifier are you serious?” I clicked my gun back and turned from him heading towards where I had seen the mysterious man. “Hey where the hell are you going,” I heard Raska chasing after me. “I told you I saw somebody here maybe he has some answers.”

I arrived at the spot coming to the base of a crumbling brown stone. There was nothing there as I bent down to examine the exact spot where I had seen the older gentlemen. “Look Jacob do you have any idea what’s going on,” I bent over and touched the ground running the dirt between my fi ngers. “Where are we,” I stood up and began to trek through the grass. “Please Raska shut up,” “we should go back for that white boy I saw. We might need numbers.” “If you want him you can go back, I am going to find my dog.” I knew in that moment that Raska had a “mouth to him” and that could either keep a person alive or lead to their quick death. “Hello,” cried a voice from nearby. I crouched down in the ground and I saw Raska do the same. “What is it,” I gripped the gun tighter as I listened and heard it again, “is anybody out there?” I turned to Raska, “I think it’s that white boy…what’s his name?” Raska begin to dwell on it as if he was recalling it from deep within his memory. “Oh come on it was... it was...Chris,” he snapped his fingers, “The Mind…ah yes, The Mind. I feel sooooo safe now.” “Chris,” I yelled loudly. “Who said that, show yourself or I’ll start shooting!” “Coming out Chris, lower the weapon,” I heard a slight tremble in his voice “Wh…where’re you at?” I clicked the chamber and rose from the grass. Chris was standing waving his weapon wildly in the air. Black lettering on the back of his blue jumpsuit read D.O.C, and a large silver pistol shook in his hands. His eyes locked onto Raska and I as my rifle was raised in firing position. His large pistol shook wildly as his buzzed head glistened with small beads of sweat.

“Where the hell am I,” he said terror clear in his face. My red dot hovered over his heart, “lower your weapon and maybe we can figure that out together.” “I know you,” Chris said as he turned lowering his weapon slightly, “Raska?” I saw Raska lower his AK, “its Chris, right?” Chris nodded as he turned back to me, “Jacob?” I nodded, “you just woke up, right? What do you remember, because you forget everything after several minutes.” Chris shrugged, “not anything really just bits and pieces.” He lowered his silver pistol even more. His handle was pearl white and was covered in something I had been selling for over a decade, ivory. I lowered my rifle as well as we walked towards each other. “What have you guys got on you,” Chris’s question puzzled me “what do you mean have on you?” “Well I’m a prisoner why would I be free in the middle of a deserted city holding my father’s old Desert Eagle.” My rifle lowered all the way, “I really don’t know…have you seen anybody else?” He nodded his head, “yeah I think so some guy running around in the forest real stealthy with a ponytail and an eye patch.” I looked over at Raska, “told you boy!” “Oh what does that white boy know? Maybe he just heard me, I can be stealthy,” I turned away, “yeah Raska like an elephant in a thick forest.”

We continued to stare at each other when a voice cried from the distance, “NO AY AVAY FOM E!” I turned to the direction of the scream, “who is that?” I saw Chris shrug and Raska click his gun chamber in preparation. I flew past Chris and began to tear across the field and push through a cluster of trees. “NO et avay fom e!” I plowed through a deep brush as I saw a man slamming a woman up against the tree. He had a curved knuckle knife. His voice was rough “you should fear me girlie! Now give Yakov what he wants!” “Or you should fear me,” I yelled raising my rifle to the middle of his back. He stopped and raised his hands in the air, “back up slo…” I wasn’t able to finish when the blonde woman ran forward and kicked the one eyed man square in the balls. The men fell to the ground cursing in Russian. The blonde spit on the back of her attacker “Iv vou com ne’r me agan I szear I vill cill vou,” “are you alrig…” once again I was cut off. “Oh my god it’s the Black Widow!” Chris walked forward, “she is famous, Nikki something!” “Vat are vou uing ere, Ver are ve,” “if that isn’t the millionaire question!” Raska’s comment was ignored as I said, “we all don’t know…who exactly is that?” She shrugged “I ave no eye de a, I tink he as unting me. E ust rushed bevind e and ried o rape e.”

I walked to him and kicked him over onto his back. An anger seemed to grow inside me. My deep dislike for rapists should be evident if everybody knew my painful past. “Who the hell are you…state your name! Is it Yakov? Is it Yakov?” It was the old man that I had seen before Raska distracted me. The man stood up and I was finally able to get a clear look at his face. His face looked old and to have seen more battles than the continent of Europe. Jagged scars lined a crooked nose as a deep gash seemed to run across his face. He had graying black hair tied into a ponytail and inches from his hand I saw the long crooked knuckle knife. It did have a small hook at the end, which would in turn add more carnage with each withdrawal of it. He rose a little and was quicker then I had anticipated from such an old looking man. His foot moved like lightning as he kicked my gun which shot into the sky. Raska littered the man’s former spot with bullets missing him completely. The mystery man had rolled backwards onto his feet and pulled from behind him a large silver grenade. It was three times bigger than a normal one. He held it in two hands, fingers about to pull the pin, “don’t shoot…I kill us all!” Raska smiled, “and what the hell is that supposed to be!” Raska raised his gun higher and took aim but I wasn’t a fool like him. “NO you idiot,” I swiped at Raska’s gun and he too shot directly into the air. He fought with me until he was able to shove me off as he raised the gun to me. “What the hell is your problem? I should have you take his place” “you’re a fool Raska…a damn fool!”

Raska looked confused, but the old man dressed in an old Soviet military uniform stood holding the large silver grenade staring menacingly at all of us. Even Chris held his large silver Desert Eagle high at the man, “don’t be an idiot boy!” “I am not an idiot you…” “Just lower the pistol” I ordered. “I don’t take orders from you! I give them!” I shook my head, “whatever just lower the gun and let’s have everybody calm down!” I turned over and saw Nikki leaning on a tree. Her black booty shorts left very little to the imagination. Her deep v-neck tank top revealed maybe a little more than it should. However her face looked anything other than warming. She glowered down at me, “oh don’t mend e I luv do zee dogz phighting phor scraps.” She showed no fear as Raska advanced towards her, “who are you calling a dog you prissy little slut!” “Whoa, whoa Raska,” my hand reached his shoulder as I held him back. “Look can everybody put aside their pride and egos so we can figure out what the hell is going on!”

I turned to the wild Russian soldier, “look you can lower that now.” The old man looked at everybody skeptically, “please put it down before you hurt somebody Yakov. It is Yakov right?” The man gave a little growl of acknowledgement as he lowered the grenade still keeping it close by, “what the hell is that?” Raska’s comment seemed to shake everybody back to reality. “Nerve gas…usually Sarin,” barked the mysterious man adding “Soviet issued.” Chris stepped forward, “wait how does he have a grenade of nerve gas from the Soviet Union. They no longer exist!” Everybody looked around at each other, “what does everybody have… maybe somebody has a phone?” Raska growled at Chris, “so who put you in charge white boy…why don’t you tell us what you have?”

Chris looked at everybody else as the tattoos along his neck were covered with sweat, “fine, you wanna know what I have?” Chris began to unzip his prison issued jumpsuit and pulled out a small water bottle with a small box of matches taped to it. He also pulled out a syringe fi lled with a strange dark liquid. “What’s in the bottle,” I asked but Nikki followed mine with “vat’s en de zyringe?” Chris seemed bombarded by questions but Raska stepped forward, “I know what’s in the syringe…and I’ll be taking that from you white boy!” Looking stunned Chris withdrew, “my god white boy I haven’t had a taste in forever…since the day I was taken!” “No Raska if it was given to me I obviously need it or will need it eventually! It’s not something you should just shoot up!” However Raska had a hunger in his eyes as he advanced towards it, “give it, give it to me white boy!” Chris backed away as he raised his gun at the advancing Raska “if I would have known you had a treasure like that.” Chris and I both had raised our weapons to him. “Alright Raska easy, back down,” Raska scanned the area and seemed to recognize the unevenness in his current situation.

He backed away again as I repeated “what’s in the bottle?” Making sure everybody was still in their place he inserted the syringe back into his jumpsuit. He unscrewed the top to the water bottle and smelled the contents. “Gasoline,” he said as he stared at the matches and the bottle. I stepped forward my rifle almost trailing behind me, “and what exactly is in the syringe?” “Why all the questions pops, why don’t you show me what’s in your hand huh? Just because I am white doesn’t mean I won’t kill you where you stand! I’ll burn you alive with this shit! It’s not like I haven’t done it before!” “Look I’ll show you everything I have just let me know what’s in the syringe?” “You couldn’t tell by Raska’s greedy face… its heroin pops.” “Heroin,” I repeated almost baffled by this, “alright now show your cards!” I raised my rifle, “you want it to do a little dance too?” He seemed to examine me over, “what else?” I tapped the “Beast Killer” that was sheathed in a custom fitted leather holster on my belt. “I got this shitty rifle on my back too.” I did a little twirl around to show him the rife. Chris looked at me envious. “Why do you have three weapons, and all I got is one pistol…what do the rest of you have?”

Nobody seemed to answer first but Chris continued “Now if I showed you guys you have to show.” “To tell you the truth boy I don’t really care! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be finding my dog and finding a way out,” the old Russian gave a devilish smile. “Don’t you dare leave,” Chris raised his pistol again as Yakov clenched the nerve gas grenade moving away from the group. “We don’t even really know your name gramps.” “What are you getting at American,” “every time I try to remember something it disappears. I have forgotten everything, how I got here, what day is it, and who brought us here.” Nikki began to pick at her nails, “vou’re quite poring Casper. Vou due know dat ight?” Silence filled the air after Nikki’s comment. Everybody glared at everybody with distrust and murder clear as day. “I know this is not going to happen, but until we figure out what’s going on we should stick together. You know safety in numbers and all.” “Oh little red riding hood is scared to be alone…bleck” the Yakov threw his hands up in disgust at Chris. “I am out of here,” he began to back away, when something out of the ordinary echoed through the air. “Is dat vat I tink it is,” Nikki’s eyes had opened wide and continued, “et’s, et’s a fone.” Chris had fear on his face as I raised my gun, “I say we ignore it…just get out of here all of us.” Before pressing my eye to the scope I yelled, “Quiet, everybody quiet! We’re not ignoring it Chris.”

I returned the scope to my eye and I knew everybody was mimicking me. I even saw out of the corner of my eye a small pistol being withdrawn from the blonde Nikki. It came out of her black shoulder holster, a pink 642 revolver Derringer. She turned and saw me looking at her, “Vat, ez de ownlee ting I hav.” “You got something else just in case darling,” she shook her head at me as we advanced towards the ringing phone. “No movement,” I said as I moved closer towards the ringing. Raska suddenly gave a quick, “stop” “what did you see, give me a direction.” “No it’s not that…look,” I removed my eye from the scope and saw where he was pointing. Cameras littered the walls of the buildings and some were even on the tree tops. “That’s a little strange,” I was about to step forward when Raska’s hand shot out and gripped my shoulder. He whispered to everybody, “It’s a trap!” I scowled “a trap…with a ringing phone?” Raska’s comment didn’t seem to shake me. He just continued to stare in the tall grass and trees. “How do you know it’s a trap,” Raska’s eyes were wide, “because I have set traps like this Crocodile…” He waved his hand as if he was scooping something, “draw people in, punish who come.” I scanned the area as I began to look down at the tall grass. “I don’t see anything new. It all looks natural to the terrain.” They all looked suspicious as I turned to them, “watch my back will you?”

I raised the scope and knew if something were to really go down my new found partners would be disappearing into the thicket. The ringing grew louder as I stepped closer towards it. My scope remained steady even though I was nervous. No thought crossed my mind as to where I was. The only hope I clung too was that Lord Otto’s information would be correct. But without knowing officially everything was all speculation. Did I even still have the money? I stared up at the surveillance cameras not really sure if they were in operation. Although, judging by the abandoned city I would have to assume no. There was something odd about them. They seemed too modern for the time period suggested by this abandoned city.

The grass folded beneath my hunting boots as I saw something lying in the dirt ahead of me. A log was draped over it, and it looked much bigger than any phone I had every seen. I scanned the area and didn’t see any traps. There was no sign of human interference. I bent over and rubbed my hands softly over the dirt. “No traps,” I whispered to myself as I gave a quick glance and deciding to risk it all. I stepped into the mud, but nothing happened. The large cell phone kept ringing loudly. The grass and surrounding area remained as silent as ever. I moved closer to it making sure that my rifle was locked on any movement. I walked closer and bent down to pick it up. The cell phone was the size of a magazine and the screen was dark. It read Unavailable calling Reject or Answer. I dragged the green button over and the call was accepted. On the screen was a man that I didn’t think I would ever see again. “YOU,” I screamed when I saw Lord Otto’s wrinkled snide face. He closed his eyes and gave a girlish giggle so loud that his eyes closed in pleasure. His silver hair never fell out of place as his face shook in humor. He was sitting in a large chair with dark antique maroon padding. There was an ocean in the window behind him. He looked like he was on an island or maybe even a large cruise ship.

“Oh Mr. Harnett if I could ever second guess my choice with any candidate I ever submitted it would definitely be with you. I say where are the rest of the members of your team?” “Team,” I questioned, which made Lord Otto give a simple giggle, “why yes Mr. Harnett! The other members of your team a Mr. Raska, Christopher, Yakov, and a Miss Nicole, which Joseph here has been sharing some amusing stories about.” “Iz Nikki vou oaf…ow, vou know bout Yoseph,” asked a angry Nikki. “Oh Miss Romanov I can’t answer that question,” “answer it you…” but Lord Otto wagged his skeletal finger. “Oh no Mr. Harnett that is privileged and conf idential information. I am here to address the rules of the hunt,” “rules?” I seemed shocked only able to repeat simple words. “You mean...the assignment, the...creature, everything... you said...was a...lie?” Lord Otto’s eyes squinted so tight as he teared up from all the giggling. “Mr. Harnett, Mr. Harnett, Mr. Harnett that was just your ploy to get you here. The sponsors must bring you here by any means necessary. All candidates are given a ploy and drugged, kidnapped, or if you’re stupid enough to just get taken without a fight.” “I am not STUPID! I am the son of Kony, commander of the 23rd Company” Raska had appeared behind me. I had never even noticed his arrival. “Your 23rd Company was mostly children Raska, you’re not a commander! If anything you were a babysitter. I see by your expression Raska that you’re surprised…yes?” “Wait, wait, how do you know that?” “Questions, questions Mr. Wentworth all these questions…what you must learn dear boy is that you never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough. I have heard of your intelligence Mr. Wentworth. You’re not the only person that is well read. If you really are a mind, then you should know who said that.” “What the hell is this thing your on anyway?” Waving his hand at Chris, “it’s called a tablet and they won’t be made public for six years or so. We want to enjoy them first. Never-the-less I should probably get on with everything the beast will be released soon. The betting is still being finalized after all there is a lot of paperwork to sort through, a lot of money at stake.”

“So it wasn’t all a lie the creature is real,” Lord Otto’s wrinkled face sagged slightly, “yes well considering your previous experience the rest of the candidates…” “Candidates,” I asked but Chris had seemed to take the initiative. “What do you mean other candidates,” “the five other people on the plane Mr. Wentworth.” “I don’t remember a plane,” Lord Otto’s mouth opened wide, “ah right, right, right yes I forgot that your memories have been erased.” “Why can’t we remember anything? What did you do to us?” Lord Otto placed his hand on his chest, “me, I didn’t have anything to do with that! Now will you let me finish because I can’t go into detail about that either. If people wish to survive the three days they tend to seek strength in numbers…indeed if it were me I would defiantly stay in a group.” The tablet seemed to shake in my hands a little, “now if you’ll all stop talking I can go over the rules,” “where is Lefu?” “I’ll get to that Mr. Harnett but now the rules,” “you, yo…you mean this isn’t another assignment?” Lord Otto gave an almost pitying look, “I am afraid everything I have said is the truth as a matter of fact I might have said too much…now the rules.” “I…I’m going to kill you!” Lord Otto gave a wave of his hand, “yes, yes, I know everybody says that now listen, because Ron Reid is getting close to finishing and that is saying something. I’ll make this quick. You’re allowed one question at the end too. Rule number one you’re playing field is approximately 400 square miles which is encircled by a twenty five foot wall. This entire zone is called the Exclusion Zone. If you cross over the wall, go beyond the wall, try to remove or disconnect the C4 compound wrapped around your calves it will immediately ignite. This will cause an instantaneous explosion and loss of your legs, death happens in minutes.”

I turned and saw Raska looking down at his calves seeing what Lord Otto was talking about. Around them was a flesh colored spongy object wrapped around each one. A small chip with a blinking red light was inserted in each C4 bracelet. “I didn’t feel these…I didn’t even know they were there,” Chris began to panic as he reached down to grab the bracelet. However Lord Otto must have seen him as his little head on the small screen gave a snide, “uh uh uh, I wouldn’t do that if I were you Chris. It wouldn’t be very smart.” “He’s a liar,” Raska snarled like a stalking lion, “this is not any type of C4 I know…it’s not even gray!” “Well if you want by all means test it out. Rule number two each of you have been equipped with four items best suited with your previous individual crimes…irony, it seems.” He giggled a little his hand falling lightly on his chest again, “you each have one primary weapon two side arms and one special item. Which leads us to Lee fuu Mr. Harnett, I assure you that she is out there somewhere…roaming around like the mongrel she is. You’ll have to just use those set of skills you possess and find her.” “Rule number three, anything really goes you just have to survive three days.” “And what happens if we survive the three days,” my hands shook in such a rage as Lord Otto clenched his chest and giggled with such ferocity that he wiped a single tear from his eye. “Mr. Harnett,” he wagged his finger at the screen, “I am seriously going to miss you my good friend.” “I’m not your friend,” “Mr. Harnett nobody survives the three days that is the whole point to this game.” “GAME,”I yelled as I heard “you call this a game,” from Raska. “Man has always loved the sport of the hunt, hunting the fox, hunting deer, hunting bears, and who better then with your greatest friends. Now that I have finished you may ask me one question,” “how do we survive,” I didn’t have time to turn to the other members behind me. Chris’s question seemed to be mutually felt by everyone because no one seemed to object.

Lord Otto stared at us all, how weird it must be to see five different nationalities, five different faces staring back at one pompous manicured old man. His wrinkles seemed to stretch in an ever growing smile that seemed to stretch the width of his face. “Why Mr. Wentworth there is no way to survive, it’s in our very rules!” “Ok then what would you recommend we do to stay alive?” Lord Otto was not paying attention as he seemed distracted by something. After several seconds of inattentiveness he returned to us. “I’m sorr