Dead Watchers by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


(The Getaway)


“Attention members, attention…this is the Speaker for your 2005 hunt. I am excited to report that the first battle will commence in five minutes. I report Creature X and the candidates’ first battle will commence in five minutes.” The banquet hall was large and filled with tables of every different size and variety, poker, roulette, and craps. Large slot machines even lined the walls. People filled the large area and many were standing by the bar drinking expensive cognac and smoking only the finest cigars. Everyone stared at the loud speakers and began to clap when the Speaker finished. Televisions began to change as stats began to flash over them. The largest television was approximately 90 inches hanging directly over the large bar. The Dead Watchers all turned their attention to the monitors waiting in anticipation for the first battle to begin.


“Vat do vou ean vou don’t know vat kreeture iz?” I felt my voice tremble slightly. Despite the high sun in the sky, I felt slightly chilly standing in black booty shorts with a matching tank top. T his damn gun holster off my shoulder annoyed me. I wondered how it was that I walked around with such a clunky purse all the time. “I mean Nikki that I have hunted on almost every continent, and I have never seen an animal like that!’ “Vat do vou mean, it loooked leke a volf.” Raska moved forward, “yeah it could have been a giant wolf something from another part of the world, right?” Jacob shook his head, “first a wolf is not THAT agile, secondly it is bipedal, and lastly I have never known an animal to…” “Like large volf, a verevolf” Jacob shook his head at me, “No, werewolves don’t exist AND wolves never get that big!” “SO what is it, if it’s not a werewolf?” I saw Aednat almost struggling to try and figure out everything and quickly added, “Why can’t it be a werewolf?” “Because werewolves don’t exist Irish!” Aednat tightened her black scarf around her neck, “then you tell me what it is?” Jacob ran his hand over his handle bar mustache, “I…I really don’t know. I’m sorry but I have never seen an animal like that.”

“Aaahh!” I turned quickly towards the loud scream and saw a sight that I had not expected to see. Yakov had tried to make an escape. I had nearly forgotten about the old man and so did the rest of the group. He was already ten yards away with both his bow and old rifle slung across his back. He was clenching his leg as he screamed in agony. “Help… help please!” “Well looky, looky, Yakov here doesn’t like spending time with us?” Chris moved forward as he made his way towards him. Soon the whole group was making there way towards him. I grabbed Jacob’s arm, “are vou zure vou don’t know de kreeture?” Jacob shouldered his rifle, “I’m sorry but as I keep telling that white boy I really don’t despite what people say.” “Zo ow do ve cill et,” “just like any other animal my dear, just like any other animal.” Jacob clapped me on the shoulder as he walked towards Yakov. “Well I don’t believe my eyes,” Chris walked with such a superior smugness and seemed to ignore the rest of us.

I began to notice how cute he was with his shaved head and face looking too innocent to be put into jail. I watched him circle the struggling old man. “Quit it you insolent little shit and help me out!” Chris smiled at the rest of the group, “I don’t know, trying to escape, you like to work alone, huh? Clearly you don’t need help!” “Get me out of here or I’ll slice your neck open like a…” Chris wagged his f inger, “judging by that foot trap you’re in any way you get yourself out will diminish any hope of you actually backing up your words.” I watched Yakov turn to me, “slut, come over here and get me out!” I took several steps back in shock, “zlut…e? Vou ried vo ape me, I ope vou rot der?” Yakov struggled as he gripped at his leg tighter trying to pull it out. I moved forward and saw that the wounds were several inches deep. Four sharps sticks were jutting from four points. Yakov’s ankle was trapped between them all. The points deeply embedded in his skin. I was surprised to see the Irish girl make her way forward, “I’ll cut you out…as long as you don’t try to run away again. Don’t you realize that working in a group is better? You know safety in numbers just in case that creature decides to come back, yeah?” I saw Mwai still clenching his sides and I trembled slightly at the sight of his blood.

Whatever the creature looked like I had missed it. I was too busy following Chris at the time. “Hey check this out,” I turned around and saw that loud mouthed Raska standing yards away staring at a particular brown patch of tall grass. I made my way over there as Raska held up a large black and muddy machine gun. “Holy shit an M16,” hands dried with blood Mwai made his way towards Raska, “Toss that here for a second!” Raska tossed the black instrument of death as the dried blood sprinkled from Mwai’s hand. He clicked back the chamber and then removed the magazine, “it’s empty…broken too…American issued.” I watched Raska bend down and begin to examine a hole about the size of a basketball in the ground. “There are shell casings all over the place,” Anton was bending over too deciding to add his input, “They’re all the same caliber, looks like they came from the same weapon.” He stared around the tall grass, “whoever was here was firing all around blindly.” “Look a red flag,” Raska was picking up a small red flag. It was twisted and mangled almost behind recognition. He twirled it in his hand and then returned to the ground, “This is an internal explosion not external.” I walked closer and examined the hole myself, “I zee zeveral oder rad flagz…vat oez dat ean?” Raska looked up at me, “they could be used to indicate a trap. To me this hole looks like a land mine and not a grenade. Look around at the scene dried blood and the grass is scorched…defiantly a land mine.” I stared around and noticed that he was telling the truth, well as much as I could see, “Ow long go id diz all appen?” Shaking his head he threw the flag, “I don’t know too long to tell.”

“Give or take a year,” Jacob had walked behind us. Raska’s eyes bugged out slightly as he raised himself off the ground. “How do you know that Dundee?” Jacob scanned the area, “there are dried footprints and blood all over the place.” “Is somebody going to help me?” Yakov was still clenching his leg as he looked like he was trying to break the sticks locking his ankle in place. “I guess we are all going to have to watch where we’re stepping from now on…booby traps, as if we didn’t have enough to worry about.” Aednat’s words faded as she made her way towards Yakov and began to help him. She removed her hunting knife and began to saw the sticks with the serrated edge. Jacob began to make his way from the group and move towards a large building that could have passed for a hotel. “Group check this out,” Chris had also moved away from the group and was pointing to a large mural. I walked over to him getting closer to the faded brick painting. “Daz ez Lenin,” Chris smiled, “yeah I guess so, well I guess that answers where we are…I just don’t know what it says.” “Et zay, vork for da muterland and da muterland vill vork for vou,” Chris clapped me on the shoulder, “thanks girl since you helped me, I will return the favor…” He leaned in closer to me, “If I were you I would watch out for that old ass Yakov. He has been doing nothing but staring at you…and I am not talking about a horny high school boy kind of staring. He will try and rape you again.” He clapped me on the shoulders again, “we should return to the group.” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Chris’s words were spoken true. Yakov seemed unable to remove his eyes from my spandex booty shorts. I tried to lower them to cover my cheeks but the shorts seemed unable to go down that far.

Chris moved towards the group, “well I think that I found out where we are.” The rest of the group stood around me as I moved back myself. I watched the sweat slowly drip down his head. He was very attractive and seemingly a clever man. Who would be the more likely one to get me out of here? The hunter was an obvious choice but his face and scars were a sure turn off. Chris had his youth, but could intelligence beat brawn? If I wanted to live I should go after the hunter. He wouldn’t be easy to manipulate. Although he would provide the best ticket out of here, “I think that we are in Pripyat, Ukraine.” “Ukraine,” muttered Aednat fiddling with her black scarf. “Which means that Chernobyl must be near by,” “what the hell are you babbling white boy?” “I mean Raska the Chernobyl disaster, which means this whole place is radioactive! That would explain why this city and area is deserted.”

“AAAHHHHOOOOO,” there came a howl louder than any other that I had ever heard. “It’s back, holy shit its back!” Anton was already pulling out his machine gun as everybody else seemed to mimic him. “Does anybody have a visual,” Aednat was still trying to cut Yakov out. Breathing heavily she began to saw faster trying to release him. “I think I saw something,” the quiet dreaded man was pointing towards the opposite building along the way. Even I was pulling out my pistol, my mind began to trace over every item that I had. Why couldn’t I have gotten a big gun? Everyone seemed to have some tool of destruction and here I was stuck with a pistol that couldn’t even scare a dog. “Almost there,” a roar came again and this time it rattled loose debris from the buildings. Jacob in the mean time was scanning the ground. He was running his hands over the dirt and smelling bits of it…even tasting it.

Snap! One of the sticks had finally snapped and Yakov pulled out his foot. It was soaked with blood and his ankle showed four deep wounds. He tried to walk but limped slightly as he tried to put his weight on it. Aednat let Yakov wrap his arm around her shoulders, “well thank you missy, I hope to one day…” Aednat grunted under Yakov’s weight, “Just can it old man! We are brothers in this fight, and in the RIRA we look after the men that look after us.” The silence of the area was interrupted not by a roar or howl but by a soft whistling sound. It only took a second before a loud THUD penetrated my ears. “FUCK,” Chris had been struck in the back by a baseball size piece of concrete. He tumbled to the ground trying to clench his back in pain as a howl shook my very skin. “I got a visual on the creature, there on the rooftop!” I turned to where Jacob was pointing and sure enough there standing on its hind legs was the creature that we had been told about. The creature that had attacked before, its large arms were outstretched menacingly. Its steel claw pads caught the reflection of the sun as its face became more distinct. One beady black eye and the other looking like a red eye patch made of something mechanical. It swiped its steel claws again at the roof sending large bits of concrete to rain down upon us like artillery fire. “I got it in sight,” Bam Jacob’s gun had cracked the air once…twice… and even a third time. The dark haired creature took every shot in the chest but roared louder as if a bee had merely stung him. It slowly lowered onto four legs and disappeared. “It’s coming! We need to get out of here!” Anton’s panicked screams seemed to speak the truth. The creature rattled through the deserted building. Anton pointed to the building behind us “get into the hotel! We can make a stand in there!” Jacob’s eye was fi xed on his scope as Aednat began to drag Yakov towards the hotel. Everyone’s gun was raised even the silent Chinese man held his silver pistol tight as everyone quickly made their way towards the hotel.

“I am not retreating…LRA doesn’t retreat from a battle,” I ran past him and made my way to the hotel with the rest of the group. I knew that with the weapons I had I would not be able to stop the creature from turning me into gazpacho. Mwai still raising his AK passed Raska saying, “Very good, let me know how that turns out for you!” The creature seemed to be gaining speed as the whole building seemed to shake. It was making its way down the floors and towards the ground floor. We all were sprinting as fast as we could. “YOU’RE ALL COWARDS!” I watched Raska grab Mwai’s arm, “you should be ashamed of yourself!” Mwai clicked his chamber back with a little wince of pain, “the only difference between running and surviving or staying and dying is that if you run you will live…live and you can fight again.” Raska’s grip released from Mwai as he followed the group into the hotel. I stopped and watched Raska turn towards the door in front of the other building. He clicked his AK chamber back and prepared for a fight.

It seemed the world had grown calm and out of the darkness of the building came the stomping of the large creature. I heard the group behind me running into the abandoned hotel, “let’s go up the stairs, we can cause a choke point!” Anton seemed unable to hide the terror in his voice, but his plan did seem to be accepted by everyone. Feet began to scurry up the stairs as I continued to watch Raska standing alone in the field. Two large paws grabbed the edges of the door and slowly the beast’s head emerged. Its wolf like snout sniffed the air almost tasting Raska. He appeared as nothing more than a meal to the creature. It opened its mouth wide to expose its silver teeth. Its teeth extended to the back of its mouth as I saw even Raska now beginning to back up slowly. It seemed that Raska’s mouth had finally met its match.

The creature emerged through the doorway but stopped. Its large figure was too big to fit through the narrow doorway. Raska seemed to sense the momentary weakness and began to retreat faster. Raska sprayed his AK at the creature as it slammed its body into the door frame. I watched cracks beginning to form in the concrete as it tried to rip the entire door frame out from the building. Raska’s shots covered the cracking wall, and even hit the creature’s paws which ricochet off the metal. I waved my hand at Raska, “herry, herry!” I don’t know why I was trying to help him. All my life it seemed I had been working alone. Maybe this time I needed help, maybe we all needed help? I was completely out of my element here. If I were to survive, I would need the help of these people…all of them. That Irish girl Aednat had been right. We had to all work together if we were going to make it out of this alive. Raska came up to me and pushed me into the hotel, “run girl, run!” I began to go up the stairs and realized our group had already made it up to the third floor.

One large hallway stretched the floor as doors lined every side running the entire length. “We can’t go up anymore,” in the distance it sounded as if thunder had cracked the sky. Raska made his way into one of the rooms and gazed out the window that overlooked the courtyard between the buildings. I followed and saw his speechlessness, “Da kreeture ez jone!” Jacob followed as he stared at what I was pointing at, “my god the creature tore off the entire door frame!” Yakov had made his way to a moldy old bed and stumbled upon it. He winched in pain as he gripped his bloody ankle. Something underneath us began to vibrate the entire floor, “it’s in the building…come with me!” Anton grabbed the Chinese man and they both focused their attention on the staircase. Anton motioned down the stairs, “Kiyoshi, right…when it comes up, we’ll let ‘em have it, ok?” Kiyoshi straightened his suit and made an arrogant notion. I knew immediately what he meant, he was unable to speak, but not stupid.

They both stood there waiting as Hakeem made his way into the opposite room now. I watched as something black uncurled from under his trench coat sleeve. I jumped back when I realized it was a snake. It was long and curled several times around his arm. “We need to take position in case it attacks!” Aednat removed herself from the room as everyone seemed like they were in a state of panic. We all took defensive positions covering every entrance into the hallway. Hakeem took position by the window as his eyes were filled with terror. He was now clenching the pouches around his neck as the snake curled eerily over his hand.

The moment seemed tense as everybody peered in every direction. I had my back to the wall as a worn picture of an aged family sat smiling down at me. There came a shudder and I knew that my reputation would have to live up to its expectations. I had to become more and I began to understand the strength that I needed to have. The strength that came from inside my blood. I snapped back the chamber to my pistol. I was finally beginning to understand what was happening, but it still seemed like the bigger picture was foggier then ever. I saw a small camera shining down from the far corner. I tapped the nearest person to me. It was the cutie Chris, he looked scared. I could almost taste it on him. His eyes flickered to me as I pointed to the camera, “zumbody’z vatching uz.” Chris whispered with a tremble, “who…whoever it is they have been watching since the moment I woke up. I’ve seen at least…’ he wiped his hand over his sweating face, “uhh, about seventeen so far…I think?”

I watched everybody and their reactions to this moment. I knew I was in trouble, but only I knew the severity of it all. That creature was a beast that I had never seen but even if I died, the creature would never live. I smiled knowing the inner secret of my curse and my legacy. It was a lasting plague that I left to all those unknowing victims that I should ever seduce or entice with my beauty. The grim thought of my life had never played across me before, but I must now accept my own mortality. I knew this “game” would be played until we were all dead. We were the people that could be thrown away. The people that could be easily forgotten never to be missed. I saw it first and it came with a flicker of his face. Kiyoshi’s eyes left the stairwell as they began to trace the ceiling as if he heard something. It was like he had heard a shadow. He was like a dog as his eyes traced the ceiling hearing only the lightest of steps. His lips seemed to snarl in almost a growl. His pistol began to trace towards Hakeem silhouetted in the sunlit window.

A swish of a steel claw plate as something reached from the very next floor and snatched the back of Hakeem’s coat with it. Hakeem flew backwards falling three stories. Glass seemed to rain with him as the scene turned into a firework’s display during the American Fourth of July. I had seen one only once, oh kak krasivo…” As my chamber clicked empty already, “C’est la vie.” I reached into my fanny pack. I counted fourteen speed loaders, fi fteen if you counted the one I used. I reached down and snapped another in. The roar was deafening as the dust fell from the ceiling above us. I noticed that Raska’s shooting was sporadic as he shot with a loud, “show yourself beast! Show yourself!” The firing stopped when the rumbling ceased.

Silence filled the room again as I rubbed my ears in pain, the world had become a grave to me. My head seemed buried under five feet of dirt as panicked voices filled the room. I saw Aednat move towards the window and gaze down at the courtyard. “Hakeem landed in a tree, he’s legs all fucked up!” “Forget him he’s a darkie! I say lets back up and try to trap him with fire it’s the only way!” “Yo, who the HELL do you think you are giving me orders Nazi boy? I say we should go up there and corner this motherfucker like the animal it is!” Raska dropped a banana clip and began to replace it with a new one. His teeth gritted together inches from Anton’s face. Pushing them apart Jacob yelled, “You both are fools! We must stay here and stand our ground! The beast knows we have weapons now! It is unlikely to return, it’s like a lion!” That Irish girl Aednat only seemed to be making matters worse when she stepped in, “in a crisis you need to look out for your brothers-in-arms, we gotta go down and get Hakeem! He has an extra trigger finger and we can use all the help we can get against that thing!”

Pushing between them all Raska was now waiving his gun wildly, “it doesn’t matter….it doesn’t matter! I am the only one who has commanded anything militarily.” “OH yeah, I am Anton Koppe COMMANDER of the Fourth Reich! Leader of the Waffen-SS Werewolf! Who the fuck are you? A spook named Raska, you…you’re a commander…with your little bracelets and necklaces…a cross with a pacifier seriously? You’re the commander of children, you’re a disgrace! Nobody falls under the LRA, but EVERYONE falls under the SIEG HELL! Your battle tactics are as worthless as your pathetic skin color is!” Mwai and Raska charged at Anton as Mwai seemed to get the only punch in on time. Mwai’s fist had collided with Anton’s forehead. His attention had been distracted by the large creature silhouetted uncomfortably in the hallway. Its fur was thick and it smelled of blood. Even in the shade the metal from its claw plates and teeth shone brightly. The creature’s heaving body curled and uncurled its real claws, which was eerily followed by the whirring of its red eye. I raised my pistol but knew it was useless against such a large creature. I quickly ducked deeper into the room that Hakeem fell through leaving Chris too take the eventual bite of the beast. Gunshots rang out as the hallway lit up like a thunderstorm back in the motherland.

Thrown from the creature’s massive arm, Chris tumbled into the opposite room. The creature began to charge towards Anton sensing his momentary weakness. Everyone seemed to dive out of the way as I watched Anton beginning to run down the hallway almost drunkenly. His machine gun firing wildly behind him as he screamed in terror, death was inches away. The creature was mere inches from licking his gun until something slammed into the creature. The creature crashed against the wall as it turned swiping its claws wildly at its suppressor, Jacob. Its claws scraped across the wall knocking huge chunks from it. I watched everyone gather themselves as I raised my pistol to help. The creature’s claw came crashing down but was blocked by Jacob’s other rifle. “Aaaarghhh!” The creature roared angrily when Jacob had stuck the largest knife I had ever seen into the creature’s side. “That’s why it’s a Beast Killer you shit!” The rifle snapped in half as the creature slashed Jacob’s arm before pinning him against the wall with its other paw. Jacob’s knife released from the creature’s side and even I was shocked by the “Beast Killer”. Only the quickest of eyes could have spotted the look that Jacob gave the creature as he stared into its face. It was the look of realization, a fleeting glimpse of understanding. I saw that I was not the only one to notice this look. Chris was trying to steady his large pistol as he saw me firing mine wildly. It was in that moment that we both knew. Jacob was a liar and he knew exactly what this creature was.

The “Beast Killer” seemed to be the size of a meat cleaver as the blood dripped down the thick blade. The creature’s titanium jaws were mere inches from Jacob’s already heavily scared face. I fired my pistol wildly as others joined. The creature took the shots as it roared in our direction clearly upset from being denied a dinner. The creature slashed its metal claws cutting the wall completely through. The debris from the wall flew like confetti as Anton yelled, “MY EYES, I CAN’T SEE!” “I don’t have a shot, where is it!” Aednat was panicked and even I had trouble finding a magazine. The dust was thick in the congested hallway. I felt something push past me as I tumbled deeper into the room. I only caught a brief glimpse of a large man wearing a dirty Safari hat pass before I heard a loud BOOMBOOMBOOM! Jacob had managed to escape and was firing wildly as the larger creature seemed to chase him.

The creature slapped Mwai out of the way with the back of its paw slamming him against the wall. His gun was firing wildly into the sky like rockets into the air. The creature inched closer towards Jacob who apparently had tripped over something. Yakov lunged forward and smashed his empty rifle across the creature’s face. It shattered in half as the creature threw Yakov into the other room. Its attention returned to Jacob. He was crawling backwards his right hand clenching his so called “Beast Killer” as his rifle had fallen several feet in front of him. I reached into my fanny pack to reload another speed loader. It was at the moment that I thought about running. The beast was taking every bullet we threw at it and didn’t bother to turn its attention towards us. Its furry back had become a shredded mess similar to ground beef. I hopped over an unconscious Kiyoshi and made my way towards the stairs. There were several inches between the wall and the creature. It was possible for me to squeeze by. I made the movement but just as I made it the creature roared loudly. A small creature had lunged at its face. The creature howled in pain as it rose higher on its hind legs crashing its back against the wall. It stumbled backwards as Jacob’s rescuer dropped onto all fours. “LEFU,” cried Jacob as he began to back down the hallway even more. He grabbed his rifle trying to reload it as bullets began to fumble from his shaky hands.

The dog was small no bigger than the largest badger. It had patches of black, white, and orange fur. It snarled up at the large beast as Jacob desperately tried to recover. I walked forward firing every shot I could into the creatures already destroyed back. I had let my guard down and paid for it. The creature quickly turned with a swinging back hand. The back plate of its steel paw collided against me as the creature now towered over me. I stared up as death seemed certain. I felt a tear escape my eye. I didn’t think it would be like this. It was hard for me to accept an ending like this, there was no honor in it. I felt the first speed loader I grab for fumble from my hands. The creature raised its steel paws preparing to strike. BOOM…BOOM…BOOM…I saw my savior was the Irish girl, Aednat. She was at the very end of the hallway. Lying on the ground she fired at a distance, but her precision was precise. The creature’s skin popped like overgrown pimples. Its dark blood shot out of its thick fur, and the creature seemed to want to charge. Its claw came crashing down towards me as another figure leapt at the creature. Yakov had jumped onto the creature’s back, “Don’t turn your back to me motherfucker!” He had a knuckle knife and was landing blow after blow into the side of the creature’s head.

He turned his hand over and began to stab at the creature’s head letting the knife dig deep into the creature’s skull. The creature thrashed and threw him off wildly. Yakov crashed against the wall. The creature’s attention was now drawn to Yakov as Aednat continued to strike the creature with bullet after bullet. Reaching into my fanny pack, I found a speed loader. It was much heavier than the other ones that I had used. The bullets were thicker and a shade brighter than neon red. It almost fell from my hand due to the weight. I slid the the bullets in which weighed the gun down slightly. The creature tried to take a bite out of Yakov as it squeezed his body into the wall trying to push him directly through it. Yakov was fighting with the creature’s massive jaws as it tried to finish him off in one snap. I watched him reach towards the silver grenade that he held on his belt loop.

His body was being squeezed in the creature’s paw as his hands desperately tried to grasp his silver grenade. His hand wrapped around the grenade as the beast tried to snap his head off. His thumb found the pin and he pulled it before shoving the grenade down the beast’s throat with a, “here something to remember me by!” Yakov held the beast’s mouth shut as tight as he could as yellowish smoke wafted out the beast’s snout and lips. The beast dropped Yakov to the floor as it crashed against the walls howling with pain. The gas contained in the grenade seemed to burn the creature. It flayed wildly as it stumbled into the largest of the rooms. I raised the pistol with the heavier magazine. It took a second for me to aim the shot right, but it took one shot for me to realize why these bullets were different from the other ones. I fired once and the creature’s arm seemed to explode slightly. It was like a shotgun blast at point blank. The creature took several more shots in the chest as Anton fired his relic like machine gun wildly. He was making sure to spray the entire creature with every bullet he had. Everyone who was standing was firing as fast as they could. My shots exploded inside the creature as he took two, three, and the fourth popped it in the neck. The creature tumbled out the window just as Hakeem had done. The creature fell three stories before it dropped point blank on the grass below. I scurried as fast as I could just to see the creature bleeding profusely in a crumpled heap. It began to wander away towards a forest to the east of us. Hakeem was at least ten yards from it, but he scrambled on the ground with a large stick piercing deep into his leg. He removed his Mack-10 and began to fire at the retreating creature, “stay away demon…stay away!”

The creature took several more hits still wobbling away and disappearing down the dirt road towards the large wooded area. Aednat pushed past me with Jacob trailing behind her. T hey laid down their rifles on the ledge and shot at the creature. Jacob seemed to loose sight first before he pulled his rifle up with a sigh of relief. “Subject is too far, can’t get a good shot through the trees” “no shit too far Irish” said Jacob with painful sarcasm. “It wasn’t THAT far old man, you’re just…you’re just…too old and a worse shot, that’s all!” She turned from Jacob as he rolled his eyes and headed towards Lefu. He hugged the dog as Aednat made her way across the scattered remains of our group. “We need to get out of here now before the creature comes back!” I stared at the red bullets in my fanny pack finally realizing what they were. They were explosive rounds, something I had only ever seen in movies. “That thing is as good as dead! I shot it enough to kill it twice!” “I gree vit Anton,” everybody seemed to ignore me as Aednat watched our group gather ourselves together. “We need to have a plan in case it comes back…does anybody have an idea…a realistic idea!” There was silence between us all. Mwai made his way forward his gashes had reopened upon his thrashing from the creature and blood once again oozed under his shirt. “I do… but fi rst I got to get patched up.” “And how do you know your plan will work?” Mwai saw the fight in Raska and tapped the cell phone in a holster on his belt, “because we’re going to blow that thing straight to hell if it comes back!”