Dead Watchers by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 15




A roar pierced the silence as even the bugs had become silent. The roar seemed to have grown closer, whatever the creature was it seemed to be closing in on us. Everybody’s weapons still raised and nobody looked more scared than the dreaded Hakeem. His eyes were wide with terror as everyone stared into the grass and in every window of every crumbling building. Even I could not help but show my nerves, my hands gave a slight twitch as my sliver Berretta shone like a star in a dark sky. I remember the night I wandered from the camp. The night I had came across the black wolf. It stalked me and killed my son. I felt that terror flooding back over me, but my attention was quickly drawn to that Irish bitch. “Give me a circle back to back,” yelled Aednat as she turned her back towards all of us.

I holstered my Berretta, “Screw you missy I told you I give orders!” I pulled out from my breast pocket my pair of black sunglasses. “Whatever it is, it’s none of my concern and neither are any of you!” I raised my shades and moved away from the group holding my AK 74. I wanted to get out and return to my homeland. “I’m gunna kill Thorbjorn when I get out of here.” I scanned the urban grassland not really sure what I was looking for. Another loud roar came from the distance this time growing even closer. “To the right,” Aednat called as she swung her sniper around towards a pile of rubble. “No it came from over there,” cried Hakeem as he gripped his Mack-10 while clenching Mumbato tightly.

There came a rustling, “Mwai,” cried Aednat as she scanned the horizon, “stay here with us, we don’t know what’s going on!” A rustling in the bushes made me stop in my tracks. I scanned the grass looking for anything. She was a woman and what would a woman know about fighting. My finger itched on the trigger as I watched the grass waving lightly in the wind. A branch cracked and then a rock fell loudly, “To the left!” Aednat’s commands sent the group to turn the opposite way. I felt eyes on me, hungry eyes like the night I fought with the black wolf. It was near I could feel it. I turned and my eyes widened in horror. A large furry creature darted into the tall grass. I only saw it for a split second. It was the size of grizzly bear only leaner more agile. There was something off about the way it leapt into the grass. I watched the grass part and soon I lost sight of the creature entirely. I waited as I could almost hear its silent footsteps and its ragged breathing.

Nothing scared me. I was called “The Butcher” for a reason. The tension mounted and I remained calm as the sweat beat down my over heated face. I didn’t care about these people. I realized then that the only reason why they weren’t dead was because I needed them. It was true that there was strength in numbers. Aednat was smart, maybe she could be the only useful one of this group? The creature was testing us knowing our boundaries. Soon shots rang out as I turned to see Hakeem’s bullets splatter over a large concrete wall. “I saw something,” yelled Hakeem. He shook in his spot as his snake regained its composure. “Where did it go, I didn’t see anything” yelled Aednat as she turned in the direction with almost military precision. “I don’t see shit,” yelled the racist pig. He didn’t even seem it necessary to use his machine gun as he held up that authentic German Astra.

The tension continued to mount as the group all circled around each other making the courtyard almost like an ancient gladiator ring. I stood alone apart from the group as I held my AK high waiting for something to happen. “Mwai, you should come over here by us to be safe.” I began to push through some of the grass ignoring Aednat and her orders, “Don’t go too far!” “It’s a demon,” shouted Hakeem. “Will you all shut up,” I cried and then I saw it during my distraction. It erupted from the tall grass like a creature I had never seen. It struck with precision and was gone the moment I had turned to fire. I have to admit that my aim is fast, but I wasn’t that fast. I popped off several shots but by the time the creature darted over the stone wall it was gone and disappeared into the bushes.

“Come back here…ah!” It took me a whole minute to realize the pain that was increasing in my side. I grabbed at the gashes as blood began to stain my shirt. I scanned the grass again, but the creature was gone. “What the hell was that thing? I have never seen anything that large move like that!” Anton’s voice revealed his terror. It was hard to say which one trembled more his voice or his hands. Aednat was already on her knees trying to check the damage as I was clenching the gashes in my side. The pain was intensifying with every passing second. I gritted my teeth as Aednat tried to help me, “I knew you liked me girl.”

Aednat scoffed as she examined my gashes, “their deep, you’re going to need stitches.” “Stitches, you dumb bitch it’s only a scratch” I exclaimed. I tried to stand taller, “Mwai you need stitches lay down!” “Yeah well why don’t you break out the medical table over by that crumbled brick wall nurse.” A roar sounded in the distance as I watched Hakeem turn around, “the demon, it’s going to come back!” “And how exactly do you know that you dirty…” Another loud roar deafened my words as I continued to grab my gashes watching the literal play continuing to act out before me. Being injured did have its benefits. You do get to see how the idiots work together. Anton came running up to the group, “its coming, it’s circling around us!” “Mwai you need to stand back up,” cried Aednat trying to hoist me up onto her shoulder. Through clenched teeth my eyes couldn’t hide my anger. “I am SO sorry, after I get up you want me to show you my impression of Riverdance you Irish slut!” Aednat dropped me in a huff. Se reached down and picked up my AK 74, “why don’t you save that pretty mouth for when I patch you up.” Removing the banana clip she pulled out three bullets, “what the hell are you doing?” Using all her strength she removed the top of the bullet. She began to pour the gunpowder out in her hand as Anton said, “Whatever you’re doing you better get a move on it!”

A rustling could be heard as I turned and saw the grass beginning to part slightly. Snapping his fingers “Mr. Thousand Words” pointed to his eyes and then to his right, “to the right,” yelled Anton. Who raised his Astra as Hakeem gripped his Mack-10 tight in his hand. He began to trace his fingers around the pouches that hung around his neck. His snake had been put back into a leather satchel he was carrying. “Whatever you’re doing Irish you better hurry up!” I watched the blood running out my shirt and beginning to pool in the dirt. I clenched my fists tightly, “I am going to kill Thorbjorn. I am going to wipe the UN from my lands the moment I get home. This is nothing,” I tried to tell myself. “It’s merely a scratch, defiantly nothing compared to that wolf bite I got.” I gripped my gashes tighter, “I survived then and I will survive now!”


I watched the grass as my eyes every now and then traveled down to Aednat who appeared to be pouring the gunpowder into the deep scratch marks. “Where is it,” cried Hakeem who was answered by Aednat, who screamed “I need a lighter!” The grass lay still as a different sound filled the air it was not like anything I had heard before. It was a howl like a wolf only it sounded more dog like than anything. “OH now what,” yelled Anton, “I shouldn’t have left South America! I wouldn’t be in this stupid situation!” “I need a match or something,” Aednat looked panicked as if she hadn’t thought her plan entirely through. “You better keep your eyes open China boy,” Anton’s panic seemed to be getting the best of him. He still didn’t seem the need to use his machine gun, maybe it didn’t work? “I need a god damn lighter,” and then a thick clump of bushes and trees parted as I saw a boy maybe 28 or 29 walk out from the bushes. His hair was buzzed to the point of bald and was wearing a blue jumpsuit. He had tattoos around his neck one was a pyramid with an eye at the top and the other simply read DAWG. “FREEZE,” Anton luckily said what I was unable to say. “Maybe I could be of some help,” the boy smiled. He revealed a small box of matches and tossed it at her. She caught it with a surprised, “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?” Grunting in pain Mwai said, “Well, it looks to me like somebody got lost on there way to Grandma’s house.”

The newcomer’s eyes filled with terror, “What the fuck…what the hell is that!” He pointed right behind us, but nobody seemed to be biting. A loud roar seemed to shake the very buildings and out the corner of my eye I saw a creature bound over the wall and then a loud, POP! Blood spurted out the creature as he flew sideways and slammed into the crumbling stone wall. This is where I finally caught a glimpse of the creature. It had been shot in its broad shoulder. The creature was large as a bear but looked agile as a jungle cat. It had a 2 foot tail like a cat with black fur that stuck together in tangles of dirt and blood. It had a barrel head, elongated snot, and the face of a wolf. It even had whiskers and paws the size of frying pans. However its paws were covered in a steel plate with matching extended claws. This was not a creature native to this land or to any land as a matter of fact. It seemed man had clearly taken over this creature. Its legs were as thick as an elephants and if it stood upright it would probably be at seven to eight feet tall. Its front teeth were as thick as tiger teeth but the ones behind it looked like something you would see on a puma. They also appeared to be covered in titanium. The strangest item the creature had was what appeared to be a wardrobe choice taken from that mad Russian. It appeared to be a computerized eye patch, although in the center was a glass red eye. I stared at it as I felt an honest fear pass through me. This was something that I had not seen in my life. “DEMON,” yelled Hakeem as his Mack-10 began to light up like fire works. The creature leapt over the wall and disappeared into the grass. I watched the grass part as I let off the few remaining rounds I had left in my magazine before the creature vanished from sight.


“What the hell, what the hell, what the hell was that,” Anton was shaking as his Astra never lowered. “Alright Mwai, this is going to hurt…a lot,” I groaned, “Just do it already you potato eating, sheep fucking…owww!” I screamed as the pain nearly tore me apart. That beast’s attack was nothing compared to this. Aednat had lit the gunpowder of the bullet which she had lined in each gash mark. The match had barely touched the powder when it erupted into a large fireball. The wounds were singed and the smell of burnt flesh hit my nostrils. “FUCK! You’re killing me woman,” Aednat stood up, “quit crying you baby, I cauterized the wound. It will hold for now. I think we should go now that we can move,” I stared up as her hand outstretched to me. “Get up you big baby,” “I’m not a baby!” I gave her a murderous glare. After several seconds I took her outstretched hand and she helped me to my feet. “I don’t need your help,” I snapped as I threw her hand away. “Yeah, no need to thank me either. You see in our squads in the RIRA we treat our fighters like brothers. Because in the field family is all you got.” She bent down and picked up my AK 74, I snatched it out of her hand with a grumbled “thanks…bitch.”

I turned to watch more people emerge from the tall grass as guns were all pointed towards each other. It was like one of those old western standoffs and every gun was pointed at each other. Even mine was raised although it was missing the banana clip. Nevertheless my gun was still raised pointing at a blonde Russian woman, who in turn was pointing her tiny pistol at me. It took a while before somebody spoke. It was the last person to emerge from the grass. He had on a Safari hat and had a handle bar mustache. He looked like Crocodile Dundee without his knife. Wait…correction a large hunting knife was sheathed into his pants. I shook my head trying to hide my laughter. “What a fool,” I heard my mind say. He spoke first, “have you guys seen a dog running around?” “That…that is, was your…dog,” cried Anton. Another dark skinned man came forward clenching a larger AK exclaiming, “yeah well you can go play catch with it then let the big boys figure things out.” Chris crossed his arms, “well I guess you must be the other candidates huh? You know I had only ever read about that kind of field medicine red head. I didn’t know it could actually be done, especially so well…and by I’m assuming a guerilla IRA member like yourself?” “What the hell is that supposed to mean? I don’t know who you people are or what you mean by candidates,” questioned Aednat. “Who are you all? You better answer quick or else were all gunna gun each other down like a good old fashioned Mexican stand off,” she snapped aiming her half raised sniper directly at the white boy in his blue corrections outfit. A howl came from the distance. Crocodile Dundee shouldered his gun which looked to be something only a Special Forces military operative would possess. He began to walk closer as all the guns raised to him, “look I don’t care what you all do. If you all wanna die here that’s fine, I am going for my dog. You can either follow or stay here and catch up. I don’t give a shit, now let me by please, let me by, there you go boy!”

And with that final note he walked towards the break in the wall and headed into the grassland towards the creature. Everyone stared at each other as the tension mounted, “I guess we can catch up huh?” Aednat gave a soft, “alright everybody, lower your weapons on three.” “Bitch you must be crazy,” I held my empty gun with one hand as my back was propped against a crumbling wall. My finger slipped over the trigger as my hand was drenched with blood and shook violently. I fumbled trying to stick another banana clip into my AK. The blonde’s eyes took aim at my head as she puckered her lips seductively, a kiss of death sort of speak. Mr. Thousand Words lowered his weapon and hopped off the wall, “where are you going popcorn shrimp?”

The bald headed black guy turned to me his AK fi xed to Kiyoshi’s gut. Kiyoshi pocketed his pistol and straightened his white suit coat. I watched him remove from his right breast pocket a pair of black shades and without a second glance he turned following Crocodile Dundee. The grass parted leaving the rest of us to stare at each other, “screw this I need to reload anyway.” I removed myself from the wall and began to follow without a glance back. The rest of the group fell like dominos and soon introductions were being made. “Name’s Chris but everybody just calls me The Mind,” “Nikki, not Neecole, not Ne, not Nic, juz Nikki.” I turned I didn’t care the truth was that if I didn’t get some help I wouldn’t be around much longer to reclaim my kingdom. Blood had built my kingdom and blood would need to be shed to reclaim it. How much would I have to give?


I trampled through the woods as the conversation continued, “What the hell kind of creature was that?” Chris kept asking questions, questions, always asking questions. I wanted to gut him just hang him like a dead animal and clean him completely out. I traced the grass as I scanned the sun now high in the sky. It was coming on to eleven o’clock. I ran my hand over my face trying to remember the last time that I had seen Lefu. “Was it the Limo?” I shook my head trying to forget it. I had to put that to the side nothing could compare to her. I was distracted by Mwai grunting in pain, “I…don’t know...white boy it was a creature, like an ugly ass…I don’t know, wolf?” I turned to Mwai, “shut up! Will you all just shut the hell up?” Chris gave a soft “Well then what do you think the creature was? After all we don’t have previous experience with it like some people.” I stared at him, “I told you that he is a liar! What don’t you understand about that boy? Now understand this, I have hunted the biggest game on the planet…and that…that was no creature that I have ever seen. If you all aren’t scared….you’re fools, now be quiet or next time I’ll let that thing have its way with you.” I turned to Mwai who stared at me clenching his AK. He tried to look tough but when the creature sliced him like meat he sang a different tune.

They all stared at me, I returned to the brush and we walked down a cracking street. I realized that I was coming towards a city center. There were large abandoned apartment buildings as cars were left to rot in the sun. I moved softly over the street my gun raised slightly. I have to admit out of all the guns that I have ever used in an assignment this was the one I knew I’d love the most. It was lightweight and had a surprisingly light recoil. I dropped to my knees as I ran my hand over some animal prints still thinking of the shot that saved Mwai. “Damn Parkinson’s…must be getting worse.” I shook my head thinking about how I’d hit the shoulder, “I hit the frigging shoulder” my mind yelled. I traced my finger over an animal paw print. I rose from my spot and began to walk towards the window of an underground apartment. Posters hung in strange writing. “Russian,” I said walking over and seeing a small poster of Lenin. I noticed deep claw marks had been dug into the walls of the apartment complex.

“So what’re you thinking,” I lowered my head and saw that the white boy Chris was asking more questions. I buried my head, “I have a feeling that you know just as much as I do, maybe even more.” Chris moved away from the group, “I don’t know that is why I am asking you.” I began to breathe hard feeling the sun beating down on me. I saw the group and it looked as if they were all waiting for my answer. “I don’t know where we are per say, if I had to guess I would say Europe. After all this is not Africa in any way. These tracks are from that creature, but I don’t see any tracks from my Lefu. I have also noticed that there are boot prints all over. They are old one’s, but there is something else that is strange.” I motioned towards a print in some hardened mud. “It’s a bare foot,” I nodded at Chris who seemed to be the only one that really seemed interested in what I was saying. “It’s strange, why would somebody want to travel barefoot around this area?” “T his place is weird Jacob, foot prints everywhere but nobody seems to be home. Plus there are camera’s everywhere. I have a strange feeling that what that guy was saying is true. I think that they are watching us, maybe I am just crazy.” It seemed that our groups were not getting along. I groaned, “You’re not crazy Chris.” I clapped him on the shoulder, “we are being watched Lord Otto said so on that tablet thing.” Chris grabbed my arm before I could walk away. I stared down at it and then up at him, “I mean you said that he was lying about your previous experience with that creature, right? So, how do you know that the people on the tablets were telling the truth? How can you tell Jacob, the cameras could be broken too?” I smiled, “Because Lord Otto is not a fool. Arogant, yes…pompous, yes…a liar, yes…but a liar about making money, no…besides I am poacher it’s my job to know. Now I suggest you all stay close.”