Dead Watchers by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 22




Night had fallen and the moon was raising in the sky. Our “leader” or should I say the man who said he could trap and kill the beast sent us all to a different room on the fourth floor. The bait’s blood would bring the creature up the stairs towards our camp. We would suppress it with our firepower and push it towards the dead end. Jacob decided to use the blood of the blonde bimbo since hers was as he put it “the freshest”. She was left in the room with the Irish and Yakov. Jacob took whatever he could of her bloody bandages and made a blood trail up the stairs and towards our camp site. He also made them a rope to escape when the bait was no longer needed. We on the other hand had to wait until he gave us the sign to fire at the creature. I was stationed in the room at the very end of the hallway. Mr. Know-it-all was in the room directly across our camp site. Jacob was in the room in the middle watching the stairs. The racist was in the room to my left and Mr. Thousand Words was in the room to my right.

Waiting in the dark was needless to say boring. However, I had found something better to do. I decided to sneak away from the group to have myself a little me time. I told that white boy that I would get what he had. I had taken it when we were organizing our little trap. It was quite easy actually. A simple scuffle between us, and my hand took it right from his pocket. I snuck past Jacob and his mutt finding a quiet corner on the second floor. I shuffled through my pockets until I found the syringe. The syringe filled with a dark liquid that I had known all to well, Black Tar Heroin. The best heroin money could buy. I tapped the syringe and felt a smile coming over my face. That white boy sure knew how to party I’ll give him that. I could feel the shakes starting to come in the anticipation of the event. I hastily undid my belt and pulled it out. I began to tie it around my arm as I tapped my forearm searching for a vein. “Come on you bastard,” I tapped more until I saw something in the moonlight. I found the hole that I had grown accustomed too over the years of my addiction. For me heroin was for relaxing and Brown-Brown was for anything battle related. I popped the cap off the syringe and tapped it squirting a bit. Popping it in my vein I drained the entire contents with an “oh…my…god.”

A lifetime seemed to pass before my eyes widened, I felt somebody kicking my thigh. “Wha…what,” I asked in an almost sleepy state. My eyes were cloudy and it took me awhile to adjust to the scene before me. I rubbed my head as I felt sweaty. My eyes fluttered several times before I opened them to see, “Mr…Mr…Thousand…Words?” He kicked me again, “wha…what?” I stared up at him feeling my consciousness returning to me. I saw Kiyoshi point down the hall and then down the other way. “What do you want, leave me be…go back to your room.” Kiyoshi kicked me again and I began to feel an anger growing inside of me. “You’re killing my high shrimp…what’re you doing down here anyway?” I watched him point to his ear and then to the spot right in front of him. Realizing that he had heard a sound and was checking on it didn’t interest me in the slightest.

“Well go away and keep doing what you were doing,” Kiyoshi kicked my feet again motioning for me to get up. “Stop doing that or I am going to…going to,” waving his hand at me. He stepped back and waved his hand again over me. “What are you saying?” He smiled and then waved his hand over me again, and then snapped his hand back before turning form me. “Are…are…are you saying …I’m…useless? I’ll…kill you” he didn’t even look back as he strolled from my sight waving his hand like a talking person. I could almost hear his mocking mind “blah, blah, blah,” it seemed to shout at me. I gripped the wall as I struggled to my feet. I got up and tried to balance as it took a minute for my vision to correct itself. The picture stopped swirling and soon everything righted itself. “Come back her you little shit, I ain’t done with you yet!” Still walking away, I reached into my army pant’s pocket and pulled out a weapon I had hardly used. It was the sawed of double barrel shotgun. I made the sign of the cross before aiming it sloppily at Mr. Thousand Words. It waved blindly through the air as I tried to take aim at his back. “HEY… MR…THOUSAND…WORDS…see if this is all talk!” I watched the white blur dive into a room as the shotgun blasted a crater sized hole in the wall. “KIYOSHI, where’d you go now? You don’t like the way I talk?”

I held the gun out in front of me as I made my way towards the room that he had dived into. I moved with the softest of feet as I gritted my teeth in anticipation. “Where are you,” I said with such menace as I moved towards the door. I held the gun out far and just as I approached the door I realized my mistake. I had been aiming high for a body shot when I should have been aiming for the legs. Kiyoshi had ducked to avoid any shot. He reached up and smacked the shotgun pinning it against the broken door. It fi red into the wall missing completely. His left foot was quick as it kicked me in the side once, twice, three times. I twisted his arm and smacked my elbow across his face. Immediately he retaliated with a spinning back fist. He smacked it across my face as I stumbled backwards several steps, “that’s it…” I popped open the double barrel shotgun and removed both of the empty shells. Kiyoshi reached into his suit jacket just as I reached into my pocket trying to find shotgun shells. I found them but was only able to grab one. Silver objects flew at me as I moved quickly dodging them. I scrambled to my feet trying desperately to load the shotgun. I looked up and saw tiny blades fly at me. I blocked one with the gun but the other one caught my shoulder, “Aaahhh!” I felt it pierce deep as I saw him already midflight in the air his foot smashing into my chest.

I flew backwards dropping the shotgun and the shell. Somehow, I kept my balance with just enough time to block a punch and flying elbow. I was able to grab his neck collar and throw him backwards. He stumbled slightly as I charged at him colliding my shoulder into his stomach. I tackled him into a different room. The room was similar to our campsite, except several desks littered the area. The windows had also been blown out exposing the room to the elements. I had crashed Kiyoshi into a desk and he toppled over it. As I scrambled to my feet, I realized I needed my machine gun with me. I could spray the entire room and send this man cowering in his shell. Flipping over the desk, he kicked me in the face. He hopped off throwing several punches at me, which I blocked easily. I caught his fist and bent it back slamming my forearm into his cheek. The jingling vile charm that hung from one my bracelets smashed into his face. Now it was my turn to go on the offensive. My fist smashed against his scrawny face and then I gave him another right and then a shot to the chest. He twirled around me and I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder blade. “Aaaahhhh!” It was the same pain I felt when he had thrown the dagger.

There came a swift kick to my knee and I felt my chin smack the side of the desk. I had fallen to my knees. I reached for the only thing that I could grab. He withdrew his pistol from the inside of his suit coat. I smashed a broken lamp across his face sending his black derby to fly across the room. As he stumbled backwards, he dropped his pistol kicking it under the desk. I saw on his face a dark red substance dripping down it. It wasn’t his blood. It was the liquid that had come out of the small vile. This vile I had come to accept as my fourth item. I reached behind my back and pulled out a throwing star. I had never seen one in real life. I threw it to the ground with a snarl. I gazed out the door and saw my AK laying where I had been sitting. My high was gone and all I wanted was that gun.

Kiyoshi was again on the advance, but I was ready. I grabbed his leg which prepared to kick me in the side and threw him to the floor. I made a dash to my gun and finally grabbed it. I turned it at the open doorway and began to open fire. I saw Kiyoshi dive for cover. I laughed manically as I fired wildly at the desk. I stood up, “you ain’t so tough now are you shrimp?” I fired several more times as I approached deeper into the room, “what’s the matter…” POW...POWPOWPOW… “You don’t have anything to say now? Oh I get it, you don’t like the way I talk!” I laughed so hard that it didn’t even matter what I was shooting at or where. I hit furniture, I scattered old papers, I busted a mirror, “so quiet now aren’t we…” CLICK...CLICKCLICK…I lifted up the gun confusion in my face, “what, it can’t be out yet?” I hit the gun several times and examined it over. Ammo is what I needed.

I raised my eyes knowing I had made another mistake. Twirling around the desk a flying foot came around the corner. The blood that I had smashed across his face was still dripping down it. I didn’t have time to take into account the detail of the stain. His foot kicked the gun from my hand and then immediately popped back up from the ground forming a crescent shape. I dodged it, but I had not stepped back far enough. His foot lightly touched the ground again and pushed straight forward sinking into my stomach. I stumbled backwards slightly yelling at the top of my lungs. I was about to charge at him when he reached into his suit coat pulling out a silver rod in each hand. He swiped them at me in an x formation, and it cut across my stomach. I felt deep gashes as my hands ran over them feeling my warm blood. I knew that this was the end. I knew that this was the moment. This was the final battle.

He stretched his arm back in a slight martial arts pose and seemed to snarl at me. I bared my teeth like an animal would. My advisory twirled the sticks in his hands and plunged them into my body. Both sticks penetrated deep into my shoulders. I screamed loudly as I thought the force would bring me to my knees. I could feel sweat pouring down me as blood was dripping from my nose. I struggled to speak as I shivered feeling nothing but cold. I watched Kiyoshi take a step back and cross his arms behind his back as if politely waiting for me to dance. “That’s… all you…got?” My struggled words seemed to bring a smile to his face. His eyes seemed to show a hidden humor almost like an inside joke. They focused on the rods as I stared down at them noticing a red dot blinking repeatedly. “What the hell is…” BOOOOMMMMM!


I smiled at the dark skinned fool as I waited for his end. He stood as stupid as ever as he stared down at his fate. His words made me want to laugh, but all I had was a smirk in me. I motioned to the blinking dots and then almost lost it when he looked panic stricken, “what the hell is…” BOOOOMMMMM! I barely flinched when Raska flew into a million pieces. He covered the room and stained the entire front of my suit. It didn’t matter now however, the suit was filthy already.

I felt something dripping on my shoulders. I wiped it away noticing Raska’s blood covering more than I thought. I had to get back to the group on the fourth floor, but first I had to find my pistol. It was my only weapon now besides one throwing dagger and star. I felt another thick drop of goo fall on my shoulder and I wiped it off again. It was warm to the touch. I withdrew my hand and saw that it wasn’t blood. It was clear and stretched like slobber. It was similar to thick mucus.

I turned around and stared into the eyes of the great beast. It towered over me as its red eye focused into my very soul. It stretched out its enormous arms showing off its monstrous wingspan. I crouched down as I quickly removed my only weapons, a throwing star and dagger. I crouched low under the beast and knew that the end had come. It was the dog versus the beast. I had come to the main fight. Raska had merely been a warm up. The creature stretched its jaw out slowly revealing a long mouthful of razor sharp titanium covered teeth. It seemed to smile as it bared them. A long stretch of drool was clinging to its bottom lip.

I dodged the swipe of the beast’s armored claw. I turned up the small dagger sending it through its lower jaw. The beast howled as it threw up its arms tossing me backwards. I stumbled swiping with the star across the beast’s chest. I had barely made a scratch. Its fur was too thick for me to cut, especially with something as small as a throwing star. I barely had enough time to examine the cut when the steel claw of the creature cut across my suit. I felt the iron claws burn as I stared down at my tattooed body. I dropped the throwing star staring up at the creature. Once again, it stretched its arms wide. I gripped my gashes and felt the blood running down my hands. I stared up into the creature’s face as it stretched its jaws wide breaking the dagger. I always wondered how my life would end. And in that snarling creature’s face all I saw was the love of my life. His smooth face and radiant smile filled me with a calming euphoria. I almost felt him here with me. He was standing behind the creature anxious for us to reunite. He had been waiting so long for me to join him. And in that moment, when the creature raised its claw to strike again, I smiled back at him.

(The Getaway)

CRASH! A glass of scotch had smashed against the wall as Rosenberg stood up fuming. “I can’t believe your little shit f i nished of fmy candidate!” Pascal was just as upset but seemed to try to keep his calm the best he could. “My word Rosenberg that scotch is not easy to come by!” The sponsors were all sitting around the table as Lord Otto giggled squinting his eyes, “I dare say not Gordon…fifty years mind you.” He laughed again “Can I just ask…why did you choose him anyway Pascal?” “Always scooping for information are we Jango…so quiet, yet so noisy!”

The table seemed to grow quiet as the rest of the room erupted in arguments at the death of Kiyoshi and Raska. Pascal grabbed his glass of scotch and took a sip as he waved it in the air superiorly, “I believed that it wasn’t the size of the dog in a fight…but I guess I was wrong.” Pascal tilted his glass of scotch towards Rosenberg, “it was a good fight though, wouldn’t you agree?” Everyone around the table nodded their heads in agreement. Ivan had grown beet red drinking straight from a vodka bottle and not from a glass. Lord Otto leaned his glass towards the center of the table and tilted it to all the other members, “gentlemen, the best of the hunt is about to come.” “Here, here,” yelled Joseph as he sipped his drink superiorly.

Rosenberg returned to his seat as a mousy hand patted him on the shoulder, “a heroin addict Rosenberg, did you really expect him to make it as far as he did?” “SHUT UP GORDON,” the rest of the table erupted in laughter as a woman came towards them. She carried a tray of cigars and cigarettes with her, “hello gentlemen, any Cuban cigars or cigarettes before the upcoming event?” Ivan gave a boisterous, “yes, yes, my dear pass them around…there’s a good girl, yes! I didn’t think that much would happen tonight. The third night is always the best, but I guess things do change. I’m sure we are in store for a most excellent second night.”

Taking a cigar, the woman lit the end of it as Ivan puffed on it heavily. He withdrew it with a, “magnificent blend…with the way things are going there might not be a third night. Am I right gentlemen?” The table erupted in laughter again as smoke began to cloud the room. Joseph puffed on his cigar as he motioned towards the television, “Am I going crazy or does it appear that they’re all abandoning their posts not just Raska and Kiyoshi?” “I do believe they are Joseph, oh look spectacular they can’t even stick with their own plan!” Lord Otto giggled at his own comment and continued, “they set their little trap and now nobody is watching anything.” Joseph leaned back in his chair, “well the GPS says that the undead are closing in. It should be a great upcoming battle…and look the odds are charging agian!”