Dead Watchers by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 23




I continued to write on the scrape of paper that I had found. Words just kept pouring out of me, and it seemed the only sane thing to do. We had put out the fire for good measure. “What is the point of this,” “I’m supposed to watch you Yakov and make sure you don’t run away or try to rape Nikki again. Yakov opened his mouth, but I cut him off “look you both are injured, ok? You’re going to do more harm than good, so there’s no point in arguing.” Nikki watched him like a dog watching a steak, “ze moment zhe durns er back on uz…” “What the hell was that,” Aednat made her way to the door frame. “Where the hell is Jacob going? He’s going downstairs…oh no, you stay right there where I can keep an eye on you Yakov!” I continued to stare out, “Hey you guys what’s going…” I felt the light blow out of my eyes as the world seemed to grow dark. Something had hit me in the back of the head. I fell forward and the world disappeared from my sight.


“What’re you doing…” I knocked that wretched Irish bitch out and she tumbled to the floor. I felt something press against the back of my head. “Vou ittle dik prik, I’m junna reaking cill vou phor vhat vou id… durn round I vanna zee yur faze az I blow yur rains out.” I didn’t move as I stared down at the unconscious Irish bitch. “DURN ROUND,” the blonde slut shouted as I turned around. I stared into her face seeing rage behind those eyes. “Dat’s et, I ope dat vou ave ade peaze vit yur maker.” I smiled as I began to laugh slightly, “Vhat’s phunny?” I continued to laugh, “Vat’s SO PHUNNY!” “If your going to kill me, you should take off the safety first you dumb bitch!” “Zafety, der’s no…” I snatched at the pistol in her hand the moment her eyes turned from me. I struggled with her waving the pistol in the air. We twirled in the room until I placed my foot behind her and fl ipped her onto her back. The gun fell from her hand, and I quickly smashed my elbow across her face. I knocked her out cold.

I admired her beauty in the moonlight. Her blonde hair was tangled and matted. Her cherry lips were puffy and still had much life left. Her leg was badly injured and looked a nasty shade of green. I wanted her again and wanted to finish what we had started. It had been so long since I tasted somebody, since I had somebody. She burnt my face which still ached. It passed as my passion and desire masked it. I laid down between her legs and prepared to have not only a taste but a full meal.


As I sat in the darkness I wondered if the plan would actually work in the end. Questions began to race through my mind, would the creature not go the way we wanted it to? Would the tanks blow? Would the tanks not blow? I stood up trying to hide my anxiousness. Even Lefu looked up at me with that puzzling look she gave. I tried to give her a reassuring smile which seemed to ease her tension. I made my way over to the window. I rubbed it with my hand clearing away the caked dust and dirt. The moon was bright and shone like a spotlight. It was at that moment that I missed home. I missed the bush. I heard Lefu stir slightly and growl, but it didn’t withdraw my attention. I remembered the nights when Lefu and I stared at the fire under a full moon. It seemed to smile down at us. I almost saw the image smash like a window, when I turned seeing that Lefu had broken my concentration. “What,” I said angrily as I stared out the doorway. I thought I may have seen a shadow go down the staircase.

“What is it Lefu?” Lefu gazed up at me and then back at the stairs. “No,” I pushed her back into the room. “We can’t leave,” I knew that stance, and I knew it all too well. Lefu was nervous as if something was moving around in the darkness. I returned to the floor and sat down. I didn’t hear the creature, but I thought I could hear soft footsteps. I tried to listen harder, but the sound quickly died. I shook my head back to reality. “I hope nobody left their post,” Lefu tried to leave the room again. “No,” I said to her and pointed to the ground. After several seconds, she obliged and returned to the floor. “We can’t leave the room if we do the trap won’t work.” I rested my head against the dirty wall and repeated, “I hope nobody left their post.” My head rested back as I felt my eyes growing heavy with each passing moment.

My eyes fl uttered with a startle as I rubbed them softly. I must have fallen asleep. The moon was still high, but without a watch I had no idea how long I had slept. I rubbed my eyes again and gazed down to the see Lefu standing on all fours, “what, what is it?” I felt the hair on the back of my neck standing on end, had I missed it? Had the beast snuck up on me in my moment of relaxation? I gazed out the door and once again I thought that I heard the faint sound of footsteps. “Lefu what’s wrong?” Lefu continued to stare down the stairs. The hallway was quiet and looked abandoned just as I wanted. I groaned slightly, “Jesus Lefu there is nothing ok just lay down…lay down!”

Sitting with my back on the wall I began to polish my gun. Lefu sat watching the stairs directly in front of us. I was waiting for a sign, for movement, for the beast to make its presence heard. My attention was growing thin again. I just hoped that our plan was going to work. The beast was unlike any animal that I had ever seen or any animal that I would ever know. I have never known a beast that could survive a hail of bullets as this one did. My attention was soon distracted when I watched Lefu rise to all fours again. Something had clearly grabbed her attention. I knew that stance. I knew her better than she knew me. It was like being out in the brush once again. Whatever dangers lurked in the distance Lefu was sure to spot. My senses did not stretch as far as hers did. “Lefu,” I whispered as she ignored me continually sniffing the air. “Lefu, what is it?” She sniffed more as she placed her nose on the f loor and then back up into the air. “Is it the creature this time?” Lefu ignored me as I gave her a little, “is it the creature?” “Hey,” I gave her a little kick in the hind quarters. She growled at me and returned to her task. She was onto something, and I had no idea what it was.

She howled softly and then made her way out of the room. She began to make her way down the stairs following the trail of blood. I traveled down three sets of stairs following her before ending up on the fi rst floor. She was on the hunt and surprisingly immediately turned around the corner. I waited for what seemed like forever, listening and watching. I wanted to know what had caught her attention. I heard a light crumbling of a wall. I turned to my right and saw down the hallway a sight that I had not expected to see. It was people and they were making their way down the long hallway. It was the same type of people that chased Kiyoshi, Anton, and Hakeem. They walked like humans I had never seen before. I heard a shotgun blast from the floor above me, and Raska shouting loudly. I turned back to the mysterious people, “who the hell are you?” They did not respond. They moved in such a manner that was almost inhuman. One man dressed in a white lab coat dragged his foot behind him and another was missing his arm. I suddenly realized that these were not humans, they were different. Lefu was already running down the stairs towards what looked to be the basement.

I heard scuffling and fighting from the floor above me. “Lefu, Lefu,” I watched her move down the stairs and disappear. The mysterious people continued to move towards me. I turned back to the basement stairs and shouldered my rifle. I had a choice to make, do I stay here and fight, follow Lefu, or blow her off and head back upstairs. I stared at the figures moving closer. Fate seemed to make its decision for me, “Stop…whoever you are stop!” The figures continued to move toward me, “don’t come any closer or I’ll shoot!” I took aim at the figure’s hearts and fired… POW ! The rifle kicked back and I watched the figure’s heart blow out of its chest. The figure with overalls took a couple steps backwards. Its head raised back and then returned to face me. I felt my rifle drop several inches as it continued to move forward with the rest of them. More followed behind him and soon I lost count. I returned my rifle back to my eye. They were just like the figures that Aednat and I were shooting at several hours earlier. I fired at their heads, POWPOWPOWPOW ! I had missed the first, but three heads popped off the three closest I watched them fall to their knees or topple backwards, but I couldn’t aim at them fast enough. I heard a whimper from down the stairs. I turned to them and whispered, “Lefu?” I turned back and saw the figures drawing closer. I raised my scope again and fired blindly at them. They were piling on top of each other as they moved down the hallway.

They drew closer and closer to me. I was soon going to be unable to make a stand. I heard gunshots upstairs and heard Raska yelling loudly again. Who was Raska fighting? I turned back and saw one of the figures already on top of me. Arms raised wide, it looked like it had been dead for years. I didn’t have time to contemplate the inhuman figure. I slapped its face with the stock of my gun. The figure spun slightly but didn’t seem affected by it. I heard a cry from the basement, and I realized it was Lefu. I had to save her. I backed away and ran down the flight of steps. I saw an empty door frame. I heard the figures beginning to gather around the top of the steps. “Lefu,” I said as I took the last couple of steps in almost a tip-toe.

I made my way through the door frame and snapped back the chamber. I watched the shell casing pop out. It twirled a bit before rattling on the floor. I clicked out the magazine and placed in another. I didn’t have time to count how many I had left in my vest. I pulled out one and slapped it in the rifle. I entered the room slower then I probably should have. I could hear the figures moving slowly down the stairs and knew that time was not on my side. I had to find Lefu quickly. “Lefu,” I whispered loudly unsure of why I was even whispering. The room was darker than a midnight in the savannah. “Lefu,” I whispered again as footsteps continued to move down the stairs.

I moved deeper into the room and soon the moonlight couldn’t even penetrate the darkness. I heard a whimpering in the distance. “Lefu,” I whispered and then I retreated back when something hit my face. It was thin and at first I thought that it was a spider. When I grabbed it I realized it was a thick piece of string. I pulled it and heard a loud CLICK ! A light popped on. It was dull and dim providing little light for the room. I was surprised that it even worked at all. Dust covered the feeble bulb in a thick layer. I heard the whimpering again and saw the light flicker a bit, before my eyes landed on the source. I saw that it was Lefu. She was cowering against the back wall. I had never in my life seen her cower like that, “Lefu, Lefu, what’s wrong…what’s the matter with you?” I turned around and saw to my horror sixty of those undead figures reaching out towards me, “AHHHHHHHH!” POWPOWPOW !


Jacob had stationed me in the room across from our campsite. It appeared to be some sort of nursery. However, this room lacked any stone pillars and the roof wasn’t mere days from collapsing. Toys littered the floor as the once bright colors were now fading with time. Dust covered what I assumed was the most popular toy in the room. It was a model train set, complete with hills and trees. It was now filled with broken pieces of dry wall and dead leaves. I traced the caboose with my finger and watched it slide down the wooden tracks. The innocence of it all filled me with an emotion that I had long forgotten. I had spent my entire life craving knowledge, and now that I was stuck in this place all that knowledge seemed useless. I clenched my father’s old gun, the Desert Eagle still felt cold in my hand. “If you wanna play with trains I can send you on the same one I sent Hakeem on.”

I shook from the voice and watched the caboose tip off the tracks crashing into a play car. I turned and realized that it was Anton. Standing in his Nazi uniform with his antique looking machine gun and holding a mud covered empty gallon of water, “I don’t know if anybody has told you this Anton but the war is over…Germany lost.” Anton stood leaning against the door frame, “You of all people should know the saying, only the dead have seen the end of war. My father taught me that.” “Shouldn’t you be in your room waiting like the rest of us, not wandering around?” Anton smirked and came into the room, “Well I would be one of the few. I just saw Jacob sleeping with that mutt of his. Raska and Kiyoshi are gone…shouldn’t you be paying attention? What if I had been the creature?” Chris walked towards the foggy window, “So were the only people left at our posts?” Anton smiled, “well, I didn’t look in our camp. However, it looks pretty dead in there too? Wouldn’t you agree?” “They’re probably just hiding in the corner or something…not be out in the open.” Anton barked, “Out in the open!” “Never mind, and I was paying attention until you interrupted my thoughts.” “Ah yes you always are well aware of your surroundings when your back is turned to it. Besides there is nothing around here anyway, quiet as the dead.”

Anton was about to drink from the nearly empty gallon of water, when I stopped him. “There’s something I want to ask you, if you don’t mind since we have a minute.” “You’re always asking questions but still can’t figure out how to get us out of here.” “Like Jacob said let’s just kill the creature tonight then we can worry about getting out. We’re near the wall anyway, besides I’m working on that.” Anton lowered the gallon and screwed the cap back on, “what is it you want to ask?” I turned back to the window, “Why?” “Why, what Chris?” I turned back at him, “why are you the way you are?” I watched him smirk again, “why are YOU the way you are?” “It just baffles me, you know? You’re obviously not a normal skinhead or racist…you wish to continue the war, but…the war is over. It’s been over for over sixty years. How can you still fight? Everyone else has accepted it, why can’t you?” Anton lowered his head and appeared to ponder on his response. He raised his head and gave a Nazi salute saying, “Lost land will never be won back by solemn appeals to God, nor by hopes in any League of Nations, but only by the force of arms!” He lowered his arm and continued, “you see Chris only war will win our country back. Only war will Germans remember their strength and desire to bring about a Fourth Reich. Sure we can protest and march, but the only noise that people listen to is violence… is war!”

“You’re delusion,” “Operation Iron Sky is still on the move my dear boy, and as soon as I have rectified this.” He pointed around at his surroundings with disgust on his face, “we can get things back on track.” “Did you say Operation Iron Sky,” Anton nodded, “mhmm…why is there something wrong?” “What the hell is Operation Iron Sky?” Anton moved across the room towards what looked to be a former desk, “top secret plans.” He turned to me, “only top ranking members of Odessa know.” “Odessa,” I rubbed my head confused and continued, “Wait how can you even fight for Germany? You weren’t even born during that time! You have no knowledge of it, you’re like what…18, 19?” “I’m 21,” “That’s exactly my point Anton! You’re young as hell, how do you even know about the Third Reich?” “My father told me. I was raised a Nazi and a decorated soldier of the Reich. The Fuhrer would be proud.”

“Proud, you didn’t even know the man.” Pounding the table Anton shouted, “My grandfather died in the Battle of the Bulge! My father fought in the Battle of Berlin…received a metal from the Fuhrer himself! He worked directly with Artur Axmann f ghting until they were captured!” “Well I am sorry stories are different from truth. They are tales and tales do not reveal truth.” “My father spoke only the truth!” “Yeah, I doubt that…so tell me, what’s Operation Iron Sky?” “How about we make a trade, you give me an answer, and I’ll answer all your stupid little questions.” I paused as I turned to the foggy window again. I saw nothing but waving trees. “Agreed,” Anton smirked, “very good… you’re a smart man Chris, very intelligent. I have seen that through our entire encounter. You went to the wall, you saw it, felt it…now tell me, how do I get out of this stinking place?” I couldn’t help but laugh, “Are you joking?” Anton didn’t budge or move. No smirk appeared on his face, “do I look like I am fucking joking?” We stared at each other for several seconds in complete silence. Anton was not faintly interested in anything anymore, but to satisfy my boredom I decided to continue, “the truth is...I don’t know, I really don’t know. We can’t take off the bracelets without them going off. We can’t cross the wall without them going off.” “That’s not an answer!” I shrugged, “it’s the only one that I have, but I promise when I have one I will tell you, now you tell me.”

Straightening his glove it seemed to take him a long time to gather himself together. My answer did not satisfy him, but he seemed indebted to our deal. “Operation Iron Sky was a military operation. The last military operation conducted by the final remnants of the Third Reich. It was approved by Odessa and overseen by Councilmen Commander Heinrich Muller. The Waffen-SS Werewolf needed to organize and unite all Nazi and Third Reich believers, whether racist, military, or politically motivated groups under the Odessa banner. We were to bring about the Fourth Reich by any means necessary…in doing so to find a blood relation to the Fuhrer to lead the Reich.” “Interesting considering Heinrich Muller is dead and that there is no blood relative.” Anton laughed, “No Chris, I am afraid that Muller is alive and well. Well, he was a couple years ago when I saw him last. I told you guys last night about the Battle of the Compound and how…”

“You, you saw Muller?” Anton nodded sounding upset that I was denying him the pleasure of recounting his battle, “yes, I saw Muller!” “Ha, next thing you’ll tell me is that you personally knew Artur Axmann!” He pointed at me, “funny you should mention that name! I did meet him once right before we broke into the Kremlin. My father and I asked him to join in our quest and that old fool turned us down…” Anton began to laugh, “You know he said that Hitler was like a father to him, and he had already accepted his death. He…he…he said that he tried once and wasn’t prepared to do it again. What would have been had already come to pass, and we needed to accept that. I guess massive fines, victor’s justice and millions babbling about redemption…yeah, that would take the wind out of anybody’s sails huh?”

I ignored him for the most part as I rubbed my throat, “God I am so thirsty.” Anton gazed at the gallon that he was about to drink from. He tossed it to me, “here!” I took it and examined how fi lthy it had gotten. I shrugged and then took a swig from it, “can I ask you something this time Chris?” I took another swig and nodded, “how did you get so smart, where you like born that way or…” Anton fell silent when he saw me shrug my shoulders, “I just read a lot you know, didn’t have television and my parents well…” My mind tried to hide the pain that always seemed to creep up when I thought about them. My father was always out on a heroin binge, and my mother was sleeping with every guy on the block. “The reason that I was asking was because of Hakeem. What do you think is in that black pouch of his? You know the liquid that will make you be his slave and all.

I shook my head as I began to feel weird like a fog was coming over my mind. “It…it…probably…is Devil’s Breath…Scopolamine. It comes from…comes from…what’s going on…I feel weird?” “Oh that… yeah that, well its funny you should mention that. For being so intelligent you’re not very bright are you? That feeling, oh yes that would be the Devil’s Breath you just mentioned.” My vision began to grow cloudy as my words seemed garbled. It became hard for me to talk as I dropped the gallon of water. “You know I never would have believed something like this until Hakeem confirmed it last night.”

“What…what…” I couldn’t finish my sentence as Anton made his way towards me. “I am not sure how this works exactly,” I rubbed my head confused. My reality of this world seemed to be leaving me. “I mean, do I just say what I want? Do I show you?” Anton’s words began to grow almost like static, “you will risk everything, even your own life to protect me from any harm that should come my way.” “Harm,” was the only word I seemed to repeat. I wanted to fight against it, but it was like a man inside my brain controlling my actions. I couldn’t fight him, he was too strong. “Do you understand Chris,” “harm…no, harm.” I watched Anton smile, “I guess that’s good enough.”


I made way out the door satisfied with the command. I wasn’t really sure that it had worked or that I had even done it affectively. However there was a more pressing matter at hand. It was something so trivial for the game. I had to use the bathroom. Clink, there game the sound of a glass container being moved down the hallway. I made my way out the door, “where the hell is he going?” I watched Jacob and his bitch disappear down the stairs. Shrugging them off, I entered the room adjacent to the nursery. It was a large bathroom that was fit for possibly the entire floor. However it wasn’t just a bathroom on the left side of the room stood a row of showers. Glass doors with some cracked or broken leading into a dirty and rusted shower.


It was orgasmic and phenomenal. It was a feeling that I had not felt in a long time. I pulled out just as she was waking up. Her eyes blinked several times before she shoved me off, “git off, git off ” she shrieked. I pulled off of her as I started zippering my pants. I felt the wrinkles and scars in my face twitch into a smile, “shriek now girl, but the deed has already been done. The seed has already been planted and if you live the name Dzhugashvili will live on! I will live…FOREVER!” As I finished zippering I saw staring up at me, “Dzhugashvili, vou zaid dat right…rom Rusha?” “Of course from Russia,” I bolstered loudly. Any reaction that I had expected I wasn’t prepared for what happened. She laughed and not only did she laugh, she was laughing hysterically. “What? What is it? What is so funny?”

I watched Nikki laugh as I felt myself growing angrier. “WHAT… WHAT?” She stopped laughing and smiled at me, “id vou…id vou…” she struggled to catch her breath, “id vou ave a zister amed Vera?” I felt my stomach drop several inches, “how did you know that?” She laughed again and choked out “I’m vour nieze vou ediot!” “My…my…niece,” I said with such confusion, “that, that, is…impossible?” “Vou aped vour own nieze!” I shook my head and stared at her hysterical laughter. “Vou von’t ast lung az iz. I ave a deedle ztrain of Aidz and ow vou ave it doo!” “Shut up you bitch! You’re a liar!” Nikki seemed unable to speak her words were garbled in hysterical laughter. I leapt on top of her again and we wrestled as she clawed at me. She continued to laugh, “no atter ef vou ive rom dis gam or not, vou ill di!” I overpowered her buckling her arms under my strength. I swatted at her face and my fist connected with it. I felt her skull crack slightly, “shut up bitch! You’re a liar…you’re a liar!” Her fighting grew weaker as my fist continued to collide with any part of her. She grew quiet and fell into unconsciousness. I stared at her limp body as blood ran down her nose and out her mouth. A large gash appeared on the top of her forehead with droplets of blood dripping into her hair.


I remembered I had used a restroom in Mexico when a guy walked in and used the urinal next to me. I was about to leave cleaning “myself” off when the man said, “more than two shakes and its playing with yourself.” “Playing with yourself,” I repeated and laughed a little. I zippered myself up when I heard a voice behind me, “how about you play with me?” I felt my heart drop as I turned my head towards the voice. A powerful hand grabbed my head and slammed it against the wall. I tried to fight, but the man had the advantage. “Get off of me,” “you cute little son of bitch!” I tried to fight harder, but Yakov’s forearm pinned my neck against the wall.

My head still felt dizzy. I felt his hands fiddling with my right arm as something scratchy was being tied around it. I felt the cold steel of the urinal pipe growing tighter to it. As my vision began to clear up I noticed the room stopped spinning. I felt a hand fiddling with the back of my pants. He was trying to pull them down. “What the hell are you doing?” “You and that blonde have been peddling around those tight asses for the past two days.” “What are you some kind of faggot that…” I stopped when he slammed me against the wall again. I reached for my Astra, but Yakov swiped my hand. The Astra fumbled before falling to the floor. “Oh no, I like my bitches feisty!” “Who would have thought a faggot like you goes both ways?” I felt my bare ass appear to the world as Yakov leaned into my ear, “I have been in prison for as long as I can remember. And little boys like you were hard to pass up!”

I felt my hand reaching towards the inside of my suit jacket. My body was pressed against the urinal. I pushed my hand through the fabric to the inside of my jacket and found what I was looking for. The shank from my prison cell, my fourth weapon. All my other weapons were now out of reach. Irony it seemed that an old man, who should be on his deathbed, would be overpowering somebody much younger than him.

I heard him unbuckling his own pants and knew that an unwanted loving was moments away. “You Russian prick,” I turned my shank over so the blade was face down. All of a sudden a soft POW could be heard in the distance. It sounded like a shotgun blast. Yakov became distracted and tilted his head back, “what the hell was that?” I took advantage of his distraction and plunged the shank deep into his left leg. He howled in pain and released his grip from me. I turned still wobbly and saw that he was clenching the shank in his leg. He gazed at me rage clear in his face. Spit flew from his mouth, “I’m going to tear you apart you little…” I smiled and saw the danger that lay behind him. “You need to cool down Yakov, cool off in my shower!” I raised my foot and kicked him square in the gut. He toppled backwards crashing through the glass door of the shower. The glass littered the air as if made of sand. He toppled all the way backwards arms flaying about. He crashed into the back of the shower exploding the wall a bit. He slid down it and landed in a pile of the glass. I saw a small blood trail from where his head had collided with the wall.

I reached down for my machine gun, which was resting against the urinal. The Astra was on the floor out of reach. I saw a shadow move into the bathroom. I gazed up and saw to my surprise it was Chris. “I’ll kill you,” Yakov tore the shank out of his leg and threw it to the ground. Reaching into his pant’s pocket I saw him pull out the strangest knife I had ever seen. The blade handle wrapped around his knuckles. Yakov tried to regain his balance. I knew that he was going to be able to get me before I reached my weapon, if I even could. I gazed up at Chris and yelled, “Kill him Chris!” Chris just stood there staring at me. His eyes just bore into me. “I order you to kill him Chris!” Yakov began to rise to his feet as Chris walked towards a toilet removing the top portion of the tank. He made his way towards Yakov, his eyes looked soulless and black. He stepped into the shower towering over Yakov. “Hey, what the hell?” Yakov took a swipe with his knife and cut the forearm of Chris who didn’t seem to acknowledge it. Chris raised the ceramic tank top and smashed it over Yakov. He tried to block it with his arm, CRACK ! I heard his arm break and he screamed again. His arm fell as Chris raised the top again and smashed it over Yakov’s face. I watched Chris continually beat him as the blood began to shower into the air like a geyser. “Ok, Chris he’s dead,” I said, but he continually beat Yakov never stopping.

Chris continued to pound and pound Yakov leaving me unable to speak. I reached down trying to reach my machine gun. I watched my fingers stretch further as the gun was mere millimeters away, “come on you piece of…” I saw the light from the moon darken slightly, and then I saw to my horror a figure standing feet from me. It had on a black trench coat and wore long dreadlocks. And through the darkness I knew who stood before me, “Hakeem?” Hakeem stood watching me struggle to pick up my gun. He was heaving hard as the cold night made his breath rise like steam. “Hakeem, hey look, I’m sorry about back…” He moved closer towards me, and I realized there was something off about him. He took a couple steps in a stride that I had only seen injured men make. His entire figure came into the moonlight revealing deep gashes in his chest. A huge chunk of his shoulder was missing and blood covered his face. “This can’t be,” I whispered realizing that Hakeem was dead. No man could sustain that much injury and still be walking. He had become one of the undead.

Hakeem raised his arm towards me and gave a loud moan. “No, no, no, you stay back!” I reached as far as I could and finally my fingers wrapped around the barrel of my gun. I picked it up with one hand. “Chris, Chris, stop it, help me, help me!” Chris was still pounding away at Yakov, whose face had become unrecognizable. Chris seemed like a machine repeating the same action over and over again. “CHRIS,” I yelled as I raised the gun with one hand. “STAY BACK HAKEEM,” my shouts did nothing to deter him. I fired, but the ferocity of the gun was too powerful. My machine gun needed to be fired with two hands. It was not meant for one. The bullets scattered as it was hard for me to control. The gun shook violently in my hand as I hit the showers and walls. I hit Hakeem several times in the chest, but he moved closer still. The gun clicked empty as he descended upon me. I kicked him back, “NO, NO, get back!” He overpowered me easily with one hand tied. “NOT LIKE THIS,” I shouted as Hakeem’s teeth sunk into my shoulder.